[3.14]CoC Poet's Pen Blade Fall/Blade Blast |League start to All content down |16M+ Dps fast clear

Hi guys, Blade blast is a new skill coming 3.10 that synergizes with older spells like blade fall and blade vortex. This is a theory craft of my league starter in 3.10 that utilizes all 3 skills together.

3.14 poison version:

I will be streaming for 3.14
https://www.twitch.tv/astariftt playing and testing out different builds every now and then.
Try not to PM me in game or forums for questions, drop them here in the thread or come by the stream, its easier for me to answer questions on the thread as your question might benefit others as well. I am pretty much afk 95% of the time just doing trades while i am in game

3.14 changes:
Nerf to righteous fire, Nerf to flesh and stone reservation cost, flat nerf on blade blast damage.

If you are looking to do end game content, i do recommend coming into this build with a slight bit of currency. The damage is still respectable, but i am dropping vaal RF and you will have to weave in banner+blood stance flesh and stone for the burst damage.
To be able to melt bosses really fast, you probably need 1 awakened spell cascade. Good news is, its probably gonna be cheaper post 3.14 because less people will be using it due to the nerfs

Full Showcase video, T16 cleared with delirium all the way + metamorph + Sirus and conquerers(in delirium fog)

Simulacrum wave 19/20: increased aoe on wave 20 is pretty dangerous, kosis spawned there

T16 canyon clear 90% done in delirium(has screen shake on) This is delirium pre nerf while i was using newly t16ed gear

T16 malformation post nerf

You can also drop by my stream at https://www.twitch.tv/astariftt to look at my vods for some totally not doctored gameplay and also real time gameplay mapping/end game content

T14 Strand 100% delirious(5 delirium orbs)
delirium boss bugged and refuse to move out of the edge
Beyond, Einhar, Abyss, Warlord influenced

Content cleared:
Pretty much all content(dont count 1000depth delve, i dont deep delve).

Our Defenses:
5.5-6k life(depends on how much life you can roll on your items)
Flesh and stone(sand mode)
20ish% evasion
20-30+ life gain on hit/spell(we hit often on our spells)
Quartz flask for extra dodge
We kill so fast, sometimes things just die before they kill us

Our Dps calculation: Long explanation ahead(this is an absolutely speculative calculations based on the PoB i have pasted in the guide. If you throw in more currencies, lvled awakened gems to 5, we can see more dmg)

Without and awakened spell cascade:
With a cooldown reduction belt(12%) we can
Procc 7.46 bladefalls/second based on our cast on crit set up
Procc 7.46 bladefalls/second based on our poet pen's set up

That is a total of 14.92 volleys of bladefall every second.
Every volley drops 9 blades
Total we have 134.28 blades per second created(we also blast them too)
To make it reasonable, only 1/3 of the blades will hit a single target for single target dps
thats around 44 blade blast/second on a target
Our blade blast(base gem level 20) deals 52.1k average damage
This comes up to be 2.29mil dps on our blade blasts alone. Excluding our blade fall volleys.

For our blade fall barrages, we always assume only 2 volleys hit a target
On our CoC set up, our bladefall does an average of 52.2k damage(multiply by 7.46 and 2 volleys we get 778k dps)
On our Poet pen set up, our bladefall does an average of 47.9k damage(multiply by 7.46 and 2 volleys we get 714k dps)

So total our bladefall volleys from all our proccs deals a total of around 1.49mil dps
2.29+1.49 = 3.78mil dps(my current set up as of week 1 delirium)

Adding both bladeblast and falls, we can come up to around 2.8-3++mil dps(this is under decent-normal scenario where we hit a normal sized enemy)
This is also under the scenario where we only use awakened increased aoe on our blade blast

All of these was counted not including opportunistic which is 25% more dps when a single rare/unique is nearby(bascially boss fights) We can easily hit 4mil+ dps

With awakened spell cascade,
With a cooldown reduction belt(12%) we can
Procc 7.46 bladefalls/second based on our cast on crit set up
Procc 7.46 bladefalls/second based on our poet pen's set up

That is a total of 14.92 volleys of bladefall every second.
Every volley drops 15 blades
Total we have 223.8 blades per second created(we also blast them too)
To make it reasonable, only 1/3 of the blades will hit a single target for single target dps
thats around 74.6 blade blast/second on a target
Our blade blast(base gem level 20) deals 52.1k average damage
This comes up to be 3.88mil dps on our blade blasts alone. Excluding our blade fall volleys.

For our blade fall barrages, we always assume only 4-5 volleys hit a target for an awakened spell cascade set up(we use 5 here coz i love to inflate dps numbers)
On our CoC set up, our bladefall does an average of 52.2k damage(multiply by 7.46 and 5 volleys we get 1.94mil dps)
On our Poet pen set up, our bladefall does an average of 47.9k damage(multiply by 7.46 and 5 volleys we get 1.78mil dps)

So total our bladefall volleys from all our proccs deals a total of around 3.72mil dps
3.88+3.72 = 7.6mil dps(my current set up as of week 1+ delirium)

Adding both bladeblast and falls, we can come up to around 2.8-3++mil dps(this is under decent-normal scenario where we hit a normal sized enemy)
This is also under the scenario where we only use awakened increased aoe on our blade blast

All of these was counted not including opportunistic which is 25% more dps when a single rare/unique is nearby(bascially boss fights) We can easily hit 4mil+ dps

With awakened spell cascade and my kind of gear right now,(i have got like 40ex invested in so far)
With a cooldown reduction belt(12%) and a cooldown reduction boots(14%, they can roll 15%, mine is 14%) we can
Procc 8.4 bladefalls/second based on our cast on crit set up
Procc 8.4 bladefalls/second based on our poet pen's set up

That is a total of 16.8 bladefall casted every second.
Every volley drops 15 blades
Total we have 252 blades per second created(we also blast them too)
To make it reasonable, only 1/3 of the blades will hit a single target for single target dps
thats around 84 blade blast/second on a target
Our blade blast(base gem level 20) deals 68.7k average damage
This comes up to be 5.77mil dps on our blade blasts alone. Excluding our blade fall volleys.

For our blade fall barrages, we always assume only 4-5 volleys hit a target for an awakened spell cascade set up(we use 5 here coz i love to inflate dps numbers)
On our CoC set up, our bladefall does an average of 68k damage(multiply by 8.4 and 5 volleys we get 2.85mil dps)
On our Poet pen set up, our bladefall does an average of 65.7k damage(multiply by 8.4 and 5 volleys we get 2.75mil dps)

So total our bladefall volleys from all our proccs deals a total of around 3.72mil dps
5.77+2.85+2.77 = 11.37mil dps(my current set up as of week 1+ delirium)
Add in shock(15% increased damage taken) from our ring, we can get an extra 11.4% more dps = 12.96mil dps
If you are a risk taker, you want to run vaal righteous fire, we get 28% more damage ontop of this. Total we can get 16.59mil dps if we use vaal RF
***this is excluding adrenaline we get from war banner/we assume pride aura is at its weakest, which is 19% more damage taken.

Adding both bladeblast and falls, we can come up to around 2.8-3++mil dps(this is under decent-normal scenario where we hit a normal sized enemy)
This is also under the scenario where we only use awakened increased aoe on our blade blast

All of these was counted not including opportunistic which is 25% more dps when a single rare/unique is nearby(bascially boss fights) We can easily hit 4mil+ dps

tldr; without awakened spell cascade, i did everything up to A6 sirus and stuff decently well(fuck the meteor spamming apparation on p1-3)
With awakened spell cascade, our dps shoots up over the roof to become ridiculous(i kill wave 20 simulacrum bosses within 10 seconds). The 10-12ex investment per awakened spell cascade is very very very value

Blade blasting explanation

Blade blast is introduced in 3.10 as a new skill that synergizes with bladefall and blade vortex.

Blade blast explodes blade left behind by bladefall and blade circling you for blade vortex.

Blade fall leaves 1 blade per volley(thats 5 volley without lab enchant) and leaves 50% less if its a triggered spell. This wont be a problem as we will be triggering blade fall often

Blade blade just explodes the blades around you for blade vortex like a nova and it gains more aoe per blade detonated.

I chose to build around blade blast because it can possibly have high dps as we leave a shitload of blades from bladefall+spell cascade + poet pen combo.

Blade blast can potentially do lots of damage because we can burst 50 blades at 1 go easily with our spell cascade bladefall set up. Blade blast has good single target because of overlapping aoe. Overlapping aoe/shot gun mechanics in poe = good single target.
This fully covers the weakness bladefall usually have of having good single target damage

TLDR explanation: blade fall + conc effect = blades on floor. Blade blast explodes all the blades on floor which are nearby = overlapping explosions = good single target
Blade vortex sucks.

Why Assassin?
I want to have as much trigger as possible that is consistent. Assassin is pretty much the only ascendancy that makes CoC easy to gear towards early league, especially when using a poet's pen(7% base crit)

New skill
The MTX for blade fall and blade blast is stunning
Super great high end scaling dps
Very fast clear(look at my map clear videos)
Great single target/high end damage, we are looking at 6-7mil shaper dps before you buy awakened spell cascade
Feels good to have cooldown buttons for single target
Very cheap to start(2 poet's pen), scales extremely well into late game as you invest into the build

Single target is a "partial" ramp, we deal damage fast and steadily, not in huge bursts
Screen shake is equal to hell in this build
Visual clutter maximum
We arent a god tier tanky build, neither do we die in 1 hit often due to flesh and stone, you gotta play this mobile
There is a minimum computer specs to run this build, more details behind the box

My current set up

In 3.11

I have a thing for bottled faith, i even bought it before any big upgrades. Its optional and not the build defining unique here.
This is my final set up, there are still room for improvements, but i am not looking to sink in extra cost into the build


Before we go into PoB, do make sure you are using the PoB community fork. Else there will be random issues or bug when you try to load my pob links

Also if you are having issues with the PoB link(error 301), add a "s" after the http before the ://, link should be https://(link)
I removed the S because some were getting error 302, which was fixed by removing the S

PoB and skill tree explanation

Version 1:Pre- poet's pen

Unleash got buffed in 3.10, but thats not our focus, we will be using unleash here to procc a shitload of blades for us to blast. Unleash here allows us to repeat bladefall 3 times(total 4 cast) with 15 volleys(10 more volley from cascade). We can immediately blast here for maximum bomb
Same logic applies for blade vortex, it will be our main clear because its probably faster.

Theres no difference in tree between the 2 version, so dont worry about passives when transiting into the poet pen version.

Version 2:Poet's pen 1 button do all
This will be the more generic tree at level 91
We will be using barrage as our main attack, so frenzy charges are a no go, we will be using militant faith by dominus for inner conviction.
Keep arcane surge at lvl 3, we want to procc it everytime we dash
Keep precision level 10-13ish, making sure mana is still avaliable for 2 dash in a row

End game set up 1: this isnt cheap because expensive cluster jewel and stuff and lvl 95
We squeeze extra points for that second medium cluster jewel

Look at this if you are having survivability issue
End game set up 2, better for survivability because acrobatics:
I do not suggest this if you do not have a belt with -phys reduction and 3 grand spectrums with -phys reduction and at least decent life on your gear. We lose like 20% life on the tree to get acrobatics and get gain a slight bit more dps. Also, anointment is expensive here because we need 2 silver + 1 crimson oil
On my set up, we lose 350 life, 1 aoe increase node, 4% attack speed, lose -10% phys reduction, some ES(not very relevant)
We gain acrobatics/phase acrobatics, roughly 8% more dps(our hits hit harder, so the loss of phys reduction wont hit us as hard), 1% chance to hit(94>95%).
Overall it boosts our survivability, but puts us at a risk still to be 1hitted if a single hit does more than 5.5k life.
Only change into this PoB set up if you can hit 5.5k life with this, if you go below 5k life, i suggest to use the 1st end game set up instead.

Cluster jewels

Large cluster:
Force multiplier
Iron breaker
Master the fundamentals
+2 jewel socket(this is expensive, but ideally this is best)

Force multiplier is a must, iron breaker is a must, master the fundamentals is a good to have, it gives us 10 to all resist

Medium cluster:
Pressure points
Quick getaway
Basics of pain

Pressure points is an absolute must, you can get 2 of these from 2 different jewel
Quick getaway and basics of pain are good to have

Small cluster:
Going by priority, because we can only have 1 here
Surging viality
Peak vigour
Whatever Increased maximum life mod you can roll in a small cluster jewel with increased life
Also roll small passives gives + elemental resist or chaos res, it will be major helpful here to cap resists


Mist walker(survivability, speed)
Unstable infusion
Deadly infusion


***** VERY IMPORTANT *****
It gives bladefall increased aoe, that reduces our blade blast overlaps, which is not what we want
Also, use lvl 21 blade with without any quality, quality in bladefall gives bladefall increased aoe, we hate that
Keep arcane surge at a level where you can trigger arcane surge every dash/flame dash


Alternate quality gems:
Anything not mentioned are not good enough

Notable alternate quality gems we want

Alternate quality 2 blade blast is 5% more damage, highly recommend if you have awakened increased aoe. Value 21/20 base quality gem over a 20/20 alternate quality gem here

Alternate quality 1 concentrated effect(for the bladefalls) is extremely powerful for our set up for more shot gun damage

Alternate quality 2 brutality is good pre-awakened brutality

Alternate quality 2 cast on crit is subjectively good if you have high crit chance but lower attack speed

Alternate quality 2 barrage is very strong for us

Alternate quality 1 faster attack is good only if you have high attack speed, ill take the base over alternate here

Alternate quality 1 precision can be good if we want to squeeze in 1 level of reservation in for more accuracy

Pre poet's pen
Storm brand curse on hit vulnerability
Blood rage enhance

Post poet's pen
Blade fall spell cascade Concentrated effect

Blade blast Awakened Increased Aoe/powercharge on crit brutality

If there is an awakened version, we use it.
We only use Awakened increased aoe(not increased aoe) in this situation. If you can afford one yet, use power charge on crit.

On Armor
Pre- poet's pen
Blade blast Brutality Controlled destruction Power charge on crit Increased aoe Concentrated effect

Post poet's pen
Barrage Blade fall Cast on crit faster attack Concentrated effect Spell cascade

For a 5 link, drop concentrated effect
DO NOT LEVEL BARRAGE, it increases the mana cost, we dont want that

On Helm
Dash Second wind Arcane surge level 5 Vaal righteous fire

Keep arcane surge level 3(assuming you have -9 mana cost craft on ring)
Monitor the mana cost of your dash, we absolutely want to have arcane surge every dash we press

On Gloves
Pre poet's pen
Blade fall spell cascade unleash brutality

Post poet's pen
Flesh and stone War banner Precision Enlighten

Max out precision
Enlighten 2 here is a must if you want to run pride below

On Boots
Pre poet's pen
Blade fall brutality unleash spell cascade

** extra blade fall with unleash is good

Post poet's pen
Pride enlighten // cast when damage taken steelskin

We run pride and a cwdt set up now. Enlighten 2 is a MUST if you want to run pride
**** Due to the changes to Assassin's mark in 3.12, i highly recommend dropping cwdt steel skin for a self cast Assassin's mark. This is easily a 10-15% dps boost for us considering we dont stack 600-800% crit multi***

***** VERY IMPORTANT *****
It gives bladefall increased aoe, that reduces our blade blast overlaps, which is not what we want
Also, use lvl 21 blade with without any quality, quality in bladefall gives bladefall increased aoe, we hate that
Keep arcane surge at a level where you can trigger arcane surge every dash/flame dash


Pre poet's pen
Look for spell damage weapon, anything that gives increased spell damage is good. Critical strike/multi too

Post poet's pen
Poet's pen, lol

aim for 12% attack speed

This is a relatively cheap slot, so we can look at good potential corruption.
I suggest getting minimally a single increased aoe roll(15-20%) on one pen, the other with increased attack speed.
Increased aoe 19-20% roll gives us +2 radius to our blade blast, thats a huge single dps boost(the aoe affects bladefall too, but it benefits bladeblast slightly more)

Body armor

There is no unique chest that catches my eye for this build, so this slot will be reserved for as much resist/life as possible.

For unique chest however, we can look at
Belly of the beast
Carcass jack
Carcass jack is debatable, more aoe increases clear, but it can damage our single target

For rare chest, just get as much res and life as possible.

Crafted this with pristine/prismatic fossil

For high budgeted chest, we want a hunter influenced chest with spell/attack crit mod, high life and res

No, i wouldnt run the risk of bricking the chest, but if you like corrupted gear, we want +1 socketed gems here(make sure it doesnt bring barrage past the lowest possible mana threshold)


We will be focusing on life and res here, most importantly we need attack speed for our spell triggers to be faster and more consistent

Attack speed is probably the most important stat here(besides the basic high life roll)
Get some accuracy here if possible

Vulnerability on hit. Make sure the gloves has decent stats, dont just aim for a vulnerability gloves


We will be focusing on life and movement speed here. Resist are a good to have. Most importantly, we want a shaper's boots with cooldown reduction.

For end game, we want tailwind, this will bring our dps and consistency in triggering much much higher.
Ideally, shaper/hunter influence with cooldown recovery and tailwind + good movement speed is king here

This is our close to high end upgrade, highest being a similar boots but also with tailwind(expect multi ex for this)

I made this with 12ex, i dont suggest going for this until you have gotten everything else set up, awakened gem and stuff. This is slightly higher priority over bottled faith

I dont dare to corrupt my dual influenced boots, and there isnt any amazing enough mod for us to risk it


We can roll +1 power charge here, its a huge boon, but its not a must and mandatory to make this build work. So we want as much life as possible here and resist to cap resist.
Accuracy is very important here

Budget version: starkonja

Expensive self crafted/highroll rare version:
Ideal helm is high life, +1 power charge(warlord influence)

Helm enchant:
+1 volley to blade fall
24% increased aoe for blade blast(this is effectively +2 radius on the explosions. This buffs single target decently well)

Take note, we dont need Blade Blast detonates other Lingering Blades within an #% increased Area. Useless enchant right here

The king of the king corruption here is +1 power charges.

Neck and anointing

This is a tricky slot because there can be so many good mods. The bare minimum we want is high life, crit chance/multi.
For influenced mods we want(this are labelled as very good to have)
Crusader: damage per power charge
Hunter: dexterity/strength skill gem +1
Warlord: physical skill gem +1

Honestly getting a + skill gem amulet with decent stats is gonna cost a heck load, thats not gonna be what we are focusing on unless we are on the tiptop of min maxing

For this slot we want to craft +1 to minimum frenzy charge

High budget version:

Life here has to be high rolled, i got a shit roll here
The other stats will be as of the previously linked amulet, multicrafted

Amulet anointing
This will be an undisputable slot: Kinetic Impacts
"but we dont use two handed weapon"
This node gives us 4% chance for double damage and -15 Phys reduction on enemies. We absolutely need this mod for end game where monsters start gaining substantial armor.

However, if you are running my end game set up with acrobatics, we need to anoint infused here for our max power charges.

We want the stats here, else i dont see any other good corruption(we dont really run curses here)


This is our slot for life and sustain. As we attack many times per second and we procc a shitload of blades spells and explosions, these rings will give us a strong sustain in a swarm kind of scenario(simulacrum)
This allows us to run t16 fearlessly with almost no fear of death(you still gotta dodge shit, we just heal to full almost instant after taking a random hit)

I am also using this slot for resist. Accuracy is a plus but not a must

*** important ***
For rings, we want to craft shock nearby enemies when focus + reduce mana cost of skills(so we dont rely on mana flask at all)

Similar to amulet, we love the implicits here


This is the budget version, overall solid speed for us. The biggest problem here is there is no life, not having life is dangerous.

The 2 important mods here other than life is the physical damage reduction mod and the cooldown mod.

If you are lucky to roll in flask charges on crit here, we can simplify our watcher's eye priority list

Ideally we want a stygian vise(HUNTER/SHAPER) as close to the rare belt i am using as possible
An ideal belt would be rolled with T1 cooldown recovery mod(shaper or crusader), with -phys reduction(hunter), with high life and whatever res you can squeeze out of this slot. This is an extremely expensive alternative to what i have

Likewise, we like the implicit of belts(unless its cloth, chain or rustic)


Eternal life flask with staunching(anti bleed)
Diamond flask with anti curse
Sulphur flask with anti freeze/bottled faith(very expensive, but very good)
Mana flask with anti freeze/dying sun(we have to monitor how our mana goes for post poet's pen
Cinderswallow with anti stun/movement speed mod

The trinity of flask. Anti curse, bleed, freeze. Always fulfil this in any build.

End game i am rich version of flask

I am in love with bottled faith, but you can remove it for another survival flask or stick with a diamond flask to consistent cap crit


Grand spectrum cobalt jewel X3
The new one gives 25% crit chance per grand spectrum equipped. This is 75% x3 for total of 3 jewels, i would say this makes our crit consistent
This is a relatively cheap jewel thanks to the "nerf" in 3.10. Because its relatively cheap we will always look for corrupted options.

Best to have: unaffected by corrupted blood.
We get 20 stacks instantly all the time, this is a life saver even if you have an anti bleed life flask

Very good to have: Enemies has -2% total physical reduction against your hits
As you progress up to higher tier maps, enemies gain more and more armor. Armor is effective against small hits moreso than big hits. We hit many times and our hits are considered small enough to be affected by armor. So get 2 of this after the corrupted blood mod

Militant faith by Dominus

This changes MoM into inner conviction. this is 21% more spell damage
Good to have extra addition:
We want some good blabla per 10 devotion mod that can roll in this jewel, like
Increased area damage per 10 devotion
Increased effect of non curse auras per 10 devotion
Elemental resistence per 10 devotion(this can be costly)

Watcher's eye Precision: attack speed/flask charge on crit
Watcher's eye gives us a decent e-hp and some attack speed for the precision mod. Definitely worth going 2 points for it, but absolutely not mandatory
Pride: chance to do double damage

Priority of mods to look for
Flask> attack speed = double damage

Refer to above for cluster jewel

TLDR gearing priority for power spikes(from start to end)
1: poet's pen
2: grand spectrum trio
3: 6 link chest
4: the cluster jewels

This is pretty much our bare skeleton to activate the build


Solaris or Lunaris are good

Abberath because i hate floor on fire
Shakari with poison immune(poisons/caustic ground is a huge bitch in metamorph and Sirius fight, his beam poisons)


We want +2 points

Debatable we can take alira instead but cluster jewels seems fun


Level like a caster with freezing pulse/frost bomb early on.
I will edit the leveling part as i level with my character, expect changes within day 1/2 constantly here

We can level either with freezing pulse or EK(might be beter because how we build our tree). Make sure you keep a spell cascade and blade vortex and level it along the way

We get bladefall now, so use it, the damage should be great right when u get it

We get unleash now, so we can start blasting blades. Set up unleash and spell echo with blade vortex, blast the blades for the nova-effect. This will be our main clear for leveling(currently it looks good but i am not sure how great it will be)

50-68(end act 10)
We probably wont see a poet's pen yet so we gonna play self casting


Q: The damage feels weak at higher tier, why?
A: We are a pure phys build, means we deal only physical damage. By physical damage, it means we are affected by armor on monsters. At higher level, monsters start to have quite a bit of armor and this is when we need "-" to total physical damage reduction" to off set their armor values. Small hits are affected by armor more, which is bascially what we do

Q: But, i still feel our damage is low
A: Our single target revolves around blade falling with minimal aoe, while maximizing blade blast's aoe for over lap. Most of the time if you are lacking single target, you probably arent running the right set up.
Also, we are a cooldown build, we burn war banner, vaal righteous fire, focus for shock for our burst damage. With this, i can kill a simulacrum boss in wave 20 simulacrum within 5 seconds(omniphobiawhatevershit), kosis probably around 5-10 seconds

Q: Why barrage over frenzy, frenzy attacks faster with frenzy charges
A: Poet pen used to work better on barrage. Fixed in 3.12, but we stayed barrage because it triggers coc more consistently compared to frenzy(less projectile per swing)

Q: Why do you take pain attunement
A: We use a militant faith by dominus there, it changes it to Inner conviction

Q: Poison version or the original cocpoet pen version?
A: Poison version is easier to start because poison scaling dps is ridiculous and very easy to achieve. Downside is that our damage is delayed and ramped, means tankier targets tend to not melt instantly when we attack them. This has more survival mechanics because of that.
Original coc poet version has more frontload damage and go into max damage mode fast. We kill things fast with almost no ramp up, but we dont have multi layered defenses and just have dodge and decent ehp

If you do have any questions that isnt answered in here, do drop a reply in the thread, i stalk my thread daily and will reply if theres a question unanswered


Some nerfs on movement speeed, nothing much changes

Not much changes, we are partically untouched except the blanket nerf to crit multi

Re-edited the build to the latest version and the build is completed 2 weeks into delirium.

A8 sirus down, wave 20 simulacrum dual boss down, we beat delirium.

13/3/2020: delirium starts tmr
My Builds/Stream

Dernière édition par Astarift#3417, le 16 avr. 2021 07:49:14
Dernier bump le 20 mai 2021 05:04:33
Reserved: i will be asleep until league start, will reply if theres any questions about this later
My Builds/Stream

I wanted to play this kind of build but I got some issues with the build planning.

Thank you for your PoB, it gives me quite a lot of new ideas !

Got lucky enough to buy an extremely cheap poet's pen yesterday night after 1 hour of league :D
However i want to point a few things i do not really understand in your build.

You say you take MoM to gain "inner conviction buff" with timeless jewel
(3% more Spell Damage per Power Charge
Gain Power Charges instead of Frenzy Charges)

However I do not understand that at all considering we already have a pretty decent way to generate power charges through "unstable infusion".

As a reminder, frenzy charges do give global more damge (1% more compared to inner conviction):
(4% increased Attack Speed per Frenzy Charge
4% increased Cast Speed per Frenzy Charge
4% more Damage per Frenzy Charge)

I don't see any possible advantages to play this.

Playing frenzy CoC instead of barrage CoC to get a stable frenzy generation and unstable infusion to get a stable power generation sounds better.

Moreove since Poet's pen were reworked and that now spells are triggered at the end of animation instead of beginning. You would like to cap as fast as possible your attack speed to get everything smoother.

to do basic math: considering you take 7 power charges, it means you get 3x7=21 more spell damage
However if you spend those tree points to get the frenzy charge on the assassin's side instead to go to 4 frenzy, you gain 4x4=16% increased attack speed and 4x4=16% more global damage

So you indeed lose 5 % more damage on your spells, but you end up having much less attack speed...

What are your thoughts on this ?
phitta a écrit :
However i want to point a few things i do not really understand in your build.

You say you take MoM to gain "inner conviction buff" with timeless jewel
(3% more Spell Damage per Power Charge
Gain Power Charges instead of Frenzy Charges)

However I do not understand that at all considering we already have a pretty decent way to generate power charges through "unstable infusion".

As a reminder, frenzy charges do give global more damge (1% more compared to inner conviction):
(4% increased Attack Speed per Frenzy Charge
4% increased Cast Speed per Frenzy Charge
4% more Damage per Frenzy Charge)

I don't see any possible advantages to play this.

Playing frenzy CoC instead of barrage CoC to get a stable frenzy generation and unstable infusion to get a stable power generation sounds better.

Moreove since Poet's pen were reworked and that now spells are triggered at the end of animation instead of beginning. You would like to cap as fast as possible your attack speed to get everything smoother.

to do basic math: considering you take 7 power charges, it means you get 3x7=21 more spell damage
However if you spend those tree points to get the frenzy charge on the assassin's side instead to go to 4 frenzy, you gain 4x4=16% increased attack speed and 4x4=16% more global damage

So you indeed lose 5 % more damage on your spells, but you end up having much less attack speed...

What are your thoughts on this ?

Currently i am running frenzy as my attack to generate frenzy charges, so actually i am thinking of dropping inner conviction and instead getting a +1 frenzy charge instead(which is just 2 points) This is definitely the better way to go and i am current running one poet pen in t2-t4 maps. Delirium content are rippy, but most map bosses die within 5-10 seconds depending on whether they moved out of my blades

I will be editing this build towards the end of day 1 currently i think the best set up for spells will be
CoC bladefall
Poet pen 1 bladefall
Poet pen 2 blade blast
My Builds/Stream

Wouldn't it be a good idea to pick up Coldhearted Calculation? It is fairly early in the leveling and 1 point away from our path anyway.
12% spell + atk dmg, 20% mana reg and 20 int for 1 point. Or is the int and mana reg not that needed later on?
slypez a écrit :
Wouldn't it be a good idea to pick up Coldhearted Calculation? It is fairly early in the leveling and 1 point away from our path anyway.
12% spell + atk dmg, 20% mana reg and 20 int for 1 point. Or is the int and mana reg not that needed later on?

The int and mana regen isnt substantial, we can pretty much cap crit and 12% spell damage isnt a huge difference anyways we wanna squeeze as much to get some good cluster jewels
My Builds/Stream

Working on same type of build with out PP. Using two spellslinger set ups. Curious why you did not go this route, and pen instead?
Billydanomad a écrit :
Working on same type of build with out PP. Using two spellslinger set ups. Curious why you did not go this route, and pen instead?

I am actually still optimizing the build currently.

My current set ups are:
pen 1: bladefall spell cascade
pen 2: blade blast
CoC: bladefall spell cascade
Spell slinger: bladefall spell cascade

The problem i saw on using only spell slinger is that the number of bladefalls arent enough to make bladeblast powerful enough, spell slinger has quite a long internal cooldown compared to poet pen or CoC, so it wouldnt be my main set up. Reason why i am also running spell slinger is because i wanted more blade generation to maximise blade blast damage
My Builds/Stream

Full update of the build, alot of changes made while i am playing the build. Make sure you check it out if you are following the previous set up

Added a t16 clear video to showcase the clear speed while in delirium(we did the 90% of the map in delirium)
My Builds/Stream



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