The Endless Delve FAQ

GGG, please make this an alternate method of leveling up in. This was so refreshing from doing the story mode for the eleventeenth time!
I totaly agree,
this as an alternate is crazy
but with crafting bench,
because SSF without crafting, this is really harrrrd to gear.
5 years playing Poe.

drop the delve event, in lvl 87

so boring.....

Just a question, if I play Hardcore, can I still be able to complete the achievement Fearless, Dauntless, Indomitable & Untouchable if I reach levels 33, 55, 68 & 75?
"A game IS supposed to waste your time but it's not supposed to make you FEEL like you're wasting your time:
It's supposed to make you WANT to waste your time."
Where will the chars be moved to after the vent ends? to standard ssf as endless delve is also ssf or standard trade?
Pokowo a écrit :
Where will the chars be moved to after the vent ends? to standard ssf as endless delve is also ssf or standard trade?

It's voided. Says so in the events overview.
This is better than mapping. No map rolling, no pointless crap, I can dump my inventory regularly without having to portal, no trading or buying alcs.
can you please prolong this for a couple of weeks?

it is so much fun and i dont wanna stop

Endless delve, no sulphite needed - and I missed it??? Noooooooooooo

Please make this the next season theme!
Why in FAQ and ingame there wasnt any mention or warning that this temp league characters just going to be useless after the league?
Everywhere I read that general rule, temporary league characters are transfering to the actual parent league.


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