[3.18] Chaos Animate Weapon 😈 - Budget to MageBlood💎 88M DPS Unkillable All-Arounder

what about Garb of Ephemeral ? I need 3% of Life as ES implict or no?
no thats ridiculous.
I am a Mirror, I do not exist.
Doesn't Ag need to create a curse of despair?
do you think this build can be built as life version without CI but keeping the same damage numbers?
Hello !

I really like your build.

But i tried Simulacrum and after the 15th wave i feel very weak in defence.

I don't know what i am missing ?

I know i need 3 more point to take enduring bond, a chest with corrupt and an amullet witj +2 and not +1, but i don't think this upgrade help in survavibility.

If u have time to check my profile i would be very thankfull !
do you think this build can be built as life version without CI but keeping the same damage numbers?

need to be CI to run these auras/get the aura nodes so no

your life pool would be too small since you have no helm/glove/shield/amulet as theyre all dps slots

Doesn't Ag need to create a curse of despair?

you lose victario's flight but you can run a curse on hit on your AG if you want

better to use witchfire brew flask

Hello !

I really like your build.

But i tried Simulacrum and after the 15th wave i feel very weak in defence.

I don't know what i am missing ?

I know i need 3 more point to take enduring bond, a chest with corrupt and an amullet witj +2 and not +1, but i don't think this upgrade help in survavibility.

If u have time to check my profile i would be very thankfull !

will check
I am a Mirror, I do not exist.
But i tried Simulacrum and after the 15th wave i feel very weak in defence.

I don't know what i am missing ?

I know i need 3 more point to take enduring bond, a chest with corrupt and an amullet witj +2 and not +1, but i don't think this upgrade help in survavibility.

If u have time to check my profile i would be very thankfull !

Get a +2 Amulet - you're 1 level away from another weapon breakpoint which is 11% more damage.

What's your AG setup? Do you have kingmaker?

You really want Garb of Ephemeral in Sims

Your belt is really low on ES - the best mod is % ES of your body armor.

If you want defense you need to craft +1 end charge on your ring/amulet

Are your pantheons maxed out too? Max them. 10% proj avoidance/chain avoid is insane

if you want you can remove Convocation/Increased Duration/ Minion Life from golem

and link CWDT - golem - feeding frenzy - Steelskin

I am a Mirror, I do not exist.
Thank you for u fast answer !

I will do all the upgrade u say.

I have a last question : did %ES of body armour is better than % of maximum ES coz i can't afford a belt with both
Hey man, i'm wondering about doing this build,
can you do all content ? including blight, delve ...
Thanks ;)
I have a last question : did %ES of body armour is better than % of maximum ES coz i can't afford a belt with both

I think % body armor and % es is best

youcan spam dense fossils, its very easy to craft to get 2/3 mods on a shaper/crusader belt.

dense fossils are OP

can you do all content ? including blight, delve ...
Thanks ;)

I have a blight-ravaged video on my youtube with 5 reward oils - so yes.

I've killed depth 360+ aul already.
I am a Mirror, I do not exist.


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