[3.18] Spark RF Inquisitor | 86-90% All Resistances - 75/75 Block - Aegis Aurora - High Regen
" I've heard the same many times and have disputed it. There are benefits to both setups, it's more about understanding the math behind each and how to build around it. WARNING: Massive wall of text and math incoming. Most Aegis using Inquis/Occultist builds often have practically 0 or very low regen/sustain mechanics. They rely entirely on Aegis keeping their ES full and if they take any damage to life, they rely entirely on a life flask (or leech) to get them to full. Personally I dislike this type of building as it's SEVERELY weak against damage over time or ground degens, of which there are SO many nowadays, with more being added each league. Usually most Aegis builds don't stack ES high, just enough for Aegis blocks to restore to full on blocks, acting as a "buffer" to their life (somewhat like Ward). This works very well for many small hits, but less so for large hits that penetrate your shields and hit your life, especially if you don't maximize the powerful dual-regen capabilities of Pious Path. Here's PoE.Ninja for current Inquisitors with Melding + Aegis + Glorious Vanity: https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds?class=Inquisitor&item=Aegis-Aurora,Melding-of-the-Flesh,Glorious-Vanity You'll note many have 2-3.4K ES, with around 2.5K being the average. Comparatively, here's the Inquisitors only running Melding + Aegis: https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds?class=Inquisitor&item=Aegis-Aurora,Melding-of-the-Flesh You'll note the average ES is somewhat lower, around 1.5-2K, average looks to be around 1.8k. Corrupted Soul on average provides about 1000 extra ES when slapped onto a build. Here's a few example scenarios, lets compare 2 inquisitors under the assumption of both having the same armor (50K) and same max resists. (1) No Corrupted Soul: 5000 HP 1500 ES 500 life/es regen (2) Corrupted Soul: 5000 HP 2500 ES 2000 life/es regen Large hit: 6K
If a large hit comes through for 6k damage: (1) takes 1500 to ES, then 4500 to life. He survives with 500 life. After 1 second, he regenerates to 1000 life and 500 energy shield. The maximum hit he can take after 1s is 1500. (2) takes a split of 50/50, 3000 to each. Since ES pool is only 2500, takes 3500 to life and 2500 to ES. He survives with 1500 life. After 1 second, he regenerates to 3500 life and 2000 energy shield. The maximum hit he can take after 1s is 5500. Large hit: 7K
If a large hit comes through for 7000 damage: (1) takes 1500 damage to ES, then 5500 damage to life. Dead with -500 life. (2) Takes a split of 50/50, which is 3500 damage to each. Since you only have 2500 ES, you take 2500 to ES, then 4500 to life. You survive with 500 life. After 1 second, he regenerates to 2500 life and 2000 energy shield. The maximum hit he can take after 1s is 4500. 10 consecutive small hits for 2k damage
So lets say you don't care about big oneshots, and are more concerned about many small monsters constantly hitting you (IE: swarms of titty monsters shotgunning you offscreen). Lets also assume 70% block for 7/10. Further, lets assume you are never "unlucky" enough to get hit twice in a row, always getting a block in between hits. Let's assume in an ideal world, the 10 attacks look like this: Block, Hit, Block, Block, Hit, Block, Block, Hit, Block, Block (1) The first hit for 2k brings his ES to 0 and life to 4500. He then blocks twice restoring 1000 ES per block, putting him back to his 1500 ES cap. The next hit comes through for 2k and again only deals 500 to life. After all 10 hits, he's at 1500/1500 ES, and 3500/5000 life. (2) All hits are split 50/50. The first hit deals 1000 to life, and 1000 to ES, bringing his ES to 1500 and life to 4000. He then blocks twice restoring 1000 ES per block, putting him back to his 2500 ES cap. The next hit comes through for 2k and deals another 1000 to life. After all 10 hits, he's at 2500/2500 ES and 2000/5000 life. You'll note that in this scenario, the Corrupted Soul version has taken considerably more damage to his life - he ends up with almost 40% less life remaining (2000 instead of 3500). If several more unlucky blocks came through, he'd be dead, even with full energy shield. So in this example, the first inquisitor survives all the hits with 5000 remaining EHP (3500 Life + 1500 ES). While the second inquisitor survives with only 4000 EHP (2000 LIfe + 2500 ES, but since damage is split, he can only use 2000 Life and 2000 ES). 20 consecutive small hits for 2k
Lets stretch this out further and assume even more hits are coming through. Based on the prior example, we can assume about 6 hits will come through out of the 20. (1) 6 hits at 500 life per hit = 3000 life damage. He's alive with 2000/5000 life and 1500/1500 ES. (2) 6 hits at 1000 life per hit = 6000 life damage. Dead with -1000 life. So what this means is, the Corrupted Soul version will not survive as many of these "small hits" due to the damage split. However, in practice, remember that Inquisitor #2 also has significantly higher life/ES regen. The chances that you are hit 6 times in a row without any time to regenerate life is slim - even just 1 second is enough to restore 2000 life. Personally, I find the deadlist content in 3.18 aren't "many small monsters" all hitting/shotgunning you. As I am specifically farming juiced/Sentinel empowered Expeditions, Legion and Ritual, 90% of my deaths are from "Single large hits" usually originating from a rare monster like the Expedition crossbowmen, the Legion spearmen etc. that throw a single projectile at you offscreen. The other 10% are from various degens (ground floor stuff, DoTs, etc.) The best way to mitigate these deaths are increasing overall EHP/regen. Cospri CoC Cold->Fire Trickster: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2576559 Divine Ire Trickster: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2459778 Dernière édition par KooperT#6353, le 8 juin 2022 09:32:25
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Wow, thanks for the very elaborate and insightful answer. I guess it comes down to the specific scenario then but in general I would agree that big hits are more annoying than lots of smaller hits (especially taking into consideration regen and block) :)
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Hey man! I just wanted to say thank you a bunch for this build guide. 3.18 is the first league I've really gotten into POE and made it to end-game stuff, thanks to this build. I'm wondering if you could take a look at my build/gear so far and make suggestions? I've put about 70ex or so into everything and got a decent chunk (about 35ex) I can spend for upgrades but I'm not totally sure what to do next.
I'd like to get higher DPS but I'm at about 6m now according to POB. I'm thinking vaal divergent spark + better gloves/helm but not sure. I've checked a lot of the POE ninja spark builds that have higher dps than I do; it seems they're all using gloves for spark (with +1 mods) and the chest for 6 link more auras, is that something you think I should consider trying? Thanks for any suggestions you can provide I appreciate this build a lot, its been great. https://poe.ninja/pob/9IV |
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How do you utilize "increased Damage with Hits against Chilled Enemies"? Do you need some cold dmg in your build in order to chill enemis? If so where do you get it? Is a little cold dmg on abyss jewel in belt enough for it to work?
Dernière édition par Azyl21#3812, le 9 juin 2022 13:58:35
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" Your build actually already has higher DPS than mine - you have over 9 casts per second, 98% crit and 5.5M DPS without flasks. All solid numbers, and it's hard to push DPS higher on this build. I do notice however you have Frenzy charges checked but I don't actually see any method to generate them. Maybe I'm missing it, but without the frenzies, you lose almost 1 million total DPS (goes down from 5.5k to 4.6k). The best scaling will come from +skills, which you currently lack on your chestpiece. It would mean having to use an influenced chestpiece over an eldritch implicit one, so you'd lose some max resists, but you can get +1 or +2 skills on your chestpiece, and also a reliable method to generate frenzy charges. You can also push resistances higher to make better use of Nebulis - right now it "barely" beats out a well crafted +1 wand with T2 spell power, T1 added lightning, and T1 crit mult. A +2 wand with good suffixes might beat out Nebulis at your current resistance levels (plus would free up a ring slot). Personally, I'd consider going more regen than more DPS, as I don't really feel like you need more for general T16/juiced mapping. You only have about 800 life regen and 140 energy shield regen with RF on, when you should have numbers closer to 2000/1000. Regarding the glove/chest setup, both options are very viable, but I didn't test a full aurastacker setup last league. Obviously aurastacking is going to always be stronger, but it will cost you more as you will need proper aura clusters to maximize the efficiency. You can easily get pseudo 6 or 7 link gloves/helms to put Spark in, so a 6-link aura setup is going to be really strong. I definitely would NOT go for Divergent spark, extra projectiles are a bit of a bait, you don't want to lose too much projectile speed. Ideally, you'd want a level 21 Vaal Spark so you can utilize both the Vaal version and also a +1 vaal +1 skill chest for a total of +2 (this would also give +1 to your Vaal Impurity of Ice). Awakened Spell Echo is also a considerable DPS boost but they are pricy. Cospri CoC Cold->Fire Trickster: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2576559 Divine Ire Trickster: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2459778 Dernière édition par KooperT#6353, le 9 juin 2022 15:41:59
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" 1) Blizzard crown 2) Frostblink (leaves chilled ground on the floor at both the original location, and the location you blink to) 3) Frost Shield (the entire area under the Frost Shield is considered chilled ground) A small amount of cold damage on an abyss jewel might not be sufficient to proc a chill - maybe on like map trash, but definitely not on sturdier targets/bosses. Since Frost Shield automatically triggers every 4-8 seconds, it's always going to be up on bosses or in areas you are going to need it like Rituals, Expeditions, etc. Cospri CoC Cold->Fire Trickster:
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2576559 Divine Ire Trickster: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2459778 |
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" Hey man thank you for taking the time to reply and give such awesome and lengthy info, seriously i appreciate it! Frenzy charges, i did not even realize I wasn't generating any and as for the config I just copied what you had on your POB import (lol). I'm very new to the game, this is my first league even learning about different charges and stuff. I started this morning working on some gear replacements, with the chest as the priority for getting +2. I made some new gloves with +2 max cold res and much more regen/life so I could switch to an influence chest similar to yours without losing max res. Should be able to get a chest done soon for +2 skills, frenzy charges, and more regen. I did purchase a Divergent Vaal Spark just because thats what I was seeing on the poe ninja leaderboards for dps and didn't know any better. Might have to try and switch that back out to the normal vaal version. I did get a 5/20 awakened spell echo, so that's great. As for what you said about Nebulis and resists, I think I'm misunderstanding the way that works. You mentioned I should try to get more resists for more damage but anything over cap doesn't matter right? So if I'm capped at 89% all ele res I would be getting the Nebulis damage bonuses X 14 (my resistances at cap), or does the damage continue scaling past the cap. Any info there would be awesome. I started working on a blizz crown this morning also, its almost done, just needs spark enchant and that will be another 150k or so DPS according to POB + tons more life and regen. I don't think I'll worry about trying to move things around to aura stack in a 6-link chest, just doesn't feel necessary for now the build is already very strong and I'll be level 100 soon. I don't have any issues farming things right now. I had an unset ring I was using very similar to yours in the build but even with damage/cast speed it was a bit lower dps over the CoTBH from what I could see in POB. And I didn't need the dexterity or resists. Anyway, just want to say thank you again for the build and for all the info you've given in these posts. From a noob trying to learn this very dense game, I very much appreciate it. Was just perfect for getting me nudged deeper into this game! :) |
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Hi, thx for the build i really like it ! Just bought this wand to try to craft but im a complete noob at crafting. I guess i should go for prefixes cannot be change, but which suffixes should i aim for please ? (i wanna keep one open suffix for triggered socketed)
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" My mistake here, you are correct. I didn't use Nebulis so for some reason I thought it worked like Voice of the Storm (where you want more resists past the cap) but since Nebulis only cares about your actual resistance above 75%, stacking more does nothing. Glad you are enjoying the build. I honestly think you'll see a significant difference once you pick up a proper chestpiece with +1 or +2 skills and Frenzy charge generation. The Frenzy charges alone will take you from 4.5m to 5.5m which is over a 20% total more damage increase (1.2x multiplier). It also adds a small bit of QoL through 12% increased cast and attack speed, which will help shield charge mobility too. There's nothing wrong with using Divergent Vaal Spark, but I'm assuming you are running a 20/20 version? I'd take a 21/20 regular spark over it anyday, and definitely try to shoot for a 21/20 vaal spark since it gives you a really good cooldown to pop (Vaal Spark) and gains benefit from the +1 to all Vaal Skill mod. Cospri CoC Cold->Fire Trickster:
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2576559 Divine Ire Trickster: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2459778 |
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" Really solid wand! Yes, your best bet is prefix cannot be changed. Depending on how much you want to spend, you have a few options. Best suffixes to look for: 1) Crit Multiplier 2) Chance to Deal Double Damage 3) Spell Crit Chance / Cast Speed 4) Cast Speed + Chance to Gain Arcane Surge on Kill 5) Crit Multiplier when Unique Enemy Nearby Cheaper: 1) Craft Prefix cannot be changed 2) Scour 3) Multimod - Crit Mult / Trigger Spells Gambling: 1) Craft Prefix cannot be changed 2) Harvest reforge Crit or Aisling if you want to try to hit an Order mod or the 4-second Trigger mod 3) Hope for good suffixes. If suffixes are bad and full, you will need to use Harvest Reforge - Keep Prefixes until you land good suffixes or an empty suffix slot to craft the Prefix Cannot be Changed again More expensive but better potential outcomes: 1) Multimod 2) Craft Prefixes cannot be changed 3) Craft Cannot roll attack mods 4) Harvest reforge Crit This should guarantee either % Crit Multiplier or % Spell Crit Chance, but the tiers are random so this can be very expensive if you are looking for the T1 hits. Cospri CoC Cold->Fire Trickster: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2576559 Divine Ire Trickster: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2459778 Dernière édition par KooperT#6353, le 10 juin 2022 12:13:03
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