Baeclast Podcast with Chris Wilson

Pretty cool, that there are such Podcasts and that Chris is willing to answer question and give insight views. Trying to get a conversation with the players running and hearing their thoughts and needs.

But there were several times wher i wondered if they are really listening or just pretending to. Sometimes all the people except of chris are rolling eyes, shaking heads and laughing in unbelieve, just like me.

People are complaining about a too long and borng story, about random oneshots, about the nerfs in general and the lesser and lesser diversability in builds and what ist getting mentioned is the dream of a hard mode, where everything ist still slower, rarer and harder and where a 2 resistance item would be selling so goog, if anyon even has currency.

Action rpgs are action, speed, progress, gett ing levels, items, curreny and not hitting on a mob for 10 Minutes to get nothing.

What they trying to do is like making an Formula 1 game slower to be better and making the turn so hard, you even have to go slower again if you lucky enough to stay on the track. No one wants an F1 car feel like riding a snail. Thats not how its meant to feel.
flipmode949 a écrit :
Pretty cool, that there are such Podcasts and that Chris is willing to answer question and give insight views. Trying to get a conversation with the players running and hearing their thoughts and needs.

But there were several times wher i wondered if they are really listening or just pretending to. Sometimes all the people except of chris are rolling eyes, shaking heads and laughing in unbelieve, just like me.

People are complaining about a too long and borng story, about random oneshots, about the nerfs in general and the lesser and lesser diversability in builds and what ist getting mentioned is the dream of a hard mode, where everything ist still slower, rarer and harder and where a 2 resistance item would be selling so goog, if anyon even has currency.

Action rpgs are action, speed, progress, gett ing levels, items, curreny and not hitting on a mob for 10 Minutes to get nothing.

What they trying to do is like making an Formula 1 game slower to be better and making the turn so hard, you even have to go slower again if you lucky enough to stay on the track. No one wants an F1 car feel like riding a snail. Thats not how its meant to feel.

Didn't you understand what was really going on? They don't want big online, they want to cut costs.

Why add a cool endgame when you can just reduce the speed and leave the complex content as a guiding star for the best of the best.

You can put a point on it, this game is no longer for casual players with a personal life.
✨ Beta tester Path of Nerf 👀
Deterministic vs random systems is not a question about having just one or the other.
Why isn't it possible for example to have a deterministic system in the game that can lift me to a "theoretical power level of 8/10" and have pure gambling as it is mostly now to reach a higher level?
So for example have old harvest crafting but have flower level and therefor crafting only for items with lower than maximum ilvl and therefore also limit it on the top end tiers, so it is not possible to deterministically craft the best items, but make it possible to craft a nice basis which also cost resources(/time included) already?

I would be fine with that. I know i can upgrade my own gear with crafting and those who play a lot and are very knowledgeable about the game don't have to whine about getting bis items "easily".

Just a short thought while watching the podcast.
Thanks for doing those, but as always actions speak louder than words.
I hope GGG can fulfill as much as possible of their goals for PoE.
PoE is a very nice game but it still has a lot of room to grow and be refined.
hey, i watched all of it and thanks a lot Chris for taking your time
to explain your teams opinions about things, some heads-up and stuff!
im already thinking about the "hard-mode" and if i will be able to progress in it, we shall see in the future :-)
thanks to Baeclast streamers for making a good stream too
spokipo a écrit :

Didn't you understand what was really going on? They don't want big online, they want to cut costs.

Why add a cool endgame when you can just reduce the speed and leave the complex content as a guiding star for the best of the best.

You can put a point on it, this game is no longer for casual players with a personal life.

Most people don't understand this...
Dernière édition par Mil0sevic#6612, le 12 août 2021 08:55:07
spokipo a écrit :

You can put a point on it, this game is no longer for casual players with a personal life.

this game was never that....
I have extra beta keys and I'm not giving them out

PoE1 > PoE2
ampdecay a écrit :

this game was never that....

Playing before 3 hours a day, for 2 weeks I closed the whole endgame, now a busy person can not afford it, as you need to spend twice as much, I do not like these innovations.
✨ Beta tester Path of Nerf 👀
Mr. Chris was inspired by Diablo 2. But in the process of creating PoE, he created something more fast and fun. And now, after 8 years, he wants to return to the origins of Diblo2.

I have a question: "Why go back to Diblo2 if the original will be released in the fall."

You want the Diablo? Take it. It's yours. But PoE? PoE I will burn to the ground. Perhaps the suffering of my comunity will finally stir something.
A short input(hopefully) from someone that is really enjoying the league while playing casually. I have absolutely no idea why I enjoy it and it's not a specific reason but last time I stayed to play for so long was in Metamorph league.

A few words on the major changes in the league and how I feel about them (flasks, mana, gems)
1. Flasks: I really like the direction but the execution has a lot to be worked on. Flasks doesn't feel smooth to use at all except for a pathfinder.
2. Mana: A bit more inconvenient but not really as big of a problem as people describe it except a few very specific cases that can be easily solved with a balance fix
3. Gem damage nerfs and overall the game being harder: I cannot feel that at all while playing. Everything feels the same as before. The only way I notice something was nerfed is when I go on PoB and compare numbers.
The only issue with those nerfs that comes to mind is with very low end of the builds that got their entry level stages a lot worse.
Personally I think buff to the low end builds and still a nerf to the high end build since they are not impacted whatsoever from the changes will

The league:
I am not really a big fan of the league and it's not something exciting for me too see in a map but it's extremely rewarding for a casual player that is not pushing himself to play hours and hours. Takes a little bit of time to read what everything does which greatly increases the reward. I was just exploding random things early and when I read what I am actually supposed to do it became a lot better in terms of rewards.

A few impressions from the community I have while the whole situation is going on:
1. It looks to me like people would rather cry about every small change and want everything to be given to them for free.
2. People really do not understand what goes into the development process and what a task is for GGG devs to release new content every 3 months that other companies would struggle to do in a year.
3. The people I've talked with in game or in discord servers are mostly positive about the game. Some don't like specific changes but no one is saying the game is dying or more stupid things like revert changes.

In terms of the podcast I am glad they are doing it and giving a lot of inside information about their processes so on but I can recommend to start following the other companies way of handling this stuff and stop communicating that much to the community. It's pretty stable pattern over time that the more you do it the more stupid comments people have and trying to push devs to make everything easier and convenient for them.
It's their game after all and on multiple occasions they mention that they want to make the ARPG game they imagine should be. Not whatever the community likes.

As a closing thought I think the game is going in a good direction. They are planning to do big changes still as they don't like so negative feedback. I don't think the game is hard for someone that has any moderate experience with it so in my opinion people that are playing for a while (few years) now saying the game is difficult and they don't enjoy it is completely unreasonable statement.
spokipo a écrit :
ampdecay a écrit :

this game was never that....

Playing before 3 hours a day, for 2 weeks I closed the whole endgame, now a busy person can not afford it, as you need to spend twice as much, I do not like these innovations.

Your complaint is that you have to spend 4 weeks instead of 2? 4 weeks to experience what the game has to offer sounds like it's well balanced to me. I think you're over reacting to a lot of the changes that were made. Yes, the game is more difficult and yes, Chris admitted some of the changes were too much. But in the end Chris is correct in pointing out that there needs to be aspirational content for the game to be worth playing.
For some people, the aspirational content is making an unusual build or delving to a specific depth. Not everything revolves around the endgame bosses. They are trying to find a better balance for reaching the endgame people want to experience in a reasonable amount of time.
Right now, the game feels more grindy than it should be. That's indisputable. But they talked about reducing the atlas grind for next league and by the sound of it will be taking a look at more of what the community feels is in need of change.

To me, 3 hours a day for 2 weeks to finish endgame sounds like you either zoomed super fast like tytykiller or you're lying about it. If you're zoomy, you'll have to accept slower progression. 42 hours to finish the game every league is not a healthy state for the game and you should not be advocating for it. If you were being hyperbolic, I understand your frustration but a league lasts 3 months. It should at least give you an excuse to play for 1 of those months. If you're looking for a game to play in short bursts, this just isn't it.


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