[2.4] How to smash Heads. Extremely detailed guide about the Facebreaker gloves and builds!
After seeing the new tree i can say that ... well ... pretty much there are no changes that affect this build and the tree in ascendancy will look exactly the same as before ( with the exception of the ascendancy classes of course )
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
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Hey guy, Thx for the build, I want to give it a try but as a REAL beginner i 'am a bit affraid because your gloves are far better than mine.... So do you think I can perform decently and start mapping on a 700+ gloves and improve it later cuz 900+ are far for being cheap.... but 300% dmg difference looks soooo much.
Edit: well, got my answear from other post so forget about it ^^ Still thx for this awsome guide :D Dernière édition par Svink#6703, le 29 févr. 2016 06:47:57
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Well i'll still answer if someone else is wondering :)
Yes, you can do extremely well with ~700% facebreakers so don't worry about it. "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
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Well this build is awsome tons of fun with REAL low budget!! THX again dude can't wait for the ascendancy update it looks quite good for this build :D My only pb for now is that I struggle a bit to cap resist. I choosed to drop flat phy on a ring for a huge resist ring since my dmg are quite enought to clean t5/7 maps but will need to fix it if I want to go on top tier map. Is it worth using recipe for white prismatic then craft a rare? Well as a noob I don't know much about crafting so it may be the occasion to learn :D
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Yes capping resists can be tricky without the right rings/amulet/boots. In such cases i strongly suggest to spend enough passive skill points on the tree to cap your resists ( from places like the scion start, the Diamond skin cluster, the sanctuary cluster ), loose some life nodes if you must, once when you have better rare gear you will simply refund those points and spend them elsewhere :)
Now about crafting a prismatic ring ... well ... it depends on your resistance needs but honestly i never encourage crafting ... anything because 9 out of 10 time ( or 1 out of 100 ) it is much cheaper to just buy an already existing ring that suits your needs. So i'd say remove your rings/amulet/boots take a note on the total amount of each resist that you need to get from those gear pieces and start looking for those in poe.trade. Say you get nice triple res boots with ok rolls, remove that amount from the total amount of res needed and proceed with the next item. In the end spend some points for res in the tree ( if needed ) and you are good to go. "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
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Well Ascendancy is almost here and i've been getting messages ( and posts here ) about what ascendancy class would be good for the build. I know that i've talked about it before ... but it's a big thread... so let me share my thoughts on the matter again ( alongside some new things )
Marauder Juggernaut Unstoppable + Unflinching + Unrelenting/Unyielding Unstoppable gives nice movement speed and the cannot be slowed below base speed is cool. ANything that helps your movement is welcomed becuase of the lack of a good movement skill in my opinion. Unyelding gives you a damage boost and a very nice chunk of life regen, while Unyielding gives a bit less damage and reduced ele damage while on max end charges. It is evident that this is the defensive marauder sub-class to pick Berserker Rite of Ruin + Crave the Slaughter + Aspect of Carnage The rite of ruin give cool defensive boost. Crave the slaughter gives attack speed when you hit and movement speed when you havn't been hit ( i.e. it gives those things when you need them in most cases ) Aspect of carnage boosts the daamge nicely but it increases the damage taken. You now how i am guys... i like to be as tanky as possible, but 40% damage increased is not that bad ... after al it is "increased" and not "more" Obviosly if you want more offensive capabilities this is the sub-class to go to if you are playing a marauder. Duelist Gladiator Painforged + Versatile Combatant + Violent Retaliation Ok so at first glance this obviously the best class for the build right? I mean ... block chance, 100% spell block chance based off of your normal block chance, some damage and even some movement speed ( the attack speed is for one-handed weapons only so .. yeah ). But there are some "unseen" problems with all that. The extra block is initially 6% and then 14% when you take a hit, that's cool but the problem is that it is still not enough to cap the block chance, if you want to cap it in dangerous situations you still need to use Rumi falsk.. which already caps it without the extra block from the sub-class. The 100% block chance applied to spells is of course awesome but again i see some problems here as well. While constantly being able to block spells at a high rate is of course awesome, the need for a saffell's frame swap in the cases when it actually matters still remains. Why is that yo ask? Simple - the +max resists, which greatly increase your survivability vs spellcasters. In the end this sub-class gives you +6% block ( +14% when you take a damage by a hit ), 100% of block chance applied to spells and very unreliable damage buffs. Don't get me wrong it's good but is it the best? Champion Unstoppable Hero + Fortitude + First to Strike, Last to Fall/inspirational So this really was my favorite sub-class for the build. If you go for First to Strike, Last to Fall you get 40% damage increase most of the time, and you get rid of status ailments and get a huge boost to armour and evasion ( 200% ) when you are at low life, the status ailment is especially awesome to remove shock and unfreeze you when things get scary. Inspirational on the other hand gives slightly less but permanent damage boost and 10% movement speed ... now that 10% movement speed is sooo alluring for me! I still can't decide which of the two to pick. Of course if you play with a friend/friends or generally if you play in a party inspirational is the way to go becuase it shares those boosts to your party members, but for that's irrelevant because i only play solo. 15% attack speed ( or 10% + 5% effect of auras if you go for inspirational ), 45% armour and evasion, 20% increased fortify effect ( a total of 4% reduced damage from hits, mind you damage, not just physical and hits, not just melee hits, it seems that some people don't know/forget all that ), 8% movement speed and permanent fortify. Now this is the thing that got me thinking lately, so you get free permanent fortify ( btw with the gem you already have 100% uptime of your fortify so that's not really the issue ). That frees up a socket. For a person that does not have a 6L chest that's a huge bonus, but in the end i must think about the end build when you have a 6L chest. So you get rid of the fortify gem ( and btw by doing so you loose 44% phys damage increase which is kind of negated by the damage that you get from this sub-class ) and you end up with a free socket that's all good but is there a gem to use instead? I mean is there a gem that's worth using, a gem that with the other boosts of the cub-class make the champion essentially better than the Gladiator? Well let's take a look at the current possibilites ( of course thee might be a new awesome melee support gem but i kind of doubt it ). For Ice crash there are plenty of good stuff to choose from (Added Fire Damage/Increased Area of Effect/Hypothermia/Cold Penetration), for Dominating blow and Infernal blow i guess you could finally use faster attacks AND added fire damage AND multistrike, but when it comes to the arguable the most popular unarmed attack - cyclone, the answer isn't that obvious. Peronally i find life gained on hit and life leech far from being worth a socket... veeeeery far from that. Concentrated effect? Well after the last nerf and the lowish initial AoE of unarmed i'm not a big fan, though now you can pair it with increased AoE to negate the drawback but there is a catch .. you'll have to give up your added fire damage. Now increased AoE all by itself is a good option in my opinion. THe other option that i'm considering is Culling Strike. At 20/20% culling strike gives 10% increased attack speed and 38% increased damage ( to make up for the loss of the damage of the fortify gem ) and of course the culling strike effect ( insta-kill stuff below 10% life ) which is pretty good for bosses. So for anything but cyclone ( and maybe frenzy ) there is at least 1 awesome gem to use instead of fortify so Champion is definitely worth it if you are going to use any of those attacks, but for cyclone ... i'm not 100% sure. In the end you get: with inspirational permanent fortify +45% increased armour and evasion +4% damage reduction from hits +18% movement speed +35% increased damage +5% effect of auras -44% increased physical damage ( from the lack of the fortify support gem ) With First to Strike, Last to Fall permanent fortify +45% increased armour and evasion +4% damage reduction from hits +18% movement speed +40% increased damage when not on low life +200% increased armour and evasion and removing status ailments upon reaching low life -44% increased physical damage ( from the lack of the fortify support gem ) And with the support gems you get extra: with increased AoE ( 20/20% ) +39% increased AoE +10% increased AoE damage with culling strike ( 20/20% ) +38% increased damage +10% attack speed +culling strike So is it worth it for cyclone? Probably yes... What do you guys think? Opinions? Ideas? "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
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Culling is a great gem, it's 10% less HP for every mob...
Just for fun IIR or for standard IIQ would be a neat farming idea. Empower if you're using a tabula with +1 could be worth a try too? Stun is something I'd try too, what doesn't move, doesn't hurt you. TwitchTV: http://www.twitch.tv/akumanotsubasa
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/AkumaNoTsubasa Please use http://pobb.in for your guides instead of pastebin! |
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IIR and IIQ are indeed good options and i've considered them too, especially given the lack of such attributes in this build.
As for empower +1,2 hell +5 levels to cyclone does almost nothing ... nothing worth a socket that's for sure. The stun is an interesting idea, i must admit that doing stun lock builds is one of the things that i haven't tried in PoE but doesn't it require much bigger investment than just the stun gem? Especially when it comes to bosses and to be fair those are the only things that you really need to stun since everything else is gone for less than a second. "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
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Since we hit multiple times per second, even a 0.5 or less stun would already do a lot.
About empower/enhance that is sad to hear. TwitchTV: http://www.twitch.tv/akumanotsubasa
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/AkumaNoTsubasa Please use http://pobb.in for your guides instead of pastebin! |
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Absolutely though i doubt that the gem will enable stun even for that amount of time, if any at all ( of course again speaking for the situations when it matters .. because who cares about trash mobs :) ) But that's all a semi-educated guess from my part and i can't claim that is true, though i must test it out in the new expansion when i have the time.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
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