[3.14]CoC Poet's Pen Blade Fall/Blade Blast |League start to All content down |16M+ Dps fast clear
" Hi, glad to see you enjoying the build. Having an extra spell slinger set up here is to create more blades for us to blast. We hard scale our blade blast damage based on the number of blades we create. The thing about triggered bladefall is that we only get half the blades on the floor, i felt that it wasnt enough so i added in the spell slinger to supplement the aoe. Although it is possible we can drop spell slinger and run pride/zealotry instead for the dps boost(since we just dropped MoM) so you could run a defensive 3link set up. I am currently experimenting with this, will throw in an update once i felt comfortable running an extra aura over spell slinger My Builds/Stream
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2814713 |
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" Not a must to have awakened spell cascade, but a plus to have it My Builds/Stream
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2814713 |
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" sounds great, im exited for the updates, also do you have a updated PoB-Link without MoM? or should i spec into it for early maps and stuff and then respec later |
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" Thanks for the idea for setting up a cwdt set up, i probably should have dropped the spellslinger for an aura. Probably will be swapping out spellslinger due to this and mainly frames(its super super laggy with more blades) Updated the new changes and recalculated our dps. It went up with us using pride. Down side is that we need to have 2 enlighten 2 and above to run all our auras now My Builds/Stream https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2814713 Dernière édition par Astarift#3417, le 21 mars 2020 13:35:39
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Hi there! Thank you for the build I'm loving the build and how it feels so far but I have a couple questions!
1. I'm wondering why you use pain attunement? 2. Is it possible to switch faster attacks with power charge on critical support on the 6link? 3. How necessary is the shock nearby enemies mod on the ring? Dernière édition par lGuillianl#5391, le 21 mars 2020 19:19:09
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" 1: we use a militant faith by dominus here, it changes pain attunement to inner conviction, that gives us 3% spell damage per power charge 2: we scale very hard on attack speed, having 28% more damage on the coc set up blade fall isn't as good as having now frequent attacks and more poet pen triggers and coc triggers 3: this is a 15% damage shock that we can apply on bosses consistently with a very very low investment. Il say its pretty important considering on demand burst being key to avoiding some long ass boss fights My Builds/Stream
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2814713 |
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can you post a video with the sirus kill? I am very curious because yesterday i barely even touched him. He constantly one shot me.
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Don't you think elem convertion will do more damage in the end? Nice build tho, keep on the hard work ! | |
" Ele conversion is always the top end damage for a phys spell. However, in this case, we will not be able to use much stat stick and we need alot of investment to truely convert fully to elemental. In order to make the build easily more user friendly(i m not gonna use a specific mod watcher eye and make it mandatory to the build), i chose to go full phys because how avaliable phys damage reduction penetration are. Ele conversion at the back of my mind i can think of, we require stuff like hatred watcher eye, hrimsorrow and a specific anointment. On top of that, we still have to build elemental penetration(50%). Considering we are using a coc set up and 2 pens, we cant afford cold pen gems or phys to lightning gem " https://www.twitch.tv/videos/571895951 fast forward to 3 hr 18 mins, not the cleanest kill, if you are dying to the meteors from "rain of stars" dont worry, you arent the only one, i can handle p3 decently well because we have our burst set up, but p1-3 is really hugely based on rng because of that meteor BS. I did this before i made the change to our aura + cwdt set up, so we will have better visuals(less screen clutter), more dps and more survivability because cwdt will soak any shotgun BS meteors This is A6 btw and plz forget my 2nd death where i dash into a storm My Builds/Stream
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2814713 |
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Hi Astarift, very nice build! I am enjoying playing with it! Just finished story and it was a blast! Totally pwnage having 2 spell slingers while levelling, and now I have 2 Poet's and its owning!!
Question, why don't use frenzy instead of barrage? Does barrage proc more poet's pen or CoC than Frenzy ? |
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