Content Update 3.18.0 -- Path of Exile: Sentinel

"Bloodlines and Nemesis have been removed from the core game."

"Operative's Strongboxes can no longer drop Polished Scarabs in White Maps, or Gilded and Winged Scarabs in White or Yellow Maps."
White = tier 1-5 or Normal rarity?
Yellow = tier 5-10 or Rare?

"The following Unique Items will now be found with both Shaper- and Elder-Influence: Disintegrator, Indigon, Voidfletcher, Voidforge, The Eternity Shroud, and Replica Eternity Shroud. This change does not apply to existing versions of these Unique Items."
This is cool.

"The Draped in Dreams Divination Card now awards an Influenced Six-Link Astral Plate of Normal Rarity and an Item Level of 100."
PoE wiki says the same. What changed?

"The Hook Divination Card can once again be obtained, and now awards a Corrupted 23% Alternate Quality Level 21 Gem."

"Updated the reminder text on the Orb of Conflict to clarify it can only be used on non-Unique Items."
That's crap imho. More ruined chanced uniques incoming.

"Grasping Vines applied by the Bramble Valley Map Boss no longer take longer to break than other sources of Grasping Vines, and no longer disable Movement Skills.
Reduced the base Movement Speed reduction from almost all sources of the Grasping Vines debuff."
Most welcome. Always hated that ****

"Fixed an issue where The Infinite Hunger's Vomit skill was not applying Poison correctly."
I see dead people.

"Fixed a bug where Eldritch Altars that caused Map Bosses to drop additional Eldritch Currency would drop the incorrect Currency type in Yellow Tier Maps."
Nerf or buff vs bugged version?

"Fixed a bug where Heist Monsters were missing their dialogue."
Incoming crashes in 3,2,1..

Dernière édition par al3xro#4727, le 6 mai 2022 à 13:05:06
SuperDrop a écrit :
this game going to suck until i get more exalt drops or exalt card drops to get exalts then to be able to craft like normal game should have remove that add this like harvest were.

craft bench mods are pile of crap

still no way to mass remove beasts from mengerie.

still flask piano

i want to play tier 13 maps and gain tier 13 maps without removing voidstones because im sick of oneshots at tier 16 maps,

i actualy gonna skip tis league aswell because i goddamn have no time to play every day for 3 months to get gears done, or to play those damn mediocer gears to bring them to standard and contiune there. no fk that. i rather play in std where i have already some what decent gear to choose from. but in league. hell no. boring.

i actualy take my words back if you set camera angle like its in searching exarch altar room where those fire balls moving., eyes hurt already that poe is big. lost ark is better at this.

Flask piano? If you dont even know about flask enchantements you probably skipped reading 3 leagues ago, or even more.

prkalo a écrit :
So when are the real patchnotes coming out? cuz there is no way you worked 3 months to change/add nothing, right? Right? I mean i love you GGG but whats happening?

"to change add nothing"

2. You didn't read a single word of patchnotes.

Pick one.
Dernière édition par Riverwind77#5126, le 9 mai 2022 à 20:18:59
Still laughing from last post.
Dernière édition par Riverwind77#5126, le 6 mai 2022 à 10:13:04
Emperor_home a écrit :
kingkarlos19 a écrit :
Can we PLEASE have a nerf to Strike Skills and Melee in General?
I found it way to easy with these builds to own every content in the game...
You literally play for 2 Days and everything is Faceroll!

Casters are WAY harder to play and gear.

M8 I don't think you got enough experience on the melee charters.
1) Your statement is simply not true.
2) I can't see any melee character in your character list.

Casters is superior to melee atm.
You are confused probably because you comparing a very expensive melee builds to your personal caster experience.

Just invest more time and more currency and you will be 100% satisfied with your caster build.

He was overly sarcastic.
Dont check the text box
No Nerf For Aura stackers?

Okay so i will see again some streamer pony boys printing mirrors out of that shitty gloves again.

economy ruination incoming i guess.

A Disappointment

Instead of Nerfing Aura stackers now GGG decides to add another way to adds extra MB with the divination card so more aura stackers come along. Madge + Sadge

Bring more fun to the game again please.
Dernière édition par Khdkhashy#3053, le 6 mai 2022 à 11:18:23
keep up the hard work
You’ve been busy. :)
I like what I read and I think it was wise not to change too much, just the monster mods not the player power,

So, there are no new voice lines for a character, right? Or did I miss that? That’s not a complaint, just a question. I mean, you really were busy.

I can wait to check out the new überboss fights.
Überüberelder sounds scary btw.

Is there anything new except the league mechanic? They added these extreme endgame contents that less than 2% will be able to do. With no gem changes and overall power changes, its same as 3.17 for average player base.

Atleast a more involved league[Betrayal, Incursion, Harvest] would have been a better option.

Disappointed af but here we go for another 3 months of 3.17.
Dernière édition par codeb3nder#5299, le 6 mai 2022 à 11:18:50
Haven't seen the atlas passive that will get rid of rogue exiles in the maps? The name may be Uncontested Regions or the like...

p.s. Also there is no non-Incursion passive which could be named "Buried Past" etc.
Two-handed - Mop
Dual Wield - Slippers
One-handed & Shield (close combat) - Brush & Basin
One-handed & Shield (ranged) - Hair Dryer & Mirror
Main-hand & Off-hand (evil witch) - Sponge & Soap
Dernière édition par Heartsease#0763, le 6 mai 2022 à 10:40:46


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