[Phrecia]The Arachnophobia Allstars|CI Cyclone-Guardian|The dirty Scorpion-Tail|Herald of Agony 590M
" Hi twilightdream! 1) yes, spiders and HoA are immortal and not targetable. They benefit maximal from renewal. The build uses also the large clusters to get more medium clusters with "pure agony", which scales heavy the hoA damage. 2) yes, knockback offers a lot defences, also in interaction with the large range of spiders and hoa. But a lot endgame bosses and huge bosses are knockback resistant. But for mapping and small bosses knockbacks are great. divergent sniper's mark, bodyguards, burden projection are very, very nice for cleaning up your frostshield. Targets are knockbacked of 21 minins with high 35 attacks each second - so most targets will never get close enough to hit you and you get full benefits 60% dr against ranged attacks outside the frostshield. 3) Pierce is extreme valuable mapping, it multiplies your total damage x3 in not singletarget maps and encounters. The spiders are enough mapping-damage too with meleesplash, but pierce is in deliriums, blights, rituals etc. one of the best supports also in maps. I switch pierce only out against maven, shaper or ueber-atziri. All supports are in the spoiler "the dirty scorpion tail" listed with ups and downs.Phantasms don't benefit from viciuous projectiles and have integrated pierce, it's possible to change pierce to awakened fork and vile toxins instead viciuous projectiles. 4) yes, the maim-support-nerf is extreme, but it is still the best red support after empower level 4 and damage on full life. Now there was a new reduced tuning of manamultipliers in patch, so it's not as bad. Vile toxins were not nerfed hard like maim, it's as green support recommended instead pierce for singletargets like maven or ue. Before getting empower level 4 one more green socket (vile toxins) or blue socket (predator or phantasms) would be better than maim. With your white sockets you can vary a lot! All nice combinations are listed in "the dirty scorpion tail" and also "Harry Potter & Airforce 11" in "variants". 5) Like many minions-builds the allstars are in need of slots for skills. But 3 sockets are very valuable and complex to organize (rare boots, gloves, unset ring, different spelblocksources etc.), you could take in a coldironpointdagger, but will loose spiders and damage. For healing of the reaper take probably in the hoA supports "summon phantasms" - a lot courses for the reaper. In the chapter "skillmanager" 15 possibilities are shown to free up skillslots. Probably the best is in this case to take a hungry loop for 4 skillsockets when you take in one more big skill-reservation-reducement of "manamanager". feed the hungryloop with 4 supports for ball-lightning or with 4 supports for reaper. 6) With stormbrand alone you can get only 30 virulences singletarget. When you take in 3 points "runebinder" (or keynote runebinder on skin of the lords) you can raise them to 40 singletarget. That is enough for t14, but above "ball-lightnings" is unique with 6.5 hits of moving aoe each second and offers the only one possibility I know to get above 50 virulences singletarget (stormburst works also slower and is only casted stationary or without shield bow skills). Virulences scales up heavy the damage, without full viruleneces you loose 1-3 M damage in endgame. I advice to take the links shown in "gear, skills, links" and serpentine spellslinger (or septic spells) is important too. 7) yeeeeahh, let them warm. immortal and connot be targeted. Thank you very much too, that means a lot to me, twilightdream :-) Dernière édition par Chromino#4813, le 29 juil. 2021 14:05:22
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" Let it sting! I wish you a nice ride on the scorpion! |
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Hi Chromino
I bought Arakaali's Fang few days ago, feel better with mapping, love it ! I reached T14-15 the dps for bosses is ok, vs. concquerors on T12 it's not too bad, Veritania still hurt with ice spears, I had issues with lock-stun/freeze, for other conc it is safe, but now I have Drox on T15 I'm not sure I can kill him with this dps. Sometimes spiders disapear while fighting vs conc. I don't know why. Right now I have 8.5K es, 20k armor, no idea how to reach 70k+, for dps I guess the only way is Circle of Nostalgia x2 and cluster jewels but still expensive for me, I have around 100c left. I completed over 100 maps, found no one exalt and I rarely find items worth 10-15c, it is hopeless 😤 I make sets with rares 😂 If someone have tips for making money faster 👍 Dernière édition par Xandharba#0313, le 29 juil. 2021 18:29:20
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If u really want spiders to last longer, u can use increased duration support in dagger.
bitch about a niche game? lol.
each new league is a circus of nerfs and buffs. where is the element of fun in discovering the unknown in this game? |
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for farming currency, the clear speed of agony crawler isnt the fastest around, esp. for breach/legion/alva temple, but expedition isnt time based, u have to play around with the detonation sequence and placement and hope for good drops.
getting frozen isnt a big deal for this build, bec u still can block even when frozen (get back es on block), however it was with ultimatum mobs in nasty maps where couple of those big rares hit u all at the same time, u couldnt regain enough es in t16 maps sometimes. bitch about a niche game? lol. each new league is a circus of nerfs and buffs. where is the element of fun in discovering the unknown in this game? Dernière édition par helloicanseeu#1501, le 30 juil. 2021 03:21:14
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" Hi helloicanseeu, yes, the build is defensive orientated and there are faster builds than minions when you want to max damage. But if you like 9M of the offensive variant is top with still top defences if you want more damage. Yes, freezes are not dangerous, only when shaper freezes you in his beams or sirus in his groundeffects a8. In maps no problems. But, I guess you mean the level 100 character Admiralty_ULT_Spiders, you can easy optimize: For defences you loose a lot possibilities on boots. Optimize the blindings - They are perfect synergizing for 50% evasion even with iron reflexes and raise your ehp 25%. Stibniteflask is fine, but on gear the blindings are better and easy placed in endgame. Take blindings in on belt-jewel, gloves, or clusters etc. Your gloves and belt are fine, but they are not bis. You can max up easy your flask-setup, bottled faith is expensive, but covers a lot dot and increase damage also. You go without frostshield and it's huge 4000 es/second in damagepeaks and for facetanking? Take it in! It's better than fortify in the set-up. It doubles your damagereduction to 60% against ranged attacks and melees are chilled and you are faster, you don't need to shieldcharge and get a free socket on top. Withering step is another possibility for both tankyness and damage while you are moving/ elusive, perhaps try it out, autotriggered on mousebutton 1 it's best. Your spellblock is overcapped - you should regret arcane guarding 3 points (or take a different watcher's eye mod). For damage: the helmet enchant "HoA fires 2 additional projectiles" raises your damage nice 40 % in maps and high density content, take it in for mapping, breaches, deliriums, alva etc. . You have enough mana with all steps of the spoiler "manamanager", change arcane guarding or redemption to uncompromising / in your set-up sublime form. Take in one more "pure agony" for virulences and a lot more damage too! Your build with level 100 is great and very, very nice and has a lot very interesting gear, but on some spots you can easy max and improve a lot damage and defences. Dernière édition par Chromino#4813, le 30 juil. 2021 08:24:23
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" Hey Xandharba, thank you a lot and let the spiders out! in the spoiler "blizzard" are all tipps for raising spiders. In maps the spiders raises themselves, the kills of poisoned mobs count as your kills. But singletarget you have sometimes to raise them again, yes. With sniper's mark you have enough flaskcharges of hybrid writhing jar always. You can increase their duration like helloicanseeu sayed, or also with rare boots and their increased duration, or amoint the amulet with "potency of will". But I advice to raise them sometimes youself or switch to rare boots with increased duration (only in combination with another source of spellblock on clusters, shield implicit, replica pure talent, conjured wall, mystical ward etc.) To make currency it's sometimes a lot about experiences in poe - when you know some gear which is popular and traded well, or to juice up the maps or heists, craft some clusters and trade them, corrupt some popular stuff etc. - but it is so much rng, and in your level some exalts will drop soon I hope! I wish you big drops! On page 50 is also a small spoiler "Improving without currency". Your biggest upgrades in your level in this moment would be: 1) 2 x small clusters "uncompromising" for increased armour and mana, 2x 5 chaos https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Expedition/42D2eZgC9 2) Then take in skillgem "determination" for more armour and es/ block You have low armour, perhaps try out also "vaal molten shell" for some armour. 3) as long as you miss currency start with 1x circle of nostalgia ring with less skillreservation and increased buff instead increased damage (10 chaos instead 2 exalt) https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Expedition/LglrQYjUn 4) as long as you miss currency start with 1-2 x "pure agony" without cult leader on medium cluster, they will increase your damage best, 1-2x 6 chaos instead 60: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Expedition/M3ZePLRCJ 5) after amulet, ring and uncompromising take in maim or added fire damage for more HoA-damage on your 6th red socket 6) Upgrade your belt! Often you get a very good stygian belt for 20 chaos! You have low armour, try to get a lot armour on it. https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Expedition/ggLR7mKcQ https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Expedition/wk5QyDQIb 7) the blue nightmare - you miss a lot spellblock for es/ block without. Take in a "rumi's concoction"-flask and a replica pure talent 4 chaos. https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Expedition/elo22O4hL Rumi's concoction: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Expedition/Z6o8CQ You can use a bit cheaper a "Blessing of Chayula" on "The Blue Dream": https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Expedition/elbWhL https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Expedition/EarKH5 or the blue nightmare is still expensive: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Expedition/3qq5T5 8) Regret "Grave intentions" - only 1 of 21 minions get the buff 9) regret other miniondamage (enduring bond) for medium clusters "pure agony" 10) change your amulet and amulet anoint. Better cheap starter-amulets (less-skill reservation, gemlevels, sometimes you get also an aul's cheap) are listed in the trade links, 1 chaos, and as anoint probably aligned spirit as a budget anoint (sepia, sepia, violet) is great. https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Expedition/ggDrVe2CQ 11) for fast damage, 50% more as level 17 in your set-up, take in a HoA level 21, 3 chaos: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Expedition/m32wpeS6 12) for faster mapping try out phantasms instead predator. Keep predator for bosses like sirus. 13) You can start with a large defensive cluster to get more slots for medium clusters "pure agony", spellblock, knockback, hinder, etc. 10 chaos: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Expedition/3kjdWaJF5 All tradelinks and variants for lower budget are ranked on page 50: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3019705/page/50 Sorry for the big long wall of text. You miss first armour (determination and belt), spellblock, blindings and for damage "pure agony". These first cheap starters 1-13, 74 chaos (without blue nightmare) yuchuuu & hehehe, will add a lot mana, defences, spellblock and damage! Dernière édition par Chromino#4813, le 30 juil. 2021 13:23:45
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I ran into the issue that in red tier expedition logbooks i'm permafrozen i was just frozen for 2 minutes straight until i slowly died getting pummled by 4 rares.
Wat the hell can i do vs that except anti freeze flask? Also they got increased ignite duration mods which still apply ignites to me then. Dernière édition par Acay#4946, le 30 juil. 2021 08:38:14
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I had some lucky deals and i'm getting better and better :)
Will hit lvl 90 soon I wonder what my next biggest investment will be Not so sure But would love tips about flasks - what is the BiS magic flasks to use |
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" Hi Acay, was it freeze or stun? Sometimes 1 : 1000000 next to unvulnerability-shrines you can get permastunned even as CI. Most easy is against chain-freeze to take in on a cluster "hibernator" or pantheon "soul of the brine king". In harvest you can craft implicits against ailments on all your jewels and clusters, that would help a lot and you get up to 80% permament avoidances with them. In bis-gear you have open slots on gloves, rare boots, belt and belt-jewel for ailment-avoidances. In the spoiler "other ailments" is the set-up which was always enough for me - only against some bosses you need to change your flasks, see "boss-hunting". On page 50 spoiler "sources of stats - Spell Block, Stuns, Blindings, increased duration, cast speed, other ailments" shows most other easy to switch in workarounds: Sources for stats: Spell Block, Stuns, Blindings, increased duration, cast speed, other ailments
Spell block Glancing blows keynote Blue nightmare jewel Mystic bulwark passive Rainbow strides boots Alternatives: Implicit aegis aurora shield corruption Replica pure talent jewel Clusters: Conjured wall Mystical ward Second skin Flask Rumi's Concoction Rare amulet Anoint (or 4 passivepoints) Arcane Guarding Starting alternative amulet Stone of Lazhwar Divergent tempest shield When in leaguestart "the blue nightmare" is highprice traded, also ascendancy "Bastion of hope" is a possibilty, but you loose a lot regeneration against dot and degen-damage. Regret it later for "time of need"! Stuns I personally had never problems with stuns and got only few microstuns. As CI you are permament 50% stun immune and with spellecho you are not interrupted in castings. You can get more stun immunities if you want for example: 1) on implicits on clusters and jewels crafted in harvest 2) stats on rare boots, boots "the stampede", rare gloves, belt jewel 3) as boot enchant (80% after killing worms) 4) use pantheon soul of the brine king 5) passive points in the witch starting area "practical application" 6) clusternotables like "pure might" or "practised caster" in central witch area 7) flask suffix stun and block recovery When you cyclone melee I advice to Soul of the Brine King. More dangerous then stuns are freezes of sirus, shaper, redeemer in their ground effects. Take a flask with antifreeze-suffix against shaper or sirus. Blindings Chance to blind for minions belt-jewel Grace: blindings when hit watcher's eye Blindings integrated on gloves Clusters: Evil eye Shifting shadow Disorienting display Smoking remains Stibnite flask Smoke mine movement skill Against all elemental ailments anointed flesh - passive points timeless jewel Militant Faith, offered to Dominus, inserted next to MoM, changes Int to ailments-avoidances Belt enchant avoidance of elemental ailments while elusive slots on boots, rings, jewels flexible sentry on clusternotable elegant form clusternotable crystalskin anoint amulet Anti-chain-freeze Hibernator cluster Flask suffix Sapphir flask with antifreeze-suffix Aquamarin flask Passive anointed flesh and anti-freeze avoidance point next to it Implicits crafted on clusters or jewels in harvest Belt-jewel free stat slot Soul of the brine king pantheon Cast speed / virulences Anomalous spell echo Faster casting Faster casting integrated gloves Anomalous poison support Jewel the golden rule Greater-multiple-projectiles-support Slower projectiles (more virulences equal to 30% increased cast speed) Knockbacks: Bodyguards Burden Projection Divergent sniper's mark Lion's roar flask Movementspeed All movement skill phaserun has no blink cooldown Boots Boot-enchants Boots alternative "the stampede" 50% permament Quicksilver-flask Cluster "fasting" only without Quicksilver-flask Increased duration Increased duration supportgem Increased duration integrated in rare boots Increased duration anoint amulet/ breathstealer gloves/ blight boots with "potency of will" Dernière édition par Chromino#4813, le 30 juil. 2021 09:16:54
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