I agree. 99.999% of rare items are trash, including in ritual and from expedition craft. Also no adequate crafting system. Existing casino-craft is terrible: transmute-aug-regal-ex-ex->sell o the vendor. All this makes the game tedious and boring.
I love all the "I'm not having this problem so your problem doesn't exist, your expectations are wrong" people.

For example -- I had an unbelievably incredible stroke of luck and got TWO Divine Orb drops in Cruel Act 1. TWO. Both within an hour of each other. I fully regeared my character, I am nuking bosses in under a second, I've been mapping for three or four days now. I have only received vendor food since and a couple exalts. I found ONE helmet that might've been worth something, turns out it really isn't, because no one is buying it even though I list under lowest price and my item has better stats.

I have spent many crafting currencies just trying to find something better or at least something I can sell to another player, and each item has become vendor food.

The bottom line is that with all of the RNG-based stuff, the risk-reward of crafting on to a base doesn't add up, and coupled with completely RNG drops, it's awful.

Even with the buff to "each boss in campaign drops a rare to help gear players throughout their journey" WOW YES that RARE two-handed mace (that rolled bad anyways) is going to do wonders for my Ranger Deadeye. I guess I should go make a warrior now (lol) that I have a RARE two-handed mace and replay the game up until that point, so I can get a RARE pair of gloves with +Maximum Mana, Mana regen, +Dexterity, and 4% Fire Damage increase, and zero resistances.

EDIT: I would also like to point out that spending 10 minutes in Cruel Act 3 yielded better crafting drops than running several maps that were t3-t5. Which I then killed the boss and got all normal + 1 blue item for drops, which I'm sure will happen the next 10 times I farm her.
Dernière édition par DeveloperKoala#0764, le 21 déc. 2024 13:39:09
I'm new to PoE in general (so I don't know if it was like this in PoE1 also) as well and I'm getting a bit disappointed if this is how it's going to be, but my experience is kind of "the campaign was a blessing, but the endgame is just a curse" in terms of drops.

I had various exalted, divine etc found during the campaign. Not massive amounts but it was a satisfying streak i.e. every 4 maps I'd have a couple exalted and was lucky enough to find like 2-3 Divines in total up until the finish of the campaign if I recall correctly.

Unfortunately since I'm new, I had no clue what I was really doing so well I pretty much tried everything on crafting gear etc "as it should be", right? So by the time I entered Atlas, I was broke in terms of the higher-level mats (I won't even mention that the whole rng of the suffixes is also annoying), right? Right.

I am currently on 4/8 quest of t7+ maps in Atlas. This means that I've run over 70 maps (and if we include all the times I died woof way more haha). And I'm currently standing at:

4 Exalted Orbs
1 Divine Orb
1 Greater Jeweler's
1 Perfect Jeweler's

Apart from being super lucky I guess and getting the 2 Jeweler's (which doesn't justify the blood sweat and tears up to this point) to unlock my main skill to it's full gems the rest of the time is just running around on maps killing stuff for seemingly no reason at all at the moment.

I've even unlocked some of the basic +% of finding waystones in the atlas skills (even the local knowledge thingy dingy), as well as running boss maps with upgraded 210% waystone droprate and all I'm getting is like 1 t4 waystone from the boss while being in a t7... is that the 210%? Let's leave aside the massive gap between t4 and t7,that's a different problem.

I'm still wearing items from 68 level and I'm about to hit 80, not complaining on that as I'm not struggling in maps yet, I just have to take it a bit slower.

But, with 4 exalted and 1 divine how am I supposed to upgrade and progress to keep the fun going? Pretty sure I'll eventually just hit a super frustrating brick wall.

At the moment it makes more sense to me to just trade a Divine as soon as I find it to just buy me whatever ready-made gear that I'd like from another soul out there.

Which well isn't how it's supposed to be, trading should be the 2nd option not the first.

This doesn't feel good, nor rewarding at all at the moment.
I had Lvl-20 pieces after I finished my campaign and started doing maps. I was Lvl-60~. I am now Lvl-81 and still haven't capped my resistances. Forget chaos res. I've seen maybe 2 items with it and I got rid of them because the rest of the mods were bad. I don't really mind bad gear drops. Infact I preferred pre-buff drop rates. However I do wish crafting was more available. In PoE1 we had Essences to help with that. In PoE2, Essences are so rare that I still have half my Essence storage tab empty. Fully specced into Essences on the tree btw. Using basic currency for crafting has netted me nothing but garbage.

Elemental Resistance mods should be much more common on gear IMO.
Dernière édition par peter1990ex#0531, le 22 déc. 2024 21:07:24
mrxkon#5764 a écrit :
<SNIP>But, with 4 exalted and 1 divine how am I supposed to upgrade and progress to keep the fun going? Pretty sure I'll eventually just hit a super frustrating brick wall.

At the moment it makes more sense to me to just trade a Divine as soon as I find it to just buy me whatever ready-made gear that I'd like from another soul out there.

Which well isn't how it's supposed to be, trading should be the 2nd option not the first.

This doesn't feel good, nor rewarding at all at the moment.

I'll agree and disagree with some of your points.

In PoE1 and PoE2 the rule is you look to trade FIST and if you see a [significant] upgrade for a lot cheaper than you could craft it then you buy it from trade. Basically NEVER EVER try to craft something you can buy for less time and expense.

I agree that your playthrough probably doesn't feel rewarding .. because mine doesn't either but I know [for a fact] that I'm doing something wrong and I suspect you are falling into the same trap --- you're ignoring RARITY on your gear.

I'd advise trying to invest in rarity as much as possible without bricking your character. If you can muck your way through you'll find that you're getting SIGNIFICANTLY more loot which you can then reinvest into getting even BETTER loot [also with Rarity].

While I consider it a design flaw it's my opinion that Rarity is the MOST important differentiator between "rich" players and "poor" players. If you ignore Rarity then you're playing PoE2 in "ruthless" mode --- if you embrace Rarity & Trade then you'll likely have a significantly better experience as long as you survive "enough" to reap rewards.
Chance to drop each type of currency should increase over time until it reaches 100% or you get a drop of that orb, then reset to 0. GGG can decide how quickly that happens for each type individually and tweak as needed.

Resistance should be a rating like evasion or armour, uncapped and subject to diminishing returns, with an expectation that any given resistance will be around 15-20%.
This is Path of Huckster game.
99% gear gets by trading.
Locations and maps are not for loot hunting, they are for grinding orbs for POE trade site.

I'm 75 level and even waystones for maps I have to buy.
My hope that POE2 will get SSF mode balanced aroung loot hunting and crafting, n ot around trading.
Dernière édition par Peccopa#6108, le 22 déc. 2024 21:18:51
Andalha#6923 a écrit :

That's what you get when a game is designed around trade. Drop rates have to be super low or the market would get flooded with cheap items.
For some reason GGG wants you to play this trade game, as SSF doesn't have increased drop rates to counter the low drop rates.
I made this post back before the loot buff, and while I can say I have seen a marked improvement in loot drops, it doesn't feel like enough for the comparative difficulty. The streamers and blasters are, as they always have since POE1, having a field day. Hell, Zizaran seems to think that the loot buff was TOO MUCH because in t15/16 maps, there are instances of people getting multiple exalts and divines in a single map.

I think GGG needs to figure out what they want this to be; trading, or looting/crafting. Right now they have all 3 but a balance mentality focused on one of them.
Loot has always been awful in PoE.

It's loot that's done with the expectation that you craft gear. So you'll always get a large amount of crappy whites and blues dropping that no one wants.

None of the rares that drop are usually worth anything. Pointless. The gear is way too randomized with way too many stats for you to have a decent chance at something dropping that you can use.

You're basically forced to craft.

And the reason you're noticing it now, is because it's a fresh game, with fresh loot. All you see is garbage dropping, because that's all the loot in PoE ever was without crafting. It's also very limited compared to the other game, with 12 years of bloat adding to the item pool.

They really need to go back to the drawing board and really take to heart, that most people want bosses that explode with loot that they can sift through. Not currency drops.

But the amount of veterans on the PoE forums here asking for crafting without realizing it was a crutch is just insane. Unlikely to happen. Get used to it. The bad loot.


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