Reintroducing Kirac's Vault Pass

hi GGG support team!

you have been always helpful and I hope again in this situation!

having the battlepass accessible by standard player could in a way be a bad thing, and I mean literally no possible way it's a bad thing rather it's 100% a good thing to do!

the game is not pvp in shape or form and no one would complain why X play has battlepass mtx and I don't rather they would skip and buy a supporter pack if that is a problem!

I like many others do not find the time or do not have tolerance for the league so we stick in standard most of the time, I and many others would be very happy with the inclusion of standard accessibility of battlepass!

sincerely a player that loves the game with its flaws :D
Dernière édition par StickDude#6342, le 1 déc. 2022 17:59:59
lRedWolf a écrit :
no standard support again?... when will you learn GGG.

MLGonthorian a écrit :
"Is the Pass available for Standard players?
No. At this stage it is only available to players in the current challenge league because many Standard players can instantly unlock their whole Atlas by completing a single map."

So it took you 3+ months after emailing and forum threads asking if you could change the challenges to make it so that Standard can also participate in this and all you could come up with is the same system?

same thoughts

IGN RighteousRom LvL-100 Juggernaut
Mirror Drop T-14 Shrine
vio a écrit :

it's the same in every business in the world.

huge gigacorp companies can't afford to lower prices cause they got billions of customers while the litle shop across the street is somehow able to sell the same stuff for half price because he got 100 customers.

ok, the above makes no sense to me but obviously to you because you compare games with 10s of millions of players with poe.

First off GGG's artists did the work before anyone buys them, perhaps you don't understand business as well as you might like to pretend. Do you understand the concept of manufacturing costs and COGS? Well a digital MTX has essentially none, just a one time cost for man hours, regardless of how many people buy or don't buy it; then infinite reproductions. Big stores and Little stores have cost of goods sold, shipping warehousing, actual base cost for the production of item themselves unlike MTX which creates the disparity, that doesn't exist in videogame MTX sales. You don't have to pay someone to put MTX on shelves nor truck pallets of MTX across the country to a MTX warehouse.

Selling it to 3000 people at $30 dollars or perhaps 6000 people at $20 at more reasonable price point offends less people and makes your playerbase more likely to spend money. But GGG has always been super precious with their MTX, and this pass is maybe the lowest value per dollar ever... It looks like they're trying to see just how precious they can be and still get people to pay.

GGG is a multi million dollar company that netted what was it? 55 million last year? They are proud of their extremely low value and high price point MTX and if enough people like you buy them I guess that works for you and them... If you like the value enjoy it. I don't and am offering my feedback.
Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years.
Dernière édition par alhazred70#2994, le 18 mai 2022 21:22:03
Void Battery skin can only apply to one item. This is the stupidest MTX I have ever seen. shows >80% of people using VBs use two. Similar last league at >70%.

I have also heard that you don't get the PC effect when you have minimum PCs. This MTX needs to be improved.
SoulRemix a écrit :
vio a écrit :

ok, the above makes no sense to me but obviously to you because you compare games with 10s of millions of players with poe.

I think your argument is dumb, because if they lowered the price, MORE people would buy it

why dumb? there are not "more people" who would buy it.

the amount of people who play poe is fixed and free to play games have a average percentage of around 10% of people who support at all.


also, more people who support also means more people hammering on ggg's support hotline, causing costs.
a 10$ supporter asking ggg for something already moved his support balance into the negatives cause the support guy also needs to get payed.

to test your theory just imagine you could get a million dollar from 10 supporters OR getting 10 dollars from a million supporters. you're basically saying that the latter would be better cause more people bought your mtx.

bu eventually, the credit card fees you as a gaming company would have to pay, would lower your revenue alot cause they eat into smaller transaction more than into bigger ones


lastly, the incentive to buy mtx is pretty low. they don't give any advantage ingame but a disadvantage cause they lower ingame performance and let you die more cause they too often hide deadly effects.

the selling point for ggg could be that "if you love the game, you support it's creators" but they decided to save the money to do a proper forum and communicate on a 3rd party sire which encourages shitty behaviour and criminal group dynamics like death threats.

well, i could go on but life is too short
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
Dernière édition par vio#1992, le 20 mai 2022 15:09:20
I really dont understand why noone have talked about this yet ...
- I bought the first pass , im playing this game since its release , i really liked the way the game was going on the past 2 leagues and wanted to support it since i rarely did it in the past compared to how much im pplaying POE
- Another , important to me , reason was the HeadHunter skin . i am one of those ppl that REALLY like to farm / juicing maps etc - as opposed to bossing or crafting or so and since i spend many hours daily in each league , it was fine to me.
- Now , little did i know (?) about the item that i spend that money for ( mostly ) becomes borderline unusable next league .
- Again , i have farmed a HH by day 5/6 and that is becoz i really like this kind of farming etc , along with the Fact that GGG OFFICIALLY said that they WILL buff HH, it was not an intended nerf and they want the item to its previous state . its been a week since then and no news or even ppl mentioning it, so i didnt only waste the pass money , but my first exalts in Sentinel league too !?

-I really think that GGG owes us an official post about this matter and soon ( there are a LOT of ppl that were getting most of their fun in POE like me by farming with that item for ... years ). At least tell us that it will not change or anything , so ur players know what desicions to make and how to spend their time.

- Frankly , how do you expect me to trust the game again if things stay as they are now?...

But i DO still trust the staff, i really think and i hope that it was an unintended change and they WILL fix it in time.


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