stephenp1983 a écrit :
GFSnl a écrit :
Use "The Black Cane" as a weapon.
Would the gem setup change any with using black cane other than socketing summon phantasms?
Drop leech or Spell echo for Phantasms
biaizme a écrit :
hello can i build around ~150ex like 3 voices 7 for more dmg or 2 voices 5 to get more passives
Get 3x7 passive voice or 2x5 passive voice + 1x rare
Posté parForidesign#0099le 30 mars 2020 à 10:10:21
Foridesign a écrit :
stephenp1983 a écrit :
GFSnl a écrit :
Use "The Black Cane" as a weapon.
Would the gem setup change any with using black cane other than socketing summon phantasms?
Drop leech or Spell echo for Phantasms
biaizme a écrit :
hello can i build around ~150ex like 3 voices 7 for more dmg or 2 voices 5 to get more passives
Get 3x7 passive voice or 2x5 passive voice + 1x rare
I got obliterated on sirus with this T_T
Posté pariIiI0lili#5263le 30 mars 2020 à 10:27:04
but can i build around ~150ex or more than that
Posté parbiaizme#4934le 30 mars 2020 à 10:54:32
stephenp1983 a écrit :
So does it calculate correctly in local identy fork of POB, and if so does having that flask active double the effect/numbers?
Updated the POB section with a Fork variant
Posté parForidesign#0099le 30 mars 2020 à 11:05:27
biaizme a écrit :
but can i build around ~150ex or more than that
Ye just get better versions of Voice. like with 3 passives.
In ideal situation you would want 3 voices with 1 passive.
Posté parForidesign#0099le 30 mars 2020 à 11:07:27
Foridesign a écrit :
biaizme a écrit :
but can i build around ~150ex or more than that
Ye just get better versions of Voice. like with 3 passives.
In ideal situation you would want 3 voices with 1 passive.
i mean to get all items full build around ~150 ex is enough or need more
Posté parbiaizme#4934le 30 mars 2020 à 11:37:19
biaizme a écrit :
Foridesign a écrit :
biaizme a écrit :
but can i build around ~150ex or more than that
Ye just get better versions of Voice. like with 3 passives.
In ideal situation you would want 3 voices with 1 passive.
i mean to get all items full build around ~150 ex is enough or need more
Posté parForidesign#0099le 30 mars 2020 à 12:06:25
Hello, how about you excuse my ignorance, but my serious doubt, you can use a cyclone with this, to build that vortex power detests it: P, what would the change be like, thank you
Posté paryrhs16031988#0794le 30 mars 2020 à 14:19:33
Can this be done on a tighter budget of up to 10 ex? I mean up to red maps or so and then upgrade from there.
Or is a high investment needed to get this started?
Posté parInflux#6237le 30 mars 2020 à 15:01:54
Somehov BV fells much better then Ethernal Knives, EK has 500k damge tooltip, BV not so much but it does more damage...how? :)
Posté parXelzach#5889le 30 mars 2020 à 15:24:26