Settlers Fan Art Competition

Chaos in Kingsmarch

My postcard from Kingsmarch, wanted to put emphasis on a certain ship.

Dernière édition par Proaro, le 6 sept. 2024 21:07:45
Tujen Amigurumi

This is my baby art :>
Dernière édition par Black20Angel, le 8 sept. 2024 15:42:00
If you're unsure how to share an image on the forum, just follow these steps:

1. Go to
2. Go to 'new post' and drag your images into the window.
3. Once the image has been uploaded, right click it and click 'Copy image address'.
4. Click reply to this post and paste the link into the window with at the beginning and at the end.
5. When you click 'post', your image should be displayed!

The likes of ImageShack or Imgur cannot be trusted for even medium-term storage.

One might hope that with the release of PoE2, forums are going to be updated to the standards of 2024 2014 2004, allowing file uploads ?

And in case that GGG is afraid about the increased moderation burden (it is a very popular game these days after all), then I'd remind that it's always possible to blacklist or even whitelist the allowed files by type.

P.S.: Forum software today «even» supports drag'n'drop multimedia embedding !

P.P.S: A single page for threads with unread posts is sorely missed.

(You know, if devs would engage more with the community (and/or) use hidden sub-forums for their own inside communication, they perhaps would have noticed these issues ? Look up «dogfooding».)

A better search would be nice too...

P.P.P.S: And if you want people to be more active about reporting spam on forums, maybe make it an easy button, rather than having to go through e-mail ?
Dernière édition par BlueTemplar85, le 9 sept. 2024 08:37:09

Dernière édition par Black20Angel, le 9 sept. 2024 09:14:03
Minimalistic Town Board:


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