What does poe2 do better than any other ARPG??
WASD is all.
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" To point out one specific part.. > What if anything does this game do better than the previous game or D4? They have bungled every conceivable metric of this game. All it had was hype and now that the hype has died we see the game is just an awful mess. This is because somehow, SOMEONE at GGG arbitrarily decided to destroy everything they worked on a decade on polishing in POE 1, to make new significantly worse poorly designed and bad systems for POE 2. POE 2 is a gotcha game meant to keep you hooked up like the fucking matrix. We can't even do the goddamn maps we want to do, we have to play their stupid atlas mini-game. Every single aspect of POE 2 is significantly worse than POE 1. Significantly. They made arbitrary nonsensical changes just to make changes and zero other reason. Absolutely nothing is in a better state than POE 1 aside from overall graphics. - Their endgame design is very tedious and annoying to navigate, it's primary concern is to waste your time and keep you playing hours and hours to achieve almost nothing, doing maps you don't want to do and don't enjoy. - Crafting is so bad people at GGG should be in fear of losing their jobs over this. Just literally port everything in the crafting bench to POE 2. This was by far the most disgusting change GGG has made. It's hostile to the player and antithetical to POE. - Quality of Life is somehow also worse than POE 1, lots of junk items drops in singles instead of stacks like they fixed in POE 1 - Classes are mostly uninspired to me / Most ascendancies are also mids. - Uniques ARE worse than ever - The level designs are just plain horrible. Horrible. Most map layouts are unfun tedious experiences -- I can tolerate Crypt.. - GGG has completely stopped communicating for years now. We expect monthly updates and weekly posts about what is going on. We do not like silence anymore, it's been years, it's time to talk to us every single week. - Optimization/performance also quite bad unless you have a giga chad PC, which most of us don't, myself included. All in all, POE 2 feels like it's designed to have you hooked up constantly. It does this by making everything tedious including mapping. Dragging everything out to be a slow horrible grind. Making experience a LOT lower and leveling take significantly more time... I really enjoy bits of the game, but they literally only destroyed everything they worked for in POE 1, and we would all just like everything from POE 1 ported over. We demand crafting bench. |
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Why is OP on probation?
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" Typically happens to those that are passionate. They get labeled a troll or an -ist. |
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" Nope. That does not "typically happen" to passionate ppl. Nobody gets banned for a different opinion, even if it is negative feedback. But massive slander towards GGG with wild accusations should not be tolerated and thus is followed by a probation. |
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Probation only happens on repeated breaches of forum rules.
Having that said: Act 1-3 great (better than other ARPGs) Graphics look good for those acts but messy when things get layered on top of eachother later Music 10/10(tied with PoE1) Sounds 7/10 Rest feels as it is rushed or as if made temporarily until last 3 acts are done. Stability has been shaky(crashes for all sorts of setups) but I am surprised that even a system from 2016 can run it without too too big issues. Passive tree feels less impactful (except for ES/stat stacking) Atlas passives a joke GGG has been making a lot of strange decisions lately when it comes to resource managment, focus and design decisions. Early Access got a bit too large for the company leading to a void when it comes to customer support. Sofar PoE2 is probably within top 5 ARPGs with big potential to get closer to PoE1. It will take years though. |
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I like the movement a lot. Being able to attack while moving, dodge attacks, etc. It feels very smooth to play in a way that POE1 doesnt at all. WASD too.
The graphics are great. Don't know what you're on about. The bosses are unique and challenging - very well done, and we have only seen half of them. Maybe you weren't on this planet yet when this genre of games was created but it is actually supposed to be about item drops, gambling, and grinding until you get lucky; not sitting at a crafting table and producing your own gear. Diablo II had a heinous crafting system that was tedious, barely understood by many, and hardly ever used and yet it is heralded as the pioneer which led us to where we are today. That game also had 100% recycled content patched in as an "endgame" for its entire lifespan, after you played through a relatively short campaign 3 times in a row and repeatedly played the same four levels to grind for XP. If you like the attention that being negative and unreasonable gets you, then join the club of POE players who, for some reason, expect an early access game to deliver as much content and stability as a game with 10 years of updates and development. It's the same developers for christ's sake - give them some time and opportunity to build from this amazing foundation they have presented rather than being negative and pessimistic. |
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" I disagree completely with the bosses being Unique and Challenging. Well they are challenging, but for the wrong reasons. Take rathbreaker for example. The boss is only Challenging, because they made the Boss hit like freight train. And because they made the area you fight him very small. Thats honeytly lazy design. Then Rathbreaker is also a boring boss. The easiest way to counter him is simpy rolling behind him. Thats actually the only counter to one of his 2 skills he uses. I dont count the Dash as a skill. Act 1 Bosses are just way better than all of the Bosses that come after. Maybe except Lachlann, thats not a good fight, but better than Rathbreaker by a lot. The bosses are not Challenging because they have interesting design and interesting systems. Some do. Asinia and Draven are nice and have some cool Lore of being in love and they call each other. Thats really good. And the fight itself is not actually challenging, but they have way more interesting mechanics than Rathbreaker or Blackjaw or Silverfist. Then we have Bosses that have an immunity Phase. WHY??? JUST WHY???? Visually stunning, but mechanically, well not so much. If i compare it to agmes with actually good Boss design like Lost ark or Final Fantasy 14. POE 2 is lackluster. Dernière édition par Alzucard#2422, le 3 mars 2025 16:20:13
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" Rathbreaker is not challenging by any means. Just stay close to him, circle him - done. Even the adds that come down after you killed him are more dangerous than the boss himself. It's not lazy design, you are too lazy to understand the fight, thus struggle with it. And that is only 1 boss out of 50 atm and 100 on full release. |
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" I had this discussion multiple times and Rathbreaker is probably one of the bossfights where many people die. Especially when they fight him for the first time. In the Race we saw many people die to Rathbreaker. The only dangerous part in this boss is Evading his slam. The rest isnt really problematic. The adds are only problematic because they can prevent you from evading the slam which then kills you. Making a fight dangerous by giving the Boss basically one attack that can kill you is weird and lazy. The fight is just boring too. Because teh boss isnt doing much. Also come on dont be rude. Dernière édition par Alzucard#2422, le 3 mars 2025 16:32:03
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