[3.25] Splitting Steel Gladiator - All Uniques, Cheap League Start, Explody Mapping
I had horrid luck running a new build in Necro Settlers so I'm doing this build again because it was the only one that actually worked for me.
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" Music to my ears! :) GLHF |
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best build i've played so for. Recommended..
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I don't know if you're familiar with the "Better PoE Trading" extension for browsers but I put all these into a Better trading export. Just import the following into the Better Trading Extension and you'll be able to do all the trades with the click of a button in one browser. Note, these things aren't pretty....
Edit: If you quote this message you'll be able to see the entire link in your draft. 2: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 Dernière édition par TheGamingSeshion#2218, le 23 nov. 2024 04:50:48
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I'm trying to understand the point of the Hextouch Punishment setup. I'm sure its somewhere in here but I haven't been able to find it. Is it to enable the endurance charge generation?
I read the part in the starter PoB about it popping packs and such but once you have Vuln on hit doesn't it become a moot point? I'm sure there is something behind it (which is why I'm still using it) but I'm just trying to understand. Dernière édition par TheGamingSeshion#2218, le 23 nov. 2024 05:24:26
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" :) Thanks for the kind words! " Much appreciated you taking the time to help others! " An often neglected source of additional damage I like to take advantage of is doing damage on "low-life" mobs. Low-life means "while below 50% life". Consider this: As a Gladiator using an Axe, we gain 30% MORE damage on Low Life mobs (Weapon Master Ascendency). This combined with Punishment (60% INCREASED low-life damage) + Axe Mastery (10% MORE low-life damage) + optional Executioner (60% INCREASED low-life damage), is a HUGE boost to DPS for very little investment. This low-life damage, combined with 15% Culling (Exarch Dominant Eternal Struggle amulet), means we do a lot more damage between 50% and 15% life, letting us explode Bleeding mobs (Gratuitous Violence Ascendency) much more quickly. Lastly, we anoint "Whispers of Doom" on our Amulet, which means we can apply both Punishment + Vulnerability on regular mobs and Vulnerability + Sniper's Mark on Rare/Unique mobs. GL fellas! Dernière édition par corosou#7048, le 25 nov. 2024 11:54:51
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Having less success in red maps vs my other building, guessing it's cuz I don't have full ascend and the Fortified flesh and flame jewels (nobody is selling them) or the curse on gloves. |
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love this build! Im newbie to the Duelist, and this build made my gametime smooth!
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" Can you please have a look at my POB and give me some advice on more DPS? now I can do Tier 16 but I am struggling with the guardian. PS: I'm not a good skilled player btw POB: https://pobb.in/30IUNjCtZc6X |
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Anybody planning on playing Splitting Steel through the Legacy of Phrecia event? Wondering which ascendancies are capturing people's attention!
I'm having a tough time deciding between the Gambler (Duelist) and the Blind Prophet (Shadow)! Since a dual wield sword setup (generally Beltimber and Paradoxica) usually paths from Duelist through Ranger towards Shadow, I think both could work from a positioning on the tree POV. Some of the Gambler nodes that really excited me were the ones like 50% chance to avoid elemental ailments and being stunned, and then the damage/crit nodes seem pretty good overall, esp with some impale. Blind Prophet gives things like 50% chance for projectiles to return to you, base crit chance is 12%, etc. I think both would be really interesting to try! Notably picking Gambler would still let you find the Master of Metal forbidden flesh/flame, but given how absurd those effects are when you don't have access to the normal ascendancies, I think they're bound to be a lot of money this league. |
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