ZiggyD's Etheral Knives Mana Shield Scion/Shadow Build Guide - Hardcore (Updated for 1.1)
hey guys
If i had a good shield, would it then hurt if there was some crit on it aswell?? and on other items aswell.. and why no crits on this build. hope for some help.. wish there were some RES nodes to take, instead of only rely on items :S Dernière édition par Eelbrook#0039, le 22 mars 2014 23:19:49
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I made it, level 66 Act 3 Merciles in Invasion League!
After getting killed in Act 2 Merciles 4 times with 3 different builds i gave this one a shot and im very pleassed. Artic Armor + MoM makes you really tanky and although the DPS might be kinda low when compared to other builds, when playing solo or with 2-3 people its not a big issue you still do a lot of damage. While leveling, i made the mistake of using Discipline + Hatred + Clarity so i didnt pick MoM until lvl 60 or so. I used EK all the way, got my 4l as soon as i could and bought a 5l around level 55. Its been pretty easy but though ive been very carefull. I had 0 gear when i started this char, but i spent my last 15 chaos in buying a bow and resold it at around 3 ex (pretty nice deal). Overall you can easily reach merciles with self found gear, i saw Ziggys video where he was playing this char in invasion and he had around 2900 HP while farming Merciles Docks, i spent like 30 chaos or so in buying gear/gems and have 3.7 HP. Gear:
Passive Tree:
2.5k DPS 3.7k HP 2.9k Mana while using discipline, 710 unreserved 2k with out discipline Mana Regen at 200 per sec Artic Armor at level 13 (will keep leveling it) Also leveling Grace to swap it with Hatred during hard maps. Thank you Ziggy for this build and if anyone needs some while leveling or some questions about the build PM. IGN: GerrysKnives Dernière édition par JerryVoy#1845, le 23 mars 2014 00:49:45
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" Wow I misread and thought you said 5k dps, 7k hp and 9k mana. I'm like what the heck am I doing wrong? Anyways can anyone tell me where to go for my lv78 Standard Scion? She has everything she needs as far as DPS (6k, even higher with projectile weakness curse), 150/250 regen, mobility, 45% block and 77% resists. But she has 2.7k hp and 3.4k armor which are her only weaknesses. And chaos damage easily kills me when I desync. Should I get more 8% life nodes, more armor nodes or chaos resistance? |
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Ey guys, wouldnt Physical Projectile Attack Damage, be better than Iron will? or is just me?
Hoping for an answer.. |
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" Well considering that gem does nothing for EK, no it isn't better. That gem only affects attacks, but EK is a spell. |
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" I think you kind of answered your own question with the last sentence. You're right, there aren't any appreciable res nodes. Even if they were, this build probably wants to do resists on gear anyway because it needs the nodes for auras and life and general tankiness, and for getting to its widely-separated keystone passives. That means there isn't any room for crit. For it to be effective, you have to have a lot of crit. Since it's covered by two stats, that requires some dedication. The only way to make a decent crit character, especially after crit on gear was nerfed in 1.1, is to really devote yourself to it. So you'd have to replace your mana and ES and mana regen and cast speed and spell damage and projectile speed - and then you'd have to wonder why you were playing an EK/EB/MoM character anyway. Crit's fine and all, but it doesn't belong on a character that is advertised as being extremely tanky and (comparatively) low damage. Dernière édition par Barandis#1573, le 24 mars 2014 19:06:33
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Level 67 checking in!
Not a ton of fun to level but the clear speed for trash is really starting to pick up now and I can basically afk anywhere besides around big dmg mods (bosses etc) so its nice an tanky. I feel like this is much better as a solo build than group, which is perfectly fine with me just letting people know. My only gripe is with bosses. It is soooooo slow dpsing down some of the more agile bosses. For example, how the hell do you do piety on this build? I did it once and gave up on the idea of piety runs. Lots of map bosses I'm going to have trouble with I think. Any ideas for single target bosses? |
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" I was thinking of using fire trap with conc effect and increased burn damage for DoT or using desecrate as a trap with multi traps for multi aoe DoT zones. It works for keeping monster regens off and if you have to get away from damage, to stop monster ES from recharging. |
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" Lvl 76 atm in Invasion League, i have no problems playing solo or when playing with 2-3 people but when playing with a full party i do little damage. I dont think this is a big issue, i have 4k DPS atm should be able to reach over 6k with a 6l and lvl 20 EK. Atm this is where my damage comes from: EDIT: Just did a Piety run, its never been so easy. Only problem is while running Lunaris lvl 3 you need to be a little bit carefull with Invasion Bosses. Piety in her fire stage did 0 damage, not 1 HP dropped there, lighting damage was not an issue i dropped around 300 HP and i didnt try to fight her in Cold stage idk who would. Fight took up a little while cause i was using Grace with instead of Hatred (from 1500 to 5000 armor) and thats why i dps dropped a lot (from 4000 to 3000). Overall MF runs like piety are pretty easy, titty bitches deal 0 damage doesnt matter if they are 10 blues and 5 rares ur HP wont drop, and Piety herlself does little damage. Only problem that ANY BUILD should have is invasion bosses, rest is pretty easy. Dernière édition par JerryVoy#1845, le 25 mars 2014 02:07:18
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" Anyone? 1 more level and I will have written in blood, then I wana get some more dps or hybrid dps/defense before some more health. |