[3.23]The BLOCKMAN

Hello! Started the ultimatum league with this as my starter and I have been crushing basically anything that came my way (went with the cyclone build).

I even did my uber lab at level 76 effortlessly and have been smashing maps up to Tier 7 (at the end of day 2). As a casual with not much playtime (family commitments and office job), this is probably the safest and sturdiest league starter I have played in years. Even clears reasonably fast!

My gear (especially my flasks) is not optimized but I look forward to investing more into the build as the league progresses. Thanks!
This game is an illusion, exile.
Is there a way you are leeching mana? I can't sustain with it

I get many stun on ultimatum, how do you defense against it?
Dernière édition par Linul, le 19 avr. 2021 10:02:35
I don't even understand where is the build for the league start its all just old builds from the old league someone can explain to me where to start?
barel102 a écrit :
I don't even understand where is the build for the league start its all just old builds from the old league someone can explain to me where to start?

Hello, leveling here :

lvl 30,60,80 and 100
pob: https://pastebin.com/DqWv7vwp

for skills, its usually better to level with 2x 1hand or 1x 2hand like axe or mace and use skills like sunder, cleave, frostblades and ground slam

you will start using cyclone later (maybe level 40) when you have most of your damage on shield + sword, then you can do the transition here :)

for auras, use Blood Rage, Herald of Purity, Flesh & Stone ,Pride and/or Vitality( this one helped me a lot during leveling ) .

for movespeed, use dash .

i had low damage during leveling but iwas unkillable, a piece of advice would be to use brutality , melee phys and impale support asap .

here is a generic melee leveling guide if you are interested :

most important item is Praxyx ring, with -8 to mana cost your cyclone is free to cast .

Dernière édition par Dalrost, le 19 avr. 2021 18:39:00
what are these prices lol
paradoxica with decent pdps 12 ex
surrender shield 9 ex
ilvl86 astral plate with 6 link 5.5 ex

Xaherna a écrit :
what are these prices lol
paradoxica with decent pdps 12 ex
surrender shield 9 ex
ilvl86 astral plate with 6 link 5.5 ex

The build can do most content without these luxury minmax items tho.
Dalrost a écrit :

here is a generic melee leveling guide if you are interested :

Regarding items to build up to the (very expensive) desirable items in the PoB, what would you recommend? Paradoxica, Ryslatha's, and The Surrender are all real expensive to build up to - any recommended rare mods across items or uniques to tide over?

Going to reroll to this shortly and would appreciate the advice :)
Dernière édition par Jambo165, le 20 avr. 2021 19:47:56
How can you transit to bow? Block will go away, yes?
where are the gem setups? i just copied it from the items now but there's like a million auras and i can't activate any of them.
Dernière édition par buttersnot, le 21 avr. 2021 10:50:32
What would you upgrade in my build? (amulet, i know, but sth else? What should be my next steps)

PS the items

Dernière édition par Linul, le 21 avr. 2021 11:56:58


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