Pelagoth a écrit :
Deliverme a écrit :
I am stating why I am frustrated, and that this is killing the hype for me. Pretty straight forward...
This is a thread about a race event, not your therapist where you can vent.
Lol man. Look, I am allowed to voice my disappointment.
I am incredibly excited for 3.17. Heck, I made a thread about it here cheering on GGG. I think they are doing a wonderful job. I really do. And yes, I get that the atlas tree will get here, when it gets here, and everything will go on. Life will be alright.
But, I am disappointed to not have it by now. And that is alright. Your response however is pretty over reactive.
Posté parDeliverme#3978le 31 janv. 2022 20:12:26
SSF... who asked...
Make it HC trade and I'll solo stomp the shit out of this. Can't believe someone actually enjoys some lonely and weird single player mode.
Dernière édition par a_k_a#4466, le 31 janv. 2022 20:25:25
Posté para_k_a#4466le 31 janv. 2022 20:24:30
You people need too chill out a little bit and be patient about the Atlas Tree. I mean the only thing you do in life is playing POE? Go do something else dammit!
Posté parMindelo#6821le 31 janv. 2022 20:38:17
a_k_a a écrit :
a_k_a a écrit :
a_k_a a écrit :
lonely and weird single player mode
Make up your mind already champ.
HC balance should be separate from SC I don't care which outdated 1993 game dev philosophy this goes against. youtube/twitch.tv/DESPAIR268
Posté parDÉSPAIR#2084le 31 janv. 2022 20:39:31
déspair a écrit :
a_k_a a écrit :
a_k_a a écrit :
a_k_a a écrit :
lonely and weird single player mode
Make up your mind already champ.
Go ask someone to help you figure out this 200 IQ insane riddle about a player that enjoys the benefit of trading, testing builds and playing solo. Mind blowing theory, right?
Dernière édition par a_k_a#4466, le 31 janv. 2022 21:36:19
Posté para_k_a#4466le 31 janv. 2022 21:35:45
wrong release ggg try again
Dernière édition par Thonyzuka#3879, le 31 janv. 2022 23:16:10
Posté parThonyzuka#3879le 31 janv. 2022 23:15:05
Archwizard a écrit :
Cenxi a écrit :
I guess its HCSSF just for the publicity from the big streamers? Like 1% of your playerbase plays HCSSF
Actually, no. It's HCSSF so that you have to do it by yourself without dying.
People also seem to forget that GGG is actively trying to encourage these events as spectator sports as well (they've been going for this since at least ExileCon).
I am fine with SSF to make it fair for solo but they really should make these events at least have an option for SC. The HC playstyle is not for everyone.
Posté parCenxi#2863le 31 janv. 2022 23:29:55
ChanBalam a écrit :
Rawrasawr a écrit :
How about a reward for us slower non-elite players that also rewards sticking around?
For Example:
All Players that Reach Level 100: 1 Lottery Ticket toward designing a Unique item that will drop from Kitava in Act 10. Or Div card. That would be fun.
The lottery ticket could also be an ultra-rare prize for spending points?
I'm also trying to think of a non-pay-to-win method that we could skip leveling every new league. For players like me that have limited play time due to more than full time jobs and a mortgage payment spending 6-10 hours leveling feels bad.
In any case thanks for being awesome GGG.
Lovely ideas! It really wouldn't be too hard for GGG to at least pretend to care about casual layers.
As a returning player (old veteran from other games) I just played 3.16 and got into maps.. *and even Ziz crafting videos gets me like: what's all that??
I play to have fun, spending my allotted time playing your game.. and even doing alts and crying about doing the whole 10 acts as it takes more than 7 hours for me to reach it..
3.17 I am excited to see how far I can go, but in no way and shape can I ever dream of beating those 3 bosses!!
GGG stop catering to the HC masses + streamers and give us some love as well, since.. we are part of your supporter too, handing out our hard-earned money while waiting for POE2 ;-)
Dernière édition par Wizard73#1329, le 31 janv. 2022 23:34:54
Posté parWizard73#1329le 31 janv. 2022 23:30:42
IcedInferno007 a écrit :
This doesn't count as an update, Where's the passive tree?
I think you should be a bit clearer and just give time frames, the wait is starting to create less hype now, and probably a bit more frustration. If its not ready that's fine, just say it won't be until Wednesday, for example.
Oh shit here we go, someone had to fucking wait for the game to come out along with hundreds of thousands of other players, we can't have this shit GGG we need it American style NAO
Posté parShaddrak#2095le 31 janv. 2022 23:33:30
Wizard73 a écrit :
ChanBalam a écrit :
Rawrasawr a écrit :
How about a reward for us slower non-elite players that also rewards sticking around?
For Example:
All Players that Reach Level 100: 1 Lottery Ticket toward designing a Unique item that will drop from Kitava in Act 10. Or Div card. That would be fun.
The lottery ticket could also be an ultra-rare prize for spending points?
I'm also trying to think of a non-pay-to-win method that we could skip leveling every new league. For players like me that have limited play time due to more than full time jobs and a mortgage payment spending 6-10 hours leveling feels bad.
In any case thanks for being awesome GGG.
Lovely ideas! It really wouldn't be too hard for GGG to at least pretend to care about casual layers.
As a returning player (old veteran from other games) I just played 3.16 and got into maps.. *and even Ziz crafting videos gets me like: what's all that??
3.17 I am excited to see how far I can go, but in no way and shape can I ever dream of beating those 3 bosses!!
GGG stop catering to the HC masses and give us some love as well, since.. we are part of your supporter too, handing out our hard-earned money while waiting for POE2 ;-)
Another stupid person commenting with logical fallacies degrading GGG fuck my life and all the masses
Posté parShaddrak#2095le 31 janv. 2022 23:34:33