[1.3.0]PewPewPews official Starter-Friendly Incinerate Build | Stronger than ever!
I added three video's to show the potential of incinerate in 1.0.4.
[1.0.4]VS Double Boss Temple(71): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpgGj5y9Rjk [1.0.4]VS EE/Enfeeble/HexProof Asphyxia(72): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ina2OettoRI [1.0.4]VS Graveyard map featuring SoSo(70): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5C8LI0sYhI At the time I am writing this, they are still uploading. By the time you read it, there's a good chance these vids are already online :) I also updated the build for the 1.0.4 patch! Enjoy! I am a nice guy.
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Love this build, thanks for writing it up.
Do you have any suggestions for leveling? There are a lot of sockets required to make this build work, and worrying about this until 60+ seems unfeasible. How did you deal with gear and sockets while leveling? Is there a "minimum set" of skill gems required to effectively level? Thanks |
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Is Elemental Adaptation really worth 5 skillpoints? you could get another 12% spell blockchance with those
@Toastyy1 Im lvl 59 atm and i leveled mostly with a 4link(incin/fasterp/gmp/lifeleech) the only other supports i activly used (and needed) were clarity/discipline/arctic armour I only started useing cwdt/molten/enduring cry mid cruel but you should try to level as many gems as you can The biggest problem while leveling is life |
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Wow really great guide, going to try this out!
Also, I think you mean reduced DURATION in this sentence: " And could you tell me how do you cope against Corrupting Blood, doesn't the incredibly huge number of attacks / spells per second gets us up to the max no of stacks in no time? Dernière édition par Dynuel#5717, le 24 déc. 2013 05:10:10
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heya OP
nice concept which catched my eye immediately. You link CWDT to molten shell and fire storm. Did you consider getting a lightning spell like arc (inbuilt chance to shock) to clear faster? If yes, why did you go the way of fire/fire? You already use arctic breath / arctic armour. Another very viable defense option is frostwall (perhaps instead of breath), since it separates melees from you and blocks projectiles (think about the museum doubleboss :D) All in all a very sophisticated way to play, I think of rolling one scion alike in my holiday. Is there maybe a way to include Righteous Fire within? Would be kinda hard to sustain, but also would impact your last stage of Incinerate alot. add me perhaps we can test it out :-) @Ohmsplitter IGN: WildTortillaFart
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@Toasty: I added a little leveling guide(how do we play as an incinerator), it's worth check out!
But basically we don't worry about any of the CwDT set ups early game. Only one of them gets important while leveling, and only around lvl 50 The minimum set is just the core: Incinerate + Faster Projectiles + GMP + Life Leech, combined with the two aura's: Clarity + Discipline + Reduced Mana(Start using Discipline when you get EB). The normal cast Lightning warp and Arctic armour can help as well, but are not required. If you have room for them, go ahead and use them. Around lvl 50 you want to link CwDT with Lightning warp and Flammability, and when you hit end game, the other two CwDT (even though it is possible to run endgame maps without the Enduring Cry/Immortal call/Arctic Breath):) @Kronox001: I'd say yes. It's only 2%, but it helps a lot against high elemental hitters. Funny story, after doing the GMP piety vid, I went to kill a GMP piety once more. I swapped a few gearpieces, and instead of 82%, I had only 79% lig res - didn't notice it back then. For some reason, she just instantly killed me, even though I played rather save this time. Three times in a row. I only realized how big the effect is of that additional 2%. Plus, it helps against freezing, the only thing that can actually stop your incinerate dead cold. The spellblock is nice though, but I'd stick with resistances for this one. @Dynuel: I haven't played Anarchy yet. But as far as I understand, corrupting blood is simular to Puncture, walk and you take increased damage. If I'm right, then you don't need to worry about it: we never walk, we teleport around. And if the duration of corrupting blood is insanely long, just use a 'remove bleeding' flask. Thanks for the correction, fixed it! @Chronodroid: That CwDT has a completely different use: It's all about restoring mana. By the time that CwDT goes off, we have taken a good chunk of damage(around 1.5K I believe). Meaning, we also lost a decent amount of mana, so we need that portion back. Since it's hard to get high mana regen, without sacrificing too much defenses, this is a very effective way of getting mana back. And since my tree already boosts fire damage, the only logical step is to link another fire spell that deals a decent amount of damage from a single cast. Frost wall... interesting idea, I'm going to try this out, I'll let you know how it went :) About RF: It's going to be hard. We will need a lot more life regen since AA does not protect us from the burn damage of RF, plus we want to pick up some of the Increased AoE nodes for the RF range(if we plan on dealing damage with RF that is). It's not going to be imnpossible, but it is going to be hard. I have no clue how to add people but I found out I'm pretty easy to stalk, so if you manage to, feel free to add me :> I am a nice guy.
Looking for cheap builds/builds for beginners? Check out one of my guides! /806789 |
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Don't believe his lies, i've wasted 5 exalts on the infernal mantle so far. This build ruined my life 10/10.
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" Huh? |
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Does Warping so much cause problems with desynchronization? Using Leap Slam more than occasionally certainly does.
You mention that CwDT + Lightning Warp teleports you away from the high physical damage threats. This isn't necessarily true; a small physical damage hit could activate the gem and teleport you into an undesirable location. How do you handle this? How do you handle -maxres% or no life/mana regeneration maps? What happens if you do find yourself with low mana? How well does this build perform in parties? My initial impression is that this build is somewhat unpleasant for other players to cooperate with, as the GMP + Incinerate effect is flashy and large. What are your thoughts on substituting LMP for GMP for the sake of dealing higher damage to monsters at farther distances? What enemies or situations are difficult for this build to handle? What sort of gear do you recommend as end-game equipment? More specifically, do any other unique items (excluding Dream Fragments, which you mentioned) stand out to you? (Otherwise, I assume rare pieces with appropriate modifiers are desirable.) What are your thoughts on Doedre's Tenure and Cybil's Paw? I'm considering making this the next build I use, and I'd like to make sure that I know what I'm getting into. |
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@Toasty: See the green text in the first post if you want to understand what he is talking about ;P
" This is the first time I actually think about this: LW is a movement skill, and most movement skills cause Desync. Strange, I never experienced any more desync then with any other build. The biggest problem I experienced with LW is that is sometimes shows the animation, but does not teleport/deal damage. But this only happens with the self cast LW, not the CwDT LW. " Very true. It happens from time to time. Mostly with summoners. If I really need to kill a specific monster, I just hover over the target, while casting incinerate, locking onto the enemy. Then I just use my manual teleport. Everytime I get teleported away, I just reteleport. Due to GMP I deal 2,5 the toolbar damage in first form, and that burst is usually enough to take down that enemy. " I can run -maxres% maps like any other map. Depending on the boss of that map, of course. Even though, I recently finished a -max Temple map. I handled Piety just fine with one topaz flask/remove shock stack pot. I haven't tried no life/mana maps as I thought it would be hard, risky without AA. Even though, I heard from a fellow incinerator that it is possible with mana leech linked to Incinerate instead of Faster Projectiles. I haven't tried this myself, but when I get a no life/mana regen mod, I will :) " This is only an issue with certain bosses. Thanks to Saffells, my resists are high enough to not care about the double damage from almost any mob. If it happens during a boss, it's usually due to me not paying attention(not using a flask before entering the fight/tanking certain heavy hitting abilities(I'm looking at you Dominus >.>). I usually try to port out. When I get ported back, I just keep on the incinerate. The burst from close range is more then often enough to keep up enough leech/finish off the boss. But basically, getting low on mana should only happen if you go full rambo, and think you can handle anything. " I have done a few parties, but none of them complained about the lag/flashyness of this build. Might be because their computers were top notch, or that they simply didn't care. I should ask people about this next time. On a sidenote: I noticed that I rarely teleport in parties as well, so I usually have to teleport manually close to rares to get the full damage off(usually leading into me teleporting away from the rare, but oh well). " The beams from LMP are spread more; You will usually only hit with one of the beams, when a mob is standing at the far end. Since GMP's projectiles are closer to each other, it's far easier to get two beams focused on one target. If you do the math, you'll find out that GMP will do around 30% more damage on enemies far away than LMP. " When leveling, Lightning Thorns. But when you substitute incinerate for fireball, LT doesn't pose a threat anymore. Endgame... I would have said heavy hitters a couple of hours ago. But I am not sure anymore. I easily survived a faster attacking(map mod) blue group(skeleton bears) of fervor(faster attack)beefed up with a rare with the increased damage aura. Lost half my mana, due to the first wave of attacks, but got it back a second later due to molten shell. The last thing that almost got me killed(twice)was Double Shock and horror with Temp Chains on the map. That was mostly due to the slower cast animation while being penetrated by two beams(I killed them though :D). Since I haven't played Nemesis yet, so I don't know yet, but I think corrupting Blood might be an issue. If the damage over time also applies when standing still, this could get dangerous. " Doedre's Tenure - helps against Lightning Thorns, but since the recent patch, this isn't an issue anymore. I am not sure what the damage increase will be for this build, but since we have enough damage from the tree alone, I think we won't need this item. Cybil's Paw - I have been thinking about this item. That life on hit is godly. Though, it requires block for the extra spell damage, and since we are using Saffells, we won't have any normal block, thus no increased spell damage. I think it would help on nemesis, but on dominion, I wouldn't recommend this claw, and just aim for a rare with spelldamage/cast speed Hrimnor's Resolve - seems interesting. Freeze can be a pain, so having the 50% dodge chance, in combination with the extra fire damage seems nice. The lack of life might hurt though. Alpha's Howl - 8% reduced is nice, same with the 2 to all aura gems(even though I need all the 4 links for the CwDT..)Immune to frozen is definitely a plus, though the evasion is pointless, since we have Unweavering Stance. Eye of Chayula & Cloak of Defiancep - These two remove all the points near the duelist side, allowing for alternate routes in the tree: more HP or some block chance perhaps. The 40% mana from the cloak is definitely nice as well. The - life will hurt us though, same with the lack of chaos damage from the Infernal Mantle. " I appreciate the questions, it makes me think twice about the weak spots of this build :) I hosted a few map video's, it is worth looking at them, it will give you a good idea how this build works :) Made a couple of new vids as well, will upload them overnight, so you will see the links in here when morning hits ;P I am a nice guy. Looking for cheap builds/builds for beginners? Check out one of my guides! /806789 Dernière édition par Appels_Zijn_Gezond#0575, le 24 déc. 2013 18:16:13
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