This exists across all skills, and greatly problematic in slow hitting close range melee skills.
Posté parClimet#7103le 16 févr. 2025 03:10:20
I just want to resurrect this thread because quite honestly this is one of the biggest issues in the game. This is a core, unchangeable aspect of game control and it is objectively bad.
It feels bad for me on controller and it feels bad for me on M&K. It feels bad for single target skills and somehow it feels even worse for AoE skills; this is because for an AoE, you'll usually want to target a specific location, only for the auto-targeting to kick in and instead focus on an enemy nearby your mouse, completely throwing off the AoE's intended impact.
Please for the love of god, just let us toggle it on and off completely. Its one of the worst things about the game currently.
Can you confirm if it is better now?
Posté parClimet#7103le 16 févr. 2025 13:20:09
Target Lock is also reallly annoying for a Mercenary. When you freeze ennemies and you want to explode them, it targets any monsters but the ones that are frozen.... REALLL ANNOYING
Posté paryann577#2402le 16 févr. 2025 14:30:05