Content Update 3.21.0 -- Path of Exile: Crucible

Looking for some clarification on the Lightning Tendril changes. Patchnotes state "Stronger Pulses no longer deal 200% more Damage with Hits" but the current mod is "Stronger Pulses deal 200% more Damage with Hits and Ailments". Does this mean it still deals 200% more damage with ailments?
The new life masterys and flask masterys are terrible. A lot of builds will be way harder to do, for no reason, in this failed attempt of "improvement".
Specially the utility flask mastery that was really good to pathfinder and scion.
And the 10% life increased in exchange of recovery speed. It was really good combo with eternal youth, the only in the tree, and there's many, many builds working with it.
Please, get those back.
Dernière édition par fenixsemcinzas#6254, le 30 mars 2023 18:42:47
Pretty fucking hilarious reading the breach part where "we buffed shit by nerfing A, nerfing B, nerfing C and fuck you too we also nerfed D, this is a buff" and I just stopped reading because I could already tell this coming league is going to be dogshit
Depressing. At least 30% of my damage is gone, 1 -2 auras gone and many layers of defence and utility. Gone.

Removed reservation masteries for precision AND determination...after the reservation mastery removal, this seems cruel.
Nerfed fortify masteries!
Removed the best impale mastery!
Gutted Warcry masteries!
Gutted fortify notables!
Gutted life gain on hit notables!
GUTTED avoid ailment AND stun!
Randomly nerfed and muddled up warcry clusters and cooldowns??
Nerfed multiple melee skills AND supports
Destroyed onslaught
GUTTED molten shell and vaal molten shell

And the buffs to melee are where?

"...we truly hate melee at GGG...
...each league, we go out of our way to make it worse... our $68USD MTX guys!...
... you have 32 MTX slots and that's excluding gems and jewel mtx!...
... we make millions from gutting your levels of fun every few months lol!"

I'm struggling to come up with new goals to keep me playing this game.
Soske a écrit :
Removing the skill specific reservation efficiency masteries is absurd, and pretending any of the "buffs" will be relevant is laughable. If GGG's goal was to make sure more players drop this game in favor of playing D4 and LE instead, they succeeded.

It was already painful to have lost the Mana Res Mastery in the 3.19 patch but this simply means there's no place in this game for me. I have fallen in love with this game so much during 3.18 and all this shit is now destroyed. Hurts. Fuck it.
Edit: re-reading this later, I think it comes off much harsher in tone than I intended. (tho I don't think I disagree with the content, if it can be separated from the tone.)

You decided to remove an iconic build-enabling stat ("1% increased Spell Damage per 16 Intelligence") for the meme magic-find adjacent "25% chance to open nearby Chests when you Cast a Spell"? That's disappointing direction, implying that build is worth less than a joke (or at least that's how the change reads)
Dernière édition par AricNeo#6801, le 10 déc. 2024 21:01:09
Guess Im pre-ordering D4. Im done
Lilith save us!
vahu a écrit :
Riverwind77 a écrit :
Not very excited since the last boring league honestly, this one looks exactly the same uninteresting thing, only good nodes will show up after 500 t16 maps and probably with bad rolls because gambling league for gambling devs.

I enjoyed some other things tho, some vaal skills, skill tree nerf, pathfinder nerf... that usual poor GGG stuff.

Good Diablo IV comes soon.

Atlas gateway passives look fun. But most stuff is very boring. No classic changes to weak skills how they used to be over like 3 years ago and more, or many numbers around. And I thought it was expansion. Looks like another ordinary patch. It's a lot of boring changes. This doesn't look like typical GGG work. This is probably not so bad as 3.15 and 3.19. but close to that.

Personally, I am very disappointed, debating with myself if they are worth supporting for this disaster. The only thing I can be easy on them, they are focusing on PoE 2 I guess.

They state that they want in their rules proper criticism etc, but literally more than 50% of players said they want skills around +- with numbers, they barely did that, and so on. This forum is useless to post anything. Looks boring as I stated in the teasers, started boring and looks boring. Maybe for Diablo 3 would be good enough, but as for PoE, it's not good enough. Sadge/disappointed in GGG once again.

Overall looks like a nerf league, unless league weapon/shield talents can be super OP. Casters nerfed.

"Sadge/disappointed in GGG once again"



vacii a écrit :
Damn, my league started sort of survived, even though chaos Masteries got gutted.
A lot of nerfs and buffs at the same time, this one is gonna be interesting.
Can't wait for PoB.

I like how people, who have never completed more than 10 challenges in a league tend to always complain about patch notes,,,


Its amazingly easy to complete most content with a rather great build and still have to try just to get to 10, or thereabouts.

"this metric will prove I dont need to listen to people I dont agree with"


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