[Phrecia]The Arachnophobia Allstars|CI Cyclone-Guardian|The dirty Scorpion-Tail|Herald of Agony 590M
" Hi Zakk, hehe, an enjoyment and a pleasure when you took the bosses for a feast! And thank you! And sorry also for that difficult encounter, yes, the hidden ones are the best trained f.*-team to kick you. Yes, the breachlords are very easy in their breachmaps, but in the maven hidden invitation they can kick you fast and hard from all sites with their combined aoe-s. With their not blockable damages they are very dangerous in the area and with 4 of them with high HP not fast to kill. Sorry for wall of text and if some tipps are double / 2 times: - Take the Definitive Defensive Tank Edition of the build - You have to move and kite a lot in circle around the edges of the arena and do only build up virulences for the crawler with spellecho short. - Take in Hibernator on a cluster or Soul of the brine King in the Pantheon against the chill and freeze. - Or take in more anti-freeze stats. - Another very good possibility is to take in void sphere or tempest shield to get virulences automatic triggered also when you are moving in this invitation. - You can switch in slower projectiles support when you have rare gloves with integrated poison support or try it in place of greater multiple projectiles, so the scorpion is doing high damage all the time. - Or take a cold iron point dagger or trigger wand + another shield in your weapon swap x to use it in this fight for more damage of the scorpion alone. - But the spiders are strong enough with melee physical support instead melee splash. With them you you have 2 sources of damage, take sniper'smark again for charges of writhing jar combined with more damage of the crawler. Of course raise them just before you click and start the fight. - Take anti-shock suffix on a flask or 1 or 2 resistance flasks, put out soul ripper when you use it for mapping. - "Capacitor" is also a very strong possibility against shocks not flask-depending too when you get it on a fitting cluster. - The shocking breachlord with ranged arc and shocknova is the most dangerous with very large aoe, his shocks multiplies the damage taken of the other breachlords. Try to kill him first. - When he did / finished his large aoe, you can raise the spiders, with full molten shell up in frost shield simultan. - But when all bosses are attacking around you, you have to move to the other side of the arena out of their aoe-s and attack them ranged for virulences. - Wait for sequenzes, when one or two lords are not attacking or are on their cooldowns. Move and kite all time in the sequenzes of their damagepeaks. - for movementskill take withering step on your left mouse button autotriggered (see faq). Or switch in (divergent quality for much better cooldowns) frostblink instead and use frostblink simultan instead of Nova to raise the spiders and get another free socket (see spoiler "blizzard") - Perhaps take a look at https://youtu.be/RVCKz95cKNg how to move, that video helped me a lot. - Or you can make the invitation without mods in lower mods or lower rarity. - In the maven invitations is also rng, you can get a very bad one. When you get the shocking boss first or second in the invitation,it is easier to kill him faster. - When you have one of the bosses down it is getting more easy, so predator-mark is a nice choice instead minion-damage for the HoA supports. (you have it already in your setup) - That is a very difficult invitation and one of the top endgame challenges, and very hard for most other builds. But with moving on the edges, and only when too much aoe-s on one side going fast to other side, and with timing of the ailments, attacks and molten shell it is doable. - For bosses of course the flasks for mapping like Soul ripper or quicksilver-flask are not good. - Also for the breachlords frostwall is sometimes bis and halves the ranged damage and you can try it on a cws-link. In these boss-fights the Definitive Defensive Tank Edition is better, yes. - Take unset ring for one more skillslot when you still don't have one. - Take sniper's mark again instead one of the skills like increased duration or instead frostwall (or also instead spirit offering) in that set-up. - When you have other curses on hit on gloves or ring, take them out without whispers of doom. - Rare gloves with poison support integrated frees another skill socket. Yes, I overlooked on mobiletablet the golden rule and corrupted blood-immunity in your clusterslot, I'm sorry. My fault! I have to take a look on desktop, but everything in your gear looks fine and great! For bosses of course the flasks for mapping are not good. Also for the breachlords frostwall is sometimes bis and halves the ranged damage and you can try it on a cws-link. In these boss-fights the Definitive Defensive Tank Edition is better, yes. Dernière édition par Chromino#4813, le 20 mars 2021 13:25:54
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But the movement and timing is most important, no chance to facetank all 4 of them.
I added a new spoiler "More explanations the hidden ones" on page 25: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3019705/page/25 of the thread, it is a really tough one fight. They kicked me also bad, hard and (un)fair in the first tries. But overall we are suited well with blocking and good prepared with high substain and ranged possibilities mobil for it when you close dangers of shock and freeze as listed above. Dernière édition par Chromino#4813, le 20 mars 2021 14:09:39
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". What do U think about boss setup like this? I have freez in pantheon I can change flame dash with something but I dont like clicking mouse wheel much(still step in shield. +3 hoa levels sounds insane. Is this not better singletarget dps than spiders? Did U try maven? Is she harder than 4 breachtlords? Dernière édition par Zakk777#2589, le 20 mars 2021 15:03:28
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" I forgot: you have to link void sphere or tempest shield to the chance to poison setup. Best is rare gloves with chance to poison, high es, and another link like chance to blind or faster casting. Best is limit to lvl 1 for reflected damage etc. I would also take void sphere, it has more colldowns, but offers more virulences. Cold Iron dagger has in a defensive set-up less damage. Only with 55 virulences you get almost equal damage and with 60 virulences more damage. With divergent skeletons/ phantasms or other minions combined for the ascendancy buff you get more damage and then you can scale dps much higher. But for the hidden invitation you need defences and movement or you will get often oneshotted. But try iron dagger instead of spiders, yes, it is a very good alternative! When you don't use anomalous skeletons on dagger, put perhaps both in, tempest shield and void sphere. Or phase run, it is no blink skill, for more movement speed and phasing. Vicious projectiles instead pierce is very good and much btter than pierce (or vile toxins). I add later or tomorrow the best set-up on page 25 with rare gloves and autotriggered virulences. When you prefer flamedash take it. Take the preferred movement, yes. The dodge of withering step is much less powerfull in all the aoe. But the withers of withering step on the other side are very fine while moving without withering touch of spiders. Take what is most intuitive and best for you. And try to avoid/ don't take invitation-mods like: less armour, less chance to block, elemental equilirium, less mximal elemental resistances, high damage mods, eventually crit-mods, temporal chains cursed, no mana recovery mod when you are not full levelled and best geared on the last slots. Dernière édition par Chromino#4813, le 20 mars 2021 19:42:01
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" Gloves should be "gems supported by lvl x poison"? I cant see another stat like this in glows in poe market. I know with this I have free gem for sphere in setup. I just tested sphere work fine with cast on stun setup only( boots) and generate free 30+ virluences on maps I found this: and I'm thinking is that good for I have ring with vuln on hit too Dernière édition par Zakk777#2589, le 20 mars 2021 17:50:19
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" yes, faster casting is as fine as poison and frees one socket for void sphere or tempest shield or other skills to get virulences autotriggered. I think too, void sphere will be best. Supported by poison is very common too, there are sometimes 2x the possibility in poe-trade to choose, mostly the first is the right one. Mmmmhmm... But faster casting and high energyshield is very good! Maven is difficult and tough also, but a bit easier than the breachlords. When you know her oneshots and her balls it's easy and a lot of her attacks are not dangerous and blockable. In your cws void sphere worked without chance to poison? hhm, I have to try that too, that would be great. Ordinary you need it linked together, I have to test. Dernière édition par Chromino#4813, le 21 mars 2021 09:27:00
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I would advice to sniper's mark on cws. When you boost the HoA with gemlevels, it grants more damage than vulnerability. For spiders & hoA it is equal in damage, but gained flask charges of sniper's mark are then op. For 4 bosses the "split" is op and is often 2x or 3x the damage with hitting with splitted projectiles.
The downside is you need to have enough free sockets of course and the 66% curseresistance of breachlords lowers the damage very much, but not of splitted projectiles. Vulnerability on hit is as nice also on the ring! Use only 1 curse without whispers of doom of course. Edit: Perhaps try also one "pure agony" more for 50 virulences. "First among equals" offers almost nothing in the build. And the huge armour of stalwaart commander is not so fitting for the elemental damage of the breachlords. Take evasion or armour on a flask instead for more es/ block. You get often 50 virulences with void sphere and anomalous gemqualities ball-lightning and spellecho even when you have to move a lot. I am not sure, with your slumlords you have a lot miniondamage without virulences. I guess both will work, virulences or better defences on the medium clusters. I would go also with a "Hibernator" on a medium or small cluster for permament antifreeze and solaris pantheon instead of brine king. Solaris reduces also freeze and shock and other ailments because you get much less high crits! But a lot of set-ups will work. 1x stalwaart commander is enough, the ailments-immunities and avoidances are more important in this fight. Dernière édition par Chromino#4813, le 21 mars 2021 10:48:09
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" Ok I have 50 virluences. Syrius al 9 just died much faster with spiders setup than before. I didn't try breachlords yet. I belive after changes I can do them with scoured invitation. But still I don't know what is more universal for endgame bossing. I just destroyed colours in my and I'm thinking about craft 2g2b for easy swithing setups with. With shaper's touch setup I have more than 100k armour and much more mana/es. with rare gloves 85k and Im under 8k es. Is blind really so strong for that? I feel I'm less tanky on maps but I'm thinking about unlocking things like sirius with my faster build. I found I can leveling templar with coward's trial t 16 easy. My main targets are endgame bosses as I said :P My build after changes: https://pastebin.com/WqsmpRQq P.S. Is this good idea put divergent rallying cry for ice nova or free place in +3 hoa setup? OK +3 hoa setup and white breahtlods died. Flame dash was best for that and flasks with charges when hit by enemy was enough good. I facetanked them until first big hit( many seconds) with flasks then dash and again. 3-5 minutes maybe fight. with sphere I had 50 virluences all the time. Thx for advices Build is op. I'm going for the rest of my victims :D Dernière édition par Zakk777#2589, le 22 mars 2021 08:33:39
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" Hehehe! Yes! Congrats! It's a tough fight, but the Arachnophobia will win! Hihi! - yes, void sphere is very good to automatic permament offer around 30 virulences alone. I still have to try it without poison support. For some invitations it is very, very good and you can focus much more on movement. - ordinary armour + pdr + Es on block you get with shaper touch gloves are op. But that fight with the hidden ones with a lot elemental aoe and ailments freeze and shock and more needed movement is different, there other stats to switch in are better. Also of course depending on the mods of the invitation. - I added a spoiler: "skills and sockets-management - 14 ways to get a free skill socket" into the build for specialisations for such fights and for boss-hunting - overall the Definitive Defensive edition is best to level and for bossing, because you will almost never die. This defensive setup uses 2x pure agony with 50 virulences, total around 4.8 mill shaper damage with sniper's mark, that is more than enough for all content and all bosses. - The spiders offers more damage. Only from 55 and more virulences the dagger or trigger wand offer the speed and damage of the spiders, but you have also less ehp/ defences on 55 virulences. Dernière édition par Chromino#4813, le 25 mars 2021 07:37:01
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- For boss-hunting I would not recommend cold iron point dagger or wand, only for T19 deliriums the pierce and split of the HoA is getting much op and bis with the dagger or trigger wand setup. But when you like the raised damage of the HoA take them in, they are very, very good alternatives!
- When you focus on bosshunting perhaps don't forget to activate rotten claws on the large minion clusters. The impales of the HoA are triggered in 0.15 seconds by the spiders when you use them too, that is 0.5 mill damage overall more and each projectil of HoA has a chance to impale. Also without spiders the impales are fine for singletarget. - Rallying cry is only around 2% damage for our setup. Not so much for one slot. Take a look into "make hatred, not grace" for supports like maim or feeding frenzy or 15 withers of Withering Touch would be best for HoA damage. But for bossing I would mostly focus on defence skills. Around 4 - 5 mill. damage is more than enough. Dernière édition par Chromino#4813, le 25 mars 2021 07:37:36
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