[3.25] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything

WinterHiko a écrit :
BearODactyl88 a écrit :

wow thats an awesome find, does it not show properly on pob? i have 5 charges ticked but its only showing 17 mana regen

It gives 8% per charge, so in your PoB, if you have 5 max charges, it should show up at a 40% increase. Since we have little other source of % mana regen, it should be substantial.

Both budget and high-end PoBs give over 40 regen per second.

ah ok i'll have another look, when I added it on pob though it was only saying 17 regen. I tested in game though and its beautiful.

One question, does beastcraft corrupt 30% only add the 30%? it won't change implicit or anything?
nevermind now its working, about 34 regen for me
WinterHiko -- that's a really nice post on Reddit on how to make 350 divines in 2 weeks. Please copy it to this thread!

(I kind of retired from PoE, but I'll be back for PoE 2 for sure since the staff will be in that game!)
Hi guys, I've been enjoying this build a lot but i can't seems to complete the harder part of the game's content (been failing more or less 1/2 of the simulacrum i did).

Questions are, what can i do to improve the build (my profile should be public)?
Do you guys use any tattoos? I have around 10 div, what is the most efficient way to make more currencies with this build if the upgrade i need are a lot more?

Thanks in advance.
Graiaule a écrit :
WinterHiko -- that's a really nice post on Reddit on how to make 350 divines in 2 weeks. Please copy it to this thread!

(I kind of retired from PoE, but I'll be back for PoE 2 for sure since the staff will be in that game!)

Haha I've been found. Here's the link : https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/16y5m91/here_is_how_i_farmed_a_mageblood_in_60_hours/

And here's the post :


Short version

I often see posts about farming strategies and most of them involve a complicated bunch of juice layers and builds that the average player can't hope to achieve that clear maps in under a minute or so. While these are great for experienced players with no problem juggling trading for sextants/scarabs and already have extremely powerful builds, I find that these strategies rely on dedicated farming, hours of rolling/trading maps and already having a uber build.

I personally hate sextants. It's my one thing I absolutely hate about Path of Exile. Applying them every third map is a chore, buying them is a chore unless you're bulk-buying, and that often requires deep pockets to even begin. I wanted a strat that doesn't use any sextants. I also hate specific items that you have to roll or price manually (like synth or corrupted items). Being able to bulk-sell is a necessity for me. My last Mageblood was farmed with the now defunct Harvest craft that protected sextants indefinitely (RIP) and I basically only sold Harvest juice in bulk that League.

Here's the short of what I settled with this time :

- All three "bosses drop maps" nodes.

- All Maven nodes (except Uber Maven, naturally).

- All Essence nodes (I removed the two 10% chance for remnants of corruption when I had enough in bank).

- All Delirium nodes, except for unique bosses and clusters.

- The rest of the points went in Shrines nodes.

- Run sets of four Elderslayer maps, then the invitation. Rinse and repeat. And repeat. And repeat.

My rate was 6-7 div/hour. I would simply run through the maps, stopping only to kill essence monsters, grab shrines and kill bosses. That's it. I bulk-sold everything on TFT. My move speed was +62% (Stampede fixes you at +50% and I had One Step Ahead for an action speed of 108%), so nothing impressive, really. Quicksilver + 30% on boots would have been faster, but I was playing a Cyclone build.

At 6div/hour with a current price for a 4-flasks Mageblood at 350div, that's about 55 hours of grind over two weeks in a way that is not fully optimized and basically requires zero setup.

Important : 6div/hour includes everything. Buying, selling, rolling, everything. I basically took the playtime in-game and divided by divines required. There's no hidden time, nothing cut out from it. This is exactly the rate I was going, everything included. I did not make any scientific calculation, but I think it was 7-8div at some point. 6div/hour is a very reasonable estimate.

The build

I used a Whispering Ice CWC int-stacking Trickster : (https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3294484). The total cost was about 50div, but if you cut two synth rings for corrupted Heup of All, my DPS would have been but by 10%, I would have been able to make the build for 20div and I still would have killed all Elderslayers before their mechanics. It's a reasonable investment for a 6div/hour strategy. I basically Cycloned through maps at +62% move speed and stopped for Essences and bosses. That's it. Nothing fancy. You could get so much time with more movespeed in another build.

Honestly, you just need a somewhat fast build that can kill Elderslayer in 4-6 seconds and can complete the invitations .

I used the default Uber-strict filter.

Detailed strategy

The real money maker was boss-rushing. Everything else was just along the way. Every Maven node (including Destructive Play), every map drop from boss node and you zoom through the map. I bought Elderslayer map sets usually at 7div/10 sets on TFT and bought Elderslayer invitations at 2 per div directly on the trade site. Maps were kept as-is or simply scoured if a bricking node was found (no leech, ele reflect or no regen for me). Invitation were rolled to 60%+ quant, then vaaled, nothing fancier.

This part of the strategy gave, per rotation, 5-7 Maven fragment ( I sold writs on the trade site at 1.5div/writ) and 4-6 Sirus fragments (sold on TFT at 0.5div/set of four). It also provided regular Cortexes (1.5 div each), Elderslayer exalts (Hunter exalts were going for 2div at some point, but went back to 1.4div after a couple of days, the others were 3/div), and a bunch of great div cards (10X deli orb, single deli orb, Cortex card, Bottled Faith card, etc.).

Essences were also very nice. They barely took any time and probably gave 50div over the course of farming 350div. I used the Kirac craft and killed every Essence mob I saw on my way, while corrupting 2+Shrieking with a screaming, 7+ essences or purple essence monsters. I did not seek them out. I just pick up those along the way. Every time I filled an inventory's worth of Essence, I'd sell on TFT for 115%-120% of ninja price (I hate trading more than one inventory at a time).

Delirium was surprisingly lucrative. I had a Mirror of Delirium spawn naturally every 2-3 maps and just activated it, then ended the encounter as the Elderslayer was doing their Power Ranger intro. No time added except a slightly longer kill time on the map boss and I got a couple orbs and 40-50 Simulacrum shards per map. I sold on TFT for 130% ninja price and it sold very well. I probably got 30-40div from that.

Shrines were my last dump of points on the Atlas. They gave me 2-3 Shrines with two effects per map. Action speed shrines were super good and always crit shrines would substantially raise my kill speed on bosses (had 50% crit chance and 488% crit multi).

Shaper/Elder maps were also lucrative. I sold in groups of 10 sets for 3 div, then dumped the rest to a buyer at the end of the strat at 10-11C each.

I forgot to kill 90% of metamorphs, but that's another small amount of free money, even when not specced. I also sold some Scarabs and bubblegum currency I ran in along the way.

I prepared a full rotation in advance. Get in map, Cyclone to boss, open portal, drop a map and activate new portals, drop loot during the animation of portals spawning, get in next map. Once all four are done, drop in the invitation. Kill in priority Veritania -> Baran -> Drox -> Hunter. I played CI, so Hunter was last in line. I ended up doing about 5 rotation/hour, which is 12 minutes per rotation.

I did every 10-ways that happened to be available. I didn't go out of my way to select map for it, but when it was full, I ran it.

What i could have optimized and didn't

Delirium sextant, probably, to get the mirror each map.

Rerolling with Horizon orbs bad maps (Maze, Wharf, Reef, Cells, etc.). Each bad map added 2-3 minutes to the rotation, which is huge when the whole rota is 12 minutes.

Faster build.

Selling stuff myself instead of on TFT.


To get a Mageblood, you're going to have to be efficient and put in the hours. There's no way around it. However, this was super simple, didn't require any setup whatsoever and didn't require heaps of trading.

I hope this will help some people who gets discouraged thinking about rolling 100 maps or buying 4 sextants for each three maps and assorted scarabs. I haven't even unlocked the five slots on my map device!

Now on to enjoy zooming around with the most broken item in Path of Exile. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Meelium a écrit :
Hi guys, I've been enjoying this build a lot but i can't seems to complete the harder part of the game's content (been failing more or less 1/2 of the simulacrum i did).

Questions are, what can i do to improve the build (my profile should be public)?
Do you guys use any tattoos? I have around 10 div, what is the most efficient way to make more currencies with this build if the upgrade i need are a lot more?

Thanks in advance.

first thing i see is your gear itself is not too bad. could use a few divines to improve the rolls

get 20% quality on your flasks

forbidden jewels are missing

watcher's eye is missing

you are running 2 fertile minds

replace the int/ev with int/es split personality jewel

replace the ghastly eye minion jewel with a non minion jewel

better players will have better advice but that would at least be a start for you. hope it helps
poe is going down fast. Diablo 4 and Baldur's Gate 3 have no performance issues. play them instead
Meelium a écrit :
Hi guys, I've been enjoying this build a lot but i can't seems to complete the harder part of the game's content (been failing more or less 1/2 of the simulacrum i did).

Questions are, what can i do to improve the build (my profile should be public)?
Do you guys use any tattoos? I have around 10 div, what is the most efficient way to make more currencies with this build if the upgrade i need are a lot more?

Thanks in advance.

First -- awesome character name. Made me chuckle.

Quality your flasks. Easy uptime boost.

Quality your gems. You'll get a nice boost in power.

Increased Armour suffix on Corundum Flask does little for you, as we don't scale armour. You'd get better protection from reduced effect of curses.

Get Hatred in your Enlighten 4-link, then drop Charisma annoint for Whispers of Doom, getting back 4 points to allocate elsewhere.

Upgrade your Int/EV Split Personnality to Int/ES.

Get a Watcher's eye. Something like one Hatred damage modifier and max int as ES or something like that. It will get you a nice boost in survivability/damage.

Get a Forbidden jewel duo. Even getting a Heartstopper one and allocating One Step Ahead is nice. Ambush and Assassinate costs a fortune, though.

Unallocate the Dreamer Wheel. You can deal with mana costs by either taking the first node in the Power Charge wheel on top (8% mana regen per charge) or using -cost of non-channeling skills affixes on jewellery. This will give you back several more points.

Hope that helps!
I was playing a little today and decided to record 4 runs of the Flawless Chayulas Runs. Coz people keep asking me if is possible to do this content with this build on this league.

I Was doing Flawless Chayulas / The Feared for fun.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmahC4ba1_U

PoB : https://pobb.in/ZlbYe7uVlnoi

PoE.Ninja character progression from day1 until now: https://poe.ninja/builds/ancestor/character/whiterockxx/White_Ancestor

Watcher's eye used for maps (alc, vaal, go) and The Feared (Atziri's Reflect):

Hope you guys enjoy!

Dernière édition par whiterockxx#6367, le 5 oct. 2023 01:30:39
Just hit level 96! furthest character i've ever done, done a deathless sirus, maven etc i've never done them before. Next up is trying to get amulet, and see if i can tackle some ubers. I wasted currecny on 2 amulets and then tried to craft

I am enjoying the build so far. Managed to get my first voidstone yesterday in the second try.

I did follow the upgrade path in the guide as much as I could so far but there are some items missing and some questions:

1) I need to get the eldritch crafting on gloves and chest

2) I need to redo the annoints - what is recommended here?

3) for Wise Oak the idea is to have in the ideal case same resistances for all three types or at least cold resistance as maximum?

4) I need to bring all bottles to 20% qual or working on gettin Hillock in the right spot

5) I am getting one-shot now and then from Essence and Harvest monsters - where do I need to look/invest?

Anything obvious I am missing?



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