Auction House Poll
" This logic might be consistent if it wasn’t for the fact that many ARPGs have AHs and so does this one, it’s just a terrible one. Also there’s nothing old school about poe2. Point to an old school game that has dodge roll, telegraphed attacks, etc. the whole point of poe2 was to let ggg free itself of the trappings of poe1 and the compulsive sweatiness that will forever encumber its progression into a game more than 1% of people can enjoy Dernière édition par maquino85#7657, le 24 déc. 2024 09:04:41
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You are totally wrong
The majority of players does not want auction house. especially old ones. IF your are new to this game do not force your ideas into game itself. |
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" What the source of your data that says majority of players don’t want one? The tiny circle of #4040? Dernière édition par maquino85#7657, le 24 déc. 2024 09:06:25
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" sure but also the majority of players wanted the things that made Diablo 3 and 4 bad games as well. I hate Blizzard but "you think you want that, but you really don't" is a true sentiment from a game designer that wasn't wrong. The reason why most gamers like AH's is they kinda don't give two shits about the long term consequences of easy deterministic loot that only requires "earning a wage in the game" (or optionally card swipes ofc). They just want their item, they don't care if the game is worse 3 months later when they've moved on to some other short term loot pinata fix. The long term side effects of easy trade are well documented, POE1 is a worse game because of overly easy trade. POE2 will also be a worse game for overly easy trade. Just how much we will see. Making it easier is not something I would ever expect them to do but if they do I suspect that the game will only become MORE DIABLO 4-LIKE more trivial, extra stupid low drop rates for SSF minded players who want monsters drops to not feel like trash and eventually less well regarded by core gamers. That sort of thing. POE2 can quite easily become "POE2 Bad" just pander to people who don't know the long term consequences of what they want. Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years. |
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" Then get rid of trade site and entirely and make drops deterministic instead of insane RNG that forces you to trade to progress. Ggg wants their cake and to eat it to, and many people somehow don’t see that. |
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" No offense but this is just "if you don't give me the whole cake I refuse to eat my single slice" logic. The intention of ARPG design is to find cool gear and make a character powerful by adapting and responding to what you can farm up, find or occasionally trade for (ideally as a last resort because its got enough friction). If trade is too easy there's no chance its a last resort. In fact if trade is too easy it becomes dumb to farm for items instead of earn currency the most efficient way (usually flipping if we're talking about in game methods that aren't against the rules). Playing the intended ARPG game design is now rendered dumb, but also much less interesting and not at all "exciting" because the drop rates are hammered down into stupid territory. This also literally makes that item just an annoying piece of a puzzle you feel ENTITLED to... Consider the logic: lets get this junk I NEED out of the way and buy all my gear (instead of it being a goal that might drop from monsters as I play) okay now whats left to do, now that I already have all the gear? Well "now we get to play the game" (aka get bored because no goals left) Games are fun because you're playing them as a journey or process... they are not fun because you got to the end and reached an outcome. (not saying that some people don't enjoy meta gaming to an outcome racing speed running etc. but thats still a process just an abbreviated and well trodden one) Process > Outcome GGG shouldn't care about making sure everyone conveniently buys (or finds for that matter) exactly what the guide they're following tells them they "need". That road leads to D3 and 4. Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4. If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years. Dernière édition par alhazred70#2994, le 24 déc. 2024 10:29:16
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Id love an auction house, or at least an item listing (current trade side in game with automated check out/item transfer). Having to use third party/websides is a major dealbreaker for a lot of people.
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" Either you’re playing a different game than I am or you’re in utter denial on the state of the game. Everyone trades to progress because finding good items and identifying everything is far far less efficient. It’s not even debatable. So what you have is forced trade and you’re forced to use an outdated lousy system that is just tedious and time wasting. That’s why this is such a common complaint in the first place. If trading was some one off last resort sort of way to upgrade that people didn’t spend a disproportionate amount of their time roped into then you would see almost no posts about it Dernière édition par maquino85#7657, le 24 déc. 2024 10:45:08
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" Could you give a source of that interview? I have never seen them say such thing. P.S. Totally agree that AH is needed |
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" I don't know if we're playing a different game, but you've played it seemingly quite a bit less and appear to have less diverse experience of the different modes than I have. So maybe the difference is in less of a wide perspective? " Maybe you're misunderstanding but I am clearly not asserting that trading CURRENTLY is a last resort. Far from it. Last resort is my preference for balance point they should aspire to. I agree 100% with the trade manifesto that some people hate, because they hate anything that makes the game harder or less "instantly gratifying". People want everything fast and easy then they're instantly bored and looking for another game to play and they couldn't care less if some of us are left with a less compelling less fun game. I'd bet 99.9999% of all players who ever demanded an Auction house on the POE forums never play a game for more than a year. Maybe that number is hyperbole but I'd bet its the majority. And I'd also bet they don't know why they always get bored of the game they're playing really quickly. Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years. |
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