[3.15]Archmage Ball Lightning Hierophant, will it work in Expedition?
" Im using vigilant strike to get fortify (if i remember about it) and there is enought room for me to use all skills. You can see in video (two posts ago) how my skill setup looks like but i will explain it later anyway. Blade blast (unnerve), Wave of conviction (exposure) and Sniper's Mark (our curse) are linked to arcanist brand and are triggered by it. Im using it almost only for bossing (sometimes i can use them between waves in ultimatum). Smoke mine is my movement skill (i rebinded one of my mouse buttons to D and i just keep my finger on it all time to insta detonate) feel free to change it to flame dash if you like. Sigil of Power is used by me anytime im in smaller area for longer time (ultimatum, ritual, bossing etc...). As i said before Arcanist bran is our bossing buff, just before fight you droping one on top of boss what makes him take ton of additional damage becouse of 3 debufs aplied by it. My skill setup looks like, Arcane Cloak on "Left mouse button" to trigger it any time is off cooldown, Ball lightning on "Space" i changed keybind in options from "Middle mouse button", movement skill on "Right mouse button" for me its smoke mine but flame dash is also viable option, Arcanist brand "Q", Sigil of power "W", Vigilant Strike on "E", Vaal Righteous Fire on "R", Blood rage (im using it only becouse i have anomalous version what allows me generate charges on bosses) "T", and on CTRL Layer i have Righteous Fire (im poping it up on start of every map) and my auras. | |
Hi guys, its best dps tank build ever. Thx for creating it, I was making it from poe ninja dudes, then found this tread. I think its pretty completed, I just need gloves with +10% cast spedd and HH. Planing to hit lvl 100
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" I understood the Arcanist brand setup right after my post of yesterday! But thanks anyway mate! My gems are still at lvl 15-16 (no quality) but i already destroy every single boss! LOL I think the worts thing is to activate RS e BR everytime you enter in a map.....but you can't have everything in life! :D Dernière édition par Nectas#6072, le 26 mai 2021 05:38:42
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" True :) But im start to getting borred of this build and i think i will go and sell whole gear (except bottled faith). Tbh only Maven can be problem with this build becouse of her debuff. But yeah this build make you feel powerfull but it doesnt left you much of space to realy play game when you anihilate whole content. | |
My latest upgrades :) Dernière édition par Iean#4043, le 26 mai 2021 05:34:24
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" Oh nice, I completely forgot about belt enchants, should get one. This is where I am at now, feeling more or less finished unless I decide to go for triple multi + mana jewels or similar. Considered the 6L version of cloak but kinda like my current set up. I do have a bunch of ex to waste but not sure what to do other than jewels. |
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any ideas on next upgrades? i'm already making the mana cluster :) Also skyforth vs Rare boots tailwind onslaught what would be better for our dmg/def i know skyforth gives stun immune but im thinking of using the patheon and boot enchant to cover for stun and so far so good
also any idea what to do for gloves? any useful stats in your opinion? Also is the glimpse of chaos for the % mana life increase and does it need to have malediction for some mechanic? Thanks in advance? :) |
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So I just got this helm , but the "+1 to maximum power charges" mod doesn't seem to work.
From skill tree: +4 minimum power charges (ascendancy) +1 minimum power charge +1 maximum power charge = 6 total power charges I should be at 7 max power charges but I only get 6 in game. Can someone please explain how that works? Thanks in advance My POB
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How are your ultimatum going?
In tier 15-16 maps i die way too often and i feel not so tanky... Can anybody take a loot at my pastebin for any kind of suggestion? https://pastebin.com/2YajyQEw |
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" The helmet does work. You have 4 min+max power charge from Ascendancy passive, 1 min+max power charge from tree, the helmet add 1 max power charge. In total, you have: -6 max possible power charge and -5 min power charge being active at all time |
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