Posté parChonGuk2005#6737le 5 déc. 2021 à 07:14:25Banni(e)
This announcement is a litteral SLAP in the face of console player! just skip all the leagues up to next year. just make GGG bleed dry from consoles revenues. "Maybe" they'll learn some lessons.
When a company dont support their own "OFFICIAL" event for ALL of its PLAYERS, they deserve to sink.
Butch3r_kush a écrit :
This announcement is a litteral SLAP in the face of console player! just skip all the leagues up to next year. just make GGG bleed dry from consoles revenues. "Maybe" they'll learn some lessons.
GGG isn't doing anything deliberately to "victimize" console players. PoE was originally designed for PC, and there are technical hurdles peculiar to other platforms which impede the process of making new features and such available. PoE being on consoles at all was an amazing achievement, but still has a long way to go. Enjoy what you've got, instead of seeking revenge for an imaginary offense. =9[.]9=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
Posté parRaycheetah#7060le 5 déc. 2021 à 16:11:37Membre Alpha
Raycheetah a écrit :
Butch3r_kush a écrit :
This announcement is a litteral SLAP in the face of console player! just skip all the leagues up to next year. just make GGG bleed dry from consoles revenues. "Maybe" they'll learn some lessons.
GGG isn't doing anything deliberately to "victimize" console players. PoE was originally designed for PC, and there are technical hurdles peculiar to other platforms which impede the process of making new features and such available. PoE being on consoles at all was an amazing achievement, but still has a long way to go. Enjoy what you've got, instead of seeking revenge for an imaginary offense. =9[.]9=
Wow. Such hate.
GGG made a port to console and take our money, just like PC. So, yes, this is ANOTHER slap in the face to console players. But I guess we should just shut up and be happy with our broken toys?
Posté parJoeUtopia#8394le 5 déc. 2021 à 20:08:36
JoeUtopia a écrit :
Raycheetah a écrit :
Butch3r_kush a écrit :
This announcement is a litteral SLAP in the face of console player! just skip all the leagues up to next year. just make GGG bleed dry from consoles revenues. "Maybe" they'll learn some lessons.
GGG isn't doing anything deliberately to "victimize" console players. PoE was originally designed for PC, and there are technical hurdles peculiar to other platforms which impede the process of making new features and such available. PoE being on consoles at all was an amazing achievement, but still has a long way to go. Enjoy what you've got, instead of seeking revenge for an imaginary offense. =9[.]9=
Wow. Such hate.
GGG made a port to console and take our money, just like PC. So, yes, this is ANOTHER slap in the face to console players. But I guess we should just shut up and be happy with our broken toys?
The only hate here is coming from your side. I'm merely pointing out that GGG isn't a bunch of guys in top hats and monocles, lighting Cuban cigars with $100 bills and laughing at how much they make you, personally, suffer. Don't you think that, if they could easily accommodate you, they would? They want your business, but they've been dealing with technical limitations to in-game problems LONG before consoles were ever a part of PoE, and will eventually find those solutions, even if it takes a long time. =9[.]9=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
Posté parRaycheetah#7060le 5 déc. 2021 à 22:25:38Membre Alpha
Raycheetah a écrit :
The only hate here is coming from your side. I'm merely pointing out that GGG isn't a bunch of guys in top hats and monocles, lighting Cuban cigars with $100 bills and laughing at how much they make you, personally, suffer. Don't you think that, if they could easily accommodate you, they would? They want your business, but they've been dealing with technical limitations to in-game problems LONG before consoles were ever a part of PoE, and will eventually find those solutions, even if it takes a long time. =9[.]9=
You are correct, GGG is not a bunch of guys in top hats and monocles. They are a bunch of guys who chose to release POE on console almost 5 years ago. They are a bunch of guys who chose not to support the release with an adequate staff to deal with issues and patch problems in a timely manner (whole leagues where the game is almost unplayable because bugs are not fixed, movement desync problems that have never been addressed, ignoring a broken trade system that allows players to price fix and control the market with impunity and anonymity). They are a bunch of guys who have chosen to respond to concerns from the console community with silence, not just on this issue but as a general rule on almost all occasions. They are a bunch of guys who have run special events on console in the past, thus setting the expectation that they would continue to do so. They are a bunch of guys who again went radio silent when asked specifically whether these events would be run on console. They waited until the last minute when people had made plans and expectations had been cemented to say we would get nothing. They are a bunch of guys who need to know the anger and frustration that their actions have caused. They are a bunch of guys who need to know that the failure of POE on console lies squarely on their shoulders. They are a bunch of guys who could still work to correct previous poor decisions if they accept the need and listen to posts on the mater. These posts need to be loud and clear.
Snake45Jackson a écrit :
Raycheetah a écrit :
The only hate here is coming from your side. I'm merely pointing out that GGG isn't a bunch of guys in top hats and monocles, lighting Cuban cigars with $100 bills and laughing at how much they make you, personally, suffer. Don't you think that, if they could easily accommodate you, they would? They want your business, but they've been dealing with technical limitations to in-game problems LONG before consoles were ever a part of PoE, and will eventually find those solutions, even if it takes a long time. =9[.]9=
You are correct, GGG is not a bunch of guys in top hats and monocles. They are a bunch of guys who chose to release POE on console almost 5 years ago. They are a bunch of guys who chose not to support the release with an adequate staff to deal with issues and patch problems in a timely manner (whole leagues where the game is almost unplayable because bugs are not fixed, movement desync problems that have never been addressed, ignoring a broken trade system that allows players to price fix and control the market with impunity and anonymity). They are a bunch of guys who have chosen to respond to concerns from the console community with silence, not just on this issue but as a general rule on almost all occasions. They are a bunch of guys who have run special events on console in the past, thus setting the expectation that they would continue to do so. They are a bunch of guys who again went radio silent when asked specifically whether these events would be run on console. They waited until the last minute when people had made plans and expectations had been cemented to say we would get nothing. They are a bunch of guys who need to know the anger and frustration that their actions have caused. They are a bunch of guys who need to know that the failure of POE on console lies squarely on their shoulders. They are a bunch of guys who could still work to correct previous poor decisions if they accept the need and listen to posts on the mater. These posts need to be loud and clear.
My point... you have missed it.
GGG isn't neglecting console players out of spite, so stop taking it so personally. It was always understood that the console version would have limitations. Be frustrated, be disappointed. But being angry is just ridiculous. The fact that GGG isn't discussing it publicly tells me that it has to do with the console platforms, and what they can and, more importantly, cannot reveal about their relationships with those manufacturers. =9[.]9=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
Posté parRaycheetah#7060le 6 déc. 2021 à 01:11:32Membre Alpha
Raycheetah a écrit :
My point... you have missed it.
GGG isn't neglecting console players out of spite, so stop taking it so personally. It was always understood that the console version would have limitations. Be frustrated, be disappointed. But being angry is just ridiculous. The fact that GGG isn't discussing it publicly tells me that it has to do with the console platforms, and what they can and, more importantly, cannot reveal about their relationships with those manufacturers. =9[.]9=
In my opinion, if GGG can't run these events on console( tbh, not a big loss, these events are just boring), they should have launched ANYTHING else on consoles, to make feel console players better. In worst case scenario - just giveaway every console single player few free mtx boxes.
3.13 Was the best league ever!
3.18 Rest in peace my beloved recombinators, I'm gonna miss you...
Posté parAnngrat#4621le 6 déc. 2021 à 03:49:22
Raycheetah a écrit :
Snake45Jackson a écrit :
Raycheetah a écrit :
The only hate here is coming from your side. I'm merely pointing out that GGG isn't a bunch of guys in top hats and monocles, lighting Cuban cigars with $100 bills and laughing at how much they make you, personally, suffer. Don't you think that, if they could easily accommodate you, they would? They want your business, but they've been dealing with technical limitations to in-game problems LONG before consoles were ever a part of PoE, and will eventually find those solutions, even if it takes a long time. =9[.]9=
You are correct, GGG is not a bunch of guys in top hats and monocles. They are a bunch of guys who chose to release POE on console almost 5 years ago. They are a bunch of guys who chose not to support the release with an adequate staff to deal with issues and patch problems in a timely manner (whole leagues where the game is almost unplayable because bugs are not fixed, movement desync problems that have never been addressed, ignoring a broken trade system that allows players to price fix and control the market with impunity and anonymity). They are a bunch of guys who have chosen to respond to concerns from the console community with silence, not just on this issue but as a general rule on almost all occasions. They are a bunch of guys who have run special events on console in the past, thus setting the expectation that they would continue to do so. They are a bunch of guys who again went radio silent when asked specifically whether these events would be run on console. They waited until the last minute when people had made plans and expectations had been cemented to say we would get nothing. They are a bunch of guys who need to know the anger and frustration that their actions have caused. They are a bunch of guys who need to know that the failure of POE on console lies squarely on their shoulders. They are a bunch of guys who could still work to correct previous poor decisions if they accept the need and listen to posts on the mater. These posts need to be loud and clear.
My point... you have missed it.
GGG isn't neglecting console players out of spite, so stop taking it so personally. It was always understood that the console version would have limitations. Be frustrated, be disappointed. But being angry is just ridiculous. The fact that GGG isn't discussing it publicly tells me that it has to do with the console platforms, and what they can and, more importantly, cannot reveal about their relationships with those manufacturers. =9[.]9=
Wow. You don’t get it and are just making excuses. THEY released the port to console and are failing to support it in any manner that is acceptable at this point. If there are issues - tell us at the very least. But you go right ahead and keep feeling we should be happy we have anything. Maybe the issue is lack of staff and talent to support console, I don’t know - but I do know the current state is failing.
Posté parJoeUtopia#8394le 6 déc. 2021 à 10:08:03
I just don't know why they just don't merge pc and consoles? other games do this and works fine. Pc players play alongside console players. pc players have the upper hand in most cases. I have spent money on console and since i can't merge to pc account I'll never play on pc now.
Posté parKaotic-Ouch#9400le 6 déc. 2021 à 11:57:13