Path of Exile 2: Everything Revealed So Far

waiting for the April fool tomorrow
check in
Old videos why not show something new?

I don't want to see PoE 2. It becomes pure torture waiting for a game with no release date.

Waiting 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 years for a game is pure torture. Just tell me the day its ready and be silent until then.
hope the new acts are shorter. i hate leveling over and over, wasting too much time
We are unlikely to start a Beta for Path of Exile 2 until 2022 at the earliest

Nice try, first april :) beta this year confirmed!
I just hope there wont be fights like malachai and kitava. What do i mean? I mean red on red on red! It’s ridiculous that the reason i detest doing those fights isn’t that they’re difficult but the art style is atrocious. Cant see shit.
Dernière édition par NetherPrime, le 1 avr. 2021 00:27:18
Will Poe 2 have the old harvest?
what was even the point of putting path of exile 2 at the end of new league teaser if you are not gonna tell us anything new about it ?
April 1st, huh?

So, 3.14 confirmed to be PoE2 after all. 😁
at 22? U guys must be mad...


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