Ascendancy Trials in POE2 make the game completely unbearable and unfun.

With acts 4-6 I hope to see two more things that will ascend your character. I have no issues with the two current ones, but two new (four different ones in total) would feel a lot more diverse.

I cant seem to understand the problem people address with drop rates. I have a stash tab full of tokens, so I don't pick them up anymore... Both my chars made it to tier 15 pretty quickly so is it that it drops a lot more often up there than for example tier 8?

I also want to add that I think the level of difficulty to get point 5 and 6 and especially point 7 and 8 is in my opinion well balanced with GGG's mentioned intent. When I hear them talk about it, they want it to be a real challenge to get the last two points. I will not debate if that intent is good for the game in the long run, but in my opinion it is.

And for the record. I have two characters, both fully ascended. I have a fulltime (40h/week) job, a girlfriend and three children. I also cook, clean and do laundry. My children still thinks that I am a present dad and my girlfriend still loves me, so it can't really be too hard, right? :)

Leyan#1086 a écrit :
With acts 4-6 I hope to see two more things that will ascend your character. I have no issues with the two current ones, but two new (four different ones in total) would feel a lot more diverse.

I cant seem to understand the problem people address with drop rates. I have a stash tab full of tokens, so I don't pick them up anymore... Both my chars made it to tier 15 pretty quickly so is it that it drops a lot more often up there than for example tier 8?

I also want to add that I think the level of difficulty to get point 5 and 6 and especially point 7 and 8 is in my opinion well balanced with GGG's mentioned intent. When I hear them talk about it, they want it to be a real challenge to get the last two points. I will not debate if that intent is good for the game in the long run, but in my opinion it is.

And for the record. I have two characters, both fully ascended. I have a fulltime (40h/week) job, a girlfriend and three children. I also cook, clean and do laundry. My children still thinks that I am a present dad and my girlfriend still loves me, so it can't really be too hard, right? :)

you had me in the first half, not gonna lie...
This is the dumbest thing I have seen in any game.

Ascending in this game is not even fun you took the least 2 played PoE mechanics and wrapped them together to create possibley the worst gaming experience known to mankind.

FIRE the developer that okayed this and pushed it into the final release.

On what freaking planet is not getting hit as a melee character a good thing to have in any !@#$%ing game.

Seriously FIRE the worthless developers that worked on ascending in PoE 2 they did a horrible freaking job.
WizardofVoid#5398 a écrit :
Excellus#2314 a écrit :

So until this is patched I'm done with the game. I have other things in my life that demand my attention more than mindlessly grinding entry items.

Kind of curious about the percentage of people doing Sanctum in PoE. What made GGG add that into the 2nd game for ascendancy?

I just uninstalled because of this too. Back to Stalker I guess. Will check back on the 2nd game in 2026.

I mean.. logic dictates poor development caused this and hilariously incompletent leads...

I mean even look at Delirum....... We don't walk fast antmore yet the cloud moves at the same rate as before... combat is changed to be more strategic yet they didnt change delirum AT ALL to fit the new mechanics involved in the game.

Hate to say it but PoE2 was rushed and is pretty lackluster overall.. the end game is even more of a joke....

Why do the endgame maps ... have checkpoints... when you die you lose access to that instance.. meaning checkpoints are ... pointless.. so why have them at all on the end game maps??? Kind of reduntant and shows a very incompetent development team if you ask me..... Literally no reason for them.. yet they are there.. lol...

So many issues with this game.. its kind of pathetic.
Here to say that I've been enjoying POE2 as a first-time player. That is until I hit endgame, and have been trying to progress my ascendancy points. Im currently locked on difficulty because of these trials of sekhemas. As a melee character, this whole experience has been sour. The trials just feel bad, not enjoyable, just a slog to get through with gimmicky mechanics that are just meant to be a major pain in the ass. No thought of fun or a creative challenge, just annoying bs. 1/10.
Bynglewood#3428 a écrit :
The trials just feel bad, not enjoyable, just a slog to get through with gimmicky mechanics that are just meant to be a major pain in the ass..

100% agree. The cumulative debuffs are ridiculous. I've been stuck for weeks on points 7/8. The gauntlets are just stupid. The fire traps that give you about 1/8 of a second to get through get me every time. Will probably cough up a div orb to get a carry rather than keep wasting my time on this. It already cost me a new keyboard after I got 1 shot at full health/es on stage 8/10 of chaos run.
Just want to add my voice to this thread -- I've just uninstalled because of how insanely unfun the mechanics around ascension are and will not be reinstalling until changes are made.
endgame is just a horrible unforgiving slog im sick of it now
After 20 or so attempts at Ultimatum, which is absolutely over-tuned no matter what the developer intention is, it's got the point I feel like I need to find a carry.

As someone who smashed Sanctum in POE1 for fun, this sanctum is ok until you hit floor 3 and 4 where the traps get ridiculous on top of any debuffs you have so RNG being a factor here pretty much makes this a terrible idea for ascendancy points.

Now I want to be fair in my criticism here.

Ultimatum needs to be toned down, by a lot, for the debuffs. If not, then it needs to be a free run until you have those points secured. Waiting to grind out a bunch of runs only to get RNG and over-tuned out of your attempt is just not fun at all. Games are supposed to be fun, but also challenging. Yet this challenge negates the fun.

Sanctum traps can get hairy, but there is only really one that is a terrible trap. The spiral fire. Any time you get traps being faster is a dead run unless you have stacked so much honour you can take the hit. The fire stream trap isn't so bad as you can dodge through the gap but when the next trap is right on top of it you can dodge into the next one. The risk/reward for currency and one-hit run should be tough. But when you are going for ascendancy points the Djinn Barya tokens run out. Again, this difficulty is negating the fun.

So in both cases the cost of the trial is a big factor in why you feel disheartened to lose a run. You don't know when the next one will drop so your gameplay is interrupted with a heavy grind at times.
I would recommend having a green token, or removing the token requirement, for both Ultimatum and Sanctum for first point runs.

I think you can tell from this thread that a lot of people are not happy. It might only be 25 pages or so upto now, but consider most people won't bother to come to the forum to speak their mind and that you have the stats to show how many people are getting points 5/6 and 7/8, I feel confident you will do the right thing.

Has there been any movement on this topic? Its hands down the worst content in the game and made me leave the game in January. No point in building multiple characters if I can't fully build out my character with all ascendency points (you know, the fun stuff that makes a build interesting but locked behind horrible content).


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