[3.15] Elemental Hit Ballista Totem Hiero | Budget Friendly | League Start to Endgame
" My first attempt i didnt really know what i went into, i thought "hey, they get oneshot solo, so they cant be that bad". I got destroyed by the frost spray and full arena aoe. My second attempt i had it, but screwed up in the end. |
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" I changed flask to Bottled Faith + took Point Blank nod .. and its much better now :) |
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" Awesome! :) My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3005581 | |
I managed to take down Sirus A8 for the first time since he came out, also deathless which i guess is a nice bonus.
Thanks for the awesome build. Now i gotta see if cant get some more of the Invitations down. Dernière édition par Hemanse#3309, le 23 févr. 2021 19:04:18
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" +Level bow
I've managed to get consistent ensnaring arrow only by switching to +7 bow setup, which also increases damage a lot (like 40%?) by dropping 30% less from quilrain and switching cold to fire to Barrage (+dying sun) before even accounting for 21% from ensare. Also it opens up possibility to add some dmg and hp on a rare helmet (-9% res, crit multi, flat increase, added cold or exposure base maybe?) Barrage feels suprisingly good on clear btw The trick is Anomalous Barrage that gets pierce specifically for elehit, and I could drop pierce from Passives, so Ensnare is applied to enemy frontline (I lost ability to apply flammability to further lines of map mobs, but boss dps feels better) Finally melted the breachlords fight solo, and also killed Maven deathless for the first time Seems like a decent potential upgrade for #BossOneShot options if frostferno does not feel good enough Also Ensnaring Arrow -ms is pleasant, especially stacked with Main if you got a source of Maim Dernière édition par DemetryN#2311, le 24 févr. 2021 07:08:20
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" Phoenix trying to Clyclone you when he have 3 stacks of Ensnare + Maim + Chill is hilarious. Btw thanks to you and Vei for your exchange of ideas. I couldn´t understand why Ensnare wasnt slowing bosses after I crafted my helm , it was the pierce so I had to swap the +1 projectiles to +1 melee. Ensnare is HUGE dps gain against bosses and so is barrage support, Im currently at 40M burst Shaper dps dmg(and Im playing Chief , Hiero should get even more) with no corrupt on crafted helm , no double curse setup. Probably going to craft an utility bow to get around the same and even slightly more dmg and a lot qol. I want the corrupt on helm so much XD!! https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2844110
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Is not finished yet , was exited from getting the tier 1 flat that I forgot to remove the fire res so next step is harvest reforge keeping preffix but you get the idea of what im looking for. I tested Phantasmal Flame Wall on the autocast and its fantastic , without the bow being complete it already does the same? maybe even more than Chin Sol and you can of course add a curse for autocast too. You need Warlord bow and Elder bow(Awakener's orb obviusly). I though that spamming Scorched+Aberrant Fossils was going to be the quickest way of getting a good flat fire roll and I got plenty of t3 that aren't worth it since you can do better using an essence but luckily got the t1 on less than 30 resonators. You can alt spam too for the t1 , the benefits of using the crafted helm is that you dont need the +lvl mods on bow and then the craft is A LOT easier. That being said, you will do more damage with a godly bow with +lvls mods but you cant get +2 or +4 like you can on helm with a lucky corrupt so in the end the damage difference is not that big , going with utility bow is a lot cheaper to craft and the QOL is huge. Here is an Uber Elder fight with it without the last mod , the damage already seems comparable to my Chin Sol , probably because of Phantasmal Flame wall but thats the idea of the bow, right? autocast nice debuffs on enemies! https://youtu.be/LaKYy1lCV0U Edit: Here is Uber Elder with Maven watching , the bow/helm setup is definetely great for this build. https://youtu.be/oIAJrMGdp4Q Edit 2: I just realized i can fix the bow the same way i do the final touch on the helms craft , swap fire res to cold or lightning and remove that res without the risk to remove any of the 3 fire prefixes while keeping the tier 3 crit multi. A guildmate told that tip that saved a lot of exalts on crafting various helms , the temple's altar eat those exalts tho. I hope it stop being hungry soon. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2844110 Dernière édition par kikeuy#7591, le 25 févr. 2021 01:14:35
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" 1. You are missing an anti-curse Flask. "Chemist's diamond flask of warding" is a must to remove curses in maps. 2. Your boots are not lab enchanted, thats a big dps loss. Get "120% increased Critical Strike Chance if you haven't Crit Recently" or "Damage Penetrates 10% of Enemy Elemental Resistances if you haven't Killed Recently" (more rare, but better). 3. Your awakened elemental damage with attacks and Blood Rage gem have zero quality. 4. Consider taking Heartseeker, if you want more damage. |
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It's done! little touch here and there but its basically done. According to PoB now Im up to 42M burst , slightly more than with the double corrupt Chin Sol I was using but PoB doenst calculate all the goodies from Phantasmal Flame wall and of course i got a lot of qol now being able to autocast curses and other debufs. But... A guildmate said "dont you use Barrage support? why dont get +2 arrows". Damn, checked PoB and indeed if using Barrage the +2 arrows give you more dps than the elder crit and crit multi. So here we go again: Need to finish the craft because as it is right now, the Warlord/Elder hybrid give me more dps. About the craft procces, instead of hybrid bow you need Warlord bow , once you have the t1 fire and +2 arrows the process is exactly the same , just use imprint from bestiary before making any change to the base in case something goes wrong or in case you know you wont be satisfied unless you get the two warlord prefixes as t1 roll. I dont have a clue as how to craft that blue bow with those mods other than sitting countless of hours spaming alt/augs , so i bought the base for 3ex. Edit: Flame wall have a very minor problem , since our golem is an ally , when he autoattack through the wall he will trigger EE with +25 fire resistances. Its very minor problem because he have very slow attack speed and the spell orb thing that he place on the ground instantly change the +25 Fire resist to -50 Fire resist , but its a detail worth mentioning because if using Ice golem it can ruin the golem setup which adds A LOT of dmg against high end bosses. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2844110 Dernière édition par kikeuy#7591, le 25 févr. 2021 13:30:24
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" Thanks for the warning ! I have better boots + quality on awa ele gem :) today i will upgrade Blood rage gem. btw. I have lvl 98 now and I want to ding lvl 100 ... Heartseeker needs +3 point .. so I will refund 1 small nod and put Heartseeker when I ding 100 :) |
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