[3.16] Forbidden Rite Totem

Coldlucidity a écrit :
What do you think about what Balormage has to say about this build? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjruKpZIhZc

If you are serious about this build I would recommend checking out the above video and his other FR totems vids. He is one of my favorite content creators and does a really nice job in explaining why he makes the choices he does.
I am running his version and it crushes everything. While the beginning version is a bit squishy (that's why I play softcore) it does not negate the fact that you can do the content. Slowly building to the more expensive tankier version.
Tjucken a écrit :
loloppe a écrit :
Tjucken a écrit :
Whats the reason for using arcanist brand to apply assassin's mark? compared to just apply it yourself? takes 1 button press each? Feels to me like a waste of a gem slot? although i might be missing something, not familiar with arcanist brand. Otherwise it seems better to have a lightning golem instead of the brand.

Mostly Quality of Life, you can just place the brand near the enemy and it will automatically jump onto him and reapply it. With Mark, you have to click exactly on top of the enemy to apply it, which suck in general.

You can use a golem if you want to. I never really been a fan of them. The bonus they give is pretty small and they keep dying. Also, they some time take aggro and will end up killing you.

Alright thanks for the quick reply!
Whilst you are here, i was wondering about the Life / Mana ratio with MoM, i have 3757hp/0.6*0.4 = 2504.6.
My current mana is 2629, with 1951 is unreserved due to clarity+Vitality. Is this fine? or what happends when you have less mana than your calculation?
Sorry if this is a noob question, im fairly new to poe.
Thanks in advance.

You should only run Clarity and/or Vitality if you have a Watcher's Eyes that require the aura. Run them level 1 and you'll be fine, you don't want to reserve any of your mana if possible. More available Mana = more EHP.

jbabel1012 a écrit :
Coldlucidity a écrit :
What do you think about what Balormage has to say about this build? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjruKpZIhZc

If you are serious about this build I would recommend checking out the above video and his other FR totems vids. He is one of my favorite content creators and does a really nice job in explaining why he makes the choices he does.
I am running his version and it crushes everything. While the beginning version is a bit squishy (that's why I play softcore) it does not negate the fact that you can do the content. Slowly building to the more expensive tankier version.

You can check my reply about the video on page 8.
Dernière édition par loloppe#7398, le 9 août 2021 12:12:59
Enjoying the build so far, but have to say it is very, very expensive. All told, I think the combined gear you have in profile is roughly ~75ex (if not more), so this should be noted to anyone thinking to start this build on a budget. The two Kikazaru's having absolute shit stats, combined with the lack of resists/armor/es on other gear, will make you a very glass cannon. For any newbies to this type of build, just make sure you are aware that you will die. A lot. And when doing maps, while the OP is a veteran and knows how to run the totems and casts the right way, you will die a lot and lose a ton of XP since you have very little defense. The massive crit damage will help you clear more quickly, but you will only get there with a huge investment as the OP has.

Aside from that, really having fun with the build and out of all the Forbidden Rite builds I've seen / tested this league, this one is my favorite. Even with the glass cannon approach. ;)
solomanstone a écrit :
Enjoying the build so far, but have to say it is very, very expensive. All told, I think the combined gear you have in profile is roughly ~75ex (if not more), so this should be noted to anyone thinking to start this build on a budget. The two Kikazaru's having absolute shit stats, combined with the lack of resists/armor/es on other gear, will make you a very glass cannon. For any newbies to this type of build, just make sure you are aware that you will die. A lot. And when doing maps, while the OP is a veteran and knows how to run the totems and casts the right way, you will die a lot and lose a ton of XP since you have very little defense. The massive crit damage will help you clear more quickly, but you will only get there with a huge investment as the OP has.

Aside from that, really having fun with the build and out of all the Forbidden Rite builds I've seen / tested this league, this one is my favorite. Even with the glass cannon approach. ;)

Yes, this setup require pretty much everything to work properly. FR is a very strong gem, most people are gonna be fine either way. But, unless someone can afford the whole setup, I wouldn't recommend to use my guide as a reference. Most of it doesn't work otherwise. My resistances are barely capped at 75% right now, and my attributes are exactly at how many I need.

Also, my gears are clearly over-the-top. Wands, jewels, boots could be worse. Gloves, belt and amulet could just be generic rare.

The only "mandatory" unique are the 6l Soul Mantle and the Viridi's Veil (or Atziri's Reflection). Anything else could be replaced and the build would still be fine. You'll be definitely forced to play even slower and safer if you don't want to die.

But at level 90 with only rare gear, you can get as tanky as this full build version. All that will be missing is the Quality of Life.

Right now I'm running 80-100% delirious map in Valdo's Rest and I'm totally fine as long as I stay mobile. But I'm also running Headhunter right now, so that help a bit.
Dernière édition par loloppe#7398, le 9 août 2021 12:50:43
Yup, that's what I'm seeing as well. Really enjoying it and I'm only ~7ex invested so far.
solomanstone a écrit :
Enjoying the build so far, but have to say it is very, very expensive. All told, I think the combined gear you have in profile is roughly ~75ex (if not more), so this should be noted to anyone thinking to start this build on a budget. The two Kikazaru's having absolute shit stats, combined with the lack of resists/armor/es on other gear, will make you a very glass cannon. For any newbies to this type of build, just make sure you are aware that you will die. A lot. And when doing maps, while the OP is a veteran and knows how to run the totems and casts the right way, you will die a lot and lose a ton of XP since you have very little defense. The massive crit damage will help you clear more quickly, but you will only get there with a huge investment as the OP has.

Aside from that, really having fun with the build and out of all the Forbidden Rite builds I've seen / tested this league, this one is my favorite. Even with the glass cannon approach. ;)

The build itself is very squshy if you play like you would with another build. I died alot early on cause i played poorly, you need to keep placing totem ahead of where you're going and move your character out of harms way. Sure you sometimes die to rare oneshotts, but the best defence of this build is mobility and "playing correcly". It takes some getting used to but try to place totems as far ahead as you can in the direction you're going and dont stand still :P

1. Does "Critical Strike Multipler +##" from jewels apply to FR spell casts from totems?

2. Does "+ total damage" from jewels apply to FR spell casts from totems?

3. Do you believe that "+% total mana" from jewels would be valuable here, e.g. a +7% life, +10% mana, +% totem life jewel, for some more survivability, given MOM and our low defenses to begin with?

4. Does "+ totem resistances" matter at all, given our medium jewel setups?

Sorry, forgot one more -

5) Does "Critical Strike Multipler from Dual Wielding" apply to totems, as well?
I don't feel squishy at all and still have ton upgrades to make

But I play totems alot, like since breach league
Playstyle is the key, you can't go face into pack

Btw there is cool cluster keystone, give you range of summoning totems

They kill mobs ofscreen with it ;D

Dernière édition par Zebedin#5037, le 9 août 2021 19:55:35
solomanstone a écrit :

1. Does "Critical Strike Multipler +##" from jewels apply to FR spell casts from totems?

2. Does "+ total damage" from jewels apply to FR spell casts from totems?

3. Do you believe that "+% total mana" from jewels would be valuable here, e.g. a +7% life, +10% mana, +% totem life jewel, for some more survivability, given MOM and our low defenses to begin with?

4. Does "+ totem resistances" matter at all, given our medium jewel setups?


1. Yes, totems use your spell with your "offensive" stats.

2. Depend on which damage your talking about. If it's damage to spell or global increased damage, global chaos damage, then yes. If it's damage for attack, then no. Same reason as your first question.

3. I'm using one since I couldn't find anything better. Mana is definitely a decent stats, you even get some damage from the ascendancy from it. Jewel priority should be crit multi/totem life % and then stuff like res/life/mana, etc.

4. We're using Ancestral Preservation x2 to reach chaos resistance cap on totem (75%). At base, spell totem got 20% resistance and 45% less damage taken or something like that. You could make-do with one, but you definitely need two if you get a lot of cast speed. We don't really care about making our totem tanky other than that, if they die we just recast. If you were talking about getting resistance in tree or normal jewel, then no it's not really worth going for it.

solomanstone a écrit :
Sorry, forgot one more -

5) Does "Critical Strike Multipler from Dual Wielding" apply to totems, as well?

5. Yes, same reason as #1. You can get a jewel with global crit multi, multi from dual wielding, totem life, resistance for example. But getting a jewel like that might cost you easily 15ex+. I actually got mine (x2) very early in the league and very cheap (50c­~), divined them with harvest.

Zebedin a écrit :
I don't feel squishy at all and still have ton upgrades to make

But I play totems alot, like since breach league
Playstyle is the key, you can't go face into pack

Btw there is cool cluster keystone, give you range of summoning totems

They kill mobs ofscreen with it ;D

Yes, I see a lot of people trying to make half-assed tanky version of the build and not going for big Quality of Life upgrade. I don't really get it personally. If they want a real tank version, they should make one HC-oriented, with actual good mitigation and theory-craft around it.

I've been playing Hardcore for the past 5+ years, I switched to Softcore last year and I've been mostly only playing Totem, even in Hardcore. I was pretty much building exactly like this guide anyway and was dying in average either once or never per league, but I was playing extremely slowly and safely and was skipping stuff that I knew I would die if I did them. I didn't have much experience with boss, until I swapped to Softcore.

Well now HC is just a big mess, I don't see how people can enjoy it (unless they play SSF).

As for the clusters, are you talking about Ancestral Reach? Yes, it give bigger range to "place" totem, but not bigger targeting from the totem (I wish, GGG pls...), but yea it's a big upgrade for survivability.

Also, a big tip if you didn't knew: You can play in "fake" ultra-wide, to see way further on the side. If you put your game on Windowed mode, and drag the window from the top, it will stretch out the tinier you make it. It's super op. The first person I've seen doing this was CuteDog_ and now I can't play without it. But a pretty big screen might be necessary to enjoy that kind of visibility.
Dernière édition par loloppe#7398, le 9 août 2021 20:51:44


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