Edit: ok i think i get the hang of it now because i was wondering why was i killing my self etc and now after reading all of what u wrote and all the comments it makes sense so basically we arent paying galvanic's cost when we trigger it with arcane cloak and second i was wondering why am i losing a lot of energy shield when i flame dash or when cast when damage taken triggers and then i took a close look , so its basically when galvanic comes out of cd but arcane cloak is still on cd and u cast anything else u then kill ur self because u forced ur self to pay the galvanic's cost correct? wouldnt swift affliction on arcane cloak reduce the duration more to make it sync more with the 4 sec window to avoid all of those self damages ? basically u need no more than 77% less duration on the arcane cloak so thats level 1 swift + level 20 less duration with 7% quality only .
also i know i am stupid :p but u probably should mention that the flask comes with multiple variations and u need lightning pen variant x)
Swift affliction is a great callout and will definitely change guide to reflect that, you still want max level + quality on Less Duration since less duration is multiplicative not additive. Gotcha, will add it to the gearing section.
I am running this build as well, and I have done the same thing, spending more mana would be ideal due to Archmage, however, yes, we can end up killing ourselves or getting to low on ES and get 1 shot
Also noticed that DoTs are quite deadly, both chaos and corrupted blood.
Btw, the 5 div pobb has arcane cloack enabled, it should be disabled since the buff lasts nothing, it makes the build seem much more tanky than it is
I am playing with my pob to see if I can add in another flask, it's doable with a similar wardloop belt and flask cluster, currently I want to be more tanky
Try adding Swift Affliction to Arcane Cloak if you're having trouble spending too much mana. Can also anoint Window of Opportunity or add Impossible Escape Iron Reflexes if its still happening to you. Good point on disabling the arcane cloak and I'll change it, but in general don't pay too much attention to the POB defenses. They can't account for the self-shock or the chain + hydrosphere for leech and in general aren't aren't particularly useful/accurate.
Dernière édition par Juminoh#0785, le 20 déc. 2023 21:03:39
can you maybe help? I die constantly with level 72 and I can't keep up the aoe, what am I doing wrong?
Can you maybe share a POB for 72 with a skilltree? Thank you
I would be very hesitant to transition pre-level 80 (or even 85 ideally), but I'd drop the Ash, Frost and Storm, Heart of Thunder, Whispers of Doom, Arcane Capacitor and Purity of Flesh clusters. This will cut your damage dramatically and lots of flat mana comes from levels as well. At that level you probably won't be able to do t16 maps either.
This is my take on a speedy autobomber that scales exceptionally well. The build revolves around two mechanics: self-shock Galvanic Field for the autobomber playstyle and and reverse snapshotting to scale our damage.
5 Divine POB (what's used in video and gif): https://pobb.in/E_nJRZvyMUw_
Delirious Forge of the Phoenix (bonus Omniphobia): https://youtu.be/-OhdfuzOtw4 ________________________________________________________________________
Pros & Cons
+ Extremely fast and strong mapper
+ Autobomber with explosions!
+ High scaling potential
+ High damage uptime and projection
+ High ehp pool and recovery
+ No temporary league power is used in any of the showcases (see tab for league specific suggestions)
- Not SSF viable (requires Indigon and Battery Staff at least)
- Not HC viable (at least without some adjustments)
- Permanently 65% shocked
- Requires ~5 divines to start
I highly recommend Wildwood Primalist as there are excellent charm modifiers for this build. Some standout ones are strength + intelligence, % increased strength, % mana/energy shield/life on kill, mana as extra energy shield, chance to gain onslaught/phasing on kill, culling strike and elemental resistances. Also worth looking for a That Which Was Taken, prioritizing the same modifiers.
The core idea behind this is get Galvanic Field to stick to us instead of an enemy.
Once we have the Galvanic Field buff(see Triggers), we need to stick the field to ourselves and not to an enemy. To do that we need a way of hitting ourselves and inflicting a shock with that hit. We can hit ourselves with Storm Secret, but that damage has no inherent chance to shock us (our own chance to shock doesn't help here). To remedy this we can use Replica Reckless Defense, which gives us a 10% chance to be shocked when we're hit with lightning damage. Now we've got a Galvanic Field that follows us around!
Large Self-Shocks
Unfortunately (or fortunately maybe), Storm Secret doesn't hit us hard enough to inflict a large shock, meaning the damage and area of effect won't be as large either (see Self-Shock Galvanic Field). Luckily, Galvanic Field only cares about the size of largest shock on you, not the size of the shock inflicted by the hit on you, meaning we can use Vessel of Vinktar to get a 50% shock on us (see Maintaining Vessel of Vinktar). But we can do better than 50% shocks. With the lightning mastery we can get +15% to maximum shock and reach that maximum shock by getting at least 30% increased effect of non-damaging ailments (Ash, Frost and Storm).
Maintaining Herald of Thunder without Shocking Enemies
We need to maintain Herald of Thunder in order to continue to trigger Storm Secret's self hits, but we can't hit and shock enemies (see Ways to Brick this Build). Instead we need to find a way to shock without hitting. Fortunately, Vessel of Vinktar solves this problem too by causing nearby enemies to be shocked, allowing us maintain Herald of Thunder and our Storm Secret self hits (see Maintaining Vessel of Vinktar).
Maintaining Vessel of Vinktar
We need to maintain Vessel of Vinktar for this build to function (see Large Self-shocks and Maintaining Herald of Thunder). To ensure we have constant uptime on Herald of Thunder we need less than 6 seconds of downtime which we can achieve with the Essence Extraction cluster, The Traitor Timeless Jewel Keystone and a well rolled Vessel of Vinktar(less than 140% increased Charges per use). This requires us to drop all flasks except one Quicksilver Flask (because we want to go fast and it can provide a lot of resistances).
Reverse Snapshotting
Reverse snapshotting is a way of getting all the upside of Indigon and Archmage without having to deal with unsustainable costs.
To do this we start by casting Galvanic Field linked with Archmage at a relatively small cost. Immediately after that we cast Arcane Cloak, spending a large portion of our mana and causing Indigon to massively increase the mana cost of our skills (see Managing Mana). This causes the cost of Galvanic Field to skyrocket and thus the damage thanks to Archmage and Indigon, even though Galvanic Field was cast when its cost was low. This works because the damage of duration skills are dynamically updated rather than being snapshotted when cast, hence reverse snapshotting.
Battery Staff
Archmage and Indigon give us quadratic damage scaling with mana. Unfortunately, even the lowest level Arcane Cloak will make our mana costs exceed our maximum mana. Fortunately, if we use the Battery Staff (or Reciprocation Staff) we can also count our energy shield as mana, allowing us to scale the cost and damage of Galvanic Field even higher!
Managing Mana
To maximize our damage we need to spend enough mana to boost our costs to slightly below our maximum energy shield and mana pool every four seconds, which we can do with an appropriately leveled Arcane Cloak (see Reverse Snapshotting and Triggers). This formula roughly tells you the highest percent of mana your Arcane Cloak can spend where e is your maximum energy shield and m is your maxiumum mana: (.78m + e)/(.00058 m^2). I recommend subtracting 5-10% from this value to give yourself a buffer to account for initial mana spend and potential damage taken.
If even level 1 Arcane Cloak spends too much mana, then you need to decrease your mana to energy shield ratio. This can be done through gear alterations or, more simply, by reserving some mana. I recommend Defiance Banner (10%), Flesh and Stone (25%), Blasphemy (35%) or Wrath (50%) depending on how much reservation you need.
Reverse snapshotting manually is difficult (also Galvanic Field has a cast time which would slow us down and cost us uptime on the Indigon buff), meaning we need a way to trigger our skills automatically.
Since Arcane Cloak is an instant skill, we can bind it to left click and have it automatically trigger whenever its off cooldown(see Managing Mana). We can get the duration + cooldown(guard skills' cooldowns only start once they've expired) to slightly more than four seconds (~4.5 seconds) by linking to Less Duration and taking reduced cooldown of guard skills on the passive tree. Next we need to cast Galvanic Field no more than once every 4 seconds and no less than once every time we cast Arcane Cloak. The way we do this is with the veiled modifier "Trigger a Socketed Spell on Using a Skill with, a 4 Second Cooldown" (the crafted 8 second version can work on high budgets if you are very, very careful with duration and cooldown recovery). Since we use Arcane Cloak slightly less than once every 4 seconds, each time we cast Arcane Cloak we trigger Galvanic Field and, since skills in mainhand weapon have the highest priority, we will trigger Galvanic Field at a low mana cost and then Arcane Cloak will immediately ramp our mana cost and damage, perfectly minimizing Indigon downtime and providing a smooth autobomber playstyle.
Strength and Intelligence Stacking
Since we scale our damage off both mana and energy shield, we also stack intelligence as it increases both energy shield and mana (see Battery Staff). Shaper's Touch allows strength to also scale both mana and energy shield as well as providing increased damage with Iron Will and extra energy shield from Ivory Tower. Finally, at a very high budget we can use Forbidden Flame and Flesh for Righteous Providence to scale our critical strike chance with strength and intelligence.
We use Brine King to mitigate stuns and chills and for freeze immunity. Lesser pantheon is optional but I recommend Gruthkul, since we can permanently maintain maximum stacks.
Ways to Brick this Build
Hitting with a skill not linked to Elemental Focus (except Galvanic Field)
Having any source of explosions not already present in the build (only exceptions are Inpulsa's Broken Heart and Herald of Ice)
Having any generic cooldown recovery (unless you are extremely careful and using the 8 second trigger craft)
Any source of increased flask charges used or flask charges lost when hit (from Searing Exarch Altars)
Running maps with the following modifiers: reduced buff duration, reduced cooldown recovery rate, elemental reflect (also chance to avoid elemental ailments if you have enough increased effect of map modifiers to reach 100%)
Having any more than one flask other than Vessel of Vinktar (or zero if you don't take Essence Extraction)
Chance to avoid/immunity/unaffected by shock (even reduced effect will heavily cut into your damage and area of effect)
Arcane Cloak's cooldown + duration being less than 4 seconds
Having the cost of Galvanic Field after Arcane Cloak be more than the sum of your energy shield and mana(can check by hovering over in hotbar and I recommend a buffer as well, see Managing Mana)
So much increased area of effect that Galvanic Field's becomes significantly larger than Herald of Thunder's
Galvanic Field's duration being too short (aim for a duration of 6 seconds with 2 Replica Reckless Defenses or 8 seconds with 1).
Spending more than 400 mana every 4.5 seconds (can get away with more but you will start to really chunk your energy shield every 4.5 seconds)
General Rares: Make sure you are resistance capped. Then look for intelligence, strength, mana, energy shield and life.
Flasks:Vessel of Vinktar and a Quicksilver with a high tier % additional elemental resistances during effect modifier(leave other flask slots empty for The Traitor)
Large Cluster Notables: Storm Drinker and Scintillating Idea (Widespread Destruction on a budget)
Leveling as the standard fire templar, which is always excellent on league start and doesn't require any respec points outside what we get from mainline quests. We use Holy Flame Totem + Flame Wall before we get Armageddon Brand + Cremation. At some point you'll need to farm currency, can either stick with Armageddon Brand(Armageddon Brand of Recall is quite strong) and slowly farm up a few divines using either heist or Essence/Beast Farming in white maps or you can just play an actual league starter until you have enough currency to transition
Transition when you have enough currency to afford the mandatory uniques (depends on economy but has never been more than 4 divine day 1 or 3 divine day 3) and have a Battery Staff with "Trigger a Socketed Spell on Using a Skill with, a 4 Second Cooldown" (generally takes ~1 divine worth of veiled chaos orbs). Recommended items should generally be your first upgrades.
Upgrades (very loosely ordered)
1. Quality stuff (gems, flasks, catalyze)
2. Unnatural Instinct (socket left of Scion Start)
3. Get well rolled uniques (25/50 Indigon, lightning penetration Vessel of Vinktar)
4. Craft/buy ring with 6 good high tier modifiers (Strength, Intelligence, Mana, Energy Shield, Life, Resists)
5. Craft a Stygian Vise with %attributes and 5 other good high tier modifiers (Strength, Intelligence, Mana, Energy Shield, Life, Resists)
6. Craft 35% movement speed boots with 5 other good tier modifiers (Strength, Intelligence, Mana, Energy Shield, Life, Resists) and get high tier eldritch implicit (movement speed)
7. Brutal Restraint with good additions to notables (movement speed, increased flask charges gained, onslaught on kill, increased effect of non-damaging ailments, increased life, cold resistance)
8. Awakened support gems
9. Megalomaniac with three good notables
10. Craft a Battery Staff with as many good modifiers as possible along with "Trigger a Socketed Spell on Using a Skill with, a 4 Second Cooldown"
11. Corruption(double corruption even) hunt on uniques
12. Split personalities (strength and intelligence)
13. Get Watcher's Eye with multiple good modifiers (Mana Recovery Rate, Mana as Extra Energy Shield, Energy Shield on Hit)
14. Synthesized increased strength/intelligence amulet with 6 good modifiers (Strength, Intelligence, Mana, Energy Shield, Life, Resists)
15. Forbidden Flesh and Flame Righteous Providence and drop Elemental Overload
16. Add 1/3 passive Voices and jewels with 4 good modifiers
Any thoughts on coruscating elixir? I have noticed quite a few deaths are due to chaos dot and thus depleting mana and getting dying ...
Definitely can, you'd have to drop your quicksilver flask though which will hurt your movement speed a bit and resistances. Can make up for it with a source of onslaught and resistances from charms though.
Hey and thanks for the awesome build!
I have put together the basics of the build but am finding my damage to be very spikey, and find that sometimes I go from doing very good damage to very low damage. Could you take a quick look at my PoB to see if I've missed anything obvious?
Dernière édition par Grotster#6181, le 21 déc. 2023 19:19:27
Hey and thanks for the awesome build!
I have put together the basics of the build but am finding my damage to be very spikey, and find that sometimes I go from doing very good damage to very low damage. Could you take a quick look at my PoB to see if I've missed anything obvious?
Thanks! The level of your Arcane Cloak is too high which is going to disable Archmage. I'd drop it all the way down to level 1 for now.
Can i have a extremely dumbed down version of calculating this? for mana mangament my ES is 6681 and mana currently at 4066 but how do i actually make sense of the formula and results >_>