Struggling to make that 2 passive large cluster Broad and Tempering I think it was called. Spent a good amount of currency trying to just craft with those 2 mods and can't hit the damn thing.
The weighting for it is low, it is 1.375% for Tempered arrowheads
Ah I saw that through alts and so I tried with fossils and it said maybe around like 6 fossils which I think is incorrect. It will be pretty hard to get these mods then :/
Hi there, thank you for the build! With Asmodeus leveling build I managed to reach maps in 6:40 hours (I did find a Quillrain while leveling, what are the odds?), and then started switching to this build.
While I discovered I do not enjoy piano flasking, the build got me to yellow maps with almost no issue, managed to get a 5L Carcass and Quillrain and not die a lot. Now I'm farming what I can while progressing the Atlas and waiting for good rolled items to appear in the market to buy them.
Thanks again, the build is indeed very tanky right now, I can see what it'll become once it is correctly geared, annointed and gem leveled.
I kinda struggle trying to find out what i need to get as setup
- survival wise
- mobility wise
- Utility wise
Prime Damage Setup (toxic rain).
Also its abit confusing the setup for "what gear and stats you should get"
any chance to simplify this down...
and those Gems... unlocking new talents in the tree... very confusing
not played for 2 years and all this is not very well explained for me to understand it easily.
Please some help simplicify it?
NOTE: Also noticed MANA is the major issue... constantly spamming Mana potion... 4 cast and out of mana... how am i suppose to maintain a good regen?
Those whos the shyest are normaly the strongest, when time demands it they will step up and save the people from the end.
- The blindest are those who think they above others and tries to control it.
Dernière édition par SevenSinsOfHell#2921, le 18 janv. 2021 09:17:30
(no wither totem btw) T16 100% Delirius with 43% unique monster more life with temp chains
Pinned Messages, PLEASE READ
1. Please check QnA section before asking questions to clear your doubts. This also includes the location of the PoB
2. Please check the notice board for any updates
3. Don't PM me ingame or in discord, if you have any questions, fastest method to contact me is messaging on either PoE official discord server or my own discord server.
4. If you have inquiries about Trickster vs PF, I've discuss about it on section 1.3. Additionally, there's another section at below about other ascendancies' performance
Notice Board <--- Check me here for updates! (Last touched : 15/1)
3.13 update :
PF loses 20% AoE which is roughly equal to 1 radius so it is really not much, estimated 3.57% damage loss (depends). But PF gained 15% more damage at the same time.
Not much have changed for TR, slight buff to early game (earlier access to Efficacy) and slight nerf to min maxing (Anomalous malevolence). TR changes on patch notes (Physical converted to chaos) is completely irrelevant regardless. So far looking good for the next expansion!
Heist update : Major props to RQVandal for reaching position 7 in SC Heist with our TR PF build! You can check RQVandal's build here at, he had some variations but seems like it worked well for RQ! Do note that this particular setup is aimed for lvl 100, not particularly for bossing like sirus. ___________________________________________________________________
(13/1/21) : Updated to 3.13
(15/1) : Added 1 new video
My goal here is to bring out a different approach on scaling Toxic Rain damage, allowing both new and experienced players to understand the logic / basics behind how Toxic Rain works.
This build has a different approach compared to the old generic toxic rain trickster builds, so I highly suggest you guys to read all the information provided on this guide. If you have any issues regarding the guide, feel free to hit me up at discord in any of the 2 servers below.
We are a small community right now, if you have any questions you can hook me up there as I'm fairly active on discord -
New to the game? Require assistance throughout your gameplay or just want to hangout with randoms? Join PoE official discord! -
Occasionally I will stream at, feel free to ask any questions about the build there, I will be more than happy to help you out
(23/7) :
This guide is made possible with help from one of my friend, Seberus100. He has provided some reliable information from conducting experiments on toxic rain to us. I gathered some of the information, did some further testing and to prove that pathfinder is NOT a bad class for toxic rain builds.
So I'd quickly give him a shoutout for the information, watch his stream right here!
The full leveling section is made possible by Shyvanaa, thanks to Shyvanaa for writing the full leveling process.
>Insane damage
You are able to kill conquerors and guardian in matters of seconds, looking their life pool getting drained so quick that if you blinked you might didn't saw what happened to them. But of course this does comes with a price, the more you invest the more damage you will get.
>All map mods
This build allows you to safely faceroll any maps of your choice. Any map mods, just name it! It can be reflect, no regen, or whatever, this build DOMINATES all map mods
>100% flask uptime
Spent all your flask charges on a boss fight? Don't worry, your flask charges will still come back to you! So on a long boss fight, you can easily get those flask charges back!
Ok I wouldn't say it is insanely tanky, but the defenses are quite great. We have a near perma fortify from our Hybrid flask via Hardened Scars anointment, a Wind Dancer Keystone that reduces our damage taken by 20%, and additional evasion when we have been hit recently. In addition we have flesh and stone helping us, further reducing damage taken from enemies outside of our circle. On top of that, from our ascendancy we have 6% reduced elemental damage taken AND elemental ailment immunity!
>All content
Aside from Hall of Grandmasters which people could be immune to our damage, we can pretty much do any content available in the game currently with EASE. A8 Sirus, uber elder etc, all you can name it, yes we are able to do them!
>Upgrade gaps
This particular build has a smaller upgrade gap compared to Trickster version, but this doesn't mean the upgrade gap is not huge. The first gap comes when you are upgrading your budget gear to middle ground gear, especially when you are getting the cluster jewels and the amulet which is your priority. When you got 2 of those, your next upgrade gap is getting high damaging stats on your gear which can get expensive really fast. Attempting to get +level Carcass Jack would also be relatively expensive, though it is cheaper than trickster the currency needed is still a lot.
>Flask reliant
As a pathfinder, you have to rely on your flasks to survive and have offense, so you need to piano flask all the time to maintain your dps and defenses, overflasking might actually kill you so you'd also have to be careful on that.
>Weak early stages, takes a bit of time to reach optimal setup, not very SSF friendly
This build have a relatively weak early stages of mapping. You would have troubles on clearing red maps early on without any investment on the build. But once you have all the items ready (especially jewels and cluster jewels) you would start to deal a lot of dps. Survivability also don't shine early on, Hardened Scar is the biggest survivability upgrade which also takes a bit of time to obtain golden oil, hence making this build not really SSF friendly for endgame setup
1.2 Toxic Rain Mechanics(Important)
Toxic Rain is a chaos based attack skill gem. When fired, it will be firing 1 + 4, a total of 5 projectiles by default into the sky, then landing on the ground, hitting enemies around the area then leaving pods based on the amount of projectile you fired (default 5), which deals chaos damage over time (DoT) and last for 1 second (on default) which can stack and overlap on each other, applying 10% slow on monsters for each pod, maximum of 60%. When the pods duration end, it will explode, hitting the enemies additional time, applying on hit effects too.
Although Toxic Rain is a projectile, modifiers to projectile behavior such as pierce does not affect them.
Toxic Rain will be able to "convert" projectile damage into the gem's damage over time effect. This means that any projectile damage you took on the passive tree will apply to the chaos damage over time effect.
Here we scale the damage over time effect on Toxic Rain instead of the on hit damage as its on hit damage is very weak by itself and have low damage effectiveness. The damage over time effect from Toxic Rain comes from the VINES from the pods, not the EXPLOSION, as the explosion apply on hit affect when it ends, which is not the damage over time damage. (This is an error from Esoro's guide, he mentioned explosion is our main part of damage, which is not the case)
Modifiers to skill effect duration will Toxic Rain's pods last longer, at the same time increasing the total duration of Mirage Archer and other skill gems such as Vaal Haste. Do note that some skill effect duration only buff certain gems with tags. For example Tempered Arrowheads only scale the duration for Mirage archer + Toxic rain, not for Vaal Haste
Modifiers to area of effect modifiers will increase the area of effect of the vines reach and the pods explosion area. Though it does not increase the spread / placement of the pods. AoE modifiers will increase the overlap damage, as pods will be able to overlap on the same target easily with large area, increasing single target damage.
The more additional projectile modifiers you get, the more pods Toxic Rain will fire out, but this also means the more spreaded out the pods are. This means it does not increases your single target damage, only your clear speed.
All the pods are placed as close to your cursor as possible with random offset, but each pod blocks other pods from falling in a variable radius around it. Which means that there will be a minimum and maximum radius (the numbers are hidden) where it prevents the other pods colliding on each other. Though technically this variable cannot be changed, since this mechanic exist, adding more arrows would increase this variable as you fire a lot more projectile, there will be more pods which prevent other pods from colliding on the same place, which means they will be more spreaded when they land.
This build is focused on damage over time damage, which is one of the 4 major category damaging skill gems in the game. Damage over time does not scaled by spell damage or attack damage, this includes any "adds #% to projectile attack damage". So our method on scaling Toxic Rain damage will be these commonly found stats
> generic #% damage
> +gem levels to Toxic Rain
> #% skill effect duration
> #% increase attack speed
> #% increase damage over time
> #% increase chaos damage over time
> #% to damage over time multiplier
> #% to chaos damage over time multiplier
> #% increase projectile damage (as stated in the gem itself)
#% increase damage over time and #% increase chaos damage over time are identical, just one of them only scale chaos damage based, and one of them only scale all types of damage over time skills. For example #% increased cold damage and #% increased elemental damage, the #% inc cold dmg only scales the cold damage, while #% increased elemental damage scales all 3 elementals. So there is no difference in terms of #% increase damage over time, #% increase chaos damage over time and generic #% increased damage.
What is generic #% increased damage? This goes the same for all stuff like > #% increased chaos damage
> #% increased damage
> #% increased projectile damage
> #% increased area damage
They are identical in way, but for our build they are the same, none of them gives more damage compared to others if their numbers are exactly the same. _________________________________________________________________________
From the basics of Toxic Rain, instead of purely scaling the damage over time damage on Toxic Rain, we will be scaling skill effect duration for the pods to last longer so more pods stacks, area of effect so the pods overlap on each other more often, and attack speed (well it is kinda obvious), applying a lot of pods on our enemies.
We do not scale any on hit damage effects, so any flat chaos damage does not benefit us, this includes "adds # to chaos damage". Also on our build we does not scale any poison damage, as this is a pure damage over time build. _________________________________________________________________________
The basic calculations for a damage over time is
Base DoT * Increase DoT * DoT Multiplier
>Base DoT is the base DoT from the gem itself, so scaling the level of Toxic Rain has a huge impact
>Increase DoT can be found easily on your tree and gear. Any modifiers like #% increase damage will count towards the increase part.
>DoT Multiplier is slightly harder to find compare to Increase DoT, but it is an additive with other DoT multiplier then multiplies after the increase modifiers.
The ideal situation to scale the DoT damage is to have all 3 balance out, or else scaling the higher part will have diminishing returns compare to scaling the other lower 2. Here is an example
5 * 300 * 100, by scaling more base DoT (through gem levels) has the highest impact among the 3, but scaling the DoT increase (the 300) will have the lowest impact among the tree.
So you will see most of the time people scale Toxic Rain with +gem levels and DoT Multiplier, but prioritizing those will have dimishing returns at the long run without scaling any attack speed or skill effect duration.
Also, I've made a spreadsheet calculator to calculate your Toxic Rain damage. Feel free to use it to calculate your own dmg.
below this spreadsheet calculator includes :
Damage with Mirage Archer
Ramp up calculation damage
Do note that you would need to have Path of Building tool to use this tool properly, it needs the numbers from PoB to have accurate numbers.
1.3 Why Pathfinder? Why not mines?
Before we jump in on the explanation of why I choose pathfinder, let's understand the difference between these 2 ascendancies, Trickster and Pathfinder. Trickster has a stronger start as it scales with raw DoT damage and it has also a built in defensive layer which is Ghost Shroud. While Pathfinder is more on TR utility damage which will be useful later on after you scale your damage in.
So if you are a person who only plays like 3-4 hours a day, maybe 3-5 days a week. Just rarely play the game and unable to learn more than 10ex in a league, then prob Trickster is your choice.
If you are a player who is able to play a lot, even you are a new player but you have these large amount of time and willing to learn, then PF is your choice.
Point here is if you couldn't generate currency well enough in 3 months, Trickster will be your choice as he is stronger early stages, else choose PF cus PF will outscale Trickster. Pf is equally strong as trickster, but just generally slightly weaker. _________________________________________________________________________
For SSF Wise, Trickster has a upper hand because he start out strong, while PF not so much. PF is also fine in SSF but require more grind compared to Trickster.
In HC wise, Trickster gets early front end defensive layer, but later on PF Hardened Scars will just protect you a lot. Though I don't recommend my version of the build for your HC setup.
What are the benefits and drawbacks of these 2 ascendancies?
PF pros and cons
+ Perma flask
+ Scales harder
+ Feels faster and very smooth after investment
+ All map mods viable
- Early stages is weaker in all aspects (aside from speed)
- Requires investment to feel good
- Slightly reliant on flask, if you spammed charges away you are in trouble
Trick pros and cons
+ Early game raw damage scale
+ Built in defensive layer
+ Recovery on kill
+ Stun immune
- Scales weaker compare to PF
- Mana issues early on
- Can't do all map mods (no regen is no go) _________________________________________________________________________
Proof that PF scales harder than Trickster
In this situation, I put these default stats (which is after some gear scaling) into my calculator, then we increase the numbers which are provided by the ascendancy.
DoT - 120,000 (20% more)
APS - 2.34 (drops to 1.95 without flask)(18% ghost shroud, 8% small ascendancy)
Skill Duration - 3 (20% increase)
AoE - 21 (same)
Should I go Mines or Self Fire?
Mines will solve mana issues and the need of attack speed on your bows. But the downside of Mines is the ramp up is significantly weaker and the delay is much longer. Mines is strong and easy to start with, but it is more towards a playstyle problem.
If you hate an even more delayed damage or moving slower, then mines is prob not for you. If you are not strict with your playstyle, and you're fine with anything and you want early game high damage and early smoothness, then TR Mines is for you. _____________________________________________________________________
Our version of Toxic Rain is allowing players that can invest quite a bit of their time into the game to experience a stronger version of Toxic Rain as the utility of Pathfinder will eventually outscale Trickster's raw damage. In other words, Pathfinder will be stronger with investment. Hence this is the reason why I picked Pathfinder.
Hardened Scars - Hardened Scars is a hidden anointment that gives us Fortify when we use a life flask. Hybrid flask also counts as a life flask and it is able to roll a stat "Enduring". Which means that our flask effect will not end when we reached full life / mana, this will allow us to have longer duration of Fortify.
Wind Dancer - Wind Dancer is a Keystone which prevents any one shot on our build, when we have been hit recently, increasing our evasion so that we are able to mitigate away attack hits from monsters under quick succession.
Dodge and Spell Dodge
Dodge is a mechanic that completely nullifies the damage taken. It is a second layer of defense, first as being evasion. This means that when a monster attempt to hit us with an attack, we have 40% chance to completely nullify the damage, and 30% chance to completely nullify a spell damage. Do note that Dodge does not help us deal against damage over time.
2.0 Gearing Information
2.1 Path of Building
Path of Building (PoB) is a great tool for all poe players as it provides a "simulation" for a build. It can be used as theory making a build, getting a rough estimation on dps on our build. Do note that PoB does not calculate our Mirage Archer damage.
If you haven't gotten PoB or you are using an outdated PoB, you can find the link on here :
Please use PoB Fork instead of PoB by Openarl, this is because there will be calculations and stuff that is not available on there, so you MUST have PoB fork, not normal PoB
Due to the unpredictable market price, I will not give an exact value, instead i will give a range of value, stating how expensive is that item. So this will be my pricing range. Cheap - 10 chaos or below Moderate - 10 chaos or above, but not higher than 1 exalted Expensive - 1 exalted or higher
On rare items, I will put a link that directs you to the Softcore Trade site, which I had already filtered out the stats you need on your gear. Do note that this setup is for players who doesn't know how to properly filter out items with the trade site so they will not have a lot of trouble looking for the gear.
Please use official trade and don't use Poetrade existed way before official trade is up, so it is a very ancient website that has reduced performance. Think about a 1 y/o PC and a 20 y/o PC. Would you pick the older one or the new one to play your games? Main reason is because poetrade API updates way slower, you would found those item getting sold before you get the chance to purchase it because the update time is just too slow.
PLEASE NOTE : all items listed below are endgame items or items that carry you on early stages of mapping, items below are not leveling items! ___________________________________________________________________
2.2.1 Weapon
Quill Rain is a good starting weapon and endgame weapon, it also gives a lot of QoL because of the attack speed it provides and the damage it gives cannot be competed. +1 Arrow corruption is not mandatory, also there are no priority rolls.
Do not get +3 bow unless that is your final upgrade and you have nothing to do with your currency. There are multiple reasons why I don't recommend the +3 bow, here are the reasons
1. It is expensive as hell
The bow I bought cost me 30ex, while quill rain only cost me 1c, at most 3ex including the corruption. The performance won't be great either, for instance I messed with someone's PoB in Poe.Ninja with my TR calculator (right click the picture and open it on new tab if you have trouble looking at it) ___________________________________________________________________
Here you could see the difference is not much, imo it is really not worth the hassle.
2. You can use your currency to invest into other stuff.
So Instead of wasting 30ex on the bow, let's say you spent 20ex at most for the sake of "getting lucky" alright. We can buy 2 sets of cluster jewels (2 large 4 mediums) with that and a thread of hope. And this is what Our dps looks like with the same Quill rain pic but with these upgrades instead of +3 bow. ___________________________________________________________________
(I've excluded 2 jewel sockets in the cluster) ___________________________________________________________________
These 2 reasons are kinda enough to justify the reason I don't recommend you to go with a +3 bow UNLESS it is your final upgrade and you have nothing to burn.
Price - Cheap to Expensive (depends on corruption and links)
First Quiver is a very budget quiver. Elemental damage to attacks and the implicit added cold damage does nothing to our build. That quiver is just purely for life and resistance.
Second piece of quiver is an endgame quiver scales a lot of the damage over time affect, it is one of the best offensive quiver you can have. You will need a Hunter Influenced with item level of 80 or above in order to roll the Chaos damage over time multiplier.
Look for these stats on the quiver (endgame):
> #% to maximum life
> #% to Damage over time multiplier
> #% to Chaos damage over time multiplier (Hunter)
> $% Increase attack speed
> Bow attacks fires an additional arrow (Shaper)
You are recommended to get Ornate Quiver base for the extra socket, as all other Quiver base does not have any beneficial stats to us. Else look for Spike-Point quiver for the crit chance as it helps if you use Tailwind.
For a more budget quiver, you can get a decent Life + resistance quiver early on with some attack speed craft.
Price (endgame) : Expensive
Price (budget) : Cheap - Moderate
Devoto's Devotion is a great helmet, it gives us both attack speed and movement speed, increasing our clearing speed and single target damage, though the downside of Devoto's is it does not have any life modifiers.
The reduced global physical damage does not affect the damage of the Toxic Rain damage as it does not affect DoT damage.
For enchantment, look for
- Toxic Rain fires 1 additional arrow
- Malevolence has 15% reduced Mana Reservation
If you have the Malevolence reduced reservation, you can throw in a Skitterbots for more damage.
Carcass Jack is a BiS body armour for Toxic Rain, it gives 50% increased area of effect which is an additional pod overlap. At the same time giving us decent amount of life and resistance which makes it one of the best body armour for Toxic Rain
Early setup - You are able to farm Carcass Jack
Endgame option - You will need to have a +4 or a +2 +1 Carcass Jack to maximize your Toxic Rain damage, they are not insanely hard to obtain as Toxic Rain has a lot of gem modifiers
Look for these implicit
- +1 to level of socketed gems
- +2 to level of socketed duration gems
- +2 to level of socketed AoE gems
- +2 to level of socketed projectile gems
All the videos above are done with a +1 to level of socketed gems Carcass Jack which cost me 15ex
To beginner players :
About getting a corrupted +socket, make sure the item is ALREADY 6 linked. This is very important as we will not be able to modify the item if it is not a 6 link, making it quite useless for us to socket our gems into it.
After an item is corrupted, you cannot modify the item by any means, EXCEPT for crafting benches. In order to get the right socket colors for your 6 linked corrupted Carcass Jack, you need to spam the bench recipe "at least 1 red", which is found on delve and it cost 4 chromatics + 4 vaal orbs. Spam that recipe until you got 1 red 5 green.
The reason why you should buy an already 6-linked Carcass is because if you don't have it 6 linked, you need to spend 350 jewellers + 350 vaal orbs to get it to 6 socket, and additional 1500 fusings and 1500 vaal orbs to 6 link it, making it very costly. So it is highly suggested to get a 6l Corrupted piece for the +socket.
For the endgame gloves, we will be looking for a rare hunter gloves
Look for these stats :
- +# to Maximum life
- #% to Chaos Damage Over Time
- #% Increase Attack Speed
- #% Increased Area of Effect (crafted)
- #% to (any elemental) resistance
For a more budget glove, you can look for just Life and Resistance and craft the Increased AoE craft which is found by unveiling gloves from defeating syndicate members, then socket your aura gems on the gloves
For the boots, we will be looking for generic life + resistance + movement speed. It is recommended to look for a pair of boots with high movement speed, decent life and resistance and a two-toned boots for your elemental resistances.
Look for these stats :
- +# to Maximum Life
- +#% to (any elemental) resistance
- #% Increase Movement Speed
- +# to Intelligence / Strength (optional)
For the boots enchant, look for
- 10% increased Movement Speed if you haven't been Hit Recently
- 8% chance to Dodge Spell Hits if you've taken a spell damage recently
- 10% Chance to Dodge Attack Hits if you've taken a Critical Strike Recently
Don't get the 16% increased Attack and Cast Speed if you've Killed Recently enchant as it doesn't help us on boss fights and the only trouble we will have is during boss fights
For the amulet, it is recommended to get a rare amulet with STR or INT on it as we will be having some attributes trouble.
Look for these stats
- +1 to level of all chaos skill gems
- +1 to level of all Dexterity Skill gems
- +# to Maximum Life
- +# to Chaos damage over time Multiplier
- +# to (any elemental) resistance
For a more budget amulet, you can Ignore the Chaos DoT Multiplier and the +1 Chaos or Dexterity Skill gems
For the anointment, we are going for Hardened Scars as mentioned, it gives us a great survivability boost. For a more budget start option, you can look for Corruption anointment for more damage early on.
For budget rings, you can get any life and resistance ring. When you reach the point where you have a higher budget for rings, look for either Hunter Influenced rings that give you despair on hit, or a delve despair on hit ring. Only one of them needs the Curse on Hit as this is due to the curse limit we have. Also you could get a ring with increased chaos damage, but it will be expensive on top of good amount of life and resistance.
Look for these stats - +# to Maximum Life
- #% to (any elemental) resistance
- #% Increase chaos damage
- +# to Intelligence / Strength
It is recommended to get a Vermilion Ring, Coral or Two stone rings to cap your elemental resistance and heavily increases your life.
One of your ring will need to have the -mana cost to non channeling skills, this is only important after you need to reserve skitterbots into your build.
For the belt, I would say any belt will do, but on my situation I have this belt (expensive belt) which gives me a lot of offensive options. You can also throw in a Headhunter on the build no problem because it gives us a lot of movement speed and attack speed. Else just look for life and resistance.
Taunting Contraption - It taunts enemies, changing their target aggro and reduces their damage towards you, this is a pretty good belt to use and this means we would have an perma additional 10% damage reduction as taunt makes enemy deals 10% less damage.
For a rare belt, look for a stygian vise with - #% Increased Chaos damage
- +# to Maximum life
- +#% to (any elemental resistance)
- #% increase attack speed during any flask effect
- +# to Intelligence / Strength
If the belt has an open prefix, you can craft - Flasks applied to you have #% increased effect
- #% reduced flask charges gained, flask applied to you have #% increased effect.
- #% Increased Damage
If the belt has an open suffix, you can craft - #% Increased flask effect duration
- Regenerate #% life per second during any flask effect
- +#% to (any elemental) resistance
Price: Cheap - Expensive
2.3 Jewels
Basic Jewel
Look for these stats - #% Increased Maximum Life
- #% Increased Attack Speed
- #% Increased Damage over time
- #% to chaos DoT multiplier
- #% Increased damage
- #% Increased attack speed with bows
For the Abyss Jewels, look for - +# to Maximum Life
- #% Increased damage over time while wielding a two-handed weapon
- #% chance to gain phasing on kill
One of the jewels I aimed for some attributes and resistance as I didn't manage to cap my resistances with my gear. That 1% reduced mana reservation is not mandatory.
Generally you would want to have a maximum life on all of your jewels. Then look for attack speed and DoT damage multi then increase DoT. Those jewels will be expensive, so you will have to narrow down cheap ones by yourself if you are lacking on money, but Prioritize maximum life. ___________________________________________________________________
Cluster Jewels
(Medium clusters above now will be for display purpose only, you want Wicked Pall + Student of Decay, not Eternal Suffering)
Cluster jewels is a new item introduced in 3.10 Delirium. It can only drop in Delirium encounters and cannot be found in anywhere else for now.
For the medium clusters, you will need a total of 4 of them
FOr the large clusters, you will need 2 of them
Medium cluster : Look for 4-5 added passives with 1 jewel socket, NOT 6 passives, again, NOT SIX.
For the stats, look for
- Wicked Pall
- Student of Decay
- Brewed for Potency
This goes the same for all other 3 medium clusters.
Wicked Pall are mainly to increase our skill effect duration so our pods will last longer while increasing the damage. Having an open jewel socket will allow us to socket in a powerful basic jewel socket to further increase both offense and defenses.
Brewed for Potency will be primary increasing on both our offenses and defenses. Since Brewed Potency increased charges gained, you can craft the "Increased flask effect, reduced flask charges gained" mod on the belt without having the downside being noticeable. Also you will have better life recovery with Brewed for Potency.
Alternatively you can go for Student of Decay instead of Brewed for Potency for chaos resistance then go for Divine Flesh which is granted by Glorious Vanity for additional defensive layer.
Large clusters : Look for 8 added passives, not 9 or 10, EIGHT. You must look for one that has 2 jewel sockets
For the stats, look for - Broadside
- Tempered Arrowheads
- 2 Jewel sockets
This goes the same for the other large cluster
Broadside is very important as they increases the area of effect on the pods, by having 2 Broadside we will effectively have an additional pod overlap (though i am not too sure). Having 2 jewel sockets will allow us to socket 2 medium clusters in a large cluster jewel, so it is very important to look for a 2 socket large cluster.
Tempered Arrowheads also further increases our damage because it makes the pods last longer and further increasing the damage. ___________________________________________________________________
Unique Jewels
For the Watcher's Eye, we will be looking for Precision Attack speed and Malevolence damage over time multi. Prioritize Malevolence then attack speed Precision. Watchers eye is not mandatory but it can be quite expensive.
New unique (actually not new) we will be using is thread of hope in a very large ring. We will be using it to grab a life flask node and skill effect duration for the damage.
Place the thread of hope right here
2.4 Flasks
Flask is one of the most overpowered items in this game, but it is very hard to fully utilize and manage your flask well even for a very experienced player. But with correct usage, you can avoid some near death situations.
For the flask, we will be looking for 1 Mana flask, 1 Life flask, 1 Hybrid flask and 2 Utility flask
Mana flask - This mana flask is our core item to recover all of our mana during any types of fights. You won't be running out of mana regen even on long boss fights like Sirus if you did not over use your flask. But even you overused your flask, you can just wait for a few seconds then you should be ready to go. You will need Enduring stat which allows our mana flask to continue the effect even when we reached full mana. For the stats, look for Prefix : Enduring
Suffix : Of Order (Avoid Stun)
Hybrid flask - Hybrid flask is a life flask + mana flask. It acts as a mana flask with Enduring craft that doesn't let the flask effect stops, while it also counts as a life flask to apply our anointment Hardened Scars on us to give us fortify when we use it and will not end when we reached full mana or life. Prefix : Enduring
Suffix : Of Warding (curse immune)
Quicksilver flask - Quicksilver flask basically gives us a lot of movement speed, increasing our mobility. This is a both offensive and defensive flask as movement is very important in this game. Prefix : Alchemist (or any other prefix)
Suffix : Of Adrenaline (Inc Movement speed)
Silver flask - Gives us onslaught. Onslaught is a buff to action speed, which increases both movement and attack speed. Further increasing our dps. Prefix : Any
Suffix : Of Acceleration (Inc attack speed)
Divine Life flask - Pretty much self explanatory as it recovers our life. Also Hybrid flask recovery won't be enough to recover our life on some situations, so it is recommended to get a life flask. Staunching will remove any corrupted blood stacks or bleed on us. Prefix : Any
Suffix : Of Staunching (removes bleed)
You might be wondering why I don't have a anti freeze flask? This is because I have the Pathfinder "Master Alchemist" as it makes me immune to all elemental ailments during flask effect, which includes freeze. So by using a flask, I am immune to ignite, freeze, chill, shock, scorch, brittle and sap.