[Phrecia]The Arachnophobia Allstars|CI Cyclone-Guardian|The dirty Scorpion-Tail|Herald of Agony 590M

Lyutsifer665 a écrit :
i triad grip with 4 white socket the best glove slot? i looked on poeninja and not many people are using it. is 100% chaos damage better than some phys and some chaos?

Hey Lyutsifer665!

Yes, with the curse despair and 15 chaosdebuffs withers white triad grips are far the best in slot for damage and open the gate to scale up the damage to possible 20M-100M and more.

Of course you exchange some defences.
For ordinary content 5-15M damage are enough and you get them easy without triad grips.

So the white triad grips are great for endgame-content like farming simulacrum wave 30 etc. But you can go tanky with other rare gloves in other content.
And last league or in standard the triads were not cheap, so many arachnophobiatics gear them later or go for more tankyness without.
Dernière édition par Chromino#4813, le 2 sept. 2022 13:57:28
Chromino a écrit :
Lyutsifer665 a écrit :
i triad grip with 4 white socket the best glove slot? i looked on poeninja and not many people are using it. is 100% chaos damage better than some phys and some chaos?

Hey Lyutsifer665!

Yes, with the curse despair and 15 chaosdebuffs withers white triad grips are far the best in slot for damage and open the gate to scale up the damage to possible 20M-100M and more.

Of course you exchange some defences.
For ordinary content 5-15M damage are enough and you get them easy without triad grips.

So the white triad grips are great for endgame-content like farming simulacrum wave 30 etc. But you can go tanky with other rare gloves in other content.
And last league or in standard the triads were not cheap, so many arachnophobiatics gear them later or go for more tankyness without.

would the occultist scale better with those gloves? she has a lot of increased chaos damage on her ascendancy tree
Hey, just wanted to shoutout your build. I've learned a lot since this is my first CI build since playing POE in 2016.

Just wondering what my priorities should be next in terms of upgrades. I don't think getting an Aegis or an Aul's Amulet is within my radar anytime soon. Hoping to get your opinion on what I should work towards now besides those two BIS gears.
holdat a écrit :
Hey, just wanted to shoutout your build. I've learned a lot since this is my first CI build since playing POE in 2016.

Just wondering what my priorities should be next in terms of upgrades. I don't think getting an Aegis or an Aul's Amulet is within my radar anytime soon. Hoping to get your opinion on what I should work towards now besides those two BIS gears.

Skin of the Lord (doesnt need to have a useful passive, just one that wont break the build) and then Awakened Void Manipulation and Awakened Minion Damage (preferably lvl 3 minimum so you can enjoy +1 bonuses if using SofL)
Also squeeze in Empower support instead of DMG on full life. You need as many lvls on your HoG as possible.
Dernière édition par tuomas666#3772, le 3 sept. 2022 07:27:35
As i said before i'm too dum for this build but still tried to use it in my league starter... now i'm half old passive tree half new passive tree doing almost no damage and dying in every map i run, but i having more fun now than before. LOL

Is there a tree version with lethe shade as keystone ? having some mana issues on longer fights with keeping up my offerings and staying at maximum stacks, missing the split personality atm with int and energy shield, rocking one with mana instead of int, dunno if that s the issue

hello and sry for my poor English,

this build seems to be very interesting but also very complex, have been reading this guide for 1 hour and still so confused... some question plz :

1. first of all, don't really understand how hoag works. according to the description of skill, the summoned crawler deals physic damage? so why link lots of chaos support to hoag? the crawler can also poison on hit and we actually rely on its poison damage???

2. about the choice of support gems of hoag. if we fix 4 first slots with minion damage, void manipulation, empower and vicious projectile, for the last slot, phantasm or pierce, which is faster for mapping?

3. about the priority of unique, as i can have skin of the lord, arakaali, circle of nostalgia and eber's unification now, what's the next unique should i get? aul or upgrade shaper shield to aegis?

Thanks for the reply. Just bought both awakened gems. Going to wait until the rest are corrupted before I buy Skin of the Lords and revamp my skill tree.

I already have Empower support. Should I replace Damage on Full Life with something like Pierce or Vile Toxins?
Lyutsifer665 a écrit :
Chromino a écrit :
Lyutsifer665 a écrit :
i triad grip with 4 white socket the best glove slot? i looked on poeninja and not many people are using it. is 100% chaos damage better than some phys and some chaos?

Hey Lyutsifer665!

Yes, with the curse despair and 15 chaosdebuffs withers white triad grips are far the best in slot for damage and open the gate to scale up the damage to possible 20M-100M and more.

Of course you exchange some defences.
For ordinary content 5-15M damage are enough and you get them easy without triad grips.

So the white triad grips are great for endgame-content like farming simulacrum wave 30 etc. But you can go tanky with other rare gloves in other content.
And last league or in standard the triads were not cheap, so many arachnophobiatics gear them later or go for more tankyness without.

would the occultist scale better with those gloves? she has a lot of increased chaos damage on her ascendancy tree

I tried Occultist a lot, and it's a wonderful ascendancy for profane bloom's aoe in high density.

But to max tankyness it's a difficult ascendancy without resistances for melding of the flesh and other stuff.

I try to compare and rank the ascendancies with minion/ chaos damage guardian, necro, occultist in the Arachnophilia Allstars, spoiler "why Necro, why HoAg?". Occultist is only third choice when you want tankyness.


Why Necro? Why HoAg?


The charm of the choice are the buffs of [3.19] and the new Unholy Might Ascendancy.

- As jugg, champ or raider you don't reach high minion-damage and need more investments for HoA-virulences, castspeed, chaos- and the golden rule/ self-poisoning-immunities.

- As necro, guardian or occu you can reach best damage (15M-100M). Necro scales the best in damage, occu in high density and guardian in best tankyness.

Visit also our long necked neighbour old bros "The Arachnophobia Allstars":



DPS overall__________2___________1________3

DPS high density_____2___________2________1

DPS b.i.s.-geared_____2___________1________3




Pro guardian has in the end best tankyness, Necro more damage and flexibility and some ups levelling. Occu scales most easy best clearspeed with profane bloom in high density like blight or delve.

Con guardian depends more on 5 allies for onslaught buff, Occu is hard to max with more needed investments in defences/ castspeed/ virulences.

DPS high density Guardian / Occu with minion-mastery "unholy might buff" (25% after kill) / DPS b.i.s. geared: with forbidden flame/ flesh and all clusters

Prices ---- equal by now, some differences for "forbidden flame/ flesh" or voices clusters in lategame hard to plan -----


To start fast:

■ Occultist is most squishy and not easy to max defensive layers like full spellblock or melding of the flesh - but great when you dislike spiders and prefer one more flaskslot. You can add in maps phantasms in the Herald of Agony supports, best with the notable "blessed rebirth" on one cluster, and apply withers yourself against bosses. Occultist's Profane bloom is b.i.s. in blight-content. Only with forbidden flame and flesh activating new necro's "unholy might" equal damage in lategame, before 10-15% less damage.

■ Guardian is most fast with more movementspeed and with 5-allies-onslaught-buff still has almost the same damage as the necro with minion mastery 25% chance to gain unholy might after kill in maps, simulacrums, etc.
Permament curse resistances and a bit more armour and nice regenerations are big upsides in defences too.

■ Necromancer scales up in [3.19] most damage only in lategame with the b.i.s. buffing 9. link new "unholy might" ascendancy in combination with forbidden flame and flesh and occultist's "void beacon" (or profane bloom + spiritual aid instead in high density).
It's flexible with bone/spirit/flesh-offerings and a bit more easy to use early the (nerfed) melding of the flesh for +max-resistances.


Occultist is only third choice when you want tankyness.
Guardian remains great with q.o.l. of 20% more movementspeed and fullgeared some more tankyness.
It looks like necromancy is the best fullgeared to maximize damage in lategame and most flexible in [3.19], but as downside deals with a bit less defences.

It's impressive that poe is nowadays so well balanced and out of the three ascendancies each one has one specific upside.

- HoAg has huge range of attacks and 5-7 piercing projectiles. Enjoy full fast mapping with the shortlegged crawler in endgame. You reach 2-3x more ehp than most other witch-builds and in the offensive editions as tank top 13-26M and up to 100M when focussing maximal on damage. Let's sting!

Dernière édition par Chromino#4813, le 4 sept. 2022 09:40:16
thanks for the reply. i play necro right now and dont feel tanky at all. i die all the time in fact. so occultist cant be much worse but at least it will be good clear.


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