[3.10] Toxic Rain Trickster 30 Mil Shaper DPS (the best one)
"Yeah IR / armor is only worth doing if you abuse molten shell. But tbh I haven't felt that much problems with stuns even when I played it first time without extra anti-stun measures, over for example my totem character that was MOM 4k hp + 3k mana and that one felt much more vulnerable to stun (to the point many totem players use brine king pantheon). Atm I'm running anti-stun boot enchant which with heart of oak will give you stun immune if killed recently. It's also possible to unlock the flask mod for 50% stun avoidance and then scale flask effectiveness to be close to immune to stun (you'd need to up flask effectiveness close to 50% though as you need to make 72% out of 50% baseline). I see you're having it on your cinderswallow so you had probably the same idea. :) Since TR doesn't benefit from crit or leech I think this is in fact the most useful mod there. And yeah, I kinda had to pick Master Alchemist over Nature's Adrenaline for ignite immunity, and run Shakari pantheon / antivenom cluster against poison. Evasion builds just feel like they get 1-shot whenever I didn't evade. Maybe I should have tried some work arounds like Kintsugi / Deshret brutal restraint / aspect of the crab / endurance charges since there's a cluster for that now (unnatural instinct is way too expensive, even more so this league). Mixing evasion felt better on CI builds than life, because it's harder to be 1-shot from 9k es than 5k life, and evasion helps to get that shield recharge to start. I don't know if anyone ever made CI TR trickster, I've seen it on ED and caustic arrow but not on TR, maybe because -mana crafts conflict with the energy shield recharge ones on rings. "Yeah in the clearspeed meta we have atm with Delirium rushing you to not get outrun by the fog it's probably much harder to stop by and let ghost shrouds recharge, I've heard of people dying to stunlock because they ran out of ghost shroud charges. In other leagues you'd have gaps between packs, you'd loot as you go, etc. It's probably easier to be stunlock immune on bosses because when you know what to side step you shouldn't be hit that much and have always time to recharge the shrouds. "It's not really, it's consistently the second most popular trickster spec after ED for the last 4 leagues at least? Basically since after WORB was nerfed. Unless he meant PF specifically, which is overall under utilized ascendancy because most people if they play chaos dots they'll pick trickster and if they play poisons, they'll pick assassin. So unless you have a spec that requires you to flask piano, there's always another ascendancy that does the same thing and is more appealing to the broad audience. Tbh raider has similar issues, most people won't pick it for bow builds over deadeye and won't pick it for melee over berserker / champion. Trickster on the other hand is good / best pick for many builds, dot (chaos / ignite), direct elemental damage esp. with eternity shroud, it's also good for archmage thanks to weave the arcane, so yeah, even if it's considered "nerfed" it's still doing well. I must say from my personal experience most forum guides I've seen are well crafted and even if I wouldn't follow it to the letter, I can understand the choices. Meanwhile I've seen several "guides" in form of youtube videos that are just sub par choices, but people follow them because I dunno, people don't wanna read anymore just watch. For example there was a guy who recommended people to pick extra frenzy charges from tree even though every time I check someone's POB they'd get more damage from other nodes than spending 2 points on extra frenzy charge... Not even mentioning after you record video it's harder to update it than a written guide so he had no cluster jewels in it, and you can get much more damage and attack speed from cluster jewels atm than taking a trip around the talent tree. |
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Hey guys,
really loving the build, and finally being able to have fun with a bow build again (the others lacked damage, survivability or both). With my current setup I can melt most bosses pretty well already. But still looking to improve my damage. Right now I am at 97k hideout dps for the chaos damage per second. What could/would you recommend me to do in order to get to around 120-130k? I know that I still need to quality and level my gems again, that is what I am already on now. But besides that anything more in terms of jewels/items I could optimize and not spend a fortune on? Thank you very much rlauren2 for the awesome build and guide and everyone else for your input too. P.S.: Replacing the lvl 3 empower with lvl 4 empower already got me up to 107k now. Still looking to get closer to the 160k. Dernière édition par 0dinsson#6522, le 7 mai 2020 03:42:28
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" The only easy thing you have available is to get your awakened void manip and swift affliction to 20% quality. More damage will also come with levels on those gems, but you can't fast forward time. Other upgrades will be more expensive: - Go for an amulet with +1 to gems and 13-16 chaos dot multi as well - Get a bow with attack speed as the last affix instead of the stun duration - Upgrade the non-cluster jewels. Most of them look to have 2 desired mods. Going from that to 3-4 desired mods will give you a boost Of those last three, I'd say bow first. And as always, only the final APS displayed on the bow matters (when comparing say a lower AS roll on a better base vs. higher roll on worse base). Also, minor unrelated nitpick, but I'd suggest refunding the last 2 life and evasion nodes behind revenge of the hunted and finish off the herbalism notable now. As you get the next couple levels you can go back for those life nodes again. |
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" Thank you very much for your help. Will look into the bow. Added the quality to the gems and it helped already. Also swapped the passives as suggested. Great work, really appreciated. |
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Thanks for sharing the guide. This gave me some new ideas that ultimately salvaged my league start character!! It hadn't occurred to me to use a 2nd cluster up by the CI node, and instead pathed to corruption.
Also, thanks to this guide - I've made bank crafting the cluster jewels! :) I changed it up slightly, and use CA for the clear then TR for the boss. TWO different bow and two different quivers, then use the weapon swap key. Not quite sure I find the TR clear as fast as the CA clear with arrow nova. My profile is public, so would love some advice on upgrades. The only major upgrade (I think!) is a faster bow for the TR setup (didn't realize how critical that was.) Was attempting to fix that, when I had a happy accident on the CA bow, hitting bow fires 2 extra projectiles b/c I picked a base > 82.. I finished that off and use it for CA right now - 8 arrows w/o dying sun is jsut ridiculous when combined with pierce, which lets you spread up to 16-20 coulds. Shame the overlap doesn't do extra damage like overlap on TR does. For the TR bow, I plan on finishing the one below. Doesn't have the generic dot multi, but the T1 speed roll was very nice, as soon as I save 1 more EX to finish the craft. (suffix can't be changed, scour, can't roll attack modifiers, exalt, multi-craft +2 support and cdot multi) Here is a video I made of the clear - will add more as I think to record. T16 A8 Promenade (not a good run) https://youtu.be/JETwKInYa4Q T16 A8 Malformation (much better run) https://youtu.be/ZGWHqOG-T1U Dernière édition par toxic678#2264, le 7 mai 2020 15:22:53
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i have a trickster lvl 91 and i have 21 ex this build is doable with that budget ?
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21ex is more than enough to get started. This was my league start, so it can be built over time starting with zero currency.
1) The large cluster jewels with 2 sockets are going to be the most expensive thing. Those will run 3-5ex when I bought them. 2) The medium cluster jewels can be self-crafted for almost nothing. Alt-aug-regal spam or just single resonator + aetheric fossils. OR you can pay the 2-3 ex that I get for these ;) Craft Link for Medium Clusters https://www.craftofexile.com/?b=141&m=fossil&f=|1|&ob=both&v=d&a=e&l=a&lg=2&bp=y&req={"324":{"l":1,"g":2},"509":{"l":1,"g":2},"1751":{"l":1,"g":1}}&bld={}&ggt=|&ccp={} 3) The carcass jack can be bought completely unlinked, then 5 socketed with the bench or the prophecy. 4) The bow - can buy a fully linked short bow (or the procupine cards) and hit it with a +2 bow essence to get started. With a bit more cash, buy a 6 linked bow with base speed of 1.5aps at ilevel 82. Definitely not above, as that adds a prefix to the pool you don't want. If you don't care about hitting the T1 generic dot multi, any 6linked with 1.5 aps > 64 (for only T3) or > 68 for T1 & T2. 5-10 crafts to get something usable, craft chaos dot multi on it for 4c. OR buy a completed entry level bow for 3-4 ex. Prices go all the way up to 80ex, if you have to have the best of the best. Anyways, once you have the base, 3 socket resonator corroded + metallic + shudderig is the cheapest. I prefer corroded + metallic + serrated as it gives a better chance at the extra arrow suffix. Craft Link https://www.craftofexile.com/?b=20&m=fossil&f=|4|10|14|&lv=82&ob=both&v=d&a=e&l=a&lg=2&bp=y&req={"1713":{"l":22,"g":2},"1946":{"l":64,"g":1},"1950":{"l":50,"g":2}}&bld={}&ggt=|&ccp={} 5) The amulet with 2 dps stats (+1 str/dex/chaos gems) and chaos dot multi will run 3-5ex already made. Or just buy one with one of those for < 50c. 6) watchers eye with malevolence will run about 5ex. I haven't bought it yet and have done 36/40 so far, including 20/20 simulacrum. Haven't played with a 100% delirium map yet, so not 100% sure. 7) The quiver with chaos dot multi is relatively cheap. If you want extra arrow on it too, that is around 3ex, but is also a luxury. 8) the rest of the slots aren't that expensive. Life and resists. 9) Jewels are relatively cheap with speed and life. a 2nd speed affix will cost more, but still around 30-50c each. The OP has a VERY good guide above - including most of the budget options I've outlined. |
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" don't suffix can't be changed/scour that bow, you'll get rid of the +2 socketed bow gems. +2 support is basically the same as +2 socketed bow, so don't do the scour type of thing with it, it'll just cost you more exalts for the same as what you have. just craft cannot roll attack mods, exalt for the guaranteed +1 socketed gems, then craft final prefix of +2 support gems or 40% chaos damgae over time multi (+2 support gems is slightly more damage but much higher cost). then you'll have one free suffix, which you can hit with a warlords exalt. you can get culling strike, an additional projectile, % chance to maim or % chance to gain phasing on kill. |
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" The crafted mod "+2 to socketed support gems" and "+2 to socketed bow gems" are part of the same mod group, so you will be forced to to with the chaos dot multi prefix. But I second this suggestion not to scour and just finish the bow as is. |
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"Keep in mind if you craft cannot roll attack mods on a bow with 1 suffix you can exalt slam a suffix instead of +1 to socketed gems prefix, so then you'll have to pay extra exalt for prefix. |
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