Controller Feedback

RS/LS: Right/Left stick
R1/L1: Right/Left shoulder button
RT/LT: Right/Left trigger
R3/L3: Right/Left stick button

Issues & Bugs

- No Rendered Background in Fullscreen Panel mode: With the 1.1.0 patch, in the hideouts, when the fullscreen panel is opened (inventory, character, etc...), the background isn't rendered. Instead a teal/cyan background is there. Using Vulkan renderer on PC on Dreadnaught hideout, if this makes any difference.

- Quivers Bugging Out: Sometimes, quivers bug out and even though there's a bow equipped, the game will say its stats will be ignored and it'll have a red (unusable) background tint. And in that state, no bonuses from quiver will be applied. Can be solved on PC by using KB&M, but never found a workaround/fix for Controller alone.

- Shapeshifting Blocks Buffs: The UI to enable/disable buffs do NOT allow any buffs to be used for shapeshifting (demon form, as it stands right now). This means, no auras, no minions, no spirit related stuff while shapeshifted. It simply says incompatible with weapon.

- Clouds of Elemental Disturbance in Rituals are auto-targeted: These entities are auto-targeted for whatever reason, which should not be a thing.
Dernière édition par lyravega#6200, le 5 févr. 2025 02:51:52
Dernier bump le 5 févr. 2025 03:09:59
General Feedback

- Customizable Bindings: More than anything else, this is needed. Some of the suggestions below are what I think might be ideal, which might not be the case for others. Due to that, full controller binding customization is needed.

- Input Hot-Swap: For those that also have and can use Keyboard&Mouse, a hot-swap function is direly needed. If it isn't possible, Keyboard&Mouse inputs should work in the inventory at the very least.

- R3 to toggle Targeting Mode: Targeting mode needs a dedicated button. Thumb buttons don't do a lot in combat, R3 should toggle targeting mode by default, since RS also controls target swap function.

- L3 to Show/Hide Loot: There needs to be a dedicated button for showing/hiding loot, along with a HUD indicator. Like the R3 above, L3 does nothing (?) in gameplay, which makes it a good candidate for such a function.

- RS Deadzone in Combat, Targeting: There is a massive double deadzone for the RS, a radius deadzone and a cross deadzone. The radius deadzone should be adjustable or reduced by around 75%. The cross deadzone should be removed.

- LS Deadzone for Character Movement: There is a cross-shaped deadzone for LS, which should be adjustable or simply removed. There is no need to lock the character movement to cardinal directions in such a game, unless it is desired.

- Corpse Targeting with Locked-Aim: When locked-aim is turned on, corpse targeting rarely works unless it's near the target. It needs to work independently or needs to choose a corpse that is closest to the target.

- Auto-Aim Range: Auto-aim has a very limited range that leads to misfires. The range should be greater, and prioritize closer targets over the distant ones.

- Locked-Aim (Focus Mode) Range: Focus mode loses the target even if the target is still in field of view, but close to the edges of the screen. As long as the target is in field of view, focus mode should never lose the target.

- Locked-Aim Incorrect Highlight: Often happens after losing a focused target. Even if the target is highlighted, the skills will fire at nothing as if no target is in focus.

- Use on Target - Skill Option: An option to use skills on a target and preventing the use if there's none, accidental cooldown wastes might be avoided for skills that have any.

- Use at Feet - Skill Option: Another option to use the skills at the feet (cast on where your character is) instead of the target's location would be helpful for Totems and some AoE skills.

- Different Inputs to Identify All: The Hooded One uses Y to respec and X (Square) to identify all whereas Doryani has no input for respec (which is fine), but uses Y (Triangle) to identify all. They should use the same input X as it came first.

- Portal&Chests in Sekhema Trials: Portal and Chests should require a hold action instead of tap to avoid accidental use while trying to pick loot up from the ground.

Inventory Feedback

- Stash all with affinities: Not a controller feedback, but more of a general suggestion. A function to quickly stash all items in the inventory in any stash tabs with affinities, especially for controllers, would make inventory management a breeze.

- Changing Sub-Tabs in the Stash: Right now, in order to change sub-tabs in the stash, a button combo is pre-required. This feels backwards. Holding L3/R3 down and pressing R1&L1 or pressing LT/RT to change sub-tabs in the stash would feel more natural.

- Moving Tabs in the Stash: Addition to above, LT/RT moving stash tabs around feels backwards. A button combo should be required to move the tabs around; holding L3/R3 down and pressing LT/RT or R1/L1 would not only complement above, but would also feel more natural.

- Switching between Multiple Inventory Panels: There isn't anything that allows you to switch between the multiple inventory panels (stash and trading). RS will move to the end of the inventory, which is useful to some degree, but doesn't work with special stash tabs.

- RS in Inventory Panels: Different mode options to control how RS behaves in inventory would be helpful. Some suggestions are, switch to other panel if any, move to last slot (what we have right now), move to first/last empty slot.

- Skill Tooltip Details: RT/LT should switch between any active tooltip's tabs, if there are any, instead of requiring you to highlight the tabs and press them.

- RS usage while Using Orbs: While using an orb, RS switching between applicable orbs is a nice addition (in 1.1.0), however why is it RS and not LS? The input required to apply an orb is on right side as well, making the addition feel weird.
Dernière édition par lyravega#6200, le 5 févr. 2025 03:02:46
0.1.1c Controller Patch Notes
0.1.1c Full Patch Notes

- Added customisable targeting behaviour settings when using a controller. These can be viewed and selected in the bind skills menu.
- Added Charms to the controller HUD.
- Added a setting to display advanced item information when inspecting items while using a controller.
- Added dedicated keybinds for confirming choices in various interfaces when using a controller, such as opening a Map in the Map Device, or starting a Trial at the Relic Altar.
- Increased font size of text in various locations when using a controller.
- Improved item navigation when using a controller.
- Improved targeting behaviour for ranged attacks when using a controller.
- Improved targeting behaviour for Offering skills when using a controller.
- Made further changes to reduce the aggressive targeting of Tempest Bell when using a controller.
- Fixed a bug where attempting to equip a weapon with a full inventory when using a controller could lose the previously equipped weapon.
- Fixed an issue in couch co-op where one player was able to interact with the Map Device but not open a Map due to them not being the party leader. In couch co-op, Map owners are now made to be the party leader.
- Fixed various couch co-op bugs where player 2 would open user interface elements of player 1, such as the Endgame Map.
- Fixed a bug in couch co-op where player 2 was not able to perform fast-travelling between checkpoints.
- Fixed an issue where you could not view the benefits from Quality on Gems when using a controller.
- Fixed a bug where the "you have died" screen could persist after being revived in the Arbiter of Ash Boss fight when using a controller.
- Crafting: When a currency is about to be used, cursor should move to the first applicable item. Juicing multiple maps with multiple types of orbs gets tedious as there isn't a way to quickly jump from one inventory panel to another.

- Search Bar in Stash Occludes a few Slots: Any stash tab that is under a category gets its layout pushed down except the search bar. This causes search bar to prevent visibility of some slots for those stash tabs.

- Interact Action getting Overridden by Skills: This is a death trap in some cases. If Interact Action input is shared by a Skill, Skill takes priority when there are enemies on the screen. It should be the other way around if the interactable is within reach.

- Boot to Main Menu when XBox Controller gets Disconnected: A message appears when XBox controller loses connection, and afterwards it immediately boots back to the main menu instead of letting us reconnect the device even though a message asking us to do as such appears on the screen.

- Cannot check Gem Quality Bonuses: Due to the change to R3 (which should be reverted), there seems to be no way of checking what gem quality adds to a gem right now.

- Missing Charm Information: Charm information on the HUD is completely missing.

- Quick Stash Function is missing in Unsafe Zones: In Trials for example, the stashes after the bosses do not have a quick stash function. Quick stash input simply drops the item. This issue makes inventory management in trials very tedious.

- Specific Inventory Panels Lose Focus: Some stash tabs such as Gem or Flask tabs lose focus when an item is transferred to the player inventory. Similarly, the Instill Panel loses focus after an item is instilled. Both make actions on multiple items extremely tedious.

- Item Snapping for Small Items: Small items sandwiched between bigger ones are nigh impossible to be navigated to. Item snapping logic needs to be improved to maybe prioritize smaller ones before the big ones first.

- Item Tooltip Details: Holding L3 down shows detailed information, but it cannot be navigated since it requires LS movement, and does something else in stash. Pressing R3 also compares the item, which might not be the intention.

- Tier Information Lacking in Comparison: Need a quick tap input to view the tier information, which R3 did before and (with 1.1.0) now it doesn't. In order to view Tier information, L3 needs to be held down, which does something else if the stash is open.
Dernière édition par lyravega#6200, le 5 févr. 2025 03:06:43
I'm all for anything that improves controller support. Although, it is pretty good for early access. We just need mkb switching support for the UI like D4 and LE has.

lyravega#6200 a écrit :
R3 to toggle Targeting Mode

Is there a target lock function I've missed already?

Edit - Oh! It's a skill, how did I miss that? Fully agree, we need to be able to use R3 for this.

Dernière édition par Ferdelizer#3373, le 22 déc. 2024 14:51:24
I was going to start my own thread but you hit a lot of my complaints. I'd like to add that the item snapping in the inventory feels terrible and I routinely feel like the game is actively fighting against me to select the item I actually want to highlight. Also good luck selecting a 1x1 item sandwiched between a 2x3 or 2x4 item. It will skip over it infinitely because it doesn't recognize the item's height. This results in constant cumbersome reorganizing if you happen to dump items into a tab temporarily.

Also not being able to fully use KBM + controller is painful, especially since we can still use the cursor to highlight items and even edit stash tabs. Just let me have full KBM support while maintaining the controller UI, and also don't make me have to relog to the main menu just because I selected my character with my mouse but started using the controller once I loaded in.

Also some of the menu keybinds for controller are completely trash (like linking items in chat, which requires a masters degree in science and applied mechanics) but I would be willing to overlook them if I could just use KBM bindings in them.

Last but not least, this goes with the auto-aim range sucking, but I notice a lot with ranged builds (I'm looking at you Freezing Salvo) that if you are not actively looking in a direction with the right stick, like say if your ability is on the A,B,X,Y face buttons and you use your thumb to press them, it's more than likely that you'll launch the ability in the complete opposite direction of where your character is turned because the game doesn't understand how to prioritize its targeting without your constant input. Playing a Ranger is very difficult for me because I like having my arrow skills on triggers and bumpers so I can maintain my thumb on the right stick for precise aiming, but that means that any buffs I map to face buttons like Frost Bomb, any curse, Orb of Storms, or other similar aoe abilities suffer from getting yeeted behind me or several meters behind an enemy. The game is already very challenging but having abilities whiff because of bad targeting can make it very aggravating because once again it feels like you're fighting your own inputs more than any designed monster mechanics.
Dernière édition par CrowMagnum#7973, le 22 déc. 2024 15:05:11
CrowMagnum#7973 a écrit :
I'd like to add that the item snapping in the inventory feels terrible and I routinely feel like the game is actively fighting against me to select the item I actually want to highlight. Also good luck selecting a 1x1 item sandwiched between a 2x3 or 2x4 item.

+1 this is highly annoying. I have turned off the snapping option for dpad so I get around this. I still have it on for left stick if needed.
Thank you for the writeup. I hope this gets a lot of visibility. It's fantastic how well the game plays on the controller, but these issues are souring the experience.

lyravega#6200 a écrit :

-Quick Stash Function is missing in Unsafe Zones: In Trials for example, the stashes after the bosses do not have a quick stash function. Stash function is replaced with the drop function. Same issue also affects some areas in campaign, but makes Trials unplayable.

This one in particular makes me rage harder than my most hated monster in the game (Prowling Shade btw, please delete from game).

CrowMagnum#7973 a écrit :
I'd like to add that the item snapping in the inventory feels terrible and I routinely feel like the game is actively fighting against me to select the item I actually want to highlight. Also good luck selecting a 1x1 item sandwiched between a 2x3 or 2x4 item.

There's also no default controller keybind or interaction for the death screen if you die or lose all your honour inside of a Sekehmah trial. You're forced to exit to main menu each time.

Also, seeing as how you can't use KBM shortcuts, you can't show/hide loot, so once you get to juiced maps with tons of drops from Breaches, your loot will show on screen dozens of meters away from where it actually dropped, so you can't actually pick it up. In the past you could just hit Z twice on KBM to "refresh" the loot on the screen to its actual location, but not being able to do that on controller means you have to, again, exit to main menu and re-enter your map.

I've also seen the ability to pick up items just completely disappear. No active UI element showing the button to pick up the item, all other keybinds work, just cant pick up loot. Fixable by, you guessed it, exiting to main menu and returning.

*EDIT* ALSO, expedition demolition charges needing a separate keybind from your interaction button is wild. More often than not, I'm unbinding the hotbar swap and only using one bar of button binds on controller. Having to rebind a button every time I do expeditions, and just expeditions, feels really lame.
Dernière édition par CrowMagnum#7973, le 22 déc. 2024 15:08:34
Ferdelizer#3373 a écrit :
I'm all for anything that improves controller support. Although, it is pretty good for early access. We just need mkb switching support for the UI like D4 and LE has.

lyravega#6200 a écrit :
R3 to toggle Targeting Mode

Is there a target lock function I've missed already?

Edit - Oh! It's a skill, how did I miss that? Fully agree, we need to be able to use R3 for this.

Yeah, it's buried under for no reason. A tutorial to highlight this function would be great, but more than that, L3/R3 needs to do something more in combat, and the logical thing is putting aim toggle to R3.

Locked-aim also has issues like not using a skill against the targeted enemy, but it's more of a game issue as KB&M also suffers from similar stuff I believe.

Ferdelizer#3373 a écrit :
CrowMagnum#7973 a écrit :
I'd like to add that the item snapping in the inventory feels terrible and I routinely feel like the game is actively fighting against me to select the item I actually want to highlight. Also good luck selecting a 1x1 item sandwiched between a 2x3 or 2x4 item.

+1 this is highly annoying. I have turned off the snapping option for dpad so I get around this. I still have it on for left stick if needed.

Good to know this is an option, separate for d-pad. I'm trying to make a point out of this
CrowMagnum#7973 a écrit :

I've also seen the ability to pick up items just completely disappear. No active UI element showing the button to pick up the item, all other keybinds work, just cant pick up loot. Fixable by, you guessed it, exiting to main menu and returning.

This happens to me a lot. Almost always because my guy is targetting something. And even if there's no mob around, there are things he still considers "hostile" like remaining enemy bone walls or the wheel that the guy carrying it above his head drops. Only solution is shoot and destroy them, to free up targetting.

This btw makes looting in combat almost impossible. Just wating for that divine drop followed by a rip and no looty.


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