[1.3.0]PewPewPews official Starter-Friendly Incinerate Build | Stronger than ever!
Hey, thanks for the build. I played it in nemesis but died around level 58 to a corrupted blood champ. I continued on in Standard however, since the league is ending soon anyway. Its pretty fun once you get everything pieced together. I may try this as my main for the next league.
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Just started leveling a scion with this build! so far loving it <3
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" I have done this twice and as you said the boss isn't the issue. The flicker strike spiders kick my ass and I went with added damage on my first try and wasn't able to do it at all. The second attempt my CwDT + LW landed at the edge and they never hit me once that happened. As I said previously I think I would unequip my LW gem when trying this boss again. Could you describe what happened in the fight as for me I died in seconds as soon as the spiders started flicker striking me. IGN: Incinereap
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very nice build
cruel is a joke im on merciless act 2 now with 350ish Gmp incinerate any more tips that could help me would be more than welcome that said i find the cost of 5l 6s infernal mantle to be really high my problem so far is the resists and maybe a little more dps would do Dernière édition par useboy#6196, le 17 févr. 2014 11:56:28
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What do you think about this wand?
This build is awsome, currently running Incinerate + Gmp + Life Leech + Added Chaos and have 1104 dps :D Ill like my items, not sure if they really are good though.
I´m currently running as an amuelt, have my resists maxed (ecept fire 73%, but that doesnt really matter because of aa) and with it I have ~260 manaregen per second. I´ll be the next thing ill have to change though :) Dernière édition par Ryiah#0280, le 17 févr. 2014 15:00:18
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Hi all. Been leveling this build since i found it 10 days ago. Currently am lvl 71 and having the best time playing PoE. Thanks OP for your hard work! Figured I'd post my gears and see if I can get some feedback regarding improvements.
Standard stuff. Would like to get a 2nd Mantle, but just dread crafting it. So far cruising through my lvl66 maps quite easily. Maybe a new wand would help... (easier than a 5L Mantle!) Got some juicy resists there on the helm and boots, but those gloves need to go. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to chrome a 2nd G onto that other pair in like 100 chromes. Maybe It'd be easier on the Geofri's come to think of it. The belt is an original piece of gear on this toon, and haven't figured out what to replace it with. Hey, it's got double leech, so can't be too bad. The ammy and rings are solid, and I have a couple others that I've experimented with but these are my mains. Ele resists are at 82 (100+), and Chaos is at -40. Can't wait to get those gloves colored. My tooltip for incinerate indicates 932dps, which to me seems a tad low. So that's what I want to concentrate on in the near future. The big question now, is where do I go from here? We've got passives for ele/phys/fire/spell/chaos damage, cast/attack speed, projectile damage, movement speed... lot's of nice ways to personalize the build. Thanks again, my hats off to ya Appels. Anyone got a 5L/6L Mantle for sale... ;) IGN: Yuuur_Toast |
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I'll have a 5L for sale once I buy a 6L whenever has a 6L for sale lol!Oh and get rid of that belt it the leach works only on physical attack. It doesn't leach off incinerate.
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" You should try to get the GGBR on your chest for the +1 to fire gems, it will increase your DPS. Not that that won't be as much a pain in the ass as getting it on your gloves. It is worth getting a second chest for 1c and trying to get it to 6s then aim for the colour links so you don't screw yourself over with the piece you are using. 5/6l won't be cheap even if you can get the chest for 1c normally the 5/6 linked ones go for a fair few exalts, there is a 5S/5L on at the moment for 3 ex: http://poe.xyz.is/search/yetabetatonama IGN: Incinereap Dernière édition par ridfrenzy#2581, le 18 févr. 2014 05:01:27
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Did Jungle Valley again last night and removed my LW from CwDT and it went much better, I still had to use pots but at least I didn't get warped into the middle and splatted ;)
IGN: Incinereap
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Fun build, been using it since I hit around lvl 60 (leveled with spectral throw). Had to buy most of my stuff though, shitty drops. The Amulet,rings,belt and wand I found myself. Ill keep the ammy and belt. The rings and wand need an upgrade on life and prefferably something dps-wise.
My gear
Got about 3200 life, plenty of mana and 1700ish armour. Res is capped. DPS is at 1000 at the moment, looking to up that with new rings and a wand. Spent ~30 chaos on this so far. Thats NOT including the orbs it took to get the chest to this state. And not counting the 200-300 jewellers I tossed at my spare chest for trying to get a 6 socket one (still havent!!aarrgh). So in total i`ve probably spent 3 exalt. Was a bit puzzeled why my dps was lacking a bit, then I noticed the 20q gems, that adds another 20%. Another goal to work towards :P Anyway, loving this build, its actually the first one with which I reached mapping. Just blazing through them, reached the 70`s last night, thats where I ran into the first map that im gonna avoid from now on when possible (villa). Or does anyone have a pointer on how to tackle the boss in there? |
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