[3.15] Elemental Hit Ballista Totem Hiero | Budget Friendly | League Start to Endgame
" Mostly just selling valuable drops. This need knowledge of what is cheap and what is expensive(it will come from experience when you play many builds and know what is valuable for each one). Simple exalt drops is not really what you want to aim for(I've got only 2 from drop and 3 from rituals). For starting point can recommend use Awakened Poe Trade to check prices for dropped items. And the simples rule is - more juiced map > more profit you will gain(If we talking about simple maps run). There are really useful guides on reddit/youtube about farming, you can check it as well. I'm not hardcore farmer, so can't recommend most profit one, better check guides. Dernière édition par RawDamage#1722, le 1 févr. 2021 à 10:07:13
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Im in the leveling proccess (lvl 50) and I dont understand if I should keep using Flame totems? I tried EH and Ballista totem but i was insanly bad the leveling guide is abit overwhelming and more into league start it seems i got some gear like Tabula/goldrim and such.. can you tell me what my setup should be in terms of gems? if i understand correctly at 60 i can start use EH |
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" Hi, Let me try to make it simpler Level 48 to 60 - Holy Flame Totem with Tabula Rasa Buy 2 Gems(Indicated below) from Act 1 Town NPC Nessa, and use them in your Tabula Rasa as per setup below: Tabula Rasa Holy Flame Totem Gem Setup Gem 1(Red) - Holy Flame Totem (You have this already) Gem 2(Blue) - Infused Channeling Support Gem (Buy from Act 1 Town NPC Nessa) Gem 3(Blue) - Combustion Support Gem (You have this already) Gem 4(Red) - Added Fire Damage Support Gem (You have this already) Gem 5(Blue) - Summon Phantasm Support Gem (Buy from Act 1 Town NPC Nessa) Don't use the 6th Gem Slot, it will cause too much mana increase and to cater to that it will make things complicated. Throw away that Multiple Totem Support. Use the below trade link to buy 2 Sceptre(Dual wield both) to replace your 2 wands(Lifesprig) https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Ritual/ar7WMe8Se Level 60 - Convert to using Frostferno Elemental Hit When you are Level 60, follow the Equipment setup at 10. Budget Equipment Details and Gem Setup at 5.1 Single Curse Option in the guide This is about as simple as I can make things for you. Ask again if you have any questions. My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3005581 Dernière édition par Vei#5870, le 1 févr. 2021 à 11:58:58
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" Exactly what I was looking for :) Thanks,I'll keep leveling now |
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Just wanted to stop here again to thank Vei and the amazing people on this thread, for the great information and ideas.
Build has worked exactly as advertised , I invested very little in it and have no problems doing T14-16 maps. I still have lots of posible upgrades, my rings and quiver are pretty bad , can get corrupted bow , corrupted frostferno , etc , but the build feels fine without them , so i have no rush. My only complaint is that though I have made enough currency to start a new build , the build is working so well i have no motivation to play another one :) |
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Hey Vei, I just finished Maven, Sirus and the last Maven's invitation with this build. And so I decided to post this reply as a thank you very much for your dedication towards the guide.
I started as a raider. But as you also noticed, the performance was not that great. The perma onslaught and perma phasing is only good in paper. So I rerolled a Hiero and pretty much stomp everything from there. Following the guide, here are some of the choices I made along the way based on personal preference: 1. I do not use golem. Resummoning is not my thing. 2. I do not use blood rage. My life regen cannot keep up with the degen. Less dps. But 1 less thing to worry about when trying to dodge bosses' beams here and there. 3. I use cluster. Mainly for the Sleepless Sentry. Maybe because I was so used to the perma onslaught. 4. I use Precision. Because Watcher's Eye for the double buffs from Precision/Grace is dirt cheap. 5. I crafted my own double influence Amulet. So I can ditch the Diamond flask. 6. I use only 1 -mana ring. And still use enduring mana flask. Just had a feeling mapping is easier that way. Ofc bossing is 4 life flasks and the OP lego flask from Cortex. 7. I followed your corruption guide. Got +2 projectile Frostferno after 2 tries. 8. Just bought the Increased Crit chance Quill rain. Gain 5% crit chance. What an upgrade. 9. The belt which changes Endurance chrage to Brutal charges did not do me justice. Sacrificing defence in the end game indeed is a hard nope. 10. I chose 2 skills points over Alira. Resist is way to easy to cap with harvest. And I still need more points at lv 95. At least 3 more so I can dump them all in 5% life nodes. 11. For future gearing up plan, I am looking for a Divergent Dash so I can dish my phasing flask. A double corrupted Frostferno for the pew pew. Finish some harvests for my gloves and quiver. And save some Maven orbs for the +5 pierce boots. This build was so easy to follow with all the in depth guideline. Thank you very much for creating such a guide and also for sticking with this thread almost 24/7. Deifintely the best guide I have followed so far. Dernière édition par Bungtotronvo#5038, le 2 févr. 2021 à 02:08:40
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With the Chainbreaker notable removing so much mana regen, how do you all keep up with putting out totems? I just finally got a lethal pride, but its like a full second and a half between totems now which is untenable. Granted, I have not done the 4th lab, but wouldn't those small nodes just add to rage regen now anyway? Or is it ALL the ring enchant since I do not even have one?
Dernière édition par Apostolos#0405, le 1 févr. 2021 à 22:59:30
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" A totem is enough to kill a wave, so I just walk and spawn one totem from time to time, at boss, there is enough mana to spawn 7 tites, so it's not that bad once you get used with it. I reserve most of my mana with skitterbots plus grace plus precision. |
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Ok, time to wrap up "my" (stolen with pride from Vei) version of the build. I decided to stick to core of the build - so frostferno and Kaom's heart and do not pursue full rare option of the build.
First of all some explanation is needed before going into details. 1. Everything is semi-self crafted. Usually bought some base with interesting stuff and harvest crafted additional needed stuff. Now they are worth a lot more :) Plus a lot of temple runs :) 2. On purpose i've sacrifised some defences - so no grace for me. I went full offence, as i know most of the boss mechanics. The only thing that gives me a hard time (Read: sometimes i can't do it) is fully juiced 100% delirious T16 map. Apart from that everything else is doable without any problems (read: yeah, sometimes you die from one shot - but I've reached 97 without issue and without any breach/beachhead grinding). 3. Regen/ele reflect and ele equilibrium maps are tough. You can still do them, but meh. 4. I stick on purpose to core version of the build (frostferno). Tried to run the elevated version (6 link bow, replica shroud etc) but i miss a lot machine gun effects from quill rain. Dont know if this is visual or something else, but quill rain is a must for me :) So to wrap up: Currently sitting on 3.02 milion Sirius DPS (PoB Values) per totem. So overall around 21 milion. you can reach 1-1.5 milion per totem with a lot lower investment - probably around 15-20 ex. Effect: last phase of Sirius lasts couple of seconds, he does not move from the spot if I time everything correctly. How much more you can push it in terms of DPS ? I estimate 500k - 900k more Sirius DPS if you push huge money into it: 1. Watchers eye double presicion replacing jewel in the cluster. probably 30-40 ex 2. Marylene fallacy with Ele dmg corrupt. 5-10 ex. 3. Quill rain with crit chance corrupt. 5-10 ex with 6socket/5link vaal orb crafting 4. Level 100. 3 more nodes with crit/crit multi. 5. A little more DPS juice from rings. 6. A little more DPS from gems (2-3 times 1% penetration) 7. Maybe i can squeeze something from gloves. 8. Fire + projectile frostferno In total you can get 20-30% more DPS for the price of around 100-150 ex (if you buy on trade). Is it worth it ? Probably not, but we'll see what is possible. I think I will try to reach 4 milion Sirius DPS, but it will be a stretch and really heavy min-maxing pushing single % here and there - and a lot of divine orbs. Some side notes: 1. I've decided to stick to marylene amulet as (At least according to PoB) it gives me more DPS than +2 level/50ex amulet. If i decide to go for rare amulet - this would be only to go to 0 mana cost and fit in grace. If i go this way then I will need to invest a lot into gloves (i really want that culling strike there + offset DPS loss) 2. Cluster jewel with onslaught is a great addon to the build. Gives a lot, plus enables one more jewel slot. The only better thing would be megalomaniac with 3 totem nodes. Natural mirror drop is easier :) 3. Drop the golem as soon as you have enough DPS. With around 1.5 Milion sirius DPS per totem, you don't need it anymore. And last but not least: I would like to thank Vei for all the work he put into this build. It is fun to play, easy to level and boy - it's a nasty Boss killer. Here's a wrap up of the my items:
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If any one interested this Xibaqua Glorious Vanity Timeless jewel contat me in game (it will be very expensive).
184% fire damage in less than 15 nodes + with a good through-passage nodes https://i.imgur.com/Nq6JOSd.jpg
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