Fix those trials soon. Easy fixes would be:
- Remove the entry token: Every roguelike lets you try again INSTANTLY. That is how you get better RNG quickly and then the RNG is rewarding.
- Remove the ascendency level as a price. Bosses drop better loot and the ascendancy is done in the rest of the campaign or endgame. By beating the act bosses again in the map fe.
- Make it easier: Less honour damage in Sekhema, softer debuffs in Chaos.
Posté parKONGTERTON#0435le 27 déc. 2024 15:16:45
100% agree. Not only are the areas overtuned and annoyingly RNG based, its also confusing to figure out how and when to ascend. The game prompts you to complete a quest but the item tells you "this will not grant ascendency points." Clunky, confusing, and people are constantly asking in chat how to ascend. I guess the real answer is "you don't ascend."
Then there is the issue that the defensive layers you spent 50+ levels improving are now useless unless you play a specific archetype. Sanctum was a lazy/quick approach and GGG needs to go back to the drawing board from the ground up.
Just to add my feedback.
Nothing about the ascendancy trials are fun. They take too long and then you end up getting your honour deleted in a couple of seconds for some random garbage reason.
I know its EA and I hope the dev's take this feedback to heart, I've generally been having a lot of fun but the trials are a complete turn-off. I like hard stuff but this is just navigating your way through shitty layers of RNG - genuinely unfun.
Posté parJustDeja#4870le 28 déc. 2024 03:50:08
100% agree. bring back lab or pretty much anything else
Posté parLeukaditi#5061le 28 déc. 2024 03:52:50
I cant agree. Trial of Sekhema seems to be quite nice designed (I`m playing warrior, it`s important i guess). I had many problems with them at the beggining, but when i got relics with max honour and honour res- they became quite easy (but also, thanks to my build I almost one shot bosses with Sunder).
Trial of Chaos is quite different, i got a feeling that penalties you can choose from are a bit overtuned (especially for the first 2 ascendancies).
Also i think that giving ascendancies to campaign instead of trials would ruin it`s design somehow. Honestly, I finished whole campaign (including cruel) with 4 different alts and all the bosses are a piece of cake now. And I`m not even a good player. What I want to tell is that giving ascendancies for that would be too much for the difficulty lvl they provide, it`s just like giving them for free.
I feel that ascendancies should be something quite uniqe that helps you specialize your build and it should not be given for free, you should earn for that. Maybe they should change a bit present trials, e.g. resign from honour system but increase dmg dealt by mobs in sekhema by 3 or 4 times.
You got good build, nice eq, survived very difficult trial- here`s you prize, ascendant.
The trials are absolute bullshit. The fact hey have chosen to always include completely unbalanced enemies even after supposed fixes makes it seem that ggg really doesn't care if players stay.
Having burrowing snake rares with life regen, proximal tangibility and lightning strike aura all at once is just sadistic.
There's a reason noone wants to engage with trials, even the gaslighters.
Edit: i encountered another one with so much health and ES regen that it was able to destroy all of my honour while taking basically zero damage. This is despite me having enough dps to destroy bosses in under a minute
Dernière édition par Varden#8409, le 28 déc. 2024 04:53:25
Posté parVarden#8409le 28 déc. 2024 04:42:33
Clearly this needs to be changed or removed entirely, I cannot find single person who likes this mechanic which is also mandatory. Why to make a part of game that is not avoidable which everyone hates why to stab your product with poisonous dart? Is it necessary? I don't think so. Games should be fun not a tedious chore
Your trials are absolute rubbish GGG
Posté parMulley#7835le 29 déc. 2024 20:01:29
Git Gud ;p
Posté parBlobEyez#2266le 30 déc. 2024 14:08:10
Bloody things are just to long for the 3rd and 4th ascendancies. One little mistake wipes all progress on super long stressful run. A total fun killer.