Delirium Statistics
" Relaunch of some of the older mechanics does seem interesting and is an excuse for GGG to actually finish some of the core mechanics that never got fixed during the leagues. " I personally don't care for the rewards but I do agree that horns, cloaks/wings and portals are becoming too... common. |
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" Metamorph was a lot more enjoyable to play vs Delirium imo. Only thing exciting about Delirium was the enhanced vaal side areas. The Lab, making a great game good since 2016.
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Here is my opinion: I enjoyed metamorph more because I could play at my own pace and still get good rewards
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I did 36 challenges in Legion, Blight and Metamorph league because their rewards were awesome and could all be worn at the same time (yes, I show off my rewards, deal with it). With 2 back attachments and only 1 of them being the "canon" one that the Strange Voice wears, I went for that. Thankfully, it was the 24th and not the 36th. Also, the Delirium league mechanic is not for the faint of heart nor for builds with less than 8k HP/ES.
My fanworks thread:
My hideout showcase thread: AI "art" isn't art, it's theft. |
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" Same here. " I find that Delirium is just more grindy. I hit 24 in Blight and Meta, my first time ever getting to 24 in any league. I will NOT be pushing for 24 in Delirium. ~ There are spectacular moments.
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Cause of death Before patch & fixes:
0.005% of player's PC exploded 5% of player can't see shit 10% of player push through the lag with their potatoes. |
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EZ 36 challenges.
Time consuming challenges are worst imo. Imo in Metamorph and Delirium league challenges much easier than what challenges used to be. I remember some way worse challenges like in one league there were complete 10000 map tiers. Interesting statistic would be how many deaths while looting. Most deaths i got from misty thingies were when i tried to loot one fusing or alc. Dernière édition par Muksu123#5684, le 11 avr. 2020 13:08:19
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" Sounds like " we will nerf everything you are enjoying, we will destroy all the fun you could have in next league even more " You people should really start to understand that people play to have fun, not to get stressed and demoralized by your nerfhammers and performance issues, which has been disqussed over the past 4 years a lot! All we see is MTX and new content, we need a lagless PoE, a game which is fun, like it used to be 6 years ago. The current PoE is nothing but a shooter-bullet-hell where you have to run fast,kill fast and die fast, rewards will be splinters, alch orbs in the end. Been 7+ years, i have yet to see a Mirror of Kalandra drop, or anything worth 10+ ex. RNG is good and fine, but 7 years and not a single fucking mirror drop, why do i even hope for it to drop? only streamers seem to get those nice af drops. Im not wishing for drops to rain over me, it is not much asked for a more luck in the past fucking 7 years, it has been a long journey, a little "thank you" would be the least!!!! Dernière édition par ebeninami#0603, le 11 avr. 2020 13:39:45
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" Nope, nope, nope and nope. The reason why there is less peoples and less challenges than in Metamorph, is due to the extremply poor ballancing of the game. In Metamorph, you buffed monster to a stupid level. But players still found a way to dodge the problem by abusing some tanking mechanics (mostly ES str & mana stacking build base on Shaper's Touch). In Delirium, you not even reworked the ballancing to make it more accessible. You made things even worst. Right now the amount of monsters, and their stats (hp & dps) multiplied the number of situations were we can get obliterated. By increasing the number of mobs on map increased the number of situations were we can get unavoidable OS (e.g. Sirus beam that off screen players and OS them... Reddit is full of topics pinpointing how ridiculous the situation is). Right now, many rip can't be explained by players gameplay mistake (in our building or in the way we play). There is no problems in RIP based on players mistakes. But unavoidable rip like off screen OS is something that shouldn't happen. Right now, it's something that most people have experienced this league many times. And this means losing experience, losing a portal which can result in losing your instance, and so losing the curency invested in your run. The punitive logic behind riping is acceptable if it stay to a certain degree. But when we can rip 3-4 times in a row in the same map, this leads to a situation where playing means regressing in our game session (you lose currency, exp and so time of farm because you die way too much). This problems were mostly avoided by some of us by relying on an exploit and a stacking abuse of the Purposeful Harbinger cluster jewel. Like this we had insane tankiness and dps that alow us to completly ignore this ballancing problem and enjoy the full content of the game and league. To many peoples, your mid league nerf implied sending them back to this situation were they would have be destroyed by this awfull ballancing. And it was unacceptable for many of them. GGG, you have to understand a simple thing : we play to have fun. Playing by relying on exploit and abuse is as fun as playing with cheats. But at the same time, there is absolutly no fun in shit blood in our game sessions. If we wants to shit blood, we play real death & retry games, not PoE. But those death & retry games like Dark Soul do not make us regress when we die. Every rip is a situation were you can learn. In PoE due to the number of hits and viusual effects that does not allow use to have a clear view of what happened, this system start to be absolutly awfull. If you keep ballancing your game on the 0.01% of player that destroy end game boss in half of a second, you will exclude more and more of normal/casual players. I don't say you should transform PoE in a game for casual like D3 did. But ignoring the fact that a lot of us get completly destroyed and fustrated will kill your game at the end. Never forget that it's the vast majority of players who buy supporter packs that keep you financialy alive, not the 0.01% of players that destroy the game. Personnaly when you do a good job, I reward your good works by buying a supporter pack. It's my way to help you to make your game even better. And I'm sure I'm not the only one thinking and acting like this. But the path you are lately following in the game ballancing is realy awfull. For this whole month of league, I did not enjoyed a single hour of my playtime. Because of this GGG, if you keep going on this path, you will neighter have my support nor my money. Excuse me for my poor english, it's only my third langage. I hope you won't gat those lines personnaly. Take care of you and your relatives in this crazy time. Regards. Dernière édition par LAGROSSESIMONE#3551, le 13 avr. 2020 19:11:53
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All these stats looks nice & i'm pretty sad i had no real possibility to experience it more due to a bug since day 1 of delirium still not fixed to this day. Hope i will be able to play & be a part of stats on the next one.
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