What We're Working On

Wow GGG, you really know how to ruin a game. Seem to be doing it incrementally every patch.

Please fix this, the number of concurrent players is dropping very fast, doesn't mean anything to you?

as long as they bought some MTX and the profits still look good to Tencent, it doesn't. Chris only brought up the financial backlash as the reason for listening to the community last time this happened and not the actual players quitting. He seems to think that these people just can't see his vision and it's okay if they get left behind as long as he can keep harpooning the hardcores with his epic hard mode gauntlet league vision. Honestly I have this gut feeling that GGG watches the gauntlet competitions and has let it warp their view of the game. The last few leagues have felt way overtuned almost like they expect every player to be using seismic or DD with 100% suppression and grace/determination. Honestly wft is Act 1? That buff to it was asinine. It's supposed to be a tutorial for new players and it's the hardest part of the game. That's just one thing that pops into my head to show how out of touch you guys are becoming.
Next league should be called Betrayal 2.0 with Jonathan as the main boss players must defeat to get their game back. This whale has been harpooned to death until further notice. I won, /vg/ and stalker schizos lost. Zaccie had to delete 90k discord posts to save his job. Never forget.
Dernière édition par jrv209#2500, le 22 août 2022 18:32:54
Once again GGG misses the mark... there is so much wrong with all the different changes that I don't know where to start. I would have to bullet point them. I could bullet point everything for you but I'm not drawing a salary from you. In fact, I pay you. I guess that's gonna have to stop. Too much money must be causing the ship to sink, maybe a little less will right it.

You claim to be making the game more fun, I see little evidence of that. I have abundant first hand observational evidence of the exact opposite. Since 3.15 it's been nothing but bad decision after bad decision and the first 3 weeks of every league is GGG putting out fires because of bad ideas, shoddy implementation, and poor testing. Maybe your development cycle is too short...

While it is true you cannot make everyone happy, you can choose to make either a great majority or a small minority happy. Only, one of those is a wise business decision. Why you would mess with the way loot drops (either directly or indirectly) in a large way, completely and POORLY rework a primary way craft gear(thanks for only giving enough life force for rolls in maps you can do only after you're already geared, how Gygaxian), and fundamentally change the economy with essentially a Divine/Exalt swap? All of that happening all in one patch and think they'd get it correct is some serious copium. All of that in patch is a decision only GGG would make. If this is Loot 2.0 or 1.5 or whatever then forget it... bring back 1.0. Also this time save your lies, no extensively tested, there's a lot wrong here. A lot you're not aware of so go make the 20 QA guys play the game and if they're any good they should be able to tell you what's wrong because I'm sick have having to do it every league via various platforms and so are a lot of your other players.
Chris Wilson seriously doesnt like player retentions 'so we made an actual league this time, what could we do for people to leave the league?'
Less clicking? Who the hell complained about that, really? Like maybe 1 person? Was it one of your top streamers? "oh so and so wants less clicking, LET'S NERF LOOT!!!"

All these pages of complaints, and I hardly seen any constructive feedback or ideas of how to fix it other than "change it back!"

"Constructive feedback is the type of feedback aimed at achieving a positive outcome by providing someone with comments, advice, or suggestions that are useful for their work or their future. The outcome can be faster processes, improving behaviors, identifying weaknesses, or providing new perspectives."

So, here is constructive feedback. All of the below suggestions involve undoing the loot changes.

Instead of nerfing loot for less clicks, why don't you actually let us bind the movement key to a place other than our hot bar!? Instantly resolved!

Instead of nerfing loot for less clicks, take a look at player made loot filters and then figure out what players are removing and work around that. Add those items to vendors instead. Honestly, they can use more pages of options.

Instead of nerfing loot for less clicks, make it smart loot instead. For example, if the system detects that there are more than let's say 5 of the same item with the same rarity and/or base, and/or type, on the ground,(excluding currency/exotic currency/maps/mats/frags/parts/essence/div/delirium/blight items/delve items/scarabs/breach items) within the current screen or maybe within a few dozen yards or meters from your character, it can't drop again(idk what distance wording y'all use) for, let's say.... 5 minutes.

The OTHER thing you can do, is add your own version of a loot filter and make it so we can hide all whites, all blues, etc, and then within that category, have check boxes for what we wanna see. For example, add an option to hide loot based on rarity. Have a check box for each rarity(check means hidden), as a sub category for each rarity, have check boxes for each item type, (flasks, 1 hand, 2 hand, boots, etc.) For example, we can set it to have it hide all white rarity except for flasks, wands, and boots that drop that are white rarity. This allows us to control what we see and when we want to see it.

Honestly, outside of the "less clicks", why was this change ever even thought of and implemented in the first place? Like why the slap? The only thing I can think of is that you will be following in Blizzard's footsteps soon, with Shadowlands, where everything is time gated. "Oh, let's charge them a sub, and then make their progression and grind longer so they have to re-sub again when it runs out!!" Y'all don't have a sub system, and don't have to worry about people rushing through the game like Blizzard does because there is no sub, so why the change? People will continue to play the game for the fun of it,(when it WAS fun) and make more builds or try to finally push to the end of endgame content with the builds they're trying for the first time. You kinda just killed that.
The only other realistic possibility I can think of, is people are trying to sell too much and its sitting on trade (guilty!) and taking up too much space or something on the backend for you to deal with.

Why the removal of mana reservation? Because people liked it and made good builds around it and had fun? "Slightly too much generic power compared to the investment required" tells me yes. Instead of removing completely, make it an anointment only, option or some other option.

Why make the game more difficult and less rewarding? Are you going for a "souls like ARPG" or something? Ever since you guys nerfed flasks in 3.15, the game has just gotten progressively worse and worse.

Instead of just going and removing everything, make them different. Approach them differently. You're just taking away from us and giving nothing with enough alternate substance back to us, while making the game less fun for everyone.

Instead of Archnemesis from the beginning, during leveling, make it so all rares are just more powerful, stats wise, with absolutely 0 mods on them. White maps get 1 mod added, yellow maps get 2 mods added, red/unique maps get 3 mods added, MAXIMUM! Same applies for fragments colors, and side content from the masters in your hideout. All Alva missions done on white maps? Ok, rares have 1 mod then while in the Temple of Atzoatl. All Alva missions done between white and yellow maps? Then have a mix of 1 mod and 2 mod rares present in the Temple.
Get over it!
Dernière édition par Heartgrave#4764, le 22 août 2022 18:49:29
I think I figured it out!

You forgot to turn this off

You're welcome GGG
easy fix buff drops remove archnemesis or save it for hardmode. i miss blasting maps and dont get rekt every 5 mins.
If this is how PoE2 will be, then it is just sad. Game will be dead before that. Somehow there are so many things wrong or poorly executed... Maybe you need something like public test servers for your changes (something like "Wargaming" did for their games (one of few good things from there))?
And maybe, tune down those stupid post about new mtx, when game is in shit state? It adds to the looks, that you are more interested in money, than fixing your game.
I played poe a lot in recent years, it was my favourite game. It was getting a bit worse each league after 3.13, i didnt like some changes, but i was playing and supporting you. Right now I,m calling you out - ggg and Chris, your vision is total bulls**t! Crafting is dead, loot does not exists... You think that you could do anything, turn everything into garbage, but I, m still gonna support you and play your game? You are wrong. If all this garbage is working as intended, and you aint willing to change it, this might be my Last message on the forum.
3.13 Was the best league ever!
3.18 Rest in peace my beloved recombinators, I'm gonna miss you...
Dernière édition par Anngrat#4621, le 22 août 2022 18:44:10
Probably my last league and last time spending money on this game. It was great playing off meta builds and feeling like a god. Now its a grind after work with no reward in the end. Sad to see this go. But hey hopefully Diablo 4 is not a trash compactor like this turned into.


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