[3.18 suspended] Blast from the Past. KB/PS Int Stack Wander King. Speed meta 18K ES, 20m+ dps
" 3.17 updates: **Crafting section of the guide is updated** League starting and levelling guide 3.17 buffs/nerfs POB is still unupdated, but the changes should be easy to apply. Overall we got ridiculously buffed. Free 50% aura, 6 mod jewels and more late game options. ---- The videos below are from 3.16, but they are still very good to check out. Pob links with actual gear is linked under the videos. Week 1 Update. My gear and how i craft Week 2 Update. Upgrade Priorities and most common mistakes How to use the videos above: The first video is from the first moment when i swapped to int stack wander. It focuses on what i do for an efficient early game swap, going over each item slot with crafting methods and stressing which notes i try to hit on that specific gear for a good wanding experience. The second video is a bit more into late game, where i speak about priorities when upgrading my gear and discusses what are some other decent alternatives. Also i touch on common mistakes people do and how i avoid them. Both videos come with exact POB links used at the time. All boss videos from 3.16 down below are split between the two 'stages' so you can know what to expect at what gear level. POBs for 3.16: (community fork for the president)
Wander stun: https://pastebin.com/SseTWB0B
Wander aura: https://pastebin.com/Y5Q1qNFz Wander cluster: https://pastebin.com/SqzcrWkh If you are not sure, go with aura setup until u have very good small clusters and swap to clusters afterwards. I am doing some changes to POB config, like no unique flasks or temporary buffs are ticked by default now. If you wish to see meme numbers click on them. ![]() Tankiness test: Shaper slam + beam with 4L PS, dead start, no fortify, no flasks If u have feedback or questions: " Pros & Cons: + A++ clear speed, even in delirious high tiers. + Tanky with up to 18K ES, fortify, crit immunity and 28 spell/attack dodge + All content, deathless without changing anything. (1200+ delve needs modifications) + Stable. Doesn't use extra setups (like vaal skills, wither stacks etc) to boost damage. + Has an immensely detailed guide, including 'craft your gear' section for each single item slot. - Expensive; needs good gear to start (Read 'Entry Costs' part) - Late bloomer, needs levels and really not a levelling friendly build. - Uses 2 skills, this means either your clear or boss skill will be a 4L - Not a copy&paste build. Theory crafting, optimization and item crafting is necessary. Comparisons vs other wanders:
Pre 3.10 Int Stacking Wander setup from ranger (pathfinder) will be faster due to flask effectiveness and is better suited for fast farming mid tier maps. Unfortunately it cannot even come close to the ES or dmg numbers of the assassin version as u will need to waste a lot of points on the ranger side of the tree. If you are on std and have a legacy vinktar flask it is still solid.
Other wand builds.. well there are some nice wanders around, main advantage being their budgets. But for end-game i failed to theory-craft a build worth comparing and didn't see any on forums too. Int Stacking Wander - what is it ? The build revolves around having a Shaper or Hunter wand with 'adds 1-6 lightning damage to attacks with this weapon per 10 intelligence' then scaling int both for Energy Shield and Damage. Why is it stronger than ever ?
A few changes happened in 3.10. First of all we got a method of adding spell dmg to attack dmg without using a Crown of Eyes. But even more importantly the new cluster jewel system now lets up spend our points much more efficiently.
Since then, patch after patch, int stacker managed to dodge all the big nerfs.. thanks to its non-dependancy on a single mechanic to work. Videos: Scourge SC:
Old Harvest Crafting Guides Ritual (these do not work now, just for nostalgia):
Crafting Your Wand Helmet Crafting and Enchants Crafting the Body Armor The Amulet (with post-stealth nerf info) Ritual SC
Heist SC
3.12 Changes: https://youtu.be/g3e5i9g9JbY
Full Deli Run: https://youtu.be/UbqUVZYp6Og Sirus 8: https://youtu.be/Cy_sexZS4Vw Harvest SC
Sirus 8: https://youtu.be/hukGVuMGVN4
100% delirious juiced t16: https://youtu.be/C3Nm-wusMVk 2 simulacrums back to back. 7 bosses including last wave double boss fight: https://youtu.be/3-kRJXN-ZRA Juiced t16 with 80% delirium: https://youtu.be/LSWeUuBTTG8 Delirium SC
https://www.twitch.tv/trivial_matters/ for everyday gaming A8 Sirus (Last phase, bad audio): https://youtu.be/GIiK8dkV_Fo Fully Juiced Splinter farm: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRjNELYcOfg Wave 15 Simulacrum with boss: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhE7MinILkc Wave 20 Simulacrum with boss: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ramKj--yEU Hall of Grand Masters A8: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6wv6ia7aRo Skill Gems:
Use awakened gems if possible, normal versions will also work. Kinetic Blast: Your last link will be Pierce Support or Awakened Fork Support (and not normal fork) unless u have another source of pierce. Afterwards u can swap to any other dps or QoL gem. Alternatively You can get 2 pierce from Anomalous Kinetic Blast and use inspiration support. Power Siphon: For 6L add Damage on full life and (A) Added Lightning Damage Best thing is to use level 21 Anomalous Power Siphon, if u don't have that play with level 21 normal quality Alternatively u can use a single 6L PS with chain or fork support instead of barrage for clearing, and gemswap for bossing. Sadly your clear speed will feel the difference. For Kinetic Bolt, it might be a option on early game with new alt quality. End game PS/KB still performs better. Auras: Summon Skitterbots - Discipline - Precision - Enlighten 3 or 4 Move: Shield Charge - Faster Attacks Utility: CWDT - Lightning Golem - Wave of conviction Curse: Spellslinger - Sniper's Mark You will need enlighten 4 to sneak in spellslinger after 3.12 Entry Costs & Budget Concerns
This build's cost can be a bit hard to judge as it requires no uniques (Atziri Shield can be skipped too) but thrives on good rare items and at least 2 awakener orbs.
A common misconception is saying 'oh i can just get cheaper similar gear and budget it' This is an endgame build. Compared to an average build, it works in reverse order. Your common build starts with a bit on investment to get excellent returns at the start (Chaos bow for ED build for example). In return it also hits 'diminishing returns' soon where upgrades become more expensive and returns are smaller. (If u asked yourself something like 'shall i buy that 30ex glove/ring etc for 2% more dmg difference', that's exactly it.) Int stack Wander does the opposite, we spend a hefty amount of exalts to get a very good 'build base' going, which gives you a passable build but nothing fancy. Then every upgrade you do, even the smallest ones gives you a huge increase in power cuz you do not hit diminishing return (at least not until u hit god mode) Level 95 and 60ex is my sweet spot for getting that base done and adding a few upgrades so the build feel 'worth playing'. Mind that this is not a 'buyout' option and assumes u wait for good stuff to appear on trade while crafting your own gear to cut the costs. Lately i have been seeing YT/Twitch content hinting this build is budgeable and you don't need that much gear (for ex, by swapping ascendancies like occultist who loses all endgame power for a slightly cheaper start) This is misleading. Do not fall for that trap. So if you are a new player who do not usually hit that 'diminishing returns' on cheap starter builds, they might be a better alternative. If u do, however, this build offers immense scaling options long after most other builds are 'finished' Lastly, i have no idea about prices in standard league. i believe it will be much harder there due to low population and giant monopolization. Nostalgia Gear(Ritual):
Nostalgia Gear(Heist):
Nostalgia Gear (harvest):
There is a detailed 'how to craft' part for each item in the next section.
Nostalgia Gear (delirium):
Detailed Itemization (with Crafting Guide for each item):
Easiest way to get a good wand is crafting yourself, this is what you can do without harvest crafts.. check the harvest craft section for other alternatives:
1) Get one wand with lightning dmg per int mod (shaper or hunter), one wand with T1 lightning pen / lightning damage to attacks hybrid mod (crusader mod). 2) Merge two items via awakener's orb (one of the wands must be an imbued wand with ilvl 82+). 3a) If u get attack speed or critical strike chance, craft the other and u are set. 3b) If u didnt get those, u can remove suffixes and multimod crit+attack speed 3d) If your item has 3 suffixes - 2 prefixes, use a farric wolf alpha beast to send 1 suffix to prefix, then restart step 3. 3e) If u rolled 6 mods (very rare but can happen), use an orb of annulment and pray Good prefixes for 3rd spot are flat lightning dmg, penetration, spell damage per intelligence, spell damage ------------ For bigger budgets, you can aim a synthetised wand, that has 1.5 base attack speed, with 1-6 lightning damage per 10 intelligence and roll with Deafening Essence of Wrath for getting high flat lightning damage. While these bases are expensive, they are much easier to craft (and can get augment speed/critical harvest crafts as they are not influenced). Body:
12% int mod is very good, so crusader base is a must. Otherwise get as much ES as possible. (600+ at least). Bench Craft '% attributes' or 'intelligence'.
You can also aim for +1 curse or mobs explode mods too, but this is lower priority compared to decent ES. Depending on crafting material prices, you can use fundemantal + dense fossils on an uninfluenced regalia and try to slam crusader orb. Lower level regalias can cut your maximum energy shield but increase your chances of getting the %int slam. Alternative method is spamming Deafening Essence of Spite for %int and + int, then craft 'suffixes cannot be changed' followed by reforge with defense modifiers harvest craft. This method is much more expensive, but can be useful if we want multiple suffixes fixed. Helm:
Again aim for +int and %int (hunter mod) along with as much ES as possible. Resist and accuracy are welcome additions.
PS +2 proj, 30% Snipers Mark effect enchant and 15% PS attack speed are all useful (sometimes +2 proj just gets too expensive, Mark effect nearly gives same dmg and usually much cheaper) Crafting methods are same with the body armor. Helms also can roll +1 max power charge (warlord influence), which is an immense dps boots but also very hard to roll with decent ES. U can spam Spite Essences or dense fossils to craft this. Gloves:
My favorite method after Scourge is using hollow + dense + fundemantal fossils for a glove with t1 int, abyssal socket and decent Energy Shield. If you can, craft attack speed. Do not get fixated on ES value gloves, also spell dmg implicit is again very negligible. 100ES is good enough, focus on int first. Also, shadow and dust gloves are a nice option for Rampage. i usually swap to these for 4-way or 5-way conflict. Alternative end game glove would have intimidate on hit (hunter influence) for extra damage Boots:
Tailwind mod (hunter influence) is BIS, do not care much about ES here. Get missing resistances/stats if necessary.
+2 pierce mod (again, hunter inf) will let you drop pierce or awakened fork gem. This is not mandatory thou... actually i felt better with using the gem as my dmg is more than enough and having more coverage was welcome. Easiest method for crafting these is buying a pair of boots with tailwind and t1 int. Crafting suffixes cannot be changed and using a veiled chaos orb for a veiled prefix. Best mod is movement + cannot be chilled, but any move speed will work fine (use anti-freeze flask.) Sin Trek gives decent ES and int/dex which are all useful. Also the ES/Eva mastery for '1 ES per 8 evasion on boots' works nicely with it. Belt:
Auxium gives 210-240% (!) increased damage and 150 ES. also solves your mana leech (2 points on tree) and freeze problems. Do not forget to buy max ele dmg (25), and close to max ES rolls and use catalysts to buff ele damage.
Alternative is getting a synt base with 15% (18% after catalysts) increased intelligence belt and spamming Deafening Essences of Spite. Also Headhunter fits nicely, gives you dex/str you need and... well its HH Shield:
Atziri's reflection comes with decent ES, 60 int + 90 res which is lovely. (Importance of mods: Int/ES - res - curse effect - evasion)
A Yellow shield with Es/int will easily net you more ES. No curse immunity or resists but there are some decent influence mods. (Budget-wise, getting atziri's shield should be a low priority as u can get away with a cheap shield for a long time. But if u are spending 17-8ex for your shield it is the way to go.) Amulet:
Amulet is the main source of int and can give up to 24% increased int again crafted by using an awakener's orb with '6-9% all attributes' (shaper) and 9-12% intelligence (crusader, make sure its max tier) mods.
For prefixes; %1 damage per 15 int mod is also huge, but not as good as the ones above. Both lightning and ele pen is welcome. es% can be crafted. Also do not get fixated on int suffix and pay a lot for it like it is your only choice. A high crit multi, resist, all attributes roll is also good. Try to avoid Lapis amulets as bases, its a trap. You will lose a lot of secondary stats. Go for dual bases (int/dex or int/str) or all stats. Once you are happy with your amulet, divine it until 9% all attributes / 12% increased int. Use catalyst to buff them to 10/14 and annoint 'tranquility' (golden-golden-azure oils). Craft % maximum ES to finish. Again, annoint Tranquility. it scales with int too and gives 14-17% more dmg depending on your int + some ES, making it by far the best dmg node on the tree. Rings:
Get resists, then get intelligence and other stats. Prefix slots are somewhat less important. +ES is very good, %ES(crusader influence) is good. flat lightning is better than %ele dmg. Do not try to craft these, its very hard. Instead search for rings with: +ES, +all stats, +int and a open suffix. Craft something depending on your needs. Use two rings like this if u can cap resists, use one and get resists from the second one if u cant. tip: get a lot of stats from one ring and a lot of resists from the other so u can benefit more from catalysts. Jewels:
Best jewel mods are + flat ES, lightning dmg to attacks with wands, crit multi, attack speed if crit recently.
Alternatively a regular jewel with 3 attack speed mods and crit multi will net more dmg but no ES. Do not be afraid to get resists or stats from these too. You need at least one source of added fire damage for cinderswallow urn if you are using it, this is a nice place to get it. Lethal Pride is optional, it gives a lot of str (witch or shadow socket) and has some nice mods (chance to deal dd, intimidate on hit, fortify effect, +20 str, damage taken as fire.. all benefits you. You can use a Watcher'e Eye with precision or discipline mods. Crit multi is best dps wise, every discipline mod has some value too. Alternatively u can use a level 1 clarity and get mana to ES mod if u want more ES for some reason. If you went for wrath, 15 penetration is yummy as well. Cluster Jewels:
Large cluster options: 8 nodes lightning dmg jewel: Good passives: Snowstorm, Stormdrinker. This leaves 2 suffixes open for stat/resist rolls on the jewel. 8 node dmg with shields jewel Good Nodes: Veteran Defender, Advance Guard, Martial Prowess, Feed the Fury, Fuel the Fight, Drive the Destruction. Martial Prowess is a suffix, so u can get that + 2 notables from the list above. Bread and butter combo is having veteran defender * 2 and 1 mana + 1 life leech node. Small Clusters: ES clusters, 3 node long. Good Notables: NONE. 35% effect adds 2% es per node. Best one would have t1 +ES and 35% effect without a notable as prefix (and extremely hard to get) For mid tier do not for these, use yellow jewels instead. If u wanna craft these, try old alt regal mod. I cannot stress the value of good cluster jewels enough! Where to start (itemization priorities)
This is a bit league dependent as prices chance a lot but roughly this is the method i use:
Step 1: Converting to Wander Around level 90 i spend most of my budget for these items: A decent wand as it is immense for dmg, a body armor with int and ES to get that flat es going, A dual %attributes amulet for int scaling, A ring with pure int (t1 int, t1 all stats and int/x craft) so i have some int to scale. Auxium and shaper's touch. Rest of the items are mainly used for capping res and getting missing stats. Step 2: What did i tell you about clusters I get my cluster jewels. these always come with extras in terms of resists and stats. Craft them yourself or save money or buy them.. it doesn't matter. You really want to see what you get from them before investing into expensive gear Step 3: Ascending to Godhood Now i check what i dont need anymore and drop my placeholder items for more suitable ones. This is where i sneak in tailwind, swap to yellow gloves or belt etc. From that point on i upgrade my gear bit by bit until there is no reason to do so :) Pantheon:
Soul of The Brine King: this is how we manage stun in maps.
Soul of Ralakesh: For its secondary abiliy, blind immunity is very nice. Levelling and Skill Trees:
Guide for levelling early on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_xG9Sns9OI&feature=youtu.be I am making the levelling build a fully fledged build with its own guide here: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2913460 it will have a 'before swapping to int stack wander' section once i finish it, meanwhile there is a lot of info for you to use already. Bench Crafting Service: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2515748 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/trivial_matters/ Dernière édition par Trivialmatters#7587, le 28 août 2022 19:21:43 Dernier bump le 26 déc. 2022 20:15:02
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Holy shit bro this is exactly what I've been looking for. Power siphon and or kb assassin that's not a poison variant and doesn't cost 3000ex
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I'm trying to craft a wand but im a lil confused about the crusader wand, are there 2 separate mods bcuz im only able to find 1/2
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" there is a single prefix mod which gives 'adds 3-8 to 88-99 lightning damage to attacks' and 'attacks with this weapon penetrates 5-7 lightning resistance' together. Its kinda hard to search for since both parts can also be rolled separately Bench Crafting Service: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2515748
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/trivial_matters/ |
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" im dumb I saw that. I was confused cuz the mods appear in separate locations |
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looks fun, will try craft it all with 150ex budget. Will let u know if im succesful :D
ps: that thread of hope value has to be the best thing ive ever seen holyfuck that alone makes me wanna make this build Dernière édition par surreal1994#0783, le 6 mai 2020 19:31:22
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" Let me know how it goes, im currently sitting on around the same amount of currency : P |
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" yea i am kinda fond of that too Bench Crafting Service: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2515748 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/trivial_matters/ Dernière édition par Trivialmatters#7587, le 7 mai 2020 00:40:23
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Hey bro whats rolls u getting with the lethal pride?
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" that one gives 2 * 5% dd nodes and 10 fortify effect. one in the witch socket will be better thou as u can get up to 5 nodes if necessary Bench Crafting Service: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2515748
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/trivial_matters/ |
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