Path of Exile April Expansion Teaser

It said PoE2 at the end does that mean we might get to see a teaser of that too on the 8th???
Anngrat a écrit :

Not working with me, if i see, that a CHANCE to upgrade will cost me houndreds of exalts, it's time to stop and wait for next league

Ability to plan my craft ahead - the best way to craft, to minimise the cost and exclude rng, was the best experience I ever got in poe, gonna miss it

You are simply wrong. The faster you get what you want the faster you burn out. That level of power that harvest gives should have never been a thing. You tasted it once, now you expect it. Any future expansion would have to take it into account. What players want is rarely good for a game in the long run. The fact that there is such outrage about Harvest means there really is a problem with it. For avarage player this shit invalidates like 60% of game mechanics. For top end you still have to use fossils, beastcraft, essence etc but for normal players? Whats even the point? Harvest does that free of charge! Then you end up stuck with single mechanic in single region of the atlas or else you are missing out on to much. Dont you see how problematic this shit is?

When a single game mechanic makes you question as to why even bother with any other it needs to be changed or removed. Like it or not thats better for a game in the long run. GGG has much more to lose then we do so the decision is theirs to make.
Dernière édition par kuciol#0426, le 25 mars 2021 10:14:12
All looks really greats, all smooth, like all the annuncement

but when i play with my friends in party (harbinger, delirium) all is broke, working in 10 fps

will be upgrade the obsolete graphic engine for the upcoming expansion and poe2?
Dernière édition par pampero128#7636, le 25 mars 2021 10:53:53
valthal a écrit :

And this is the exact issue with current harvest.
You can go around and remove add endlessly until you have every mod at T1, you don't see anything wrong with that?

You have ways of removing specifically suffix or prefix and make your chances better at removing the mod you want. You want this game to have literally 0 chance and luck, you want all crafting to be determinsitic?

"Literally 0 chance and luck..?" For example now, between levels 92 and 94, not a single garden appeared, ran maps only on area that have better chance to spawn them. And after reaching lvl 94, ran some 60 maps more, still none. Then suddenly 2 in a row, but no good crafts. Now today some 30+ maps again without any... is now 3 or 4 gardens in last 4 weeks. Far over a month been trying to get even one lightning mod removed, but no luck... not that it matters anymore, league over soon. How this makes my char now too op and how it gave all items full of T1 mods..? So far whole league's gardens have given me 1 chaos mod reroll, that ended on same tier res but 1% higher roll, and 8x card gambles ended up giving 1 more doctor card than what had when started using them... and this is somehow too much..?

If not farm harvest full on, with absolutely huge amount of map runs (not many do this, or are even able to), then them appear way too rarely for any kind of "exploiting"... far from it. Not to mention some particular crafts appearing. Sure there are people who do so, but there also are people running in delve at far beyond 20k depth, and people who kill endgame bosses in seconds... just that some few top % of players do it, does not mean it's right away something that everyone can just go and do, and exploit however they want.

Them upcoming changes won't even hit the few % of top players, who are the ones who have made them 6x t1 mod items and such... them will just again check from forum what needs to be done, get rich in few days, and buy what is needed, having again "too" op chars... and after next league, something else will again get nerfed, since "everyone had too op char". So nothing will change, except some of the top players now will not use garden to reach the exact same things.

Them garden changes will only hit more casual players, them just further all the time from being able to keep up, when game keeps getting harder the whole time. Now rare item prices will go up even more, so items will be even further from reach. This just drops out builds that can use, for most. Is whole time closer to having just minions or trapper as only option, if not able to use hundreds of exalts on gear. This is exactly what garden helped with: more casual players atleast had a chance to get hands on some item, that otherwise could only dream of, but for sure them were not raining from the sky. And the top few % of players would have anyways now had equally strong chars, pockets full of exalts, garden in this league or not... as usual.
kuciol a écrit :
Anngrat a écrit :

Not working with me, if i see, that a CHANCE to upgrade will cost me houndreds of exalts, it's time to stop and wait for next league

Ability to plan my craft ahead - the best way to craft, to minimise the cost and exclude rng, was the best experience I ever got in poe, gonna miss it

You are simply wrong. The faster you get what you want the faster you burn out. That level of power that harvest gives should have never been a thing. You tasted it once, now you expect it. Any future expansion would have to take it into account. What players want is rarely good for a game in the long run. The fact that there is such outrage about Harvest means there really is a problem with it. For avarage player this shit invalidates like 60% of game mechanics. For top end you still have to use fossils, beastcraft, essence etc but for normal players? Whats even the point? Harvest does that free of charge! Then you end up stuck with single mechanic in single region of the atlas or else you are missing out on to much. Dont you see how problematic this shit is?

When a single game mechanic makes you question as to why even bother with any other it needs to be changed or removed. Like it or not thats better for a game in the long run. GGG has much more to lose then we do so the decision is theirs to make.

You've just explained the daunting effect of getting anywhere in PoE, which does exactly as you said, but via players not progressing in any meaningful manner because of all the gambling involved and hard gating of content.

Clearly, the game is no better off in its current iteration, and there is no indication that harvest was actually causing any significant number of players to quit playing PoE early based on "getting everything they want".
kuciol a écrit :
Anngrat a écrit :

Not working with me, if i see, that a CHANCE to upgrade will cost me houndreds of exalts, it's time to stop and wait for next league

Ability to plan my craft ahead - the best way to craft, to minimise the cost and exclude rng, was the best experience I ever got in poe, gonna miss it

You are simply wrong. The faster you get what you want the faster you burn out. That level of power that harvest gives should have never been a thing. You tasted it once, now you expect it. Any future expansion would have to take it into account. What players want is rarely good for a game in the long run. The fact that there is such outrage about Harvest means there really is a problem with it. For avarage player this shit invalidates like 60% of game mechanics. For top end you still have to use fossils, beastcraft, essence etc but for normal players? Whats even the point? Harvest does that free of charge! Then you end up stuck with single mechanic in single region of the atlas or else you are missing out on to much. Dont you see how problematic this shit is?

When a single game mechanic makes you question as to why even bother with any other it needs to be changed or removed. Like it or not thats better for a game in the long run. GGG has much more to lose then we do so the decision is theirs to make.

Harvest was imbalanced in this league.
I crafted near mirror items for my build. After got them, nothing cannt kill me... ZERO Sirus,Shaper,Elder,Guards,Maven,Aul DPS is not normal.
Dont die after Mavens memory game is it normal?
JoeShmo a écrit :

You've just explained the daunting effect of getting anywhere in PoE, which does exactly as you said, but via players not progressing in any meaningful manner because of all the gambling involved and hard gating of content.

Clearly, the game is no better off in its current iteration, and there is no indication that harvest was actually causing any significant number of players to quit playing PoE early based on "getting everything they want".

Because it was kinda new and GGG has to put the stop to it right now. 2-3 leagues and it will be to late. Contrary to what you want to believe RNG is the way to make player play more. For progreesing you have atlas, delve etc. Items are not "progress" they are rewards. The game was doing fine without harvest so your point of "not doing better" is just silly. I would prefer complete removal of harvest over those so called "nerfs" but we have what we have. I hope GGG grows a pair one day and will do what has to be done.
Dernière édition par kuciol#0426, le 25 mars 2021 10:51:41
POGGERS pleeeease dont be too much lag for my potato pc not the right time to upgrade hardware (damm miners) for normal people like me but GGG you guyz are just wonderfull and your game is the paragon for any other HYPERS
Still think its bullcrap console has to wait a week after pc to play... Also its on a dang weekday not a weekend so many people can't even fullly jump into the season and are forced to fall behide the curve of progression.
Dernière édition par Noximus44#8492, le 25 mars 2021 11:05:18


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