[3.12] Arundel's Replica Alberons STR Stacking Wander - PS / KB - 30m DPS, 85m Min-Maxed
![]() Oct 4th -- Gear section updated, videos and experimental cobra lash / venom gyre sections coming soon! Oct 5th -- Testing out vaal pact and dropping thread of hope in exchange for a 4th Inertia, getting 250 more health and losing no damage! Experimenting ways to get some more boss sustain Oct 9th -- Updated gear and PoB section - All gem links including alt qualities in gear section. Oct 15th -- Added some videos!! Sirus coming soon! Haven't been able to play much due to IRL stuff. ![]()
• WELCOME TO MY GUIDE • This build was created around a few mechanics: 1. I knew I wanted to use KB for clear 2. I wanted to use Alberon's to stack flat chaos 3. I wanted to have defensive layers that most wand builds don't have, like an actual health pool The entire build revolves around stacking strength to take advantage of the flat damage gained from Alberon's: After a few iterations, I came up with a pretty amazing build that gets the following stats: 6,000-7,000 Life 1,400-1,800 Strength 74% / 64% Dodge 22% - 61% Evade 19%+ Block 30 Million - 85 Million Single Target 5 Million - 15 Million Clear and INSANE min-max potential. So far I've melted all content, including 8 mod sextant t16 maps with delirium, Sirus, All Conqs, and Elder/Shaper guardians. I will continue to update this guide when I get time, aka when I can tear myself away from playing this amazing build. I've always wanted to play Kinetic Blast / PS ever since it got nerfed after Harby. Int stacking always required too high of a budget to start out, and other builds were far too squishy. This build combines the damage of Int stacking with a massive HP pool for a dodge/evasion character. This wasn't my starter so I'm not sure how good it is to start with, but my friend is doing a budget version and he's loving it. So far only 8 deaths, few of them from chatting in global or stupidly trying to face tank things I shouldn't because softcore lul ![]()
T16 Tropical Island 4 sextant deli - 113 splinter run - https://youtu.be/OjXQ0FPOWzM T16 8 mod 4 sextant Metamorph - https://youtu.be/rxO76Psg4Dg AL8 Redeemer - https://youtu.be/UrF1h7jk_so AL8 Hunter - https://youtu.be/1Sk9-T1JGCU AL8 Baran - https://youtu.be/HI-DWyfQm_A AL8 Drox - https://youtu.be/KR_UMiCLim0 ![]()
PROS: + Tanky with good defensive layers - 6k + life, Almost max dodge, around 20% block, and a CWDT setup. + Budget Friendly - You can start this build on around 10ex with vendor bought gems, and immediately jump into red maps. + Insane min-max potential - This character has an ultra high ceiling and scales very well with each level up or gear upgrade + Fast clear speed - KB is notoriously great for clear, and this build is no exception. Clear is around a 8/10, 10/10 if you use an explode chest. + Viable for all content - AL8 end game encounters, decent delver, crushes blight maps, should be able to do t15-16 100% deli maps with mid-level gear, and great for the current league content as well. You can swap your kinetic blast into your 6l for an additional 40-50% more damage to do deli maps, blight, or heist. CONS: - Poison playstyle - Takes some getting used to. Mapping is smooth, but boss dps takes a good 5-6 siphons to ramp up. -Flask reliant - Then again, few builds aren't. You really need coralitos to maximize single target dps output. -Low sustain - Instant health flask feels somewhat necessary while bossing since you don't get that fat 1k+ life back upon hitting a pack with KB. I have run into very few problems, but on longer boss fights some people may not like the lack of sustain. It's not the worst, but HP flask is definitely required. There are some juicy gear options to address this that I've not personally explored yet. -Gearing is slightly annoying - Kinda hard to fill resists due to strength being a suffix -Needs investment for 100% Deli maps - You will need you drop a decent amount of currency to get enough DPS to do 100% deli maps. I have not personally tried a deli map, but a few other people playing the build have and say it's amazing. I probably wouldn't try to farm them with under 10m KB ![]()
Must have LocalIdentity community PoB fork - Get it here: https://github.com/PathOfBuildingCommunity/PathOfBuilding/wiki/Installing-this-Fork https://pastebin.com/S3ceHCCL ***UPDATE*** I have experimented with a few things, picking up various block nodes, vaal pact, etc. This is my current PoB with some of the changes, including using Inertia instead of thread of hope (gain 250 life, lose 0 damage) Vaal pact was amazing, but It didn't feel necessary. https://pastebin.com/Jft0DPcg Friends Lower Budget Setup - 10-15 Ex - 20m Power Siphon / 2.9m Kinetic Blast https://pastebin.com/ZKAdV1rP Current Setup - 30-40 Ex - 31m Power Siphon / 5.3m Kinetic Blast https://pastebin.com/PpjW45D9 INSANE Min-Max setup - 200-500+ Ex - 86m Power Siphon / 15m Kinetic Blast https://pastebin.com/fUaY76Js INSANE Min-Max DEFENSIVE setup with just 1 item swap - Replica Mistwall gives us 75% spell block, move speed, and physical avoid in exchange for losing some damage. We also get rid of aspect of the spider in exchange for flesh and stone for the 50% evade. - 200-500+ Ex - 68m Power Siphon / 10-12m Kinetic Blast ![]() ![]()
---- GEMS---- Single Target: Barrage --- Void Manipulation --- Deadly Ailments --- Vile Toxins --- Unbound Ailments --- Power Siphon Obviously much better with awakened gems. I am currently running all awakened. Power siphon has some interesting alternate quality options, but level 21 is a huge DPS boost. Level 21 gives me 1.5m in PoB. Alternate quality PS is +1 projectile or 20% DoT multi from critical strikes, both of which would be a good damage upgrade for this build. Clear: Deadly Ailments --- Greater Multiple Projectiles --- Unbound Ailments --- Anomolous Kinetic Blast Anomolous KB is a must for clear. It gives us +2 pierce projectiles, which basically carries the clear. Otherwise you will have to KB packs multiple times. Elder mod "Gems are supported by level XX Poison" is also extremely important, it is a massive more modifier for our clear. I would not play this build without the pierce and elder mod. Movement: Shield Charge --- Fortify I recently added Shield charge + Fortify and it's been great. Added another defensive layer in juiced t16s and heists. It also definitely increases clear speed. Chaining KB + Shield charge completely obliterates maps. Flame Dash I basically only use this for ledges. When you have Withering Step on your left click it ends up using all of flame dashes charges so it is not a reliable skill to get you out of danger. Either dash or flame dash would be good here. Withering Step Random bursts of speed + max dodge. I bind this to left click. Defense: CWDT --- Steelskin Self Explanatory. Could probably use Immortal Call here as well. Auras: Malevolence --- Enlighten --- Precision --- Herald of Agony I use enlighten for the extra unreserved mana, since this build is mana hungry. Keep precision around level 15 for optimization with mana and damage. Wither: Spell Totem --- Multiple Totems --- Faster Casting --- Wither Standard totem setup for chaos dot builds. ---- WEAPON ----
We craft this wand using the following fossils: METALLIC + CORRODED + SERRATED This entire build depends on the weapon mod: "60% chance for Poisons inflicted with this Weapon to deal 100% more Damage". This is an elder mod and requires item level 83 or higher. I chose Imbued wand because it's common and has 1.5 APS base, and attack speed is ultra important for this build. Base damage doesn't matter at all, just the APS. You could technically also use an i83+ elder engraved or carved wand. Stat priority : Poison Mod Attack speed Flat chaos Chaos DoT multi Crit strike chance DoT multi Bonus stats for high end crafting or alternate affix options: Malevolence aura effect (goes up to 40%) Curse enemies with despair on hit with 40% increased effect (This frees up a ring affix, you could use either but the max effect on ring is only 32%) Attacks with this weapon penetrate # chaos resist ---- HELM ----
Enchant is important, getting +2 projectiles adds to our stacks of poison per attack, which ultimately leads to lower ramp up time. Stat priority : PS Enchant Nearby enemies have -9% Chaos Resistance Strength Life Resists Should be craftable with strength essence on a hunter helm or by using Abberant Fossils ---- SHIELD ----
Some interesting options here. I chose +2 minimum frenzy charges, since I don't currently have access to a 10% chance to gain frenzy charge on hit chest. Stat priority : +2 Min Frenzy Strength Life Other Options: Mistwall Replica Mistwall Rare with 15% reduced reservation for adding aspect of spider or flesh and stone into the build ---- JEWELLRY ----
Astramentis is a great temp option, it allows enough int to use imbued wand with zero passive investment and it gives us a ton of damage from strength stacking. Astramentis is only outclassed by (super expensive) strength stacking warlord amulet. Best way to craft this is to probably alt spam augment imprint regal, or to spam deafening strength essences. All of the important stats are suffixes, so this is going to be an incredibly hard craft. If you want to craft your own, here is the stat priority: % Increased Strength (10% +) Strength (45+) All attributes (20+) Life 1% damage per 15 str Chaos damage leeched as life +1 min frenzy charges Bought this ring for 2ex Stat Priority: Strength Resists Despair on hit Life Damage with poison + Poison duration Increased damage with poison (Delirium Essence) I was using self-cast despair before this ring. As mentioned in the wand section, you can get this from a wand or from a ring, or self casting is totally viable too. With the new effectiveness changes, a level 20 self-cast curse will likely be the biggest damage bonus (But who even wants to self-cast curses?) Hunter ring + Abberant fossil, strength essence, or delirium should get you this ring. Random Strength ring. A lot of options here, another % poison damage / duration ring would be ideal, but this build is pretty starved for resists. I am using this ring to fill resists, an easy upgrade slot. You can find these on the market for 10-20c ---- ARMOUR ----
Random armor I picked up for 100c Stat Priority: % Increased Strength Life Resists Essence Strength Explode Mod / Frenzy on hit / Life recovery / % Max Life / Life Regen Crafted Strength Reason I put all those extra influenced mods as the same priority is that they are completely optional, I am doing all content with the chest I linked above. A lot of room for improvement, but if you're on a budget something cheap works. Explode mod will make clear feel smooth as butter, but is not necessary for amazing clear. ---- GLOVES ----
These contain our 4L Kinetic blast. The only required (IMO) stat here is the "Supported by level 18-20 Poison" stat. This 5th gem link adds almost 50% more damage to our Kinetic Blast, and really carries our clear. Stat Priority: 18-20 Poison Support Strength Resists Attack speed Life Notable stat options for min-maxing: Gripped Glove base Chaos multi % (hunter) damage over time % (warlord) socketed gems deal 30% more damage over time (Delirium essence, MASSIVE upgrade for clear. Potentially enables t16 100% delirious farming) socketed gems have % crit or % attack speed (Insanity essence) ---- BELT ----
Only way I'd upgrade this belt is if it had 2x t1/2 resists. % Strength implicit plus t1 strength are huge. It adds 250 strength to my current build Stat Priority: % Strength implicit or affix Strength Resists Life % Life (hunter) % Chaos damage (hunter) ---- BOOTS ----
Self explanatory. We use this to stack as much flat chaos as possible, increasing the damage we do per poison. Gives us 85% of our total damage ---- FLASKS ----
I don't currently have freeze immunity. I haven't died from it yet, but I will 100% be trying to get it from my health flask, since I have a corrupted blood corrupt on one of my inertias Only 100% necessary flask. This gives us mega poison duration and damage from critical strikes. ---- JEWELS ----
As far as I am concerned, the build REQUIRES the following jewels: These jewels can also fill a resist or add more strength. These are highly min-maxable. My large cluster: You could potentially trade out Unholy Grace for unspeakable gifts, will make all trash mobs pop in a real satisfying way. Small clusters: Wall of muscle is huge dps - Min-max potential on these is insane, with 35% effect, strength, and all attributes or a resist to fill. Worth noting that you can use like 5 other notables. Surging vitality, rote reinforcement, fettle, flow of life, vicious guard, etc. Some of these might also address the low sustain of the build. I also use 3x Try to get 1 with corrupted blood, the others don't matter much. Until you get a 2 prop watchers eye jewel, these are the best dps per jewel slot available. They're around 8% dps per slot, which ends up being like 2-3 million each. BIS watchers eye would probably be malevolence damage over time + precision multi, and would go in the bottom left jewel slot. ![]()
****COMING SOON**** ![]()
****COMING SOON**** Dernière édition par Lwe1389#7579, le 29 sept. 2021 02:53:12 Dernier bump le 13 janv. 2021 14:11:09
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I'm interested in this build, gotta take a look later on. A quick description how does it work would be nice. Looks pretty sick if you could get dodge and block for massive defence
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" Will update soon with how it works, but essentially it functions exactly like the other assassin poison wander build that tries to stack high phys. You run through maps with KB, set down wither totems for boss and flask up + power siphon. Everything melts. My current defenses allow me to just run through fields of porcupines as well, which is nice. I am going to be exploring alternate gear choices as well, explode frenzy on hit chest with mistwall, etc. Dernière édition par Lwe1389#7579, le 4 oct. 2020 02:17:11
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I wanted to try this build, but I have no idea how to get a wand like yours. Is there an easy way to craft it? Doesn't seem to be anyone selling wands, that are even close to yours. |
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" welp, atm at the same Problem, got most of the Gear together, unless the wand. Crafting with corroded or aberrant seems expensive atm. Thinking for now to awaken the poison mod with the hunter add chaos/ chaos pen mod as an option. Then clean suffixes and craft attack speed and chaos dot multi. Edit: Just put some things together, still some room for improvements but will test the build for now. Not sure if I like the poison playstyle with the dot. Cant really feel the 34m dps it shows in pob https://pastebin.com/LAVzNAyY Dernière édition par xXx_Kamikaze_xXx#4329, le 4 oct. 2020 11:01:32
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I juest rerolled my assasin. So far it's really good and can be much better.
My budget gear: And explody chest is much better, evene if u have to sacrifice some strength from armour @UP put abberant and shuddering fosil together and pray for good wand :D I made mine with only 2 tries. " Get explody chest as i said. Clear feels sooo much better. Dernière édition par miracle22071#3450, le 4 oct. 2020 16:43:21
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" That's the thing I love most about the build, the min-max potential is nutty |
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" Check the gear section, updated with crafting strategy |
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Just sold my necro build and decided to reroll into this. Still buying and crafting stuff. Crafted this beauty tho. Im so happy. |
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So is there anything I can do with this wand to make it good? I suck at crafting, so could use abit of guidance on what to do. If anything can be done with it, or is worth doing :D Noob crafter here. |
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