facelessman122 a écrit :
Crafted boots and a belt to hit the breakpoint, my aps is about 11 with little effort. Need to test afew things, like get elusive back on a small cluster. First impressions seem good, definitely proc more arc/spark.
Can I ask why you would put 2 skills such as Arc and Spark together? Wouldn't it be better just to add another support gem to increase Arc's dmg instead unless 2 skill combos can give higher dmg?
Posté parBonJovii#5149le 8 mai 2020 à 00:11:56
Budewnpa a écrit :
Ok, everyone! I made the jump off Chayula because I wanted to meme around with Vitality, but even giving up tailwindand aspect of the avian to do so, so I ended up with a LOT of unreserved mana and I'm running 2 heraldry 7 endbringer for now. I'm not even sure if my damage or survivability went up or down but it feels pretty cool. Not sure what I should even do now... Should I save for 5p voices, or a +2 chest or shield or something?
I haven't checked your build in POB, but if you have a lot of unreserved mana you could consider replacing Enlightened with Empower. You might not have enough unreserved mana to allow you to link Empower to all 3 auras, but you can try it with Discipline + Haste, or just Discipline.
Random upgrades <30ex in no particular order. I would input each of these into POB to see what kind of benefit you get and take note of the price. Then you can figure out the best upgrades for the lowest cost.
-5P voices as you said
-Better implicit on Nebulis. Cast speed >10% or Lightning damage to spells ~1-59
-+2 projectile/duration shavronnes (this is a massive upgrade!)
-+2 prism guardian, also get level 21 vaal haste, wrath, zealotry and hatred. You can also buy a relatively cheap dual implicit +1 socketed gems / +2 socketed duration gems and place your vaal discipline and vaal haste there, both will be level 26.
-spell crit or max frenzy charge implcit gloves
-enchanted boots. best DPS is 1 to 160 Lightning damage or ele pen. You don't need these rolls, you could just take 16% attack/cast speed, 10% MS or 2% regen.
-Get a better amulet. Your one is okay, but see if you can pick one up with chaos res. They get really expensive, but I think you can get a decent one for not too much. Any of the +STR attribute ones will help you replace one or both of your split personalities, so you can grab either some ES%/chaos res/STR (if you still need some) cobalt jewels or grand spectrums.
-+STR/+chaos res/regen/cast speed on your cluster jewels (can check mine for reference).
Personally I think 3 points to take Ghost Reaver isn't worth it. I would rather take influence + another jewel socket with ES%/Chaos res, or pick up a small cluster jewel with chaos res.
Dernière édition par BrettLee#6388, le 8 mai 2020 à 02:11:17
Posté parBrettLee#6388le 8 mai 2020 à 00:16:59
BonJovii a écrit :
facelessman122 a écrit :
Crafted boots and a belt to hit the breakpoint, my aps is about 11 with little effort. Need to test afew things, like get elusive back on a small cluster. First impressions seem good, definitely proc more arc/spark.
Can I ask why you would put 2 skills such as Arc and Spark together? Wouldn't it be better just to add another support gem to increase Arc's dmg instead unless 2 skill combos can give higher dmg?
I can easily swap spark out for a damage support. I started using spark because of the clear speed boost in delirium fog with the intent of swapping it out on bosses but when things die this fast I never really bothered.
Also both spells proc pretty fast.
Dernière édition par facelessman122#1602, le 8 mai 2020 à 01:55:14
BonJovii a écrit :
muunisti a écrit :
facelessman122 a écrit :
I'm fairly sure it's 10.1 aps at 52 icrs. Assuming my research is accurate.
If it's 15 aps then I'm probably up s#@t creek without a paddle.
I just took the figures from here:
Had to lower my Haste to lvl 13 (which takes a bit of movement speed also) to get to the 7.57 aps.
Yea it could go a lot faster with tailwind boots and using vaal haste. Also not using Smite so much would shave a lot of time :)
Hi i'm running cyclone CoC arc as well but i'm not very familiar with the APS threshold and mechanics. I have been researching on cyclone proc rates but I dont understand it well. I supposed you are looking at cyclone's APS right?
Do you think you can take a look at my build and give me some suggestions if i'm not hitting the right amount of APS?
You got 22% icrs so you should aim for 7.57 or 15.14 attacks per second with cyclone. You have now a bit too much attack speed, maybe change cinderswallow to something else and boot enchant to lightning dmg or penetration. Then tinker with Haste lvl or something and try it out.
Or you can try to get 30% more icrs on boots+belt and aim for 10.1 APS, that would make you cast Arc over 10 times a second.
Dernière édition par muunisti#2321, le 8 mai 2020 à 02:03:13
Posté parmuunisti#2321le 8 mai 2020 à 02:00:54
BonJovii a écrit :
muunisti a écrit :
facelessman122 a écrit :
I'm fairly sure it's 10.1 aps at 52 icrs. Assuming my research is accurate.
If it's 15 aps then I'm probably up s#@t creek without a paddle.
I just took the figures from here:
Had to lower my Haste to lvl 13 (which takes a bit of movement speed also) to get to the 7.57 aps.
Can't look at your gear, im on mobile
Yea it could go a lot faster with tailwind boots and using vaal haste. Also not using Smite so much would shave a lot of time :)
Hi i'm running cyclone CoC arc as well but i'm not very familiar with the APS threshold and mechanics. I have been researching on cyclone proc rates but I dont understand it well. I supposed you are looking at cyclone's APS right?
Do you think you can take a look at my build and give me some suggestions if i'm not hitting the right amount of APS?
Yes aps on cyclone, the skill that proccs through coc gem. The gem allows you to hit the first Cooldown breakpoint of 14%.
As long as your running haste and possibly tailwind you will have no issues with reaching the aps breakpoint of 7ish. Unless you want to push the next breakpoint I wouldn't worry about it. That will involve boots and belt change to hit 52% and aps of cyclone at 10.1.
Accuracy and crit change are also a factor.
Can't look at your gear I'm on mobile.
Dernière édition par facelessman122#1602, le 8 mai 2020 à 02:11:43
I have followed build exactly and I still cant cast all the auras. 2 on mana and one on life. Maybe I need 9 heraldry I don't know.
for my life hatred is 23%, zeal is 23% and purity of ice is 47%. That right there leaves nothing for 23% wrath. The blood rage turns my purity of ice into 47% and its level 21.
As for my mana well again im over 100% and im using alphas and a enlighten lvl 4 and im still over 100%.
I got new helm so im down to not being able to use 1 on my Health and 1 on mana.
Dernière édition par Stormswa#0448, le 8 mai 2020 à 04:28:27
Posté parStormswa#0448le 8 mai 2020 à 04:08:15
Stormswa a écrit :
I have followed build exactly and I still cant cast all the auras. 2 on mana and one on life. Maybe I need 9 heraldry I don't know.
for my life hatred is 23%, zeal is 23% and purity of ice is 47%. That right there leaves nothing for 23% wrath. The blood rage turns my purity of ice into 47% and its level 21.
As for my mana well again im over 100% and im using alphas and a enlighten lvl 4 and im still over 100%.
I got new helm so im down to not being able to use 1 on my Health and 1 on mana.
2) most people goes for charisma and annoint champion of the cause. 16% mana reserved missing there. take a look at my tree or poeninja. dont go ghost reaver node, you are already using energy leech gem
3) i would advise going for maligaro virtuosity and remove eo. 2 passive point there.
4) get a cheap 6% mana reserve + es amulet at least or eye of chayula before farming enough for level 22 vit+mana reserve+ es amulet
Dernière édition par hiddenmeat#0162, le 8 mai 2020 à 05:07:00
Posté parhiddenmeat#0162le 8 mai 2020 à 04:58:47
facelessman122 a écrit :
SrankFinatra a écrit :
Thanx for the replies everybody :3 I'm learning a lot from You :)
grimjack68 a écrit :
You're wearing Maligaro's gloves for killer crit chance... and then running controlled destruction? Seems a little counter-productive. Also, you're still using Elemental Overload on the tree, which also destroys any effect from Maligaro's. To follow up...
CwC procs just shy of 3 times / second, while CoC for your setup should be ~3.5 times per second.
The second breakpoint is like 52% which requires gem/boots/belt.
Cwc is definitely inferior but alot easier to gear and cheaper
CwC is a 12% damage multiplier. CoC is a 39% damage multiplier.
Seems pretty obvious to me that CoC is a clear winner.
If I were you, I'd drop Elemental Overload, CwC, and Controlled Destruction, and pick up CoC and Increased Critical Strikes, and try that.
OTOH, I'm not an experienced CoC *or* CwC player, so I could easily have missed something obvious.
Okay, i've swaped Controlled Destruction with Increased Crit Strikes. Dropped Ele overload, took 4% reserved mana node so I could upgrade precision gem from some low lvl to lvl 20. I also had some old watcher's eye, so that could be some upgrade (as ShinyShield advised)
I'm still using CwC. Can't afford now awakened 5 CoC. I can't see the DPS in PoB while using CoC, so don't really know what is better for now. Not sure if I should stick with A5/20 CwC or take 21/20 CoC. And I'm not sure if my CoC would proc as often as CwC. I mean my crit chance is about 57%
Edit: Swaped A5/20 CwC for 21/20 CoC AND A5/20 added lightning for 21/20 ball lightning. Not sure why, but some people does that.
Anyways, tried some t15 map. Didn't even notice when i killed the map boss. The heck, my damage went crazy now. And there's still a lot of things to improve.
Again, Thank You all :3
Bear in mind that regular coc gem has no cool down recovery so you would need to gear 14% reduction to make the first breakpoint. The awakened coc gem has it build in which for us is very very handy.
The second break point is 52% which needs cool down reduction from gem/boots/belt
Okay, i bought A5/20 CoC. But i've got another question. What APS do I need? The only CDR (22%) i have for now comes from the gem. PoB says my cyclone attack rate is 8.85
I'm about to change my gear a little bit. Wanna get some boots with tailwind, probably also some CDR. But i don't know what rates would be good for this build. For cospri assassin it was something like 7.57APS and 14-50(?) CDR. If that's same as here, my APS is too high.
You said there's a breakpoint at 52% CDR. But how about APS?
Thanx :3
muunisti a écrit :
You got 22% icrs so you should aim for 7.57 or 15.14 attacks per second with cyclone. You have now a bit too much attack speed, maybe change cinderswallow to something else and boot enchant to lightning dmg or penetration. Then tinker with Haste lvl or something and try it out.
Or you can try to get 30% more icrs on boots+belt and aim for 10.1 APS, that would make you cast Arc over 10 times a second.
Sry man I am so new to PoB. Where are you seeing this 22% increase recovery speed figure? I cannot for the life of me find that number/calculation. I have tried to lower the figures but nothing seems to be able to hit 7.57aps on the dot.
Also, do you know how is the arc dmg calculated? I have 9.79 APS on cyclone and 3.81 cast rate on arc at the moment.
Posté parBonJovii#5149le 8 mai 2020 à 05:42:16
Im having some mana on hit problems when it comes to bosses, does anyone know a good remedy for this on the arc version?
Posté parAzr4eL_ZA#5243le 8 mai 2020 à 05:42:26