dragos_poe a écrit :
colossalaiur a écrit :
srsly this is what you post on a Monday morning. Where is the actual game?
That's a good point. Was thinking the same...."Hey guys, scourge was extended for until we are ready, we have no current news about path of exile 3.17 or anything, so why don't you sit back and relax and have a look at our Cristmas drawings".

Posté parTec606#3956le 10 janv. 2022 à 10:13:58
looks like crap to be honest. Too many asymmetries.
Posté para_k_a#4466le 10 janv. 2022 à 10:15:37
dragos_poe a écrit :
colossalaiur a écrit :
srsly this is what you post on a Monday morning. Where is the actual game?
That's a good point. Was thinking the same...."Hey guys, scourge was extended for until we are ready, we have no current news about path of exile 3.17 or anything, so why don't you sit back and relax and have a look at our Cristmas drawings".
This gave me a good laugh, thanks.
Posté parRomados#5658le 10 janv. 2022 à 12:58:17
Have you guys realized you speak about MTX a minimum of 60% of time? Considering Lost Ark is coming, I suggest you make something bigger and good.
Posté parBolaway#6462le 10 janv. 2022 à 15:57:43
G0RRASH a écrit :
Exile009 a écrit :
Jerle a écrit :
I’m just curious if it was intended. But seems like quite many people agree that the incinerator felt off the mark in being the top tier design.
Perhaps intentionally. GGG might be using a similar model as what many cell service and ISP operators do - rather than enticing customers to buy the most expensive package, they know that folks will try to search for the best 'deal' and so they deliberately design all their packages to steer people towards the supposed 'value' package (usually found around the middle of the price range). Basically, these companies know full well that most people aren't going to buy the top tier pack due to the enormous price, so they manipulate people into buying the middle pack by making it seem like such a great 'deal' relative to the packs around it - thereby reducing the number of people who would've just bought the lowest / basic tier pack otherwise. Btw, the way mobile games do this is even more blatant - they often pretty much advertise the preferred package they want you to buy by writing it in BIG BOLD TEXT and a bigger box.
The Annihilator pack is perfectly placed for this - it's right smack dab in the middle. It also features an alternate helmet attachment and an alternate glove skin, which isn't present in the lower tier packs. It's also the first of the packs to offer a weapon skin (as opposed to only a weapon effect for the lower tier packs) as well as the first to offer physical merchandise. The next higher tier pack - Ravager - only ups on this by offering a hoodie, which imo isn't very compelling since you can get a shirt at the Annihilator level. The Incinerator pack is where a more meaningful difference lies, with the Tarot Card pack, but it's also 3 times the cost.
This makes more sense than i'd like, dam
This is true in pricing everywhere.
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I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with
sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.
-Galileo Galilei
Posté parArchwizard#2334le 10 janv. 2022 à 16:47:22
Sadly the first time i don't see the value in the biggest pack, especially why the hell do none of the packs have a pet.
Posté parKomscha#1982le 10 janv. 2022 à 22:05:07