[3.21] Aegis Incinerate Elementalist - Tank with over 10mil Shaper DPS!

AndyLovesHisBge a écrit :
Claeysken and I just spent a long time on discord together and we came up with a significantly stronger build than the POB I posted a couple of days ago.

Claey had made some changes during 3.18 that were not reflected in the POB I used to theory craft the original 3.19 version.

Here are some highlights of the new version

1) Vaal Cold Snap - used for frenzy generation

2) Pain Attunement on Skin of the Lords - allows for a significantly more efficient tree set up. The POB note section will explain what to do until you can acquire this item.

3) Reworked the aura group. We can now support Determination, Aspect of the Spider, Arctic Armor, Herald of Ash and Tempest Shield with Enlighten 4 (you can drop aspect or hoa until you can afford Enlighten 4)

4) Added Anom Arctic Armor linked to Elemental Proliferation to freeze enemies

5) Removed controlled destruction from build to assure better up time of Elemental Overload

6) Changed the flask set up.

7) Like before, I tuned down all the uniques to have average rolls. The build will only improve if you can acquire good rolls on your uniques.

Claey, you can use this POB in the first post (and you can change the title to be over 16m if you want (we can sustain 16m even with out frenzy charges against boss with this pob).


I will update when POB updates later this week.

Thanks for this man!
When working with Claeysken today, we removed the need for an unset ring.

Due to this I had the ability to replace the unset ring with a different ring, which then allowed me to replace a rare jewel. I chose very inexpensive items to make sure this is realistic:

These changes bring the following changes to the build:

1) Increased DPS: 17.98M DPS when mapping and almost 15.1m DPS when bossing (neither of these include Vaal Righteous Fire)

2) Increased dexterity: Allows for Arctic Armor to be fully leveled for more defense

3) Loss of 29% reduced effect of curses: This appears to be an expensive mod so you can add it back in if and when you have the money.

Here is the latest POB with the above changes.

Dernière édition par AndyLovesHisBge#5265, le 14 août 2022 à 23:52:24
Starting from Archnemesis league where I first reached end-game in PoE I've started looking for only non-meta builds to start each league and this one catches my attention. Although I guess it's pretty much an Elementalist build now?

Looking at PoB above a few things that stop me for a bit are:

- high price for Aegis during first 2 weeks or so
- not knowing what exactly to run skill-wise before I get Empower-4 / Enlighten-4 / Anomalous Arctic Armour.
- not knowing the general order of importantce I should be acquiring uniques first, unless they're like <10-15 chaos (like the sceptre) or less in price. I imagine Aegis is #1 priority, then Natural Affinity+The Stampede boots and then Coward's Legacy+Watcher's eye?
- it's not a very zoomy build in general and you'd want to complete maps pretty quickly to run more of the league mechanic, though I like that the league mechanic itself seems to be suited for the build as each mirror lake section is around ~1screen size so you dont need to run around too much
- not sure how it'd perform vs yoked out metamorphs that have 150% life and good regen, I wanted to give them a good try this league now that archnem mods are again tied to specific rewards so e.g. you could double tap some rare archnem mod-rewards combos through metamporhs

But I also like that the build puts arctic armour and frost blink to use, a couple of skills I have been looking to actually use one of these days.

Any of the experienced players here starting it on Elementalist this league? It'd be nice to have a benchmark to strive for while I'm leveling on a slower side. Regardless, it's nice to see that the build/POB is getting some nice updates.
Dernière édition par MrCinos#7558, le 14 août 2022 à 16:35:05
MrCinos a écrit :
Starting from Archnemesis league where I first reached end-game in PoE I've started looking for only non-meta builds to start each league and this one catches my attention. Although I guess it's pretty much an Elementalist build now?

Looking at PoB above a few things that stop me for a bit are:

- high price for Aegis during first 2 weeks or so
- not knowing what exactly to run skill-wise before I get Empower-4 / Enlighten-4 / Anomalous Arctic Armour.
- not knowing the general order of importantce I should be acquiring uniques first, unless they're like <10-15 chaos (like the sceptre) or less in price. I imagine Aegis is #1 priority, then Natural Affinity+The Stampede boots and then Coward's Legacy+Watcher's eye?
- it's not a very zoomy build in general and you'd want to complete maps pretty quickly to run more of the league mechanic, though I like that the league mechanic itself seems to be suited for the build as each mirror lake section is around ~1screen size so you dont need to run around too much
- not sure how it'd perform vs yoked out metamorphs that have 150% life and good regen, I wanted to give them a good try this league now that archnem mods are again tied to specific rewards so e.g. you could double tap some rare archnem mod-rewards combos through metamporhs

But I also like that the build puts arctic armour and frost blink to use, a couple of skills I have been looking to actually use one of these days.

Any of the experienced players here starting it on Elementalist this league? It'd be nice to have a benchmark to strive for while I'm leveling on a slower side. Regardless, it's nice to see that the build/POB is getting some nice updates.


The notes section in the POB will answer many of your questions but I will try to answer them here as well. Please ask more questions as needed if I don't answer anything well enough.

1) This build has morphed through various classes since it was first created. It started as an Inquisitor but as things changed, we had to change the build with it. For 3.19, it looks like Elementalist will be the best version but we are always on the look out for other ideas

2) The shield will be very expensive but the build functions fine with out it while you farm. We recommend that you find any shield you can that gives you over 30% block chance. This synergizes with our weapon

3) - Use regular Arctic Armor before you get Anomalous Arctic Armor.

- Use Empower 2 before you can afford Empower 3/4. If you can't afford Empower 2, use Fire Penetration.

- Until you can afford Enlighten 4, remove either Herald of Ash or Aspect of the Spider. You won't need an enlighten of any level if you remove one of those 2.

4) We use to recommend getting the Aegis shield first but once its priced sky rocketed the last few leagues, we no longer recommend that. Many of our items come in pairs.

a) Cerberus Limb + 30% block shield
b) Natural Affinity + Stampede Boots
c) Watchers Eye (with Vulnerability) + Coward's Legacy Belt

The helmet you can get when ever. The helmet enchantment can take some time to find but you can play fine with out. There is no real importance order, as long as you get the pairs that need to work together, at the same time.

Players tend to get a) and b) first since they are cheaper than c) typically.

5) We are not a zoomy build, that is correct. If you like zoom zoom, this build will not be for you. I can't speak for how we will function in the league mechanic until we get in there and try.

6) This build shreds metamorphs. We can tank pretty much anything they can throw at us, which means we get max DPS against them until they die. The only item you have to watch out for (which is the same against almost any monster for this build), is ground degen.

7) The Arctic Armor buff is fabulous for us because the entire build is centered around having to stand still (which is typically a bad thing in POE).

Frost Blink will be a relatively new skill to the build. We have used Flame Dash in almost every version of the build the last couple of years, but I personally want to try Frost Blink just to see how it feels. I know it will be slower than Flame Dash but will be better against bosses. There is also the opportunity to swap the gems as you play (Flame Dash for mapping and Frost Blink when bossing), since they are the same color. I am going to test all combo's and see what I like.

I will be playing this as an elementalist in 3.19 and will be happy to help you at any stage. However, I am not league starting this. I will be using this as my second build of the league. My first build I am using an infinite heist style so that I can hide in there for a week or so until the economy gets settled from the big changes coming.

Please let me know if you have any other questions or if I can better explain something. Also, give a read through the notes section in the POB as well if you haven't already.

Dernière édition par AndyLovesHisBge#5265, le 14 août 2022 à 19:52:18
Thank you for the detailed answers! I've read PoB notes and decided to stick with this build. I dont want to spend any more (dozens of) hours than I already have on builds research, lol. Not that it's the main reason for my choice as I really do like almost everything about the build in theory. Active creator(s) of the build that are willing to help with the questions is also a very big boon.

So pretty much the only problem I see here for myself is getting enough currency for Aegis and on the same character too as I prefer to play just 1 build per league, preferably swapping to build's main skill asap. The lack of zoom-zoom aspect I'm fine with, I doubt it'd be much slower than my previous character - Tectonic Slam Chieftan that used bazillion of active skills. Looking forward to the league start even more now.
Dernière édition par MrCinos#7558, le 14 août 2022 à 18:29:32
MrCinos a écrit :
Thank you for the detailed answers! I've read PoB notes and decided to stick with this build. I dont want to spend any more (dozens of) hours than I already have on builds research, lol. Not that it's the main reason for my choice as I really do like almost everything about the build in theory. Active creator(s) of the build that are willing to help with the questions is also a very big boon.

So pretty much the only problem I see here for myself is getting enough currency for Aegis and on the same character too as I prefer to play just 1 build per league, preferably swapping to build's main skill asap. The lack of zoom-zoom aspect I'm fine with, I doubt it'd be much slower than my previous character - Tectonic Slam Chieftan that used bazillion of active skills. Looking forward to the league start even more now.

awesome!! Welcome to the thread.

We usually have some decent activity in here so ask any questions you have or recommend changes that you like when playing. You will find people in here friendly and helpful I hope. I always have.

As for the main skill, equip Incin at level 12 and keep it the entire game.

We have enough upgrades in this build (Empower 4, Enlighten 4, the shield, a great Skin of the Lords etc etc), that you will be able to play as long as you like especially if you don't no life it :) There will always be something to work towards.

Once you get to the "final" version of the build, you should be doing things like Shaper, Elder, Uber Elder, Sirus, and wave 30 of Simulacrum fairly easily. I can't speak to the Uber Uber bosses as they are well beyond my primitive skill level :)

One thing that may not be clear from the skills, is make sure that while you are mapping, you make use of the combo of "Infernal Cry" followed directly by "Incin". If you time things well and are well positioned, you can get massive explosions to take out large packs all at once. It will come naturally to you after a little while.
Dernière édition par AndyLovesHisBge#5265, le 14 août 2022 à 21:47:13
Some PoB/Build questions:

1) CWDT is linked only to Vaal Cold Snap, right?

2) At what point should I / new leaguestarter bother getting and using Vaal RF?

3) Corrupted blood immunity on a medium cluster jewel seems really hard to get, to a point that it'd be one of the last items you'd have budget to go for unless I'm missing something? So in practice the single normal (crimson) jewel in the build will have to have that corruption implicit.

4) Is there any temporary non-4B-2R socket color option for Skin of the Lord/Loyal in case one doesn't appear for reasonable price in quite a while? Like 5B-1R, 3B-3R with a different support gem for some time or even something with 1 green socket though with lower dex numbers that won't fly probably. Or it'd be better to use any other 6 link instead in that case. Dialla's Malefaction could be a gap-stop measure now that I'm thinking, though after 3.19 buff I've a feeling it will be less affordable than before too.

Most of the other (item) questions are closer to the end-game and they might solve themselves by that time. Overall the build doesn't seem to be much more expensive than the two I went 95+ with before, so I'm looking forward to the incremental equipment upgrade process soon. The fact that you don't need to craft weapon/shield makes it much easier for me.

P.S. I happened to use Infernal Cry pretty often last league, didn't think I'd return to it that soon. At least it's the only war cry in the setup.
Dernière édition par MrCinos#7558, le 14 août 2022 à 20:38:12
MrCinos a écrit :
Some PoB/Build questions:

1) CWDT is linked only to Vaal Cold Snap, right?

2) At what point should I / new leaguestarter bother getting and using Vaal RF?

3) Corrupted blood immunity on a medium cluster jewel seems really hard to get, to a point that it'd be one of the last items you'd have budget to go for unless I'm missing something? So in practice the single normal (crimson) jewel in the build will have to have that corruption implicit.

4) Is there any temporary non-4B-2R socket color option for Skin of the Lord/Loyal in case one doesn't appear for reasonable price in quite a while? Like 5B-1R, 3B-3R with a different support gem for some time or even something with 1 green socket though with lower dex numbers that won't fly probably. Or it'd be better to use any other 6 link instead in that case. Dialla's Malefaction could be a gap-stop measure now that I'm thinking, though after 3.19 buff I've a feeling it will be less affordable than before too.

Most of the other (item) questions are closer to the end-game and they might solve themselves by that time. Overall the build doesn't seem to be much more expensive than the two I went 95+ with before, so I'm looking forward to the incremental equipment upgrade process soon. The fact that you don't need to craft weapon/shield makes it much easier for me.

P.S. I happened to use Infernal Cry pretty often last league, didn't think I'd return to it that soon. At least it's the only war cry in the setup.

1) Yes, CWDT will proc the regular version of Cold Snap. We only use this for frenzy charges. While mapping, this will get you decent up time for frenzy charges. When bossing, you can self-cast the Vaal portion of Vaal Cold Snap to try and generate some frenzy charges against single target.

Arctic Armor is not controlled by CWDT.

As a side note, put Molten Shell on left mouse button. It will proc as you move.

2) Vaal RF is VERY tricky to use. First, you never use the regular part of Righteous Fire. This build cannot sustain it and it will kill you. The vaal portion should only be used in fights where you need to burst DPS down a monster, but it comes with a HUGE downside, in that as soon as you use it, it decimates 60% of your health pool. I rarely use it myself. You have to experiment with it yourself to see when you feel safe. When used it gives about 3m DPS of extra burst damage for a few seconds.

Note that I don't enable the VRF in the POB as I don't want to show the burst DPS especially if players are not comfortable using VRF. If you can get used to it and have good timing, it does help melt bosses quicker.

3) Corrupted Blood Immunity is a NICE TO HAVE. It is not in any way required. The "cheapest" way to find it is to get it without effecting the build is on Natures Apprentice. But it will be one of the very last things you get. We are more than tanky enough that a simple blood immune flask can keep us alive even when we get hit hard with corrupted blood.

You can also grab the immunity on the rare jewel as you mentioned but it will be VERY expensive if the jewel has any good stats on it.

IMO, I would prioritize good stats on the rare jewel above corrupted blood immunity.

4) Skin of the Loyal (the one you will get first) tends to be easy to get in our colors. You can use any 6 cheap corrupted 6 link in our colors until this time.

The new Dialla Malefaction and the new Infernal Mantle both could be useful to our build if you need while waiting for Skin of the Loyal.

We don't have a ton of color choices. 4b 2r is BY FAR, the best. 3b 3r is a stop gap only.
Dernière édition par AndyLovesHisBge#5265, le 14 août 2022 à 21:49:06
Please note that we do not yet know the effect of GGG globally nerfing the drop rate of all uniques.

Any advice I give is based on the current drop rate. Neither I, nor anyone else, knows what the effect on availability will be in 3.19 of uniques.
Dernière édition par AndyLovesHisBge#5265, le 14 août 2022 à 21:46:41
Great job, Andy and Clay!

I'm happy to report I've found some optimizations, see if you guys can see if I made any mistakes:
Replace inspiration with arcane surge (removed the custom modifier)
Remove aspect of spider
Add back defiance banner (overkill by this point. Vitality is another option to counter degens. If you don't use either you can actually use something besides uncompromising)
Change enlighten 4 to 3


PS: One thing I'm not sure is configured correctly. You have both "full ES" and "leeching ES" ticked. We don't have trickster ES overleech so I think it's one or the other.

PPS: We have so much tankiness and DPS that I would prioritize corrupted blood immunity over other stats on the jewel. On some encounters (Sirius? Delirium?) there's a lot of corrupted blood.

PPPS: You have +1 max endurance charge but I'm not sure where we are getting it. Maybe if we don't use uncompromising you can use enduring composure instead.
Dernière édition par Chubbypuppy#3011, le 14 août 2022 à 22:54:38


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