[3.14]CoC Poet's Pen Blade Fall/Blade Blast |League start to All content down |16M+ Dps fast clear
Thanks ill work on those parts! one other question, is the 2 slots for steelskin worth it? Thinking about running something like chaos golem or something else, I can never feel if its working.
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" Steel skin is there to prevent us from taking 2 giant hits in a row(on top of having acrobatics), our sustain is strong but we dont have 7-8k life pool, taking 2 big hits in a row out of bad rng can kill us Personally, i dislike golems, they are pretty poopy and dies often My Builds/Stream
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2814713 |
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having a lot of fun with the build. just turned 80, running t10s without issue, but turning on delirium is extremely iffy. GGG and 1-shot mechanics. really tiresome. i especially like the mobbed by 20 things which then explode...
one thing i'm wondering is what to do until i can scrape the enlightens together is what to run for auras right now i'm using war banner precision flesh and stone and ... blasphemy/poachers mark i don't have the life on spell hit rings yet, and i find poachers mark is great for both life/mana on hit and reducing monster evasion to increase hit chance and the flask recharge is quite nice. and of course, frenzy charges. i'm wondering what i might try instead ? i was using assassin's mark for a while but that grants life/mana on kill instead of on hit. the increase in damage is nice, but not really that important, and the power charge generation is not useful. also it seems like the mana on hit is almost required until i get the reduction in mana use on a ring, i think it's a ring. i was also curious as whether the PCoC on bladeblast is really necessary ? seems like charge generation without it would be fine, and so maybe something else would go there (no awakened gems for me, i'm way to casual to ever be able to get one. lol) final question, regarding the gem ordering on CoC. i was using the following (1) barrage / CoC / bladefall / FA / spell cascade / conce effect because i figured bladefall shoul come right after CoC, and then i looked at your gem set-up and saw that it was (2) barrage / bladefall / CoC / FA / spell cascade / conce effect (although starting from the bottom). and that does in fact seem to work better than (1) which doesn't make sense. Shouldn't they both work the same ? Thanks for the build guide. Really having a lot of fun with it :-) it actually kept me from quitting the league after 3 weeks like i usually do. lol. |
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" Poacher's mark can be good for a temporary solution, although we dont really care so heavily into hit chance(a 90% is more than enough), considering we hit so often and poet's pen trigger base of attacks instead of hits We dont use frenzy charges, if you have them, that means you are missing out on inner conviction, a dps loss here One shots arent really that common unless you go into a map with 2+ extra damage mods, we usually are able to recover our life almost instantly after losing life. Also stun avoidance from cinderswallow helps alot here Curses doesnt matter much in this build, i didnt build it in because the sockets were tight(to run a curse on hit set up), the rolls were tight(t1 life, life gainon spell hit and assassin's mark on a ring, very expensive) All in all, curses only gives us a slight 6-8% damage, where other upgrades would be stronger without costing substantially more without giving a real upgrade Ill think about curses when you have set up the other pieces of gear/qol improvements You will definitely need reduced mana cost on either amulet or rings, its cheap to craft, only 4c. Makes everything simple and easy, also allows you to run pride over a blasphemy curse power charge on crit is purely a damage multiplier on blade blast before awakened increased aoe, we dont need to consider any forms of charge generation, ascendancy covers everything CoC sequence does not matter here, we only trigger blade fall, dont need to over-complicate stuff here Glad you enjoyed the build and are thinking more in depth into it, but i built it to be as simple as possible and not having lots of specific set up to be comfortable and strong My Builds/Stream
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2814713 |
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" thanks very much. as this build gets quite expensive i'm still missing a lot of things. inner conviction is one of them (it's really the militant faith jewel right?). i saw the build guide reference to not using frenzy charges and i didn't understand why. so until i have the jewel, i guess frenzy charges are ok. as for pcoc, i didn't realize it gave damage ! doh! the 1-shotting from deli mobs is quite dramatic. right now i can absolutely crush a t10 map unless i turn on deli, and then i'll die at least once and usually twice. as i said , it's usually because i get mobbed really badly. and off-screened too. after all, we have no damage mitigation. i suspect my problem is that i really need the life gain on spell hit rings. i'm looking for them now , but finding good rolls + life + elemental resist is challenging. well challenging if you don't have lots of exalts ;-) i don't have cinderswallow either, because expensive. (yes, 1 ex is expensive for me ;-) the gem ordering thing is weird. i'll have to test again. i don't think there should be a difference, but i thought i saw one. what i found really great about this build was how easy it was to level. the poet pens are quite strong, and once you put a tabula on, you are good to go all the way into maps. also if you get bladefall mtx, one gold and one blue, you can see lots of pretty lights :-) also it tellss you how often the pen is triggering vs the CoC which is kind of interesting. |
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Thanks for the build guide, I started to push the damage with this build and this is what I came up with.
Running an additional curse chest with vulnerability on gloves and assassin's mark on ring. Took out the 3 Grand Spectrums because assassin's mark help achieve 100% crit chance without them, so instead i got 84% crit multi and 18% life on 3 jewels. Some added fire damage to ignite and do more damage with Cinderswallow. Sitting at 6.2k life and an endurance charge so pretty tanky.Don't really know where to go from here, any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Dernière édition par SkekkyKekky#0290, le 26 avr. 2020 02:33:04
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" Militant faith by dominus are extremely cheap now considering league start prices(1-2ex) https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Delirium/P5QLyvsL 10c for 21% more damage(multiplicative, not additive) Damage mitigation comes from elusive, acrobatics , flesh and stone and being immune to crit damage. This is why i suggest having items with some evasion. Based off my experience, this is enough, but you do need to run with at start 5.5k life There is no need to get chest with % crit because i already factored in the crit with 3 grand spectrums, its better to run a high life/resist body armor just so you are more lax on the resist capping on other pieces of gear I would suggest to level and get to around lvl 90ish before you swap into acrobatics tree, but as of now in terms of budget and immediate upgrade, get that militant faith and drop poacher's mark curse, we want to have more damage just so bossing is easy My Builds/Stream
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2814713 |
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" You pretty much hit close to the ceiling of what i imagined the build to be, everything seems to be close to perfect. Honestly, nothing much to upgrade there anymore tbh The best i can come up with are perfect rare jewels with all the crit multi My Builds/Stream
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2814713 |
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" Thanks for the fast reply, this build was a pain to gear for because it is so niche but it is the most fun build i have played by far. |
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Hi Astarift,
This build is really cool I'm having a lot of fun with it. Definitely a feel good style of build. This is my character at level 91 sitting at 5.6k hp. with this mediocre gear I started to struggle on T15 and above level especially Boss fights. I get killed 1-2 shots by physical damage even when I dodge fast bosses by timely dashes but dying is inevitable sometimes. Can you tell me What steps should I prioritize to continue upgrade this character? I couldn't link my cluster jewels so if you like you can check my character (ISOLATE) or this tree https://tinyurl.com/yd7npwdc Thanks. Dernière édition par Dovahkiiiin#4583, le 26 avr. 2020 18:00:46
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