[3.20] Ephemeral Edge Flicker Strike Trickster - Super tanky mapper
Hello i have invested about 10 divs into this build but i feels very slow and sluggisg in tier 16 maps could you maybe checck out my POB maybe i doing something wrong. Thanks in advance.
POB: https://pastebin.com/aydwMbcL |
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" Hey! So I didn't level as this build, and I suspect you shouldn't either! I levelled as poisonous concoction, in fact, and then at level ~70 or so, or a little earlier, I swapped - right after my third ascendancy. I would recommend something similar. |
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" Hey! So it looks to me like you just took my POB and made additions/changes, but you left a bunch of settings on that don't apply to your current situation. So for example, I can't see a source of intimidate on your gear, meaning that's 10% less damage. Also, since sanctified relics don't show anywhere, I kind of assume that you don't have Precise Technique on your relic. Is that possible? That's 40% less damage. You can fix that easily with a Lycia's invocation, if so, which you can buy on trade! Otherwise, you can just manually path to the node, it's right there. You have several of the wrong masteries taken, too. For instance, you have 10% of your damage as extra of a random element on your elemental mastery, which is about 25% of the damage you _could_ be getting if you were to swap that to "exposure you apply is always -18%". You have a strength and int node, plus the travel node, down by where the cluster should be - you don't need any of those, and that's 3 points you could be putting towards jewel slots. With that, you could get the 30% increased damage while leeching mastery, as well as a jewel slot near the frenzy node near ranger, for example, and that could be a big damage boost. You also don't have a watcher's eye, and even a cheap one with more damage while using wrath, for instance, would be great - you don't need two or three relevant mods for it to be a big upgrade, just one would do! If you add the correct eldritch implicits to your gloves and helm, you're going to be in a much better place. Conductivity curse effect is big, intimidate on hit is big, and both of those will boost your damage by a ton. That should be a bunch of (pretty cheap!) stuff to start with, and you can go from there! |
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Hey thanks for the last reply btw! I see you're doing POB reviews! Can you do mine?!
https://pastebin.com/QkHZkkxF I will note that this character is on Standard so I think Resolute Technique can only be gotten through Corrupt? Other than that, everything is the same correct? I've made my own changes that I thought was better but would like your opinion. I'm also starting to hit a wall against end game bosses, though I can somewhat comfortably do T16 maps. What do I do now? I'd like to push to all end game bosses if possible. Dernière édition par poe626190#1563, le 19 janv. 2023 02:45:15
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Thank you Dreadmaker7 for this build (and XenoPoe for your contributions).
Just wanted to give my own feedback to any other enthusiasts of this build: - First of all, the elemental damage nodes near the starting point are not optimal: taking the ES/evasion nodes is actually stronger: depending on build variant you gain/lose a minimal amount of dps (a few k), but you easily gain 300 ES and 3k armour, all of that for free!! - overleech is very powerful, but capped at 10%/ second. I would consider that Ghost Reaver (1 point) is mandatory and gives an extra 800/sec overleech. Ethereal feast (+Mastery is nice ot have for more tankiness) but is 4 point, so quite optional - for budget builds, definitely go for a Vertex! It is absolutely insane for this build: a lot of dps, 1k+ ES and 10-20k armour!!!! Also as a bonus, if you socket your curses or mana hungry skills there, it solves the problem of not having enough money for an enlighten 4 (lvl 3 is very very tight on mana). It only cost a few chaos, and a near perfect roll is 50c. I'd argue that, while not BiS, it is very competitive if you can enchant with the flicker enchant - I saw some builds take a mana leech node (and some other take only 2 notables on their clusters which is a common technique to save points). Don't! If you think about it, going for a Fuel the Fight will cost you at worse only a single point if you respec out of mana leech! A single point will give you 12% damage on the travel node, and 20% while leeching and 8% AS on the notable. That's 7% AS AND 32% damage for a single node! Similarly, I think that not making full use of the cluster is a bit of a waste if you can get Fuel the Fight, Feed the Fury and another strong one (I got Smite the weak, but only because the other choice is much more expensive) - for those tight on mana reservation, take Fleetfoot + Grace Mastery, this should sort your issues - for levelling, I enjoyed Storm's Gift and Wake of Destruction are quite strong until you get your core items |
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Thanks the for the guide!
First time playing Flicker Strike and I'm following the PoB, but I noticed there's four free gem slots. Is that intentionnal? Is there something nice that could go there? |
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How do you guys get sanctified relic? I keep failing sanctum runs, need some tips please.
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" Having played multiple builds this League, I can say with confidence that this is one of the worst builds for that content. You have to get in melee range, Vaal Flicker locks you into place for several seconds and you can't dodge while dealing damage. Your best bet is multiple relics that give you a lot of inspiration and upping your DPS high enough that you can bypass enemy's attacks entirely by killing stuff really fast. |
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" No reason! I never came to a good conclusion for what to include there - Feel free to add what you like. " " So, the build is certainly not optimized for sanctum running, this is for sure. But, I've personally beaten the sanctum and optional boss with the build, so it's certainly possible. Some tips: damage is king - swap out grace for haste while you're in there. Also, probably never use vaal flicker. You want to prioritize money and boons, because to succeed you very much want the 50% more damage boon. Also, try to take as many 'escape' rooms as possible - the less fighting you have to do, the better, especially in the deeper floors. Worth noting that to save 3 passive points and get precise technique on a relic, you don't actually need a _good_ relic. Those invocations are cheap, and so if you have literally any sanctified relic lying around, which _will_ happen if you just play down to the 3rd-4th floor regularly - you can use it just fine. The build doesn't require any specific relic, but really benefits from having one at all. " In fact, in my POB, it's a slight damage increase _as well_ as a large bonus to effective eHP. Good shout. Note that neither of those are `optimal`, because more optimal is taking only the int nodes and pathing up to an extra curse - see my aspirational tree - but indeed this is a better setup for the low and mid-level investment versions. |
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" So to start with, I know _nothing_ about the standard economy or anything really to do with standard, so keep that in mind. The big broad overview point I'd give here is that you're playing way `safer` than you need to. The build does that for you. Having enfeeble as your second curse is much worse than elemental weakness if you're worried about damage, and you should only be applying those manually on bosses/rares, not having it apply on vortex. The changes this league make it so that doing that really, really hurts the curse effectiveness. For example, with no other changes, I see your dps is just shy of 1 mil with enfeeble/con/hextouch; if I swap enfeeble to ele weakness, you're at 1.1 mil, and if I get rid of hextouch you're now at 1.3 mil. That change alone = 30% more DPS. Sigil of power isn't doing much if anything for you. You need to spend 389 mana while in its radius to go up a stage, and you spend 74 mana a second on flicker. That means it takes 5.25 seconds to get stage number 1, and the buff runs out just about as you get your second stage. This assuming you're doing nothing but holding down the flicker button and you don't have to ever move out of the circle to dodge things. You appear to not be using any totems, which really kills your single target. If you change out the sigil of power setup and instead use my totem setup, your DPS goes from that 1.3 (after swapping to ele weakness) to 1.8 mil. Intimidate on gloves would then put you at 2 mil. Taking the forces of nature wheel and the exposure mastery puts you up to 2.3. You're using grace and determination, which is great, but you don't at all need that. Swap determination for wrath, which your watcher's eye is based on, but you don't use. With wrath, your DPS is now 3 mil. Your defensive setup with firesong isn't great. There's a reason there's a price discrepancy between it and stormshroud - basically if any map effect says something like 'increased ailment duration', or a monster has it inherently, which some do, you're not at all ailment immune. I would invest in a stormshroud/avoidance setup instead - it's actually guaranteed elemental ailment immunity. I'm not going to look too hard at your gear - I think tripling your DPS is enough to get started with :D But, I'll note that upgrading your sulfur flask to bottled faith is an extra 500k dps for enemies on consecrated ground, which happens pretty consistently for boss fights. It's more valuable the more damage you have, because it's more likely that you'll be able to kill them in the duration of the flask, and given that it's a 10% more damage multiplier, obviously the more damage you're multiplying, the more worthwhile it is. Extra thing - the rage tech that you have is cute, and it might actually be a neat way to do something with the extra gem slots we have on the build. I don't know how consistently you're really getting to high values of rage, but it's extra `free` damage anyhow, so that's pretty cool. Incidentally, 50 rage gets you to 4 mil with all of those other additions. Hope that'll be enough to get you started - good luck with it! |
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