[3.10] Heraldry Cluster Guardian - 9k Es | 90% all res | 75% block | 10M+ boss dps

Wienic a écrit :
thegreatestviz a écrit :
i'm not sure what i'm doing wrong, ive put in around 50+ ex and i can't clear wave 20 deathless, my tooltip dps 1.6 million with RF on. can someone please help?

I don't know how to check all jewels without pob link, but your jewels are terrible. All 6 passives (so you waste 9 passive points just to get to jewels lot), one without jewel slot. Would be easier if you could link your PoB (I can't find your character on poe.ninja to import myself).

By saving passive points by getting 4 or 5 (doesnt matter) cluster jewels, you can easily take all 9 (or as close to 9 as possible) jewel slots in these clusters. There you can take jewels with 1% mana reserved and you should be able to ditch enlighten gem.

Roll nebulis to 20/20% inc damage. It's huge boost for each 1%, very important to get as close to 20 as possible.

Lvl 21/0 vaal arc is like 30c. Work on your gems, get lvl 21/0 for auras like wrath, hatred, or 21/20 if needed. Get awakened cold pen, awakened controlled destruction.

I'd switch these flasks: rumi's, basalt for bottled faith if you can afford, or cinderswallow urn with % critical strike chance.

I suggest switching to rare amulet with 6% mana reserved and lvl 22 vitality. If you want you can go for rare helmet with 5% mana reserved and ES too (with enchant, either reduced mana reserved for any of "big" gems like hatred, zealotry etc, or additional arc chain if you want more dps). I'm doing all content fine with -55% chaos resistance, although sometimes you could die if you have such low chaos resistance (I made that decision conciously).

If you have any further questions you can PM me here on forum, I hope I could help.

Hey sorry i didn't know i had to post my POB but here it is


thank you for the suggestions, let me see what are the quick upgrades i can make thats not like 1ex+ atm

more suggestions are welcome i really appreciate your feedback ill try asap to work on those i think shud increase my dps substantially cuz of it
Really hate Maven as a boss and its mechanics! pls give us something cool like Elder/Shaper
neoseagull a écrit :
NinuzTrustMe a écrit :
Hey there,
How much would cost to make this build?
Im new to the game and atm I m running a Cyclone Scion Build but I have watched some videos of this guardian build and I really like it.

I dont have a lot of currency tho but with how many exalt I could build it?


Read any of the last 10 pages to see an estimate on price. Don't recommend this build if you don't want to do research and don't have a tidy sum of currency

Thats why i asked.
Some say 40ex, some says more, and others less.

Research is not a problem, Currency, well this is my first league, and I have like 40ex. Thats why I was in doubt if starting or not.

Thanks for the reply anyway
So i wonder if this type of build will go legacy, or will it get a total nerf. Im thinking on spending the ex to build this type of build.
IGN RighteousRom LvL-100 Juggernaut
Mirror Drop T-14 Shrine
I started this bild 3 weeks ago. The prices of each item goes up like crazy ... I spend more than 20 ex only on jewels ... and I think it will be nerfed next league ..
Dernière édition par kufar#5679, le 23 avr. 2020 à 08:49:04
kufar a écrit :
I started this bild 3 weeks ago. The prices of each item goes up like crazy ... I spend more than 20 ex only on jewels ... and I think it will be nerfed next league ..

Sorry but that build must to be nerf. One main reason is 70%+! of character level 97+ playings this build.
At which point do i have to respec from leveling tree to endgame tree.

Iam now level 62 and use one large cluster jewell. And i cant wait to use the 2nd or 3rd one, because the damage boost is amazing :D
thegreatestviz a écrit :

Hey sorry i didn't know i had to post my POB but here it is


thank you for the suggestions, let me see what are the quick upgrades i can make thats not like 1ex+ atm

more suggestions are welcome i really appreciate your feedback ill try asap to work on those i think shud increase my dps substantially cuz of it

You are using one big cluter jewel instead of 3rd voices - idk how that compares to 7 passive voices, but I'm pretty sure it's way worse than using 5 passive [or better] voices. But I think it's a better idea to take 9x purposeful harbinger with 3x voices. Work on 5 passive, or even better 3 passive, voices if you can.

With 3x voices setup you need 9x purposeful harbinger and [depends on your mana reservation] 3-5x heraldry and 4-6x endbringer passives with jewel. 4-5 passive cluster jewels only. The more endbringers the more damage you will have.

I'd ditch that arcane vision passive unless you really cant play without it. You need passive points, and this is imo wasted.

If you can't socket 9 jewels in all your cluster medium jewels, ditch insightfulnes cluster until you get more levels and/or better voices. Jewels > ES+mana.

In those 9x jewel slots you want to use:
- 1% mana reserved cobalt jewels (ES would be best, max mana is decent, other good affixes too but it's up to you, don't go for crit multi since you use gloves)
- conqueror's efficiency (with 1% mana reserved corruption if possible but it's ~25ex)
- pure might is good if you need str+mana reservation on purity
- I have no idea how good secrets of suffering is, but since you play arc shock is big part of your kit. I haven't tested it, it could be good - idk.
- energy from naught with 2 passives small cluster jewel if you need more ES (hopefully with 1% mana reserved but it'd expensive)
- split personality - str/es/int/mana, depends on what you need (socket it in right-most voices - furthest away from your starting point)
- if you can afford it, unnatural instinct in your carrion sliver cobalt is a good idea (but it's expensive and not neccesary)
-probably some other options I'm forgeting

I'd work for vitality/mana reservation amulet (hopefully with 20% increased energy shield craft) so you can free up one gem socket so you can use 21/0 smite - enormous dps boost for 4sec.

Maybe I didn't pay enough attention but I don't see how you are generating charges. Harmony of purpose could be an option if you feel like your defensives are enough. (but maybe you do generate them, I just missed it)

If you want to check, I use items like these, they are not perfect obviously and I suggest not using grand spectrums.


Tl:DR - get good clusters, get decent jewels, ditch enlighten, make room for Smite
NinuzTrustMe a écrit :
neoseagull a écrit :
NinuzTrustMe a écrit :
Hey there,
How much would cost to make this build?
Im new to the game and atm I m running a Cyclone Scion Build but I have watched some videos of this guardian build and I really like it.

I dont have a lot of currency tho but with how many exalt I could build it?


Read any of the last 10 pages to see an estimate on price. Don't recommend this build if you don't want to do research and don't have a tidy sum of currency

Thats why i asked.
Some say 40ex, some says more, and others less.

Research is not a problem, Currency, well this is my first league, and I have like 40ex. Thats why I was in doubt if starting or not.

Thanks for the reply anyway

You can do this build with 40 ex and with 800ex, and the results will be significantly different. You can buy 3x voices with 7 passives, which cost ~3ex each. Or 3 voices with 5 passives, which cost ~29ex. Or 3 voices with 3 passives, which cost 180ex each. Let's be real, for starters, the 3ex-voices will be enough, if you have enough skill points to spend (~level 85 i guess?). The jewels with Purposeful Harbinger + Heraldry cost ~4ex each, and you need 5 or 6 of them (depending on the amount of your reduced mana reserved-jewels + annoints). Then you need 3 or 4 (depending on the PH/H-jewels) jewels with Purposeful Harbinger / Endbringer, which should cost 2-3ex each. An additional 2ex for a six-linked Shavronne's wrappings. Then 2x Call of the brotherhood for 1.5ex each. These are the absolute basics imo, and your 40exalts are already gone.

Tbh, i wouldn't recommend you to switch to this build with only 40ex. With 40ex, you won't get the OPness of the build. Maybe, if you have a second char and don't care about your currency, then sure - try it out. The build is still viable with 40ex investment. But don't expect to get what you see in the youtube videos.
Godfeast_1 a écrit :
mmaturana a écrit :
I got myself this boots
and now I have room for 1 more gem...what should I use (I'm not playing the crit build)

Meta mindset kills me sometimes.

You guys are going crazy spending 15++ exalts on these things and you want them for just one thing - a single free gem slot.

Guess what? Corrupted implicit for boots “ grants level 22 haste” is a thing,

I grabbed a pair of seriously nice stat boots with that corruption for 1 damn exalt last night - many were 3-4 exalts for far better boots.

I still got a freed up gem slot, just Like you guys, except my haste is at least one level higher and I paid nothing,

Stop over paying fir these boots!

I just get this when I did the machinarium that I got in the mine (for the second time) so I did not pay for them. also the boots I used before this cost 20 ex so is not more expensive
can anyone look at my character/tree and tell me how I should optimize? I still get one shot a decent amount. I've been thinking about swapping the helm for a hubris with higher ES.


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