[3.15] Essence Drain 6.6 Mil DoT DPS | Very Beginner Friendly
Hi everyone
Sorry I took a minor break because I had to put my cat to sleep, so I have not been in the best state of mind. " Hey! I would say the difference between the two builds, are the one that you are referring too is extremely tanky with a lot more dodge, so a lot more survivability, however the damage output is not as high so that is the drawback. " Hello! 1) We use Vaal Righteous Fire and Vaal Blight for damage increase, we also use Vaal Discipline for a little more survival. 2) We can use a 6-link, and this option is up to you honestly. I prefer not standing around using Blight, even though the damage would be a little more, it just feels a lot more unsafe doing this, but it is up to you in the end 3) I believe 2 link blight is enough, but if you think the damage output is lackluster, you can do as I said in 2) and you can use a 6-link Blight. 4) There is no cluster jewels on this build because I find them a pain to play around. It's a pain finding, pricing, and in all honestly I'm not sure which talent points we would remove to replace them, we don't gain much damage output, if ANY at the end game point, they are really good mid-game. |
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Thank you for the amazing guide, and stay strong man. Life sucks.
Btw, do you have a secret for making money or idk ? I mean, you've been away for quite a long time since league started, you're only lvl 80 ish and you already got a fully crafted ED bow ? What is your secret ? I can't get enough currency to get one and it's getting hard to defeat T16 hard hitting bosses.. (I'm level 91 and I "only" need the bow).. |
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"Thank you! So, I will be honest, my friends are extremely rich since I left, so they ended up helping me out when I came back. But it's pretty easy this league with Harvest being a thing again. I will tell you the best way to make money this league since I am pretty sure it will be changed this next league, but I might be wrong. HARVEST is 100% where all the money is at, you want to spam looking for Harvest crafts. There is a discord called the forbidden trove (tft,) you might be able to find it by googling, if not I can send you a pm but I don't know if linking the discord would be allowed... It is actually very difficult to navigate through this discord I will tell you that, I might make a video once I learn more about it. Like if you buy a craft from someone, you have to vouch them after, and you have to make sure they are trusted on the website so they don't potentially steal your item. It might be hard for you to start selling because you might not have any reputation, but once you build some up it will be super easy! Some of the remove / add crafts that exist are 2+ exalted orbs... so it's pretty insane and a super easy way to make currency! Dernière édition par Havoc209#1089, le 1 févr. 2021 18:07:11
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Ok got it ! Found the discord, which looks pretty HUGE.
I'm still a noob (even with 800h lol) when it comes to crafting, and I haven't played harvest that much so.. But I'll use this discord ! Thank you mate |
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Hi Havoc,
First of all, thank you for your build. This is my first real league and I succeeded to go up to some T16. But now I'm struggling to sustain on most of T15/T16 or kill Sirus. I get one shot some times which kills my exp. Here's where I am : https://pastebin.com/JyarBfci I don't really see what to do to gain some defense. Thank for your help. Dernière édition par N0_N4M3#1134, le 7 févr. 2021 15:50:02
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"Hi So you have to watch the way you play a lot of the time. For example; you cannot just run recklessly into a pack and expect to live unless you get all your spells and flasks off before running in. Pretend you are a mage, a caster, that's kind of how you need to play like but it's nice because Essence Drain has a LOT of life regen, but with "Zealots Oath" that turns to Energy Shield Regen so you can kind of play like a mad-man or mad-woman at times running into packs if you hit a full pack with the Contagion Essence Drain combo. You have to dodge and not get hit by a lot of moves and dodge with Flame Dash, which is pretty easy because most 1-shot moves are charge moves. So what I can see from what you are using are there are a few huge upgrades you can get, some even being fairly cheap, others being extremely expensive, this will NOT increase your survive, only increase your damage... which actually increases your survive a little bit but it still will not stop 1 shots. Having more damage is more regeneration so it's a lot harder to die if you get the Essence Drain off. It looks like you definitely should buy an Essence Drain level 21. Pick up an Empower 4 if you can afford it. These two gems will boost your damage by a lot. I would suggest selling your Flame Dash with 1 GCP to get 20 Quality on the Flame dash. It gives you cooldown recovery on flame dash which is huge. I would also suggest doing that for your Infused Channeling as it cuts the time you need to channel for the buff in about half. On your rings craft Energy Shield recovery rate. Other than that you have some solid gear, so you definitely should be having no issues in T15/T16s, but the damage increase might help a little bit I would say maybe you are not used to the playstyle. This build was designed around extremely fast mapping while still being able to do bosses in a timely manner, but the drawback is there is not many defensives other than very high every shield and being at 75% evade. Dernière édition par Havoc209#1089, le 11 févr. 2021 11:48:50
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Is there crafting section or any guide on how to craft the bow?
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" - buy not influenced, not corrupted ilvl 82+ 6 link bow, if you're rich synthesized one with +1 to support gems or 30-40% increased chaos damage implicit (in case of ssf: farm imperial legacy cards) - alt spam for liquefaction, should take 300-500 alts tops - regal for whatever suffix (it doesn't matter), if it's a prefix beastcraft to remove it, bow needs to have 2 suffix 0 prefix setup before continuing (if by any chance you have too much stuff, harvest remove it or worst case annul, if you have only 1 suffix and no prefix you can harvest add something for suffix) - craft cannot roll attack modifiers (1ex) - slam 1ex or use leo rank3 research bench - multimod (2ex) - craft +2 to support gems (2ex): recipe is from unveiling catarina items (find a crafter or buy her trashy shield not unveiled / yellows with "catarina's veiled" mod) - craft +40% chaos multi (4c): also veiled mod, random, buy wands / bows or any random veiled weapon (needs to say "veiled" not "of the veil", you need prefix) Dernière édition par Viktranka#3883, le 11 févr. 2021 23:25:04
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"Hi Check the "Budget Gearing Before Low Life" and then go to "Expensive Gear," at the very bottom there is a "Spoiler" section, click that. If you have any questions please let me know! |
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Hey Havoc thx for the awesome guide, I have a lot of fun following it. I just reached the point where I could put in 6 auras and now Im really limited with my remaining mana pool. Im following the expensive 100 lowlife Pob and there is a difference of 10% unreserved mana to mine - you have 17% (260), I have 7% (106). If you have the time could you check my Pob real quick and look for my potential mistake, I followed the tree very closely and have all the reduced mana nodes so I have absolutely no idea whats causing it.
Dernière édition par Spooner101#4497, le 15 févr. 2021 14:04:19
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